Ejemplo n.º 1
 def get_systems_by_name(self, sysnames, keep_data=False):
     co_list = {}
     db_list = []
     output = collections.OrderedDict()
     # Weed out fake systems first
     for s in sysnames:
         coords_data = util.parse_coords(s)
         if coords_data is not None:
             cx, cy, cz, name = coords_data
             co_list[s] = system.System(cx, cy, cz, name)
     # Now query for the real ones
     db_result = {}
     if any(db_list):
         result = self._backend.get_systems_by_name(db_list)
         db_result = {
             r.name.lower(): r
             for r in [_make_known_system(t, keep_data) for t in result]
     for s in sysnames:
         if s.lower() in db_result:
             output[s] = db_result[s.lower()]
         elif s in co_list:
             output[s] = co_list[s]
             output[s] = None
     return output
Ejemplo n.º 2
def main():
    import argparse
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('identifier', help='Identifier name e.g. cne.100899.FST.')
    parser.add_argument('-f', '--file', nargs='?', type=argparse.FileType('r'), default=sys.stdin,
                        help='Input file e.g. d2z.dat.')
    parser.add_argument('--extra_data', type=argparse.FileType('r'), default='hg18.toDanRer5.seqs.txt',
                        help='Extra data file e.g. hg18.toDanRer5.seqs.txt.')
    parser.add_argument('--valid', type=int, default=9, help='Field number of valid test coordinates.')
    OPTS = parser.parse_args()
    cne_dict = parse_dat(read_fields(f=OPTS.file))
    line_tups = read_fields(f=OPTS.extra_data)
    cne_valids = {}
    for l in line_tups:
        danrer_co, valid_co = parse_coords(l[4]), parse_coords(l[OPTS.valid-1])
        valid_indices = (valid_co['start'] - danrer_co['start'], valid_co['end'] - danrer_co['start'])
        cne_valids[l[0]] = valid_indices
    plot_cne(OPTS.identifier, cne_dict[OPTS.identifier], cne_valids[OPTS.identifier])
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def get_system_by_name(self, sysname, keep_data=False):
     # Check the input against the "fake" system format of "[123.4,56.7,-89.0]"...
     coords_data = util.parse_coords(sysname)
     if coords_data is not None:
         cx, cy, cz, name = coords_data
         return system.System(cx, cy, cz, name)
         result = self._backend.get_system_by_name(sysname)
         if result is not None:
             return _make_known_system(result, keep_data)
             return None
Ejemplo n.º 4
def row_search(OPTS, m, line_tups):
    """Writes the scan results to a pickle file.

    The pickled object is a  dictionary with cne names as keys and list as value.
    Each list contains tuples of (coord, index) where coord is a coord dict
    and index is int index starting from 0.
    rows = {}
    for i, l in enumerate(line_tups):
        name, a, b, c, = l[0], l[OPTS.a-1], l[OPTS.b-1], parse_coords(l[OPTS.c-1])
        hits = m.scan([b], n=None, reverse_complement=True, sort=False)[0]
        scores = [score for index, score in hits]
        rows[name] = scores
        progress(50, (float(i)+1)/len(line_tups)*100, pre="Processing genes")
    pkl_filename = OPTS.model + '.pkl'
    sys.stdout.write("Writing pickle file %s. Do not exit!\n" % pkl_filename)
    pkl = open(OPTS.model + '.pkl', 'wb')
    pickle.dump(rows, pkl, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)