Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_drop_sfunc_or_ffunc(scylla_only, cql, test_keyspace):
    avg_partial_body = "(state tuple<bigint, bigint>, val bigint) CALLED ON NULL INPUT RETURNS tuple<bigint, bigint> LANGUAGE lua AS 'return {state[1] + val, state[2] + 1}'"
    div_body = "(state tuple<bigint, bigint>) CALLED ON NULL INPUT RETURNS bigint LANGUAGE lua AS 'return state[1]//state[2]'"
    with new_function(cql, test_keyspace,
                      avg_partial_body) as avg_partial, new_function(
                          cql, test_keyspace, div_body) as div_fun:
        custom_avg_body = f"(bigint) SFUNC {avg_partial} STYPE tuple<bigint, bigint> FINALFUNC {div_fun} INITCOND (0,0)"
        with new_aggregate(cql, test_keyspace, custom_avg_body) as custom_avg:
            with pytest.raises(InvalidRequest, match="it is used"):
                cql.execute(f"DROP FUNCTION {test_keyspace}.{avg_partial}")
            with pytest.raises(InvalidRequest, match="it is used"):
                cql.execute(f"DROP FUNCTION {test_keyspace}.{div_fun}")
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_no_final_func(scylla_only, cql, test_keyspace):
    schema = "id int primary key"
    sum_partial_body = "(acc int, val int) RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT RETURNS int LANGUAGE lua AS 'return acc + val'"
    with new_test_table(cql, test_keyspace, schema) as table:
        for i in range(5):
            cql.execute(f"INSERT INTO {table} (id) VALUES ({i})")
        with new_function(cql, test_keyspace, sum_partial_body) as sum_partial:
            custom_sum_body = f"(int) SFUNC {sum_partial} STYPE int INITCOND 0"
            with new_aggregate(cql, test_keyspace,
                               custom_sum_body) as custom_sum:
                custom_res = cql.execute(
                    f"SELECT {custom_sum}(id) AS result FROM {table}").one()
                avg_res = cql.execute(
                    f"SELECT sum(id) AS result FROM {table}").one()
                assert custom_res == avg_res
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_no_initcond(scylla_only, cql, test_keyspace):
    rows = 5
    schema = "id int primary key"
    # This aggregate will return `1000 - #rows` if there is no initcond and `initcond - #rows` otherwise
    state_body = "(acc int, val int) CALLED ON NULL INPUT RETURNS int LANGUAGE lua AS 'if acc == null then return 999 else return acc - 1 end'"
    final_body = "(acc int) CALLED ON NULL INPUT RETURNS int LANGUAGE lua AS 'return acc'"
    with new_test_table(cql, test_keyspace, schema) as table:
        for i in range(rows):
            cql.execute(f"INSERT INTO {table} (id) VALUES ({i})")
        with new_function(cql, test_keyspace,
                          state_body) as state_func, new_function(
                              cql, test_keyspace, final_body) as final_func:
            aggr_body = f"(int) SFUNC {state_func} STYPE int FINALFUNC {final_func}"
            with new_aggregate(cql, test_keyspace, aggr_body) as aggr_func:
                result = cql.execute(
                    f"SELECT {aggr_func}(id) AS result FROM {table}").one()
                assert result.result == (1000 - rows)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_map_literal_builder(scylla_only, cql, test_keyspace):
    schema = 'id int, k text, val int, primary key (id, k)'
    with new_test_table(cql, test_keyspace, schema) as table:
        for i in range(8):
                f"INSERT INTO {table} (id, k, val) VALUES (0, '{chr(ord('a') + i)}', {i})"
        map_literal_partial_body = "(state text, id text, val int) RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT RETURNS text LANGUAGE lua AS 'return state..id..\":\"..tostring(val)..\",\"'"
        finish_body = "(state text) CALLED ON NULL INPUT RETURNS text LANGUAGE lua AS 'return state..\"}\"'"
        with new_function(
                cql, test_keyspace,
                map_literal_partial_body) as map_literal_partial, new_function(
                    cql, test_keyspace, finish_body) as finish_fun:
            map_literal_body = f"(text, int) SFUNC {map_literal_partial} STYPE text FINALFUNC {finish_fun} INITCOND '{{'"
            with new_aggregate(cql, test_keyspace,
                               map_literal_body) as map_literal:
                map_res = [
                    row for row in cql.execute(
                        f"SELECT {test_keyspace}.{map_literal}(k, val) AS result FROM {table}"
                assert len(map_res) == 1 and map_res[
                    0].result == '{a:0,b:1,c:2,d:3,e:4,f:5,g:6,h:7,}'
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_custom_avg(scylla_only, cql, test_keyspace):
    schema = 'id bigint primary key'
    with new_test_table(cql, test_keyspace, schema) as table:
        for i in range(8):
            cql.execute(f"INSERT INTO {table} (id) VALUES ({10**i})")
        avg_partial_body = "(state tuple<bigint, bigint>, val bigint) CALLED ON NULL INPUT RETURNS tuple<bigint, bigint> LANGUAGE lua AS 'return {state[1] + val, state[2] + 1}'"
        div_body = "(state tuple<bigint, bigint>) CALLED ON NULL INPUT RETURNS bigint LANGUAGE lua AS 'return state[1]//state[2]'"
        with new_function(cql, test_keyspace,
                          avg_partial_body) as avg_partial, new_function(
                              cql, test_keyspace, div_body) as div_fun:
            custom_avg_body = f"(bigint) SFUNC {avg_partial} STYPE tuple<bigint, bigint> FINALFUNC {div_fun} INITCOND (0,0)"
            with new_aggregate(cql, test_keyspace,
                               custom_avg_body) as custom_avg:
                custom_res = [
                    row for row in cql.execute(
                        f"SELECT {test_keyspace}.{custom_avg}(id) AS result FROM {table}"
                avg_res = [
                    row for row in cql.execute(
                        f"SELECT avg(id) AS result FROM {table}")
                assert custom_res == avg_res