Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_posts(pageno, keyword=None):
    c_sql = "SELECT COUNT(`id`) AS cid FROM `%s` where `status`=1 " %(util.tab('content'))
    where_c = '`status`=1'
    if keyword is not None:
        c_sql = "SELECT COUNT(`id`) AS cid FROM `%s` where `status`=1 and `title` like '%%%s%%'" %(util.tab('content'), keyword)
        where_c = "`status`=1 and `title` like '%%%s%%'" % (keyword)

    results = db.query(c_sql)
    count =  results[0].cid
    pageDict = util.get_page_dict(pageno, count)
    return (db.select(util.tab('content'),where=where_c, order='`id` DESC', limit=pageDict['pagesize'], offset=pageDict['start']), pageDict )
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_admin_posts(pageno, keyword=None):
    c_sql = "SELECT COUNT(`id`) AS cid FROM `%s`" %(util.tab('content'))
    where_c = '1=1'
    if keyword is not None and keyword <> '':
        c_sql = "SELECT COUNT(`id`) AS cid FROM `%s` where `title` like '%%%s%%' or `createtime` like '%%%s%%' or `modifytime` like '%%%s%%'"\
         %(util.tab('content'), keyword, keyword, keyword)
        where_c = "`title` like '%%%s%%' or `createtime` like '%%%s%%' or `modifytime` like '%%%s%%'" % (keyword, keyword, keyword)

    results = db.query(c_sql)
    count =  results[0].cid
    pageDict = util.get_page_dict(pageno, count, conf.page_admin_size)
    return (db.select(util.tab('content'),where=where_c, order='`id` DESC', limit=pageDict['pagesize'], offset=pageDict['start']), pageDict )
Ejemplo n.º 3
def get_posts_by_tag(tagid, pageno):
    myvars = dict(tid=tagid)
    tags = db.select(util.tab('metas'), myvars, where="`id`=$tid")
    tag = None
    if tags is not None and len(tags) > 0:
        tag = tags[0]
        results = db.query("SELECT COUNT(`cid`) AS countc FROM `%s` where `mid`='%d'" %(util.tab('rel'), tag.id))
        if results is not None and len(results) > 0:
            countc = results[0].countc
            pageDict = util.get_page_dict(pageno, countc)
            rels = db.select(util.tab('rel'),myvars, where="`mid`=$tid", order='`cid` DESC', limit=pageDict['pagesize'], offset=pageDict['start'])

            cids = []
            for rel in rels:
            cids = ",".join(cids)

            return (db.select(util.tab('content'), where="`status`=1 and `id` in (%s)" %(cids), order='`id` DESC', limit=pageDict['pagesize'], offset=pageDict['start']),pageDict,tag )
    return ([], None, tag)

    count =  results[0].cid
    pageDict = util.get_page_dict(pageno, count)
    return (db.select(util.tab('content'), where="`status`=1", order='`id` DESC', limit=pageDict['pagesize'], offset=pageDict['start']),pageDict, tag )
Ejemplo n.º 4
def get_posts_by_createtime(pageno, date=None, month=None, year=None, arch=None):
    c_sql = "SELECT COUNT(`id`) AS cid FROM `%s` where `status`=1" %(util.tab('content'))
    where_c = '`status`=1'
    if date is not None:
        c_sql = "SELECT COUNT(`id`) AS cid FROM `%s` where `status`=1 and DATE_FORMAT(createtime, '%%d')='%s'" %(util.tab('content'), date)
        where_c = "`status`=1 and DATE_FORMAT(createtime, '%%d')='%s' " % (date)
    elif month is not None:
        c_sql = "SELECT COUNT(`id`) AS cid FROM `%s` where `status`=1 and DATE_FORMAT(createtime, '%%m')='%s'" %(util.tab('content'), month)
        where_c = "`status`=1 and DATE_FORMAT(createtime, '%%m')='%s' " % (month)
    elif year is not None:
        c_sql = "SELECT COUNT(`id`) AS cid FROM `%s` where `status`=1 and DATE_FORMAT(createtime, '%%Y')='%s'" %(util.tab('content'), year)
        where_c = "`status`=1 and DATE_FORMAT(createtime, '%%Y')='%s' " % (year)
    elif arch is not None:
        c_sql = "SELECT COUNT(`id`) AS cid FROM `%s` where `status`=1 and DATE_FORMAT(createtime, '%%Y-%%m')='%s'" %(util.tab('content'), arch)
        where_c = "`status`=1 and DATE_FORMAT(createtime, '%%Y-%%m')='%s' " % (arch)

    results = db.query(c_sql)
    count =  results[0].cid
    pageDict = util.get_page_dict(pageno, count)
    return (db.select(util.tab('content'),where=where_c, order='`id` DESC', limit=pageDict['pagesize'], offset=pageDict['start']), pageDict )