def main():
    err, input_movie_ids = util.parse_input(sys.argv)
    if err:

    # *** Write your code here ***
    #process movie list to get matrix
    #matrix = util.get_matrix(movie_list)

    #perform PageRank
    #output = get_page_rank()

    # Remove this line pass the output here
    output_movie_ids = input_movie_ids

    #print output and log them
    util.process_output(input_movie_ids, output_movie_ids, output_file)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def main():
    err, input_movie_ids = util.parse_input(sys.argv)
    if err:

    #process movie list to get matrix
    matrix = util.get_movie_matrix_from_hd5()

    # *** Write your code here ***

    #perform LDA
    lda = LDA(n_components=no_of_components)
    lda_df = pd.DataFrame(lda.transform(matrix), index=matrix.index)

    input_movie_df = lda_df.loc[input_movie_ids]

    output_movies = []
    for index, movie in lda_df.iterrows():
        cosine_sum = 0
        order = 1
        for j, input_movie in input_movie_df.iterrows():
            cosine_sum += (1 - cosine(movie, input_movie)) * order
            order -= order_factor
        output_movies.append((index, cosine_sum))
    other_movies = list(
        filter(lambda tup: tup[0] not in input_movie_ids, output_movies))
    other_movies.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[1], reverse=True)
    output_movie_ids = [t[0] for t in other_movies][:5]

    #print output and log them
    feedback = util.process_output(input_movie_ids, output_movie_ids,

    #process feedback to get relevant movies and movies to be excluded
    relevant_movies, movie_to_exclude = util.process_feedback(
        feedback, input_movie_ids)

    relevant_movie_count = len(relevant_movies)
    #if all recommended movies are relevant then return
    if relevant_movie_count == 5:
        print "\nAll the movies were relevant hence no modification to the suggestion"

    #fetch data frames for relevant and feedback movies
    relevant_movies_df = lda_df.loc[relevant_movies]
    feedback_movies_df = lda_df.loc[feedback.keys()]

    modified_query = util.probabilistic_feedback_query(feedback_movies_df,

    revised_movie_ids = util.get_revised_movies(lda_df, modified_query,

    util.print_revised(revised_movie_ids, output_file)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def done(self, file):
        res = process_output(file)

        copy = "results/{}/runs/{}".format(, file.split("/")[-1])
        os.system(("cp {} {}").format(file, copy))

        self.job_stats(file, res)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def main():
    err, input_movie_ids = util.parse_input(sys.argv)
    if err:

    matrix = util.get_movie_matrix_from_hd5()

    svd_dict, svd_df = do_svd(matrix, input_movie_ids)
    print('SVD done')
    lda_dict, lda_df = do_lda(matrix, input_movie_ids)
    print('LDA done')
    tensor_dict, decomposed_movies_df, movies_list = do_tensor(input_movie_ids)
    print('Tensor done')
    page_rank_dict = do_page_rank(input_movie_ids)
    print('PageRank done')

    other_movies = []
    for k in svd_dict:
        if k in input_movie_ids:
        total_weight = svd_dict[k] + lda_dict.get(k, 0) + tensor_dict.get(
            k, 0) + page_rank_dict.get(k, 0)
        other_movies.append((k, total_weight))

    other_movies.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[1], reverse=True)
    output_movie_ids = [t[0] for t in other_movies][:5]

    feedback = util.process_output(input_movie_ids, output_movie_ids,

    similarity_svd, movie_to_exclude = process_feedback_movie_vector(
        feedback, input_movie_ids, svd_df.index, svd_df)

    similarity_lda, movie_to_exclude = process_feedback_movie_vector(
        feedback, input_movie_ids, lda_df.index, lda_df)

    similarity_tensor, movie_to_exclude = process_feedback_movie_vector(
        feedback, input_movie_ids, movies_list, decomposed_movies_df)

    page_rank_dict = do_page_rank_relevance(feedback, input_movie_ids)

    other_movies = []
    for k in similarity_svd:
        if k in movie_to_exclude:
        total_weight = similarity_svd[k] + similarity_lda.get(
            k, 0) + similarity_tensor.get(k, 0) + page_rank_dict.get(k, 0)
        other_movies.append((k, total_weight))

    other_movies.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[1], reverse=True)
    revised_movie_ids = [t[0] for t in other_movies][:5]

    util.print_revised(revised_movie_ids, output_file)
Ejemplo n.º 5
        # NB, output is:
        # [batch, image_id, [x_center, y_center, width, height, objectness_score, class_score1, class_score2, ...]]

        if output.shape[0] > 0:
            # To later plot bboxes
            img_ = plt.imread(img_file)

            output = output.squeeze(0)

            for i in range(output.shape[0]):
                if output[i, -3] > float(args.plot_conf):
                        'output,' +
                        ','.join([str(x.item()) for x in output[i]]) + '\n')

            output = process_output(output, num_classes)

            # #Get rid of the zero entries for objectness
            # non_zero_ind =  (torch.nonzero(output[:,4]))
            # image_pred_ = output[non_zero_ind.squeeze(),:].view(-1,7)
            # # Remove low confidence by class probs
            # image_pred_ = image_pred_[image_pred_[:, -1] >= args.plot_conf, :]
            # #Get the various classes detected in the image
            # try:
            #     img_classes = unique(image_pred_[:,-2].int())
            #     print('img_classes ', img_classes)
            # except:
            #     continue
            # #WE will do NMS classwise
            # for label in img_classes:
            #     #get the detections with one particular class
def main():
    err, input_movie_ids = util.parse_input(sys.argv)
    if err:
    # read the pickle file that contains tensor
    actor_movie_year_3d_matrix = cPickle.load(
        open("actor_movie_genre_tensor.pkl", "rb"))
    actor_movie_year_array = np.array(actor_movie_year_3d_matrix)
    # perform cp decomposition
    decomposed = parafac(actor_movie_year_array,

    mlmovies = util.read_mlmovies()
    mlmovies = mlmovies.loc[mlmovies['year'] >= util.movie_year_for_tensor]
    movies_list = mlmovies.movieid.unique()

    # data frame for movie factor matrix from cp decomposition
    decomposed_movies_df = pd.DataFrame(decomposed[1], index=movies_list)
    # dataframe containing only input movies
    input_movie_df = decomposed_movies_df.loc[input_movie_ids]

    output_movies = []
    # finding cosine similarity of each movie vector with the input movie vector and fetching the top 5 values
    for index, movie in decomposed_movies_df.iterrows():
        cosine_sum = 0
        order = 1
        for j, input_movie in input_movie_df.iterrows():
            cosine_sum += (1 - cosine(movie, input_movie)) * order
            order -= order_factor
        output_movies.append((index, cosine_sum))
    other_movies = list(
        filter(lambda tup: tup[0] not in input_movie_ids, output_movies))
    other_movies.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[1], reverse=True)
    output_movie_ids = [t[0] for t in other_movies][:5]

    #print output and log them
    feedback = util.process_output(input_movie_ids, output_movie_ids,

    #process feedback to get relevant movies and movies to be excluded
    relevant_movies, movie_to_exclude = util.process_feedback(
        feedback, input_movie_ids)

    relevant_movie_count = len(relevant_movies)
    #if all recommended movies are relevant then return
    if relevant_movie_count == 5:
        print "\nAll the movies were relevant hence no modification to the suggestion"

    #fetch data frames for relevant and feedback movies
    relevant_movies_df = decomposed_movies_df.loc[relevant_movies]
    feedback_movies_df = decomposed_movies_df.loc[feedback.keys()]

    modified_query = util.probabilistic_feedback_query(feedback_movies_df,

    revised_movie_ids = util.get_revised_movies(decomposed_movies_df,

    util.print_revised(revised_movie_ids, output_file)
def main():

    # get user input, movies watched by the user
    seed_movies = sys.argv[1].split(',')
    seed_movies = list(map(int, seed_movies))
    movie_matrix_svd = pd.read_pickle('../task3/movie_matrix_svd.pkl')

    #import movies
    movie_years = []
    movies = pd.read_csv('../../phase3_dataset/mlmovies.csv')
    movie_ids = movies.movieid.unique()

    #Intialize PageRank values to 1.0
    pr = pd.DataFrame(1.0, columns=movie_ids, index=('PageRank', ))

    # Calculate cosine distance between movies to movies in db
    M_sparse = sparse.csr_matrix(movie_matrix_svd)
    similarities = cosine_similarity(M_sparse)

    # create dataframe with headers and first colmns as movie ids
    df_movie = pd.DataFrame(similarities, columns=movie_ids, index=movie_ids)

    #normalize the matrix values
    norm_simil = df_movie / df_movie.sum(0)

    # Pagerank algorithm
    for j in range(0, 5):
        pr_new = pr.copy()
        #Update page rank
        for i in movie_ids:
            if i in seed_movies:
                pr_new[i] = (0.15 / len(seed_movies)) + (
                    0.85 * norm_simil[i].dot(pr.loc['PageRank'])) + (
                        0.01 / (seed_movies.index(i) + 1))
                pr_new[i] = (0.85 * norm_simil[i].dot(pr.loc['PageRank']))
        pr = pr_new.copy()

    #Remove seeded actors from list
    for i in seed_movies:
            pr_final = pr.drop(i, axis=1)
            pr = pr_final
    #Display top 5 related actors
    print("\nMovies user watched: ", seed_movies)

    O_file = 'task1d_task2_pagerank.out.txt'
    r_movies = []
    r_movies = list(pr.loc['PageRank'].nlargest(5).index)

    feedback = util.process_output(seed_movies, r_movies, O_file)

    #process feedback to get relevant movies and movies to be excluded
    relevant_movies, movie_to_exclude = util.process_feedback(
        feedback, seed_movies)
    irrelevant_movies = np.setdiff1d(movie_to_exclude, seed_movies)

    relevant_movie_count = len(relevant_movies)
    #if all recommended movies are relevant then return
    if relevant_movie_count == 5:
            "\nAll the movies were relevant hence no modification to the suggestion"

    pr = pd.DataFrame(1.0, columns=movie_ids, index=('PageRank', ))
    # Pagerank algorithm
    for j in range(0, 5):
        pr_new = pr.copy()
        #Update page rank
        for i in movie_ids:
            if i in seed_movies:
                pr_new[i] = (0.15 / len(seed_movies)) + (
                    0.85 * norm_simil[i].dot(pr.loc['PageRank'])) + (
                        0.01 / (seed_movies.index(i) + 1))
                pr_new[i] = (0.85 * norm_simil[i].dot(pr.loc['PageRank']))
            if i in irrelevant_movies:
                pr_new[i] = pr_new[i] - 0.02
            elif i in relevant_movies:
                pr_new[i] = pr_new[i] + 0.02
        pr = pr_new.copy()

    #Remove seeded actors from list
    for i in seed_movies:
            pr_final = pr.drop(i, axis=1)
            pr = pr_final
    #Display top 5 related actors

    r_movies = []
    r_movies = list(pr.loc['PageRank'].nlargest(5).index)

    util.print_revised(r_movies, O_file)