Ejemplo n.º 1
def link_politician(graph, key):
    # Take the winner of every election and try to link them to a /government/politician on
    # Freebase. We only take winners because we're unlikely to find candidates who didn't win under
    # the /government/politician category.
    # To have better matching information, we compute the election years and division that this
    # candidate won. This is the reason for this big groupby thingy.
    query = """select distinct ?candidate ?candidateName ?divisionName ?year where {
        ?run rdf:type type:ProvincialCandidateRun .
        ?run prop:election ?elec .
        ?elec prop:generalElection ?genelec .
        ?genelec prop:year ?year .
        ?elec prop:division ?division .
        ?division dc:description ?divisionName .
        ?run prop:runningCandidate ?candidate .
        ?candidate foaf:name ?candidateName .
        ?run prop:won true .
    res = sorted(graph.query(query, initNs={'rdf': RDF, 'type': ns_type, 'prop': ns_property, 'dc': DC, 'foaf': FOAF}))
    for candidate, runs in groupby(res, lambda t: t[0]):
        runs = list(runs)
        # all runs have the same candidate name, we use the first.
        candidate_name = runs[0][1]
        runs_as_str = ', '.join("%s (%s)" % (dn, y) for c, cn, dn, y in runs)
        print("Looking for %s, who won election(s) in: %s" % (candidate_name, runs_as_str))
        query = [{
            'mid': None,
            'id': None,
            'name': candidate_name,
            'type': '/government/politician',
        fbres = query_freebase(query, key)
        to_link = confirm_result(fbres)
        if to_link is not None:
            graph.add((candidate, OWL.sameAs, to_link))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def link_genelection(graph, key):
    # Takes every election (subject of type ProvincialGeneralElection) and try to link them to a
    # /government/general_election of the same name on Freebase.
    query = """select distinct ?node ?year where {
        ?node rdf:type type:ProvincialGeneralElection .
        ?node prop:year ?year .
    res = graph.query(query, initNs={'rdf': RDF, 'type': ns_type, 'prop': ns_property})
    for node, year in res:
        existing_links = list(graph.triples((node, OWL.sameAs, None)))
        if existing_links:
            print("Year %s is already linked to %s. Skipping." % (year, existing_links[0][2]))
        print("Attempting to link elections for year %s" % year)
        query = [{
            'mid': None,
            'id': None,
            'name': None,
            'type': '/government/general_election',
            'a:name~=': "election",
            'b:name~=': "quebec",
            'c:name~=': str(year),
        fbres = query_freebase(query, key)
        to_link = confirm_result(fbres)
        if to_link is not None:
            graph.add((node, OWL.sameAs, to_link))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def link_division(graph, key):
    # Takes every division (subject of type ProvincialDivision) and try to link them to a
    # /government/political_district of the same name on Freebase.
    query = """select distinct ?node ?name where {
        ?node rdf:type type:ProvincialDivision .
        ?node dc:description ?name .
    res = graph.query(query, initNs={'rdf': RDF, 'type': ns_type, 'dc': DC})
    for node, name in res:
        existing_links = list(graph.triples((node, OWL.sameAs, None)))
        if existing_links:
            print("Division %s is already linked to %s. Skipping." % (name, existing_links[0][2]))
        print("Attempting to link division %s" % name)
        query = [{
            'mid': None,
            'id': None,
            'name': None,
            'type': '/government/political_district',
            'name~=': name,
        fbres = query_freebase(query, key)
        to_link = confirm_result(fbres)
        if to_link is not None:
            graph.add((node, OWL.sameAs, to_link))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def pull_genelection(graph, key):
    # Pulls election date for every linked general election
    query = """select distinct ?node ?year ?freebaseNode where {
        ?node rdf:type type:ProvincialGeneralElection .
        ?node owl:sameAs ?freebaseNode .
        ?node prop:year ?year .
        filter regex(str(?freebaseNode), "^http://rdf.freebase.com") .
    res = graph.query(query, initNs={'rdf': RDF, 'type': ns_type, 'prop': ns_property, 'owl': OWL})
    for node, year, freebaseNode in res:
        print("Fetching date for %s election" % year)
        query = {
            'mid': node2mid(freebaseNode),
            'name': None,
            '/time/event/start_date': None,
        fbres = query_freebase(query, key)
        start_date = datetime.strptime(fbres['/time/event/start_date'], '%Y-%m-%d').date()
        election_name = fbres['name']
        print("Got date %s for election %s" % (start_date, election_name))
        graph.add((node, ns_property.startDate, Literal(start_date)))