def __enrichMessage(msg, withGamePrefix=True): """ Add some optional prefixes to msg: S/C, process id, time, git commit. @param msg: The original message. @type msg: C{str} @param withGamePrefix: If set, prepend the game prefix. @type withGamePrefix: C{Boolean} @rtype: C{str} """ result = msg # set the default if withGamePrefix and Internal.logPrefix: result = '{prefix}{process}: {msg}'.format( prefix=Internal.logPrefix, process=os.getpid() if Debug.process else '', msg=msg) if Debug.time: result = '{:08.4f} {}'.format(elapsedSince(Debug.time), result) if Debug.git: head = gitHead() if head not in ('current', None): result = 'git:{}/p3 {}'.format(head, result) if int(Debug.callers): result = ' ' + result return result
def doJobs(): """now execute all jobs""" # pylint: disable=too-many-branches, too-many-locals, too-many-statements if not OPTIONS.git and OPTIONS.csv: if gitHead() in ('current', None): print( 'Disabling CSV output: %s' % ('You have uncommitted changes' if gitHead() == 'current' else 'No git')) print() OPTIONS.csv = None try: jobs = [] while getJobs(jobs): for checkJob in Server.allRunningJobs()[:]: checkJob.check() try: jobs[0].start() jobs = jobs[1:] except TooManyServers: time.sleep(3) except TooManyClients: time.sleep(3) except KeyboardInterrupt: Server.stopAll() except BaseException as exc: print(exc) raise exc finally: while True: running = Server.allRunningJobs() if not running: break for job in running: if not job.started: if job.server: else: job.check() if job.process: print('Waiting for %s' % job) job.process.wait() time.sleep(1)
def writeCsv(self): """write game summary to Options.csv""" if self.finished() and Options.csv: gameWinner = max(self.players, key=lambda x: x.balance) writer = CsvWriter(Options.csv, mode='a') if Debug.process and != 'nt': self.csvTags.append( 'MEM:%s' % resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss) if Options.rounds: self.csvTags.append('ROUNDS:%s' % Options.rounds) row = [, Options.AI, gitHead(), '3', str(self.seed), ','.join(self.csvTags) ] for player in sorted(self.players, key=lambda x: row.append( row.append(player.balance) row.append(player.wonCount) row.append(1 if player == gameWinner else 0) writer.writerow(row) del writer
ABOUT = About() KCmdLineArgs.init(sys.argv, ABOUT.about) KCmdLineArgs.addCmdLineOptions(defineOptions()) APP = KApplication() parseOptions() if hasattr(QGuiApplication, 'setDesktopFileName'): QGuiApplication.setDesktopFileName('org.kde.kajongg') if Debug.neutral: KGlobal.translation = None if EVHANDLER = EvHandler() APP.installEventFilter(EVHANDLER) from config import SetupPreferences SetupPreferences() if Options.csv: if gitHead() == 'current': Internal.logger.debug( 'You cannot write to %s with changes uncommitted to git', Options.csv) sys.exit(2) from mainwindow import MainWindow QGuiApplication.setAttribute(QtCore.Qt.AA_UseHighDpiPixmaps, True) MainWindow()
def improve_options(): """add sensible defaults""" # pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-statements if OPTIONS.servers < 1: OPTIONS.servers = 1 cmdPath = os.path.join(startingDir(), '') cmd = ['python3', cmdPath, '--rulesets'] OPTIONS.knownRulesets = list(popenReadlines(cmd)) if OPTIONS.rulesets == 'ALL': OPTIONS.rulesets = OPTIONS.knownRulesets else: wantedRulesets = OPTIONS.rulesets.split(',') usingRulesets = [] wrong = False for ruleset in wantedRulesets: matches = list(x for x in OPTIONS.knownRulesets if ruleset in x) if len(matches) == 0: print('ruleset', ruleset, 'is not known', end=' ') wrong = True elif len(matches) > 1: exactMatch = list( x for x in OPTIONS.knownRulesets if ruleset == x) if len(exactMatch) == 1: usingRulesets.append(exactMatch[0]) else: print('ruleset', ruleset, 'is ambiguous:', matches) wrong = True else: usingRulesets.append(matches[0]) if wrong: sys.exit(1) OPTIONS.rulesets = usingRulesets if OPTIONS.git is not None: if '..' in OPTIONS.git: if '^' not in OPTIONS.git: OPTIONS.git = OPTIONS.git.replace('..', '^..') commits = subprocess.check_output( 'git log --pretty=%h {range}'.format( range=OPTIONS.git).split()).decode() OPTIONS.git = list(reversed(list(x.strip() for x in commits.split('\n') if x.strip()))) else: OPTIONS.git = onlyExistingCommits(OPTIONS.git.split(',')) if not OPTIONS.git: sys.exit(1) if OPTIONS.debug is None: OPTIONS.debug = [] else: OPTIONS.debug = [OPTIONS.debug] if OPTIONS.log: OPTIONS.servers = OPTIONS.clients OPTIONS.debug.extend( 'neutral,dangerousGame,explain,originalCall,robbingKong,robotAI,scores,traffic,hand'.split(',')) if gitHead() not in ('current', None) and not OPTIONS.log: OPTIONS.debug.append('git') if not OPTIONS.aiVariants: OPTIONS.aiVariants = 'Default' OPTIONS.allAis = OPTIONS.aiVariants.split(',') if OPTIONS.count: print('rulesets:', ', '.join(OPTIONS.rulesets)) _ = ' '.join(OPTIONS.allAis) if _ != 'Default': print('AIs:', _) if OPTIONS.git: print('commits:', ' '.join(OPTIONS.git)) # since we order jobs by game, commit we want one permanent server per # commit = allJobs() = allGames() OPTIONS.jobCount = 0 OPTIONS.usePort = == 'nt'