def __init__(self): # get profiling and date information for current request self.starttime=time.time() today = util.gmtnow() self.curday=str( self.curmonth=str(today.month) self.curyear=str(today.year) self.timestamp = str(today) + " GMT" form = cgi.FieldStorage() # gather os and form values self.script = os.environ.get('SCRIPT_NAME', '') # TODO: use browser cookie for lang self.lang = form.getfirst("lang", 'de')[0:2].lower() = form.getfirst("day", self.curday)[0:2] self.month = form.getfirst("month", self.curmonth)[0:2] self.year = form.getfirst("year", self.curyear)[0:4] self.edit = form.getfirst("edit", "0")[0:1] self.eventid = form.getfirst("eventid", "0")[0:1] self.debug = form.has_key("debug") # some security # check for numbers and chars if not ( and self.month.isdigit() \ and self.year.isdigit() and self.lang.isalpha() \ and self.eventid.isdigit()): raise "invalid input" self.form = form
def fnGlob(fn, langs=[], year=util.gmtnow().year): """ transforms parameters to remote url filename scheme w/ parameters """ remote = [] # replace lang w/ available langs i = fn.find('$lang') dot = fn.rfind('.') if i>=0: (bef, sep, aft) = fn.partition('$lang') for lang in langs: remote.append(''.join([bef, '?lang=', lang, aft])) # replace $date with dates in year i = fn.find('$date') if i>=0: cal = Calendar() today = util.gmtnow() for i in range(0, len(remote)): # extract part of string before $date rbef = remote.pop(0).split('$date')[0] for month in range(1, 13): for day in cal.itermonthdays(year, month): if (0 == day): continue # don't know why, but day is 0 sometimes # we are not interested in older events if (year < today.year): continue if (year == today.year and month < today.month): continue # if (year == today.year and month == today.month \ # and day < continue remote.append('%s&year=%i&month=%i&day=%i' % \ (rbef, year, month, day)) # when no expansion happened at all, simply add the original string if 1 > len(remote): remote.append(fn) return remote
while True: with urlsLock: if 1 > len(urls): break url = urls.pop(0) saveToStatic(url, '../../live/', templates) self.cnt += 1 if __name__ == '__main__': templates=readTemplates() languages=readLanguages() urlsLock=threading.Lock() # global lock used by worker threads # urls = Set() urls = [] year = util.gmtnow().year for template in templates: urls.extend(fnGlob(template, languages, year)) urls.extend(fnGlob(template, languages, year+1)) threads = [] for i in range(3): thread = worker(i) thread.start() threads.append(thread) for thread in threads: thread.join() # print 'thread # %i joined after %i pages' % (, thread.cnt)