Ejemplo n.º 1
def check_rows(f, comp_row):
  good_rows = 0
  for row in util.parse_matrix_txt(f):
    if len(row) != len(comp_row):
    good = True
    for i, val in enumerate(row):
      if int(val) != int(comp_row[i]):
        good = False
    if good:
      good_rows += 1
  return good_rows
Ejemplo n.º 2
def check_rows(f, comp_row):
    good_rows = 0
    for row in util.parse_matrix_txt(f):
        if len(row) != len(comp_row):
        good = True
        for i, val in enumerate(row):
            if int(val) != int(comp_row[i]):
                good = False
        if good:
            good_rows += 1
    return good_rows
Ejemplo n.º 3
def check_diag_ones(f, nrows):
    abs_int = lambda x: int(round(math.fabs(x)))
    i = 0
    for i, row in enumerate(util.parse_matrix_txt(f)):
        print row
        if len(row) != nrows:
            print 'Expected row of length %d but got row of length %d' % (
                nrows, len(row))
            return False
        for j in xrange(nrows):
            if j == i and abs_int(row[j]) != 1:
                print 'Expected absolute value of 1 for entry (%d, %d) of value %d' % (
                    i, j, abs_int(row[j]))
                return False
            elif j != i and abs_int(row[j]) != 0:
                print 'Expected absolute value of 0 for entry (%d, %d) of value %d' % (
                    i, j, abs_int(row[j]))
                return False
    if i + 1 != nrows:
        print 'Expected %d rows but only read %d.' % (nrows, i)
        return False
    return True
Ejemplo n.º 4
def check_diag_ones(f, nrows):
  abs_int = lambda x: int(round(math.fabs(x)))
  i = 0
  for i, row in enumerate(util.parse_matrix_txt(f)):
    print row
    if len(row) != nrows:
      print 'Expected row of length %d but got row of length %d' % (
          nrows, len(row))
      return False
    for j in xrange(nrows):
      if j == i and abs_int(row[j]) != 1:
        print 'Expected absolute value of 1 for entry (%d, %d) of value %d' % (
            i, j, abs_int(row[j]))
        return False
      elif j != i and abs_int(row[j]) != 0:
        print 'Expected absolute value of 0 for entry (%d, %d) of value %d' % (
            i, j, abs_int(row[j]))
        return False
  if i + 1 != nrows:
    print 'Expected %d rows but only read %d.' % (nrows, i)
    return False
  return True
Ejemplo n.º 5
    cm.error('no V^t matrix provided, use --Vt')

matrices['Sigma'] = {'path': options.Sigma, 'mat': None}
if matrices['Sigma']['path'] == '':
    cm.error('no Sigma matrix provided, use --Sigma')
out = options.out

for matrix in matrices:
    # copy the data over and parse it
    local_store = 'form_Y_' + matrix
    cm.copy_from_hdfs(matrices[matrix]['path'], local_store + '.mseq')
    cm.parse_seq_file(local_store + '.mseq', local_store + '.txt')

    # read the local data
    data = []
    for line in util.parse_matrix_txt(local_store + '.txt'):

    matrices[matrix]['mat'] = numpy.mat(data)

S = matrices['S']['mat']
V = numpy.transpose(matrices['Vt']['mat'])
Sigma_inv = numpy.linalg.pinv(matrices['Sigma']['mat'])
S_tilde = S * V * Sigma_inv
eig_vals, Y = numpy.linalg.eig(S_tilde)
Y_Re = numpy.real(Y)
Y_Im = numpy.imag(Y)

def write_Y(mat, path):
  if os.path.exists(path):
Ejemplo n.º 6
#!/usr/bin/env python

import numpy
import util

cm = util.CommandManager()
norms = [[], [], []]
for j in xrange(3):
    for i in xrange(17):
        if j == 0:
            mat = 'Stability_caqr_%d_Q' % i
        elif j == 1:
            mat = 'Stability_caqr_%d_IR_Q' % i
        elif j == 2:
            mat = 'Stability_full_%d_3' % i
        mat += '-ata'
        local_store = mat + '_local'
        cm.copy_from_hdfs(mat, local_store + '.mseq')
        cm.parse_seq_file(local_store + '.mseq', local_store + '.txt')
        data = []
        for line in util.parse_matrix_txt(local_store + '.txt'):
        matrix = numpy.mat(data) - numpy.identity(10)
        norm = numpy.linalg.norm(matrix, 2)
        print norm

for norm_list in norms:
    print norm_list

Ejemplo n.º 7
 def parseM(self, mpath):
     data = []
     for row in util.parse_matrix_txt(mpath):
     self.small = numpy.mat(data)
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def parseM(self, mpath):
     data = []
     for row in util.parse_matrix_txt(mpath):
     self.small = numpy.mat(data)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def parse_premult(self, matpath):
     data = []
     for row in util.parse_matrix_txt(matpath):
     self.small = numpy.linalg.inv(numpy.mat(data))
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def parseM(self, matpath):
     data = []
     for row in util.parse_matrix_txt(matpath):
     return numpy.mat(data)