Ejemplo n.º 1
def a_star_search(problem, heuristic):
    Accepts an AStarProblem; see problems/a_star_problem.py
    heuristic is a function from states in the problem to real values such that heuristic(s) underestimates the cost to the nearest goal

    Returns a path to goal, or None if a goal is not found.
    pq = PriorityQueue()

    init_cost, init_node = problem.initial_state()

    # put start state on the priority queue
    pq.put((init_cost, init_node))

    parent_map = {}

    explored_nodes = set()

    while not pq.empty():
        # pop node off of the priority queue
        cur_node_cost, cur_node = pq.get()
        print "cur_node_cost, cur_node", cur_node_cost, cur_node

        # check if this is the goal node
        if problem.goal_test(cur_node):
            return path_from_start(cur_node, parent_map)

        # if not, acquire the list of actions for that state.
        actions = problem.actions(cur_node)  # [(2, node1), (4, node2)]

        parent_heuristic_cost = heuristic(cur_node)
        print "parent_heuristic_cost", parent_heuristic_cost

        for action in actions:
            transition_cost, child_node = action  ####
            print "transition_cost, child_node", transition_cost, child_node

            # don't explore nodes more than once
            if child_node in explored_nodes:

            child_heuristic_cost = heuristic(child_node)

            # create a map from the child to the current node
            parent_map[child_node] = cur_node
            current_cost = cur_node_cost - parent_heuristic_cost + transition_cost + child_heuristic_cost

            pq.put((current_cost, child_node))

        # put the current node on the list of explored, once we have
        # explored the available actions for this node

    # goal not found
    return None
Ejemplo n.º 2
def uniform_cost_search(problem):
    Accepts a UCSProblem; see problems/ucs_problem.py.

    Returns a path to goal, or None if a goal is not found.
    pq = PriorityQueue()

    init_cost, init_node = problem.initial_state()
    # put start state on the priority queue
    pq.put((init_cost, init_node))

    parent_map = {}
    explored_nodes = set()

    while not pq.empty():
        # pop node off of the priority queue
        cur_node_cost, cur_node = pq.get()

        # check if this is the goal node
        if problem.goal_test(cur_node):
            return path_from_start(cur_node, parent_map)
        print "tried", cur_node.name
        # if not, acquire the list of actions for that state.
        actions = problem.actions(cur_node)  # [(2, node1), (4, node2)]

        for action in actions:
            transition_cost, child_node = action

            # don't explore nodes more than once
            if child_node in explored_nodes:

            # create a map from the child to the current node
            parent_map[child_node] = cur_node
            print "queueing", child_node.name
            # place each child node on the priority queue
            pq.put((cur_node_cost + transition_cost, child_node))

        # put the current node on the list of explored, once we have
        # explored the available actions for this node

    # goal not found
    return None