def openNewGlobalEvent(self): cursor = self.conn.cursor() util.insertRow("alarm_global_event", { "alarm_type_id": self.alarm_type_id, "begin_datetime": }, cursor) self.conn.commit() cursor.close()
def add_event(event, conn=None, cur=None, from_subscription_id=None): logging.debug('add_event'+str(event)) madeConn = False if not conn: madeConn = True conn = util.getConn() cur = conn.cursor() subs = get_subscribers(event, conn) for s in subs: if s != from_subscription_id: util.insertRow("subscription_event", {"subscriber_id": s, "event": json.dumps(event, default=util.customJSONHandler)}, cursor=cur) if madeConn: conn.commit() conn.close()
def alarms_new(): # get parameter values alarm_type_id = request.params.get("alarm_type_id") account_id = request.params.get("account_id") greater_than_p = request.params.get("greater_than_p", '').lower() == 'true' alarm_contact_type_ids = request.params.get('alarm_contact_type_ids', None) value = request.params.get("value") # check parameter values if not util.getRowFromTableById('alarm_type', alarm_type_id): abort(400, 'Invalid alarm_type_id') if not util.getRowFromTableById("account", account_id, checkEnabled=True): abort(400, "Invalid account_id") alarm_type = util.getRowFromTableById('alarm_type', alarm_type_id) if not alarm_type: abort(400, 'Invalid alarm type.') # can only create alarms for self or be super-user if not request.user.is_power_user() and not == int(account_id): # print("User " + str( + " cannot create account for " + account_id) unauthorized() contact_type_ids = [] if alarm_contact_type_ids: try: contact_type_ids = [int(c) for c in alarm_contact_type_ids.split(',')] except: abort(400, 'invalid alarm_contact_type_ids parameter.') column_data = {"alarm_type_id": alarm_type_id, "account_id": account_id} if alarm_type['threshold_p']: column_data["greater_than_p"] = greater_than_p try: column_data["value"] = float(value) except: abort(400, 'Invalid value.') # create new alarm # TODO: alarm and alarm_contact should be in single transaction. alarm_id = util.insertRow("alarm", column_data) for alarm_contact_type_id in contact_type_ids: util.insertRow('alarm_contact', {'alarm_id': alarm_id, 'alarm_contact_type_id': alarm_contact_type_id}) # return the newly created alarm's id url return {'xlink': ['/resources/alarms/' + str(alarm_id)]}
def accounts_new(): name = request.params.get('name') email = request.params.get('email') #TODO: Check phone format phone = request.params.get('phone') try: privilege_id = int(request.params.get('privilege_id')) except ValueError: abort(400, 'Invalid privilege_id') if privilege_id > request.user.privilege_id: unauthorized() #TODO: Check for lengths, instead of relying on db? password = generatePassword() seed = generatePassword() + generatePassword() passwordHash = hashlib.sha1(seed + password).hexdigest() rowData = { "name": name, "email": email, "password": passwordHash, "seed": seed, "privilege_id": privilege_id } if (phone): rowData["phone"] = phone id = util.insertRow("account", rowData) #TODO: Send new account email util.sendEmail( email, '*****@*****.**', 'Welcome to Isadore', "Welcome to the Isadore system. You can login by going to https://" + request.urlparts[1] + "\n\n" + "To login use the following\n\nEmail: " + email + "\nPassword: "******"\n\n") return {'xlink': ['/resources/accounts/' + str(id)]}
def controls_set(): try: sensor_id = int(request.params.get('sensor_id', None)) except: abort(400, 'Invalid sensor_id parameter.') try: value = float(request.params.get('value', None)) except: abort(400, 'Invalid value parameter.') sensor = util.getRowFromTableById('sensor', sensor_id, checkEnabled=True) if not sensor: abort(400, 'Wrong sensor_id') sensor_type = util.getRowFromTableById('sensor_type', sensor['sensor_type_id']) if not sensor_type['controllable']: abort(400, 'Sensor is not controllable') # TODO: Check against type control_id = util.insertRow( 'control', { 'sensor_id': sensor_id, 'sensor_type_id': sensor_type['id'], 'value': value }) return {'xlink': ['/resources/consols/' + str(control_id)]}
def sensors_new(): parameters = {} #TODO: Should non-super users set conver_py? They might break it, but deleting sensor could be just as bad. try: parameters["device_id"] = int(request.params.get("device_id", None)) parameters["extra_info"] = request.params.get("extra_info", None) if string.strip(parameters["extra_info"]) == '': parameters["extra_info"] = "null" parameters["sensor_type_id"] = int( request.params.get("sensor_type_id", None)) parameters["convert_py"] = request.params.get("convert_py", None) parameters["bias"] = float(request.params.get("bias", None)) parameters["enabled_p"] = request.params.get("enabled_p", None).lower() == "true" except: abort(400, "Bad parameters") #try: # util.safeEval(parameters["convert_py"], 1.0) #except: # abort(400, "Bad parameter: Invalid convert py string.") id = util.insertRow("sensor", parameters) return {"xlink": ["/resources/conf/sensors/" + str(id)]}
def sensor_mirrors_new(): parameters = {} try: parameters["sensor_id"] = int(request.params.get("sensor_id", None)) parameters["bin_id"] = int(request.params.get("bin_id", None)) parameters["bin_section_id"] = int( request.params.get("bin_section_id", None)) except: abort(400, "Bad parameters") id = util.insertRow("sensor_mirror", parameters) return {"xlink": ["/resources/conf/sensor_mirrors/" + str(id)]}
def fill_new(): # TODO: Check that fillNumber is not already taken for the year. # XXX: I have a feeling that this needs to be rewritten # get parameter values fill_number = request.params.get("fill_number", None) start_datetime = util.getDateFromParam( request.params.get("air_begin_datetime")) fill_datetime = util.getDateFromParam(request.params.get("start_datetime")) bin_id = request.params.get("bin_id", None) from_subscription_id = request.params.get("from_subscription_id", None) conn = util.getConn() cur = conn.cursor() # check if bin_id exists if not util.getRowFromTableById("bin", bin_id, conn=conn): conn.close() abort(400, "Bin id does not exist.") if (not fill_datetime and not start_datetime) or not fill_number: conn.close() abort( 400, '(air_begin_datetime and start_datetime) and fill_number are required.' ) # create new DB entry fill_id = util.insertRow("fill", { "fill_number": fill_number, "air_begin_datetime": start_datetime, "filled_datetime": fill_datetime, "bin_id": bin_id }, cursor=cur) if fill_datetime: year = fill_datetime.year else: year = start_datetime.year subscription_handler.add_event( { "key": 'fill', "year": year, "ids": [fill_id], "type": "add", "when": util.getDateFromParam("now") }, conn, cur, from_subscription_id) conn.commit() conn.close() # return the newly created fill's id url return {"xlink": ["/resources/data/fills/" + str(fill_id)]}
def devices_clone(): # TODO: Clone sensor mirrors even though not part of device anymore? from_year = request.params.get('from_year') to_year = request.params.get('to_year') if not from_year or not to_year: abort(400, 'Missing parameters') try: from_year = int(from_year) to_year = int(to_year) except ValueError: abort(400, 'Bad parameters') conn = util.getConn() cursor = conn.cursor() devicesl = util.getRowsFromTable("device", extraWhere='year=%s', extraArgs=(from_year, ), conn=conn) if len(devicesl) == 0: abort(400, 'Bad parameters') cursor.execute('DELETE FROM device WHERE year=%s', (to_year, )) for device in devicesl: nd = device.copy() del (nd['id']) nd['year'] = to_year nd['id'] = util.insertRow('device', nd, cursor) # Sensors sensors = util.getRowsFromTable('sensor', extraWhere='device_id=%s', extraArgs=(device['id'], ), conn=conn) for sensor in sensors: ns = sensor.copy() del (ns['id']) ns['device_id'] = nd['id'] ns['id'] = util.insertRow('sensor', ns, cursor) conn.commit() cursor.close() conn.close() return HTTPResponse(output='devices configuration cloned.', status=204)
def subscription_new(): subscriber_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) conn = util.getConn() cur = conn.cursor() sid = util.insertRow('subscription', { "subscriber_id": subscriber_id, "last_datetime": util.getDateFromParam('now') }, cursor=cur) #cur.execute("DELETE FROM subscription WHERE last_datetime < now() - interval '2 hours'") conn.commit() conn.close() return {"subscriber_id": subscriber_id}
def luts_mc_maxtemp_put(id): name, hours_per_mc, mcs, maxtemps = luts_mc_maxtemp_args() row = util.getRowFromTableById('mc_maxtemp_lut', id) if not row: abort(404, 'LUT not found.') conn = util.getConn() cur = conn.cursor() util.updateRowById("mc_maxtemp_lut", id, { 'name': name, 'hours_per_mc': hours_per_mc }, cur) cur.execute('DELETE FROM mc_maxtemp_lut_value WHERE mc_maxtemp_lut_id=%s', (id, )) for idx in xrange(0, len(mcs)): util.insertRow("mc_maxtemp_lut_value", { 'mc': mcs[idx], 'maxtemp': maxtemps[idx], 'mc_maxtemp_lut_id': id }, cur) conn.commit() cur.close() conn.close() return HTTPResponse(output='LUT Updated', status=204)
def luts_mc_maxtemp_post(): name, hours_per_mc, mcs, maxtemps = luts_mc_maxtemp_args() conn = util.getConn() cur = conn.cursor() newId = util.insertRow("mc_maxtemp_lut", { 'name': name, 'hours_per_mc': hours_per_mc }, cur) for idx in xrange(0, len(mcs)): util.insertRow("mc_maxtemp_lut_value", { 'mc': mcs[idx], 'maxtemp': maxtemps[idx], 'mc_maxtemp_lut_id': newId }, cur) general = util.getRowFromTableById("general_config", 1, conn=conn) if not general["default_mc_maxtemp_lut_id"]: cur.execute('UPDATE general_config SET default_mc_maxtemp_lut_id=%s', (newId, )) conn.commit() cur.close() conn.close() return {'xlink': ['/resources/luts/mc_maxtemp/' + str(newId)]}
def air_deductions_post(): # rows = util.getRowsFromTable("air_deduct", extraWhere=" end_datetime IS NULL ") # if(rows): # abort(400, 'There exists an already open air deduction close that one first.') beginDate = util.getDateFromParam(request.params.get("begin_datetime")) if (not beginDate): abort(400, 'begin_datetime is required.') parameters = {'begin_datetime': beginDate} endDate = util.getDateFromParam(request.params.get("end_datetime")) if (endDate): if (beginDate > endDate): abort(400, 'Begin date is after end date.') parameters["end_datetime"] = endDate id = util.insertRow("air_deduct", parameters) return {'xlink': ['/resources/data/air_deductions/' + str(id)]}
def devices_new(): parameters = {} try: parameters["device_type_id"] = int( request.params.get("device_type_id", None)) parameters["name"] = request.params.get("name", None) parameters["info"] = request.params.get("info", None) parameters["address"] = int(request.params.get("address", None)) parameters["port"] = int(request.params.get("port", None)) parameters["enabled_p"] = request.params.get("enabled_p", None).lower() == 'true' parameters["bin_id"] = int(request.params.get("bin_id", None)) parameters["bin_section_id"] = int( request.params.get("bin_section_id", None)) parameters["mid_name"] = request.params.get("mid_name", None) parameters["year"] = int(request.params.get("year", None)) except: abort(400, 'Bad parameters') id = util.insertRow("device", parameters) return {'xlink': ['/resources/conf/devices/' + str(id)]}
def alarms_update(alarm_id): # get alarm info alarm = util.getRowFromTableById('alarm', int(alarm_id)) # return error if row not found if not alarm: abort(404, "Alarm not found.") if == int(alarm["account_id"]) or request.user.is_power_user(): # get parameter values alarm_type_id = request.params.get("alarm_type_id") account_id = request.params.get("account_id") greater_than_p = request.params.get("greater_than_p", '').lower() == 'true' alarm_contact_type_ids = request.params.get('alarm_contact_type_ids', None) value = request.params.get("value") # check parameter values if not util.getRowFromTableById('alarm_type', alarm_type_id): abort(400, 'Invalid alarm_type_id') if not util.getRowFromTableById("account", account_id, checkEnabled=True): abort(400, "Invalid account_id") alarm_type = util.getRowFromTableById('alarm_type', alarm_type_id) if not alarm_type: abort(400, 'Invalid alarm type.') # can only create alarms for self or be super-user if not request.user.is_power_user() and not == int(account_id): # print("User " + str( + " cannot change alarm to " + account_id) unauthorized() conctact_type_ids = [] contact_type_ids = [] if alarm_contact_type_ids: try: contact_type_ids = [int(c) for c in alarm_contact_type_ids.split(',')] except: abort(400, 'invalid alarm_contact_type_ids parameter.') column_data = {"alarm_type_id": alarm_type_id, "account_id": account_id} if alarm_type['threshold_p']: column_data["greater_than_p"] = greater_than_p try: column_data["value"] = float(value) except: abort(400, 'Invalid value.') else: column_data['greater_than_p'] = None column_data['value'] = None # TODO: alarm and alarm_contact should be in single transaction. util.updateRowById('alarm', alarm['id'], column_data) conn = util.getConn() cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute('DELETE from alarm_contact WHERE alarm_id = %s', (alarm['id'],)) conn.commit() cur.close() conn.close() for alarm_contact_type_id in contact_type_ids: util.insertRow('alarm_contact', {'alarm_id': alarm['id'], 'alarm_contact_type_id': alarm_contact_type_id}) else: unauthorized() return HTTPResponse(output="Alarm updated.", status=202)
def run(self): logging.basicConfig(filename='./alarm_watcher.log', level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s') # Set last_read = last reading time # set last_contact_time = long time ago last_read = datetime.datetime(year=1970, month=1, day=1, tzinfo=LocalTimezone()) contact_last_read = None while True: try: # Get current datetime now = util.getDateFromParam("now") # Get general config interval conn = util.getConn() general_config = util.getRowFromTableById("general_config", 1, conn=conn) gc_configs = {} if "configs" in general_config and general_config["configs"]: gc_configs = json.loads(general_config["configs"]) # Set working_last_time to last reading cur = conn.cursor() # Check for MID down cur.execute( """SELECT id, datetime from reading_subsample WHERE sample_period = 5 ORDER BY datetime desc limit 2""") row = cur.fetchone() readDeltaAlt = now - row[1] row = cur.fetchone() working_last_read = row[1] working_last_read_id = row[0] readDelta = now - working_last_read midGlobalEvent = self.hasGlobalAlert(self.ALARM_TYPE_MID_DOWN, cur) logging.debug("readDelta: " + str(readDelta)) if readDeltaAlt > datetime.timedelta(seconds=(20 * 60.0)): if not midGlobalEvent: util.insertRow( "alarm_global_event", { "alarm_type_id": self.ALARM_TYPE_MID_DOWN, "begin_datetime": now }, cur) conn.commit() self.sendGlobalNotices( general_config["customer_short_name"], self.ALARM_TYPE_MID_DOWN, now, conn) elif midGlobalEvent: # MID is back up. util.updateRowById("alarm_global_event", midGlobalEvent, {"end_datetime": now}) conn.commit() # TODO: Contact that it is back up? if working_last_read > last_read: # If any new errors # post alarms row # if last contact time is greater than contact_time_interval then # for everyone who needs to be contacted # contact them about error # set last contact time for type tempRows = util.getRowsFromTable( "alarm", extraWhere=" alarm_type_id = %s ", extraArgs=(self.ALARM_TYPE_SENSOR_TEMP, ), conn=conn) for row in tempRows: sql = "SELECT id FROM alarm_event WHERE alarm_id=%s AND end_datetime IS NULL" cur.execute(sql, (row["id"], )) erow = cur.fetchone() ae_id = None if erow: ae_id = erow[0] if row["greater_than_p"]: gtlt = ">" else: gtlt = "<" aironsql = "" if "alarms" in gc_configs and "aironly" in gc_configs[ "alarms"] and gc_configs["alarms"]["aironly"]: aironsql = " AND bin_fill_airon( IS TRUE " if "alarms" in gc_configs and "bottom_only" in gc_configs[ "alarms"] and gc_configs["alarms"][ "bottom_only"]: sql = """select rd.bin_id, rd.avg_value as hottest from reading_data_subsample rd, bin b WHERE rd.reading_subsample_id = %s AND rd.read_type_id = 10 and rd.bin_id = and like 'Bin %%' and rd.bin_section_id = 14 """ + aironsql + """ AND rd.avg_value """ + gtlt + """ %s""" cur.execute(sql, (working_last_read_id, row["value"])) rows = cur.fetchall() countRow = [len(rows)] else: sql = """select rd.bin_id, greatest(rd.avg_value, rd2.avg_value) as hottest from reading_data_subsample rd, reading_data_subsample rd2, bin b WHERE rd.reading_subsample_id = %s AND rd.read_type_id = 10 and rd.bin_id = and like 'Bin %%' and (rd.bin_section_id = 13) """ + aironsql + """ AND rd2.reading_subsample_id = %s and rd2.read_type_id = %s and rd2.bin_id = and rd2.bin_section_id = 14 and greatest(rd.avg_value, rd2.avg_value) """ + gtlt + """ %s""" cur.execute( sql, (working_last_read_id, working_last_read_id, self.READ_TYPE_TEMP, row["value"])) rows = cur.fetchall() countRow = [len(rows)] if countRow[0] > 0 and not ae_id: sql = "INSERT INTO alarm_event (alarm_id, begin_datetime) VALUES (%s, %s)" cur.execute(sql, (row["id"], now)) conn.commit() self.sendAlarmNotice( general_config["customer_short_name"], row["id"], self.ALARM_TYPE_SENSOR_TEMP, now, conn, gtlt + " %.2f" % row["value"]) # TODO: contact elif countRow[0] == 0 and ae_id: sql = "UPDATE alarm_event SET end_datetime = %s WHERE id = %s" cur.execute(sql, (now, ae_id)) conn.commit() last_read = working_last_read cur.close() conn.close() time.sleep(180) except: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) time.sleep(180)
def data_new(): global sensor_data_insert_lock # Parameters # data = [{'sensor_id': int, 'value': float, 'raw_data': float, 'datetime': str#iso8601, error_code: int}, ...] try: data = json.loads(request.params.get('data')) except: logging.exception('Bad parameters, json: %s' % (json.dumps(request.params.get('data')))) abort(400, 'Bad parameters.') # TODO: Check on any concurrent database issues with trigger, then maybe can remove thread lock. conn = None cur = None try: sensor_data_insert_lock.acquire() conn = util.getConn() cur = conn.cursor() idx = 0 for record in data: db_args = { 'sensor_id': None, 'value': None, 'raw_data': None, 'datetime': None, 'error_code': None } if 'sensor_id' in record: db_args['sensor_id'] = record['sensor_id'] if 'value' in record: db_args['value'] = record['value'] if 'raw_data' in record: db_args['raw_data'] = record['raw_data'] if 'datetime' in record: db_args['datetime'] = util.getDateFromParam(record['datetime']) if 'error_code' in record: db_args['error_code'] = record['error_code'] # Verify, must have sensor_id, datetime, and at least a value, raw_data, or error_code if not db_args['sensor_id']: logging.error( 'Bad parameter: Entry in data array missing sensor_id: idx=%d, record=%s' % (idx, json.dumps(record))) abort(400, 'Entry in data array missing sensor_id') if not db_args['datetime']: logging.error( 'Bad parameter: Entry in data array missing datetime: idx=%d, record=%s' % (idx, json.dumps(record))) abort(400, 'Entry in data array missing datetime') if 'value' not in db_args and 'raw_data' not in db_args and 'error_code' not in db_args: logging.error( 'Bad parameter: Entry in data array missing something to store (value, raw_data, ' + 'or error_code: idx=%d, record=%s' % (idx, json.dumps(record))) abort( 400, 'Entry in data array missing something to store (value, raw_data, or error_code' ) util.insertRow('sensor_data', db_args, cur) idx += 1 conn.commit() cur.close() conn.close() cur = None conn = None # TODO: add a little more info in response return HTTPResponse(output="Data added.", status=204) finally: sensor_data_insert_lock.release() if cur: cur.close() if conn: conn.rollback() conn.close()