def testParseUrl(self): for url in urls: #print "-------------", url, "------------" result = parse_url(url) #print "RESULT:", result proto1, user1, passwd1, host1, query1 = parse_url(url) proto2, user2, passwd2, host2, query2 = urls.get(url) self.assert_(proto1 == proto2, proto1) self.assert_(user1 == user2, user1) self.assert_(passwd1 == passwd2, passwd1) self.assert_(host1 == host2, host1) self.assert_(equals(query1, query2), '%s is not %s' % (url, query1))
def download(args): limit = global_config.limit output_dir = global_config.dir parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="download command arg parser") parser.add_argument('-L', '--limit', action="store", dest='limit', help="Max download speed limit.") parser.add_argument('-D', '--dir', action="store", dest='output_dir', help="Download task to dir.") parser.add_argument('-S', '--secret', action="store", dest='secret', help="Retrieval password.", default="") if not args: parser.print_help() exit(1) namespace, links = parser.parse_known_args(args) secret = namespace.secret if namespace.limit: limit = namespace.limit if namespace.output_dir: output_dir = namespace.output_dir # if is wap links = [link.replace("wap/link", "share/link") for link in links] # add 'http://' links = map(add_http, links) for url in links: res = parse_url(url) # normal if res.get('type') == 1: pan = Pan() info = pan.get_dlink(url, secret) cookies = 'BDUSS={0}'.format(pan.bduss) download_command(info.filename, info.dlink, cookies=cookies, limit=limit, output_dir=output_dir) # album elif res.get('type') == 2: raise NotImplementedError('This function has not implemented.') # home elif res.get('type') == 3: raise NotImplementedError('This function has not implemented.') elif res.get('type') == 0: logger.debug(url, extra={"type": "wrong link", "method": "None"}) continue else: continue sys.exit(0)
def download(args): limit = global_config.limit output_dir = global_config.dir parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="download command arg parser") parser.add_argument('-L', '--limit', action="store", dest='limit', help="Max download speed limit.") parser.add_argument('-D', '--dir', action="store", dest='output_dir', help="Download task to dir.") parser.add_argument('-S', '--secret', action="store", dest='secret', help="Retrieval password.", default="") if not args: parser.print_help() exit(1) namespace, links = parser.parse_known_args(args) secret = namespace.secret if namespace.limit: limit = namespace.limit if namespace.output_dir: output_dir = namespace.output_dir # if is wap links = [link.replace("wap/link", "share/link") for link in links] # add 'http://' links = map(add_http, links) for url in links: res = parse_url(url) # normal if res.get('type') == 1: pan = Pan() info = pan.get_dlink(url, secret) cookies = 'BDUSS={0}'.format(pan.bduss) if pan.bduss else '' if cookies and pan.pcsett: cookies += ';pcsett={0}'.format(pan.pcsett) if cookies: cookies += '"' download_command(info.filename, info.dlink, cookies=cookies, limit=limit, output_dir=output_dir) elif res.get('type') == 4: pan = Pan() fsid = res.get('fsid') newUrl = res.get('url') info = pan.get_dlink(newUrl, secret, fsid) cookies = 'BDUSS={0}'.format(pan.bduss) if pan.bduss else '' if cookies and pan.pcsett: cookies += ';pcsett={0}'.format(pan.pcsett) if cookies: cookies += '"' download_command(info.filename, info.dlink, cookies=cookies, limit=limit, output_dir=output_dir) # album elif res.get('type') == 2: raise NotImplementedError('This function has not implemented.') # home elif res.get('type') == 3: raise NotImplementedError('This function has not implemented.') elif res.get('type') == 0: logger.debug(url, extra={"type": "wrong link", "method": "None"}) continue else: continue sys.exit(0)
def get_list(html,url): tree = etree.HTML(html) info = {"url":url} nodes = tree.xpath("//div[@name=\"div_houselist\"]/dl") data = get_comm(nodes,list_mp,info) nodes = tree.xpath("//a[@id=\"PageControl1_hlk_next\"]/@href") next_url = util.parse_url(url,nodes[0]) if len(nodes)==1 and nodes[0].strip() != "" else None return next_url,data
def cb(): url = "" #url,html = util.get_page({"url":url}) html = open("data/esf.html").read() entries = get_entry(html) fp = open("data/result.txt","a") for entry in entries: if entry[0] is None: continue eurl = util.parse_url(url,entry[0]) html = open("data/yubei.html").read() eurl,html = util.get_page() subs = get_sub(html) for sub in subs: surl = util.parse_url(eurl,sub[0]) if surl == eurl: continue html = open("data/list.html").read() nurl,items = get_list(html,surl) fp.close()
def get_user_info(u,fp): ourl = "" % u url,html = util.get_page({"url":ourl}) p,h = get_urlinfo(url) params = get_params("func.js") uid = get_userinfo(html) if params is not None and uid is not None: params = json.loads(params) params["user_id"] = uid path = "/c/user/article/" nurl = "%s//%s%s" % (p,h,path) count = 3 while True: url,html = util.get_page({"url":nurl,"data":params,"method":"post"}) if html is None or len(html) == 0: util.log_msg("could not get data from url:%s,data:%s,uid:%s" % (nurl,str(params),u)) break mp = json.loads(html) if "data" in mp and isinstance(mp["data"],list): if len(mp["data"]) == 0: util.log_msg("no data from response.url:%s" % nurl) result = [] for item in mp["data"]: turl = util.parse_url(url,item["source_url"]) try: get_article(turl,url,item,fp,result) except Exception: tp, e,trace = sys.exc_info() util.log_msg("get article(url:%s) info error:%s" % (turl,str(e))) if len(result) > 0: if fp is None: insert_into_db(result) else: for item in result: fp.write("[%s]\t%s\t%s\n" % (time.ctime(),u,json.dumps(item))) else: util.log_msg("no data in content.url:%s" % nurl) if mp["has_more"]: params = get_params("func.js") params = json.loads(params) params["user_id"] = uid nxt = mp["next"] for key in nxt.keys(): params[key]=nxt[key] else: break count -= 1 if count <= 0: break else: util.log_msg("could not parse data from html file,need to check this out.url:%s,referer:%s." % (ourl,referer))
def download(args): limit = global_config.limit output_dir = global_config.dir parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="download command arg parser") parser.add_argument('-L', '--limit', action="store", dest='limit', help="Max download speed limit.") parser.add_argument('-D', '--dir', action="store", dest='output_dir', help="Download task to dir.") parser.add_argument('-S', '--secret', action="store", dest='secret', help="Retrieval password.", default="") if not args: parser.print_help() exit(1) namespace, links = parser.parse_known_args(args) secret = namespace.secret if namespace.limit: limit = namespace.limit if namespace.output_dir: output_dir = namespace.output_dir # if is wap links = [link.replace("wap/link", "share/link") for link in links] links = map(add_http, links) # add 'http://' for url in links: res = parse_url(url) # normal if res.get('type') == 1: pan = Pan(url, secret=secret) count = 1 while count != 0: link, filename, count = download_command(filename, link, limit=limit, output_dir=output_dir) # album elif res.get('type') == 2: album_id = res.get('album_id') uk = res.get('uk') album = Album(album_id, uk) count = 1 while count != 0: link, filename, count = download_command(filename, link, limit=limit, output_dir=output_dir) # home elif res.get('type') == 3: raise NotImplementedError('This function has not implemented.') elif res.get('type') == 0: logging.debug(url) continue else: continue sys.exit(0)
def set_url(self, url): from electrum import util from decimal import Decimal try: address, amount, label, message, request_url, url = util.parse_url( url) except Exception: QMessageBox.warning(self.main_window, _('Error'), _('Invalid bitcoin URL'), _('OK')) return if amount: try: if self.main_window.base_unit() == 'mBTC': amount = str(1000 * Decimal(amount)) else: amount = str(Decimal(amount)) except Exception: amount = "0.0" QMessageBox.warning(self.main_window, _('Error'), _('Invalid Amount'), _('OK')) if request_url: try: from electrum import paymentrequest except: print "cannot import paymentrequest" request_url = None if not request_url: self.main_window.set_send(address, amount, label, message) self.lite_window.set_payment_fields(address, amount) return def payment_request(): self.payment_request = paymentrequest.PaymentRequest(request_url) if self.payment_request.verify(): self.main_window.emit(SIGNAL('payment_request_ok')) else: self.main_window.emit(SIGNAL('payment_request_error')) threading.Thread(target=payment_request).start() self.main_window.prepare_for_payment_request()
def replace_image(content,referer): tree = etree.HTML(content) nodes = tree.xpath("//img") imgs = [] for node in nodes: keys = node.keys() key = "src" if "src" in keys else ("href" if "href" in keys else None) if key is not None: src = util.parse_url(referer,node.get(key)) if src.find("?") > -1: # not good here util.log_msg("expecting image url with no params%s" % src) continue _,name,nsrc = imge_transfer(src,referer) node.set(key,nsrc) imgs.append((src,name)) target = "".join([etree.tounicode(node) for node in tree.xpath("/html/body/*")]) imgs_str = "|".join([o[1] for o in imgs]) return target,imgs_str
def set_url(self, url): from electrum_vior import util from decimal import Decimal try: address, amount, label, message, request_url, url = util.parse_url(url) except Exception: QMessageBox.warning(self.main_window, _("Error"), _("Invalid viorcoin URL"), _("OK")) return if amount: try: if self.main_window.base_unit() == "mVIOR": amount = str(1000 * Decimal(amount)) else: amount = str(Decimal(amount)) except Exception: amount = "0.0" QMessageBox.warning(self.main_window, _("Error"), _("Invalid Amount"), _("OK")) if request_url: try: from electrum_vior import paymentrequest except: print "cannot import paymentrequest" request_url = None if not request_url: self.main_window.set_send(address, amount, label, message) self.lite_window.set_payment_fields(address, amount) return def payment_request(): self.payment_request = paymentrequest.PaymentRequest(request_url) if self.payment_request.verify(): self.main_window.emit(SIGNAL("payment_request_ok")) else: self.main_window.emit(SIGNAL("payment_request_error")) threading.Thread(target=payment_request).start() self.main_window.prepare_for_payment_request()
def get_article(url,referer,data,fp,result2): url, h = util.get_page({"url":url,"headers":{"Referer":referer}}) tree = etree.HTML(h) scripts = [o for o in tree.xpath("//script/text()") if o.find("BASE_DATA") > -1 or o.find("__pgcInfo")>-1] scripts.append("console.log(JSON.stringify(BASE_DATA))") open("data/tmp.js","w").write("\n".join(scripts)) r = get_params("data/tmp.js") if r is not None: mp = json.loads(r) obj = {"entry":data,"data":mp} conf = [("title",["data","artilceInfo","title"]), ("content",["data","artilceInfo","content"],None,html.unescape), ("comments",["data","commentInfo","comments_count"],0), ("isOriginal",["data","artilceInfo","subInfo","isOriginal"],False), ("url",["__const",url]), ("views",["entry","go_detail_count"], 0), ("cover",["entry","image_url"],""), ("abstract",["entry","abstract"], ""), ("source",["data","artilceInfo","subInfo","source"],""), ("publishtime",["data","artilceInfo","subInfo","time"]), ("tags",["data","artilceInfo","tagInfo","tags"],"",lambda o:",".join([so["name"] for so in o])), ("category",["data","headerInfo","chineseTag"],""), ] result = {} for cf in conf: v = util.get_jpath(obj,cf[1],cf[2] if len(cf)>2 else None,cf[3] if len(cf)>3 else None) if v is not None: result[cf[0]] = v result["id"] = hashlib.md5(url.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() if "content" in result: result["content"],result["images"] = replace_image(result["content"],url) if "cover" in result and len(result["cover"])>0: result["cover"] = imge_transfer(util.parse_url(url,result["cover"]),url)[1] if len(result) > 0: result2.append(result) else: util.log_msg("could not parse content from html file,need to check this out.url:%s,referer:%s." % (url,referer)) else: util.log_msg("could not parse data from html file,need to check this out.url:%s,referer:%s." % (url,referer))
def set_url(self, url): from electrum import util from decimal import Decimal try: address, amount, label, message, request_url, url = util.parse_url(url) except Exception: QMessageBox.warning(self.main_window, _('Error'), _('Invalid bitcoin URL'), _('OK')) return if amount: try: if self.main_window.base_unit() == 'mBTC': amount = str( 1000* Decimal(amount)) else: amount = str(Decimal(amount)) except Exception: amount = "0.0" QMessageBox.warning(self.main_window, _('Error'), _('Invalid Amount'), _('OK')) if request_url: from electrum import paymentrequest if not request_url: self.main_window.set_send(address, amount, label, message) self.lite_window.set_payment_fields(address, amount) return def payment_request(): self.payment_request = paymentrequest.PaymentRequest(self.config) if self.payment_request.verify(): self.main_window.emit(SIGNAL('payment_request_ok')) else: self.main_window.emit(SIGNAL('payment_request_error')) threading.Thread(target=payment_request).start() self.main_window.prepare_for_payment_request()
sina_entry = { "TopNews":("//div[@class=\"top_newslist\"]/ul",[("urlTitle",["mxpath",("./li/a/text()","./li/a/@href")]),("header",["future","Header","name"]),("date",["future","Header","date"])],split_dataurls), "Header":("//div[@id=\"wwwidx_imp_con\"]",[("name",["xpath","./div[1]/div/span/a/text()"]),("date",["xpath","./div[1]/span/text()"])]) } def detect_by_key(name,value): return lambda p,cfg,h,entry:True if name in entry and entry[name]==value else False add_level2 = lambda o1,o2:([],[{"name":o[1],"url":o[0],"level":2,"force":True} for o in o2["nameUrl"]]) esf_l1_entry = { "District":( "//div[@id=\"list_D02_10\"]", [ ("nameUrl",["xpath_lambda","./div[@class=\"qxName\"]/a[@href]",lambda o,info:(util.parse_url(info["url"],o.get("href")),o.text.strip())]) ], add_level2 ), } add_level3 = lambda o1,o2:([],[{"name":o[1],"url":o[0],"level":3,"force":True,"path":o2["source"]} for o in (o2["nameUrl"] if isinstance(o2["nameUrl"],list) and not isinstance(o2["nameUrl"][0],str) else [o2["nameUrl"]])]) esf_l2_entry = { "District":( "//div[@id=\"div_shangQuan\"]", [ ("nameUrl",["xpath_lambda",".//p[@id=\"shangQuancontain\"]/a[@href]",lambda o,info:(util.parse_url(info["url"],o.get("href")),o.text.strip()) if o.text.strip()!="不限" else None]), ("source",["jpath",["entrance","name"]]) ], add_level3
try: paymntack = paymentrequest_pb2.PaymentACK() paymntack.ParseFromString(r.content) except Exception: return False, "PaymentACK could not be processed. Payment was sent; please manually verify that payment was received." print "PaymentACK message received: %s" % paymntack.memo return True, paymntack.memo if __name__ == "__main__": try: uri = sys.argv[1] except: print "usage: %s url" % sys.argv[0] print "example url: \"bitcoin:mpu3yTLdqA1BgGtFUwkVJmhnU3q5afaFkf?\"" sys.exit(1) address, amount, label, message, request_url, url = util.parse_url(uri) pr = PaymentRequest(request_url) if not pr.verify(): sys.exit(1) print 'Payment Request Verified Domain: ', pr.domain print 'outputs', pr.outputs print 'Payment Memo: ', pr.payment_details.memo tx = "blah" pr.send_ack(tx, refund_addr="1vXAXUnGitimzinpXrqDWVU4tyAAQ34RA")
paymntack = paymentrequest_pb2.PaymentACK() paymntack.ParseFromString(r.content) except Exception: print "PaymentACK could not be processed. Payment was sent; please manually verify that payment was received." return print "PaymentACK message received: %s" % paymntack.memo return paymntack.memo if __name__ == "__main__": try: uri = sys.argv[1] except: print "usage: %s url" % sys.argv[0] print 'example url: "viorcoin:mpu3yTLdqA1BgGtFUwkVJmhnU3q5afaFkf?"' sys.exit(1) address, amount, label, message, request_url, url = util.parse_url(uri) pr = PaymentRequest(request_url) if not pr.verify(): sys.exit(1) print "Payment Request Verified Domain: ", pr.domain print "outputs", pr.outputs print "Payment Memo: ", pr.payment_details.memo tx = "blah" pr.send_ack(tx, refund_addr="1vXAXUnGitimzinpXrqDWVU4tyAAQ34RA")
def setup_play(self, url): url_tup = util.parse_url(url) if not url_tup: QMessageBox.warning(self, 'Warning', 'Invalid URL.') return -1 ip = url_tup[0] port = int(url_tup[1]) path = url_tup[2] try: self.client_rtsp_socket.connect((ip, port)) except Exception as e: QMessageBox.warning(self, 'Warning', 'Error: connect to media server failed.') return -1 # send OPTIONS request_dict = {'CSeq': str(self.seq)} request = rtsp.generate_request('OPTIONS', url, request_dict) self.client_rtsp_socket.send(request.encode()) response = self.client_rtsp_socket.recv(1024).decode() if rtsp.get_status_code(response) != 200: # self.close_rtsp_connection() self.destroy_connection() QMessageBox.warning(self, 'Warning', 'Error: unexpected server response code.') return -1 response_dict = rtsp.get_response_dict(response) if int(response_dict.get('CSeq')) != self.seq: # self.close_rtsp_connection() self.destroy_connection() QMessageBox.warning(self, 'Warning', 'Error: unexpected server response SN.') return -1 self.seq += 1 # send DESCRIBE request_dict = {'CSeq': str(self.seq), 'Accept': 'application/sdp'} request = rtsp.generate_request('DESCRIBE', url, request_dict) self.client_rtsp_socket.send(request.encode()) response = self.client_rtsp_socket.recv(1024).decode() if rtsp.get_status_code(response) != 200: # self.close_rtsp_connection() self.destroy_connection() QMessageBox.warning(self, 'Warning', 'Error: unexpected server response code.') return -1 response_dict = rtsp.get_response_dict(response) if int(response_dict.get('CSeq')) != self.seq: # self.close_rtsp_connection() self.destroy_connection() QMessageBox.warning(self, 'Warning', 'Error: unexpected server response SN.') return -1 self.client_rtp_port = util.match_rtp_port(response) if not self.client_rtp_port: # self.close_rtsp_connection() self.destroy_connection() QMessageBox.warning(self, 'Warning', 'Error: can not specify RTP port.') return -1 self.client_rtcp_port = self.client_rtp_port+1 self.seq += 1 # setup RTP and RTCP socket self.client_rtp_socket.bind(('', self.client_rtp_port)) self.client_rtcp_socket.bind(('', self.client_rtcp_port)) self.status = self.READY # send SETUP request_dict = {'CSeq': str(self.seq), 'Transport': 'RTP/AVP;unicast;client_port=%d-%d' % (self.client_rtp_port, self.client_rtcp_port)} request = rtsp.generate_request('SETUP', url, request_dict) self.client_rtsp_socket.send(request.encode()) response = self.client_rtsp_socket.recv(1024).decode() if rtsp.get_status_code(response) != 200: # self.close_rtsp_connection() self.destroy_connection() QMessageBox.warning(self, 'Warning', 'Error: unexpected server response code.') return -1 response_dict = rtsp.get_response_dict(response) if int(response_dict.get('CSeq')) != self.seq: # self.close_rtsp_connection() self.destroy_connection() QMessageBox.warning(self, 'Warning', 'Error: unexpected server response SN.') return -1 self.client_session_id = int(response_dict.get('Session')) self.seq += 1 self.status = self.READY # send PLAY request_dict = {'CSeq': str(self.seq), 'Session': self.client_session_id, 'Range': 'npt=0.000-'} request = rtsp.generate_request('PLAY', url, request_dict) self.client_rtsp_socket.send(request.encode()) response = self.client_rtsp_socket.recv(1024).decode() if rtsp.get_status_code(response) != 200: # self.close_rtsp_connection() self.destroy_connection() QMessageBox.warning(self, 'Warning', 'Error: unexpected server response code.') return -1 response_dict = rtsp.get_response_dict(response) if int(response_dict.get('CSeq')) != self.seq: # self.close_rtsp_connection() self.destroy_connection() QMessageBox.warning(self, 'Warning', 'Error: unexpected server response SN.') return -1 self.seq += 1 self.current_time, self.media_duration = util.match_media_time(response) return 0
import fmt_json def get(url,fname): url,html = util.get_page({"url":url}) open(fname,"w").write(html) def get_entry(html): tree = etree.HTML(html) return [(o.get("href"),o.text) for o in tree.xpath("//div[@id=\"list_D02_10\"]/div/a")] def get_sub(html): tree = etree.HTML(html) return [(o.get("href"),o.text) for o in tree.xpath("//div[@id=\"div_shangQuan\"]//a")] all_text_lbd = lambda o,info:re.sub("[ \t\n\r]+"," ","".join(o.itertext())).strip() url_parse_lbd = lambda o,info:util.parse_url(info["url"],o) list_mp = { "cover":"./dt/a/img/@src", "url":("./dt/a/@href",url_parse_lbd), "title":"./dd/p[@class=\"title\"]/a/@title", "info":("./dd/p[@class=\"mt12\"]",all_text_lbd), "brand":"./dd/p[@class=\"mt10\"]/a/@title", "brand_url":("./dd/p[@class=\"mt10\"]/a/@href", url_parse_lbd), "addr":"./dd/p[@class=\"mt10\"]/span/@title", "tags":"./dd//div[@class=\"pt4 floatl\"]/span/text()", "price":("./dd/div[@class=\"moreInfo\"]/p[1]",all_text_lbd), "average_price":("./dd/div[@class=\"moreInfo\"]/p[2]",all_text_lbd), "size":("./dd/div[@class=\"area alignR\"]/p[1]/text()",lambda o,info:o[:-1]), }
def download(args): limit = global_config.limit output_dir = global_config.dir parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="download command arg parser") parser.add_argument('-L', '--limit', action="store", dest='limit', help="Max download speed limit.") parser.add_argument('-D', '--dir', action="store", dest='output_dir', help="Download task to dir.") parser.add_argument('-S', '--secret', action="store", dest='secret', help="Retrieval password.", default="") parser.add_argument('-P', '--partial', action="count", help="Partial download.") parser.add_argument('-E', '--extension', action="store", dest='extension', help="Download only specified by the extension. e.g. aw3") if not args: parser.print_help() exit(1) namespace, links = parser.parse_known_args(args) secret = namespace.secret if namespace.limit: limit = namespace.limit if namespace.output_dir: output_dir = namespace.output_dir extension = namespace.extension # if is wap links = [link.replace("wap/link", "share/link") for link in links] # add 'http://' links = map(add_http, links) for url in links: res = parse_url(url) # normal if res.get('type') == 1: pan = Pan() fis = pan.get_file_infos(url, secret) if namespace.partial: while True: fis = select_download(fis) if fis is not None: break for fi in fis: if extension and not matchExtension(fi.filename, extension): print('{filename} is igonred'.format(filename=fi.filename)) continue cookies = 'BDUSS={0}'.format(pan.bduss) if pan.bduss else '' if cookies and pan.pcsett: cookies += ';pcsett={0}'.format(pan.pcsett) if cookies: cookies += '"' savedir = fi.path.replace(fi.parent_path, '', 1)[1:] download_command(fi.filename, savedir, fi.dlink, cookies=cookies, limit=limit, output_dir=output_dir) elif res.get('type') == 4: pan = Pan() fsid = res.get('fsid') newUrl = res.get('url') infos = pan.get_file_infos(newUrl, secret, fsid) cookies = 'BDUSS={0}'.format(pan.bduss) if pan.bduss else '' if cookies and pan.pcsett: cookies += ';pcsett={0}'.format(pan.pcsett) if cookies: cookies += '"' for info in infos: if extension and not matchExtension(info.filename, extension): print('{filename} is ignored'.format(filename=info.filename)) continue download_command(info.filename, info.dlink, cookies=cookies, limit=limit, output_dir=output_dir) # album elif res.get('type') == 2: raise NotImplementedError('This function has not implemented.') # home elif res.get('type') == 3: raise NotImplementedError('This function has not implemented.') elif res.get('type') == 0: logger.debug(url, extra={"type": "wrong link", "method": "None"}) continue else: continue sys.exit(0)
def download(args): limit = global_config.limit output_dir = global_config.dir parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="download command arg parser") parser.add_argument('-L', '--limit', action="store", dest='limit', help="Max download speed limit.") parser.add_argument('-D', '--dir', action="store", dest='output_dir', help="Download task to dir.") parser.add_argument('-S', '--secret', action="store", dest='secret', help="Retrieval password.", default="") parser.add_argument('-P', '--partial', action="count", help="Partial download.") if not args: parser.print_help() exit(1) namespace, links = parser.parse_known_args(args) secret = namespace.secret if namespace.limit: limit = namespace.limit if namespace.output_dir: output_dir = namespace.output_dir # if is wap links = [link.replace("wap/link", "share/link") for link in links] # add 'http://' links = map(add_http, links) for url in links: res = parse_url(url) # normal if res.get('type') == 1: pan = Pan() fis = pan.get_file_infos(url, secret) if namespace.partial: while True: fis = select_download(fis) if fis is not None: break for fi in fis: cookies = 'BDUSS={0}'.format(pan.bduss) if pan.bduss else '' if cookies and pan.pcsett: cookies += ';pcsett={0}'.format(pan.pcsett) if cookies: cookies += '"' savedir = fi.path.replace(fi.parent_path, '', 1)[1:] download_command(fi.filename, savedir, fi.dlink, cookies=cookies, limit=limit, output_dir=output_dir) elif res.get('type') == 4: pan = Pan() fsid = res.get('fsid') newUrl = res.get('url') infos = pan.get_file_infos(newUrl, secret, fsid) cookies = 'BDUSS={0}'.format(pan.bduss) if pan.bduss else '' if cookies and pan.pcsett: cookies += ';pcsett={0}'.format(pan.pcsett) if cookies: cookies += '"' for info in infos: download_command(info.filename, info.dlink, cookies=cookies, limit=limit, output_dir=output_dir) # album elif res.get('type') == 2: raise NotImplementedError('This function has not implemented.') # home elif res.get('type') == 3: raise NotImplementedError('This function has not implemented.') elif res.get('type') == 0: logger.debug(url, extra={"type": "wrong link", "method": "None"}) continue else: continue sys.exit(0)
def download(args): limit = global_config.limit output_dir = global_config.dir dl_all = global_config.dl_all link_file = global_config.link_file parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="download command arg parser") parser.add_argument('-L', '--limit', action="store", dest='limit', help="Max download speed limit.") parser.add_argument('-D', '--dir', action="store", dest='output_dir', help="Download task to dir.") parser.add_argument('-F', '--file', action="store", dest='link_file', help="Get list from file.") parser.add_argument('-S', '--secret', action="store", dest='secret', help="Retrieval password.", default="") parser.add_argument('-A', '--all', action="store_true", dest='dl_all', help="Download all files without asking.", default=False) if not args: parser.print_help() exit(1) namespace, links = parser.parse_known_args(args) secret = namespace.secret if namespace.limit: limit = namespace.limit if namespace.output_dir: output_dir = namespace.output_dir if namespace.link_file: # while using batch mode, automatically download all files. dl_all = True link_file = namespace.link_file if namespace.dl_all: dl_all = namespace.dl_all # get file lists from file. links = get_links_from_file(link_file, "\n") print(links) # if is wap links = [link.replace("wap/link", "share/link") for link in links] # add 'http://' links = map(add_http, links) for url in links: res = parse_url(url) # normal if res.get('type') == 1: pan = Pan() fis = pan.get_file_infos(url, secret) while True: if dl_all: break fis = select_download(fis) if fis is not None: break print(fis) for fi in fis: cookies = 'BDUSS={0}'.format(pan.bduss) if pan.bduss else '' if cookies and pan.pcsett: cookies += ';pcsett={0}'.format(pan.pcsett) if cookies: cookies += '"' savedir = fi.path.replace(fi.parent_path, '', 1)[1:] download_command(fi.filename, savedir, fi.dlink, cookies=cookies, limit=limit, output_dir=output_dir) elif res.get('type') == 4: pan = Pan() fsid = res.get('fsid') newUrl = res.get('url') info = pan.get_dlink(newUrl, secret, fsid) cookies = 'BDUSS={0}'.format(pan.bduss) if pan.bduss else '' if cookies and pan.pcsett: cookies += ';pcsett={0}'.format(pan.pcsett) if cookies: cookies += '"' download_command(info.filename, info.dlink, cookies=cookies, limit=limit, output_dir=output_dir) # album elif res.get('type') == 2: raise NotImplementedError('This function has not implemented.') # home elif res.get('type') == 3: raise NotImplementedError('This function has not implemented.') elif res.get('type') == 0: logger.debug(url, extra={"type": "wrong link", "method": "None"}) continue else: continue sys.exit(0)