Ejemplo n.º 1
def sleeping_gas(x, y, radius, duration):
	path = util.set_full_explore_map(game.current_map)
	libtcod.dijkstra_compute(path, x, y)
	for i in range(-radius, radius + 1):
		for j in range(-radius, radius + 1):
			if libtcod.dijkstra_get_distance(path, x + i, y + j) <= radius and libtcod.dijkstra_get_distance(path, x + i, y + j) >= 0:
				game.current_map.tile[x + i][y + j].update({'icon': game.current_map.tile[x + i][y + j]['icon'], 'back_light_color': libtcod.Color(115, 220, 225), 'back_dark_color': libtcod.Color(0, 143, 189), 'lerp': round(libtcod.random_get_float(game.rnd, 0, 1), 1), 'duration': game.turns + duration, 'type': 'sleep_gas'})
				for obj in game.current_map.objects:
					if obj.item is None:
						if obj.x == x + i and obj.y == y + j:
							if obj.name == 'player':
								game.message.new('You are caught in a sleeping cloud!', game.turns)
								if 'sleep' not in game.player.flags:
									dice = util.roll_dice(1, 50)
									if dice > game.player.wisdom + (game.player.karma / 2):
										game.message.new('You fall asleep!', game.turns, libtcod.Color(0, 143, 189))
								if libtcod.map_is_in_fov(game.fov_map, obj.x, obj.y):
									game.message.new(obj.entity.article.capitalize() + obj.entity.get_name() + ' is caught in a sleeping cloud!', game.turns)
								if 'sleep' not in obj.entity.flags:
									dice = util.roll_dice(1, 3)
									if dice == 3:
										if libtcod.map_is_in_fov(game.fov_map, obj.x, obj.y):
											game.message.new(obj.entity.article.capitalize() + obj.entity.get_name() + ' falls asleep!', game.turns)
Ejemplo n.º 2
	def stats_bonus(self):
		self.strength = self.base_strength
		self.dexterity = self.base_dexterity
		self.intelligence = self.base_intelligence
		self.wisdom = self.base_wisdom
		self.endurance = self.base_endurance
		self.karma = self.base_karma

		for i in range(len(self.equipment)):
			if 'str_bonus' in self.equipment[i].flags:
				self.strength += self.equipment[i].bonus
			if 'dex_bonus' in self.equipment[i].flags:
				self.dexterity += self.equipment[i].bonus
			if 'int_bonus' in self.equipment[i].flags:
				self.intelligence += self.equipment[i].bonus
			if 'wis_bonus' in self.equipment[i].flags:
				self.wisdom += self.equipment[i].bonus
			if 'end_bonus' in self.equipment[i].flags:
				self.endurance += self.equipment[i].bonus

			if 'health_bonus1' in self.equipment[i].flags:
				if self.equipment[i].bonus == 0:
					self.equipment[i].bonus = util.roll_dice(1, 6)
				self.max_health += self.equipment[i].bonus
			if 'mana_bonus1' in self.equipment[i].flags:
				if self.equipment[i].bonus == 0:
					self.equipment[i].bonus = util.roll_dice(1, 6)
				self.max_mana += self.equipment[i].bonus
			if 'stamina_bonus1' in self.equipment[i].flags:
				if self.equipment[i].bonus == 0:
					self.equipment[i].bonus = util.roll_dice(1, 6)
				self.max_stamina += self.equipment[i].bonus
Ejemplo n.º 3
	def attack(self, target, ranged=False):
		attacker = util.roll_dice(1, 50)
		defender = util.roll_dice(1, 50)
		weapon = None
		weapon_type = 'weapon'
		missile = None
		missile_slot_type = 'missile'

		for i in range(len(self.equipment)):
			if self.equipment[i].type == 'weapon':
				weapon = self.equipment[i]
				for j in range(len(self.equipment[i].flags)):
					if 'missile_' in self.equipment[i].flags[j]:
						weapon_type = self.equipment[i].flags[j]
			if self.equipment[i].type == 'missile':
				missile = self.equipment[i]
				for j in range(len(self.equipment[i].flags)):
					if 'missile_' in self.equipment[i].flags[j]:
						missile_slot_type = self.equipment[i].flags[j]

		if ranged and weapon_type != missile_slot_type:
			game.message.new("You don't have any ammo for that weapon!", game.turns, libtcod.light_red)
			if not target.entity.is_hostile():
			if ranged:
				effects.missile_attack(game.char.x, game.char.y, target.x, target.y)
			if (attacker != 1 and defender != 50 and ((attacker + self.attack_rating()) >= (defender + target.entity.defense_rating) or attacker == 50 or defender == 1)) or target.entity.is_disabled():
				damage = 0
				if weapon is not None:
					quality_bonus = 0.75 + (0.25 * weapon.quality)
					damage = int(weapon.dice.roll_dice() * quality_bonus)
					damage += self.damage_modifiers(weapon)
				if damage == 0:
					damage = util.roll_dice(1, 4)
				game.message.new('You hit ' + target.entity.get_name(True) + ' for ' + str(damage) + ' pts of damage.', game.turns, libtcod.light_yellow)
				target.entity.take_damage(target.x, target.y, damage, 'player')
				if target.entity.is_dead():
					game.message.new('The ' + target.entity.get_name() + ' dies!', game.turns, libtcod.light_orange)
					self.mks += 1
					target.entity.loot(target.x, target.y)

				if ranged:
					item = game.baseitems.create_item(missile.status, missile.prefix, missile.name, missile.suffix, missile.flags)
					obj = mapgen.Object(target.x, target.y, item.icon, item.name, item.color, True, item=item)
					obj.first_appearance = game.turns
				game.message.new('You missed the ' + target.entity.get_name() + '.', game.turns)
			if ranged:
			game.player_move = True
Ejemplo n.º 4
	def damage_modifiers(self, obj):
		modifier = 0
		if 'damage_bonus1' in obj.flags:
			modifier += util.roll_dice(1, 6)
		if 'damage_bonus2' in obj.flags:
			modifier += util.roll_dice(1, 6, 2)
		if 'damage_bonus3' in obj.flags:
			modifier += util.roll_dice(1, 6, 3)
		return modifier
Ejemplo n.º 5
	def attack(self):
		attacker = util.roll_dice(1, 50)
		defender = util.roll_dice(1, 50)
		if (attacker != 1 and defender != 50 and ((attacker + self.attack_rating) >= (defender + game.player.defense_rating()) or attacker == 50 or defender == 1)) or game.player.is_disabled():
			damage = self.damage.roll_dice()
			game.message.new(self.article.capitalize() + self.get_name() + ' hits you for ' + str(damage) + ' pts of damage.', game.turns, libtcod.light_red)
			game.player.take_damage(damage, self.article + self.name)
			game.message.new(self.article.capitalize() + self.get_name() + ' attacks you but misses.', game.turns)
Ejemplo n.º 6
	def place_doors(self):
		for y in range(1, self.map_height - 1):
			for x in range(1, self.map_width - 1):
				if (self.tile[x + 1][y]['name'] == 'floor' and self.tile[x - 1][y]['name'] == 'floor' and self.tile[x][y - 1]['name'] == 'wall' and self.tile[x][y + 1]['name'] == 'wall') or (self.tile[x + 1][y]['name'] == 'wall' and self.tile[x - 1][y]['name'] == 'wall' and self.tile[x][y - 1]['name'] == 'floor' and self.tile[x][y + 1]['name'] == 'floor'):
					if util.roll_dice(1, 50) == 50:
						if util.roll_dice(1, 40) + self.threat_level >= 40:
							self.set_tile_values('locked door', x, y)
							self.set_tile_values('door', x, y)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def roll_from_dice_string(dice_string, size):
    if dice_string == 'D3':
        return roll_dice(3, size=size)
    elif dice_string == 'D6':
        return roll_dice(6, size=size)
    elif dice_string == '2D6':
        return roll_dice(6, size=size) + roll_dice(6, size=size)
        raise Exception('Invalid dice string')
Ejemplo n.º 8
	def loot(self, x, y):
		corpse = util.roll_dice(1, 100)
		if corpse <= self.corpse:
			d = game.baseitems.create_corpse(self.name, self.weight)
			drop = mapgen.Object(x, y, d.icon, d.name, d.color, True, item=d)
		drop_chance = util.roll_dice(1, 100)
		if drop_chance >= 80:
			drop = game.baseitems.loot_generation(x, y, self.level)
Ejemplo n.º 9
	def transitions(self):
		coord = [self.location_level - game.WORLDMAP_WIDTH, self.location_level - 1, self.location_level + 1, self.location_level + game.WORLDMAP_WIDTH, self.location_level - game.WORLDMAP_WIDTH - 1, self.location_level - game.WORLDMAP_WIDTH + 1, self.location_level + game.WORLDMAP_WIDTH - 1, self.location_level + game.WORLDMAP_WIDTH + 1]
		for i in range(len(coord)):
			terrain = util.find_terrain_type(coord[i])
			length = 5
			aa = self.map_width
			if i in [1, 2]:
				aa = self.map_height

			if game.terrain[terrain]['elevation'] > game.terrain[util.find_terrain_type(self.location_level)]['maxelev']:
				if i < 4:
					for x in range(aa):
						for y in range(length):
							if i == 0:
								self.set_tile_values(game.terrain[terrain]['type'], x, y)
							if i == 1:
								self.set_tile_values(game.terrain[terrain]['type'], y, x)
							if i == 2:
								self.set_tile_values(game.terrain[terrain]['type'], self.map_width - y - 1, x)
							if i == 3:
								self.set_tile_values(game.terrain[terrain]['type'], x, self.map_height - y - 1)
						dice = util.roll_dice(1, 100)
						if dice < 50:
							length -= 1
							length += 1
						if length < 3:
							length = 3
						if length > 7:
							length = 7

					for x in range(aa, 5):
						for y in range(length):
							if i == 4:
								self.set_tile_values(game.terrain[terrain]['type'], x, y)
							if i == 5:
								self.set_tile_values(game.terrain[terrain]['type'], self.map_width - x - 1, y)
							if i == 6:
								self.set_tile_values(game.terrain[terrain]['type'], x, self.map_height - y - 1)
							if i == 7:
								self.set_tile_values(game.terrain[terrain]['type'], self.map_width - x - 1, self.map_height - y - 1)
						dice = util.roll_dice(1, 100)
						if dice < 50:
							length -= 1
							length += 1
						if length < 3:
							length = 3
						if length > 7:
							length = 7
Ejemplo n.º 10
def check_active_effects():
	for y in range(game.current_map.map_height):
		for x in range(game.current_map.map_width):
			if 'duration' in game.current_map.tile[x][y]:
				if game.current_map.tile[x][y]['duration'] < game.turns:
					explored = game.current_map.tile_is_explored(x, y)
					game.current_map.set_tile_values(game.current_map.tile[x][y]['name'], x, y)
					if game.current_map.tile_is_invisible(x, y):
						game.current_map.tile[x][y].pop('invisible', None)
					if explored:
						game.current_map.tile[x][y].update({'explored': True})

	for obj in game.current_map.objects:
		if obj.name == 'player':
			if 'type' in game.current_map.tile[game.char.x][game.char.y]:
				if game.current_map.tile[game.char.x][game.char.y]['type'] == 'poison_gas':
					game.message.new('You step into poisonous gas!', game.turns)
					if 'poison' not in game.player.flags:
						dice = util.roll_dice(1, 50)
						if dice > game.player.endurance + (game.player.karma / 2):
							game.message.new('You are poisoned!', game.turns, libtcod.Color(0, 112, 0))
				if game.current_map.tile[game.char.x][game.char.y]['type'] == 'sleep_gas':
					if 'sleep' not in game.player.flags:
						game.message.new('You step into sleeping gas!', game.turns)
						dice = util.roll_dice(1, 50)
						if dice > game.player.wisdom + (game.player.karma / 2):
							game.message.new('You fall asleep!', game.turns, libtcod.Color(0, 143, 189))

		elif obj.entity:
			if 'type' in game.current_map.tile[obj.x][obj.y]:
				if game.current_map.tile[obj.x][obj.y]['type'] == 'poison_gas':
					if libtcod.map_is_in_fov(game.fov_map, obj.x, obj.y):
						game.message.new(obj.entity.article.capitalize() + obj.entity.get_name() + ' step into poisonous gas!', game.turns)
					if 'poison' not in obj.entity.flags:
						dice = util.roll_dice(1, 3)
						if dice == 3:
				if game.current_map.tile[obj.x][obj.y]['type'] == 'sleep_gas':
					if 'sleep' not in obj.entity.flags:
						if libtcod.map_is_in_fov(game.fov_map, obj.x, obj.y):
							game.message.new(obj.entity.article.capitalize() + obj.entity.get_name() + ' step into sleeping gas!', game.turns)
						dice = util.roll_dice(1, 3)
						if dice == 3:
							if libtcod.map_is_in_fov(game.fov_map, obj.x, obj.y):
								game.message.new(obj.entity.article.capitalize() + obj.entity.get_name() + ' falls asleep!', game.turns)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def missile_attack(sx, sy, dx, dy, trap=False):
	cx, cy = sx, sy
	if sx == dx:
		char = '|'
	if sy == dy:
		char = chr(196)
	if (sx < dx and sy > dy) or (sx > dx and sy < dy):
		char = '/'
	if (sx < dx and sy < dy) or (sx > dx and sy > dy):
		char = '\\'
	path = util.set_full_explore_map(game.current_map, False)
	libtcod.path_compute(path, sx, sy, dx, dy)
	while not libtcod.path_is_empty(path):
		cx, cy = libtcod.path_walk(path, False)
		libtcod.console_blit(game.con, 0, 0, game.MAP_WIDTH, game.MAP_HEIGHT, 0, game.MAP_X, game.MAP_Y)
		libtcod.console_put_char_ex(0, game.MAP_X + cx - game.curx, game.MAP_Y + cy - game.cury, char, libtcod.light_gray, libtcod.black)

	if trap:
		for obj in game.current_map.objects:
			if obj.x == dx and obj.y == dy and not obj.item:
				damage = util.roll_dice(1, 6)
				if obj.name == 'player':
					game.message.new('You are hit by an arrow for ' + str(damage) + ' pts of damage!', game.turns, libtcod.Color(160, 0, 0))
					game.player.take_damage(damage, 'an arrow trap')
					obj.entity.take_damage(obj.x, obj.y, damage, 'an arrow', True)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def fireball(x, y, radius):
	path = util.set_full_explore_map(game.current_map)
	libtcod.dijkstra_compute(path, x, y)
	for step in range(0, radius + 1):
		player_fov = False
		for i in range(-radius, radius + 1):
			for j in range(-radius, radius + 1):
				if libtcod.map_is_in_fov(game.fov_map, x + i, y + j) and libtcod.dijkstra_get_distance(path, x + i, y + j) <= step and libtcod.dijkstra_get_distance(path, x + i, y + j) >= 0:
					(front, back, lerp) = util.render_tiles_animations(x + i, y + j, libtcod.Color(160, 0, 0), libtcod.Color(64, 0, 0), libtcod.Color(0, 0, 0), round(libtcod.random_get_float(game.rnd, 0, 1), 1))
					libtcod.console_put_char_ex(0, game.MAP_X + x - game.curx + i, game.MAP_Y + y - game.cury + j, '*', front, back)
					player_fov = True
		if player_fov:
			player_fov = False

	for obj in game.current_map.objects:
		damage = util.roll_dice(1, 10)
		if obj.name == 'player':
			if libtcod.dijkstra_get_distance(path, game.char.x, game.char.y) <= radius:
				game.message.new('You are hit by a fireball for ' + str(damage) + ' pts of damage!', game.turns, libtcod.Color(160, 0, 0))
				game.player.take_damage(damage, 'a fireball')
		elif obj.entity:
			if libtcod.dijkstra_get_distance(path, obj.x, obj.y) <= radius:
				obj.entity.take_damage(obj.x, obj.y, damage, 'a fireball', True)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def roll_dice(cade, message):
    # of the form "1d6"
    dice = message.content

                      message.author.name + 
                      ' rolled {0}!'.format(util.roll_dice(dice)))
Ejemplo n.º 14
def bash():
	attempt = False
	for x in range(-1, 2):
		for y in range(-1, 2):
			if 'locked' in game.current_map.tile[game.char.x + x][game.char.y + y]:
				dice = util.roll_dice(1, 40)
				name = game.current_map.tile[game.char.x + x][game.char.y + y]['name']
				if game.player.strength >= dice:
					game.message.new('You bash open the ' + name + '.', game.turns)
					if name == 'locked door':
						game.current_map.set_tile_values('opened door', game.char.x + x, game.char.y + y)
					if name == 'locked chest':
						if 'trapped' in game.current_map.tile[game.char.x + x][game.char.y + y]:
							game.current_map.tile[game.char.x + x][game.char.y + y].update({game.chest_trap[libtcod.random_get_int(game.rnd, 0, len(game.chest_trap) - 1)]: True})
							game.current_map.tile[game.char.x + x][game.char.y + y].pop('trapped', None)
							util.trigger_trap(game.char.x + x, game.char.y + y, chest=True)
						game.current_map.set_tile_values('empty chest', game.char.x + x, game.char.y + y)
						nb_items = libtcod.random_get_int(game.rnd, 2, 4)
						for i in range(nb_items):
							game.current_map.objects.append(game.baseitems.loot_generation(game.char.x + x, game.char.y + y, game.current_map.threat_level))
					game.message.new('You failed to bash open the ' + name + '.', game.turns)
				game.player.take_damage(1, 'bashing a ' + name)
				game.player_move = True
				attempt = True
	if not attempt:
		game.message.new('You bash air. You find it strangely exhilarating.', game.turns)
Ejemplo n.º 15
	def check_condition(self, x, y):
		if 'stuck' in self.flags:
			dice = util.roll_dice(1, 10)
			if dice == 10:
		if 'poison' in self.flags:
			dice = util.roll_dice(1, 10)
			if dice == 10:
				self.take_damage(x, y, 1, 'poison')
		if 'sleep' in self.flags:
			dice = util.roll_dice(1, 10)
			if dice == 10:
				if libtcod.map_is_in_fov(game.fov_map, x, y):
					game.message.new('The ' + self.get_name() + 'woke up.', game.turns)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def poison_needle(x, y):
	for obj in game.current_map.objects:
		if obj.x == x and obj.y == y and not obj.item:
			damage = util.roll_dice(1, 4)
			if obj.name == 'player':
				game.message.new('You are hit by a poison needle!', game.turns)
				if 'poison' not in game.player.flags:
					dice = util.roll_dice(1, 50)
					if dice > game.player.endurance + (game.player.karma / 2):
						game.message.new('You are poisoned!', game.turns, libtcod.Color(0, 112, 0))
				game.player.take_damage(damage, 'a poison needle')
				if 'poison' not in obj.entity.flags:
					dice = util.roll_dice(1, 3)
					if dice == 3:
				obj.entity.take_damage(obj.x, obj.y, damage, 'a poison needle')
Ejemplo n.º 17
	def check_condition(self):
		if 'stuck' in self.flags:
			dice = util.roll_dice(1, 120)
			if self.strength + (self.karma / 2) >= dice:
				game.message.new('You can move freely again.', game.turns)
		if 'poison' in self.flags:
			dice = util.roll_dice(1, 120)
			if self.endurance + (self.karma / 2) >= dice:
				game.message.new('You are no longer poisoned.', game.turns)
				self.take_damage(1, 'poison')
		if 'sleep' in self.flags:
			dice = util.roll_dice(1, 120)
			if self.wisdom + (self.karma / 2) >= dice:
				game.message.new('You wake up.', game.turns)
Ejemplo n.º 18
	def loot_generation(self, x, y, level):
		prefix, suffix = None, None
		status = ''

		# generate base item
		dice = util.roll_dice(1, 100)
		if dice <= 10:
			d = self.get_item_by_type('money', level)
			if dice <= 80:
				d = self.get_item_by_level(level)
			elif dice <= 99:
				d = self.get_item_by_level(level + 1)
				d = self.get_item_by_level(level + 2)

			# generate prefix
			pdice = util.roll_dice(1, 100)
			if pdice >= 100 - (level * 6):
				if pdice <= 85:
					prefix = game.prefix.get_prefix_by_level(level, d.type)
					prefix = game.prefix.get_prefix_by_level(level + 1, d.type)

			# generate suffix
			sdice = util.roll_dice(1, 100)
			if sdice >= 100 - (level * 6):
				if sdice <= 85:
					suffix = game.suffix.get_suffix_by_level(level, d.type)
					suffix = game.suffix.get_suffix_by_level(level + 1, d.type)

			# generate status
			stdice = util.roll_dice(1, 100)
			if stdice <= 90:
				status = 'uncursed '
			elif stdice <= 95:
				status = 'blessed '
				status = 'cursed '

		loot = self.generate_item_stats(status, prefix, d, suffix)
		obj = mapgen.Object(x, y, loot.icon, loot.name, loot.color, True, item=loot)
		return obj
Ejemplo n.º 19
	def pick_up(self, ts):
		if self.type == 'money':
			multiplier = 1
			if self.name == 'gold pieces':
				gold = util.roll_dice(2, 15 * (game.current_map.threat_level - 10))
				multiplier = 10000
			elif self.name == 'silver pieces':
				gold = util.roll_dice(2, 15 * (game.current_map.threat_level - 5))
				multiplier = 100
				gold = util.roll_dice(2, 15 * game.current_map.threat_level)
			game.message.new('You pick up ' + str(gold) + ' ' + self.name + '.', game.turns, libtcod.gold)
			game.player.money += gold * multiplier
			self.quantity = 1
			game.message.new('You pick up ' + self.get_name(True) + '.', game.turns, libtcod.green)
			self.turn_created = ts
		game.player_move = True
Ejemplo n.º 20
	def place_traps(self, ground):
		traps = util.roll_dice(1, 3)
		for i in range(0, traps):
			x = libtcod.random_get_int(game.rnd, 0, self.map_width - 1)
			y = libtcod.random_get_int(game.rnd, 0, self.map_height - 1)
			while self.tile[x][y]['type'] != ground:
				x = libtcod.random_get_int(game.rnd, 0, self.map_width - 1)
				y = libtcod.random_get_int(game.rnd, 0, self.map_height - 1)
			self.set_tile_values('trap', x, y, 'trap')
			temp_tile = game.tiles.get_tile(ground)
			self.tile[x][y].update({'icon': temp_tile.icon, 'color': temp_tile.color, 'dark_color': libtcod.color_lerp(libtcod.black, temp_tile.color, 0.3)})
Ejemplo n.º 21
def climb_down_stairs():
	location_name = game.current_map.location_name
	location_abbr = game.current_map.location_abbr
	location_id = game.current_map.location_id
	threat_level = game.current_map.threat_level
	dungeon_type = game.current_map.type
	map_width = game.DUNGEON_MAP_WIDTH
	map_height = game.DUNGEON_MAP_HEIGHT
	op = (0, 0, 0)

	if game.current_map.tile[game.char.x][game.char.y]['icon'] != '>':
		game.message.new('You see no stairs going in that direction!', game.turns)
		if game.current_map.location_id > 0:
			level = game.current_map.location_level + 1
			game.message.new('You climb down the stairs.', game.turns)
			map_width = game.current_map.map_width
			map_height = game.current_map.map_height
			dice = util.roll_dice(1, 10)
			if dice == 10:
				threat_level += 1
			level = 1
			for (id, name, abbr, x, y, tlevel, dtype) in game.worldmap.dungeons:
				if y * game.WORLDMAP_WIDTH + x == game.current_map.location_level:
					location_id = id
					location_name = name
					location_abbr = abbr
					threat_level = tlevel
					dungeon_type = dtype
					if dtype == 'Maze':
						map_width = game.MAP_WIDTH
						map_height = game.MAP_HEIGHT
			game.message.new('You enter the ' + location_name + '.', game.turns)
			op = (game.current_map.location_level, game.char.x, game.char.y)
			for i in range(len(game.border_maps)):

		game.current_map = util.fetch_map({'name': location_name, 'id': location_id, 'abbr': location_abbr, 'level': level, 'threat': threat_level, 'map_width': map_width, 'map_height': map_height, 'type': dungeon_type}, dir='up')
		game.current_map.overworld_position = op
		game.fov_recompute = True
		game.player_move = True
Ejemplo n.º 22
	def create_cave_maze(self, type, floor, wall, prob, oper):
		rooms = [0] * 2
		for x in range(1, self.map_width - 1):
			for y in range(1, self.map_height - 1):
				if util.roll_dice(1, 100) < prob:
					self.set_tile_values(floor, x, y)
		for i in range(self.map_width * self.map_height * 5):
			x = libtcod.random_get_int(game.rnd, 1, self.map_width - 2)
			y = libtcod.random_get_int(game.rnd, 1, self.map_height - 2)
			if oper:
				if self.check_cell_neighbours(x, y) > 4:
					self.set_tile_values(wall, x, y)
					self.set_tile_values(floor, x, y)
				if self.check_cell_neighbours(x, y) > 4:
					self.set_tile_values(floor, x, y)
					self.set_tile_values(wall, x, y)

		# create rooms with up and down stairs
		x = libtcod.random_get_int(game.rnd, 2, self.map_width - 6)
		y = libtcod.random_get_int(game.rnd, 2, self.map_height - 6)
		rooms[0] = Rect(x, y, 5, 5)
		self.create_room(rooms[0], floor)
		(new_x1, new_y1) = rooms[0].center()
		game.char.x = new_x1
		game.char.y = new_y1

		count = 0
		while (abs(x - new_x1) < 25) or (abs(y - new_y1) < 12):
			x = libtcod.random_get_int(game.rnd, 2, self.map_width - 6)
			y = libtcod.random_get_int(game.rnd, 2, self.map_height - 6)
			count += 1
			if count == 50:
				return False
		rooms[1] = Rect(x, y, 5, 5)
		self.create_room(rooms[1], floor)
		(new_x2, new_y2) = rooms[1].center()

		# check if path to stairs is blocked if yes dig a tunnel
		path = util.set_full_explore_map(self, False)
		if not libtcod.path_compute(path, game.char.x, game.char.y, new_x2, new_y2):
			return False

		self.set_tile_values('stairs going up', game.char.x, game.char.y)
		self.up_staircase = (game.char.x, game.char.y)
		self.set_tile_values('stairs going down', new_x2, new_y2)
		self.down_staircase = (new_x2, new_y2)
		return True
Ejemplo n.º 23
	def take_turn(self, x, y):
		if libtcod.map_is_in_fov(game.fov_map, x, y) and self.is_hostile():
			#move towards player if far away
			dx, dy = 0, 0
			if self.distance_to_player(game.char, x, y) >= 2:
				dx, dy = self.move_towards_player(game.char, x, y)
				if not self.can_move(x + dx, y + dy, True):
					dx, dy = 0, 0
			dx, dy = libtcod.random_get_int(game.rnd, -1, 1), libtcod.random_get_int(game.rnd, -1, 1)
			if x + dx < 0 or x + dx >= game.current_map.map_width:
				dx = 0
			if y + dy < 0 or y + dy >= game.current_map.map_height:
				dy = 0
			if not self.can_move(x + dx, y + dy, True):
				dx, dy = 0, 0
			if all(i == 'ai_neutral' and i != 'ai_hostile' for i in self.flags):
				if self.distance_to_player(game.char, x, y) <= 2:
					turn_hostile = util.roll_dice(1, 100)
					if turn_hostile <= 10:
			elif all(i in self.flags for i in ['ai_neutral', 'ai_hostile']):
				return_neutral = util.roll_dice(1, 100)
				if return_neutral <= 10:
					self.flags[:] = (value for value in self.flags if value != 'ai_hostile')
			#retry if destination is blocked
			while game.current_map.tile_is_blocked(x + dx, y + dy):
				if dx == 0 and dy == 0:
				dx, dy = libtcod.random_get_int(game.rnd, -1, 1), libtcod.random_get_int(game.rnd, -1, 1)
				if x + dx < 0 or x + dx >= game.current_map.map_width:
					dx = 0
				if y + dy < 0 or y + dy >= game.current_map.map_height:
					dy = 0
		return x + dx, y + dy
Ejemplo n.º 24
	def place_monsters(self):
		x = libtcod.random_get_int(game.rnd, 0, self.map_width - 1)
		y = libtcod.random_get_int(game.rnd, 0, self.map_height - 1)
		while self.tile_is_blocked(x, y) or libtcod.map_is_in_fov(game.fov_map, x, y):
			x = libtcod.random_get_int(game.rnd, 0, self.map_width - 1)
			y = libtcod.random_get_int(game.rnd, 0, self.map_height - 1)

		# fetch monster to place base on threat level
		dice = util.roll_dice(1, 100, extra_roll=True)
		if dice <= 85:
			d = game.monsters.get_monster_by_level(self.threat_level, self.tile[x][y]['name'], self.type)
			d = game.monsters.get_monster_by_level(self.threat_level + 1, self.tile[x][y]['name'], self.type)
		if d:
			monster = Object(x, y, d.icon, d.name, d.color, blocks=True, entity=d)
			self.objects.insert(1, monster)
Ejemplo n.º 25
def stuck(x, y, victim='You'):
	for obj in game.current_map.objects:
		if obj.x == x and obj.y == y and not obj.item:
			dice = util.roll_dice(1, 10)
			if victim == 'You':
				if 'stuck' not in game.player.flags:
				game.message.new('You are stuck in a bear trap!', game.turns)
				game.player.take_damage(dice, 'a bear trap')
				obj.entity.take_damage(obj.x, obj.y, dice, 'a bear trap')
				if libtcod.map_is_in_fov(game.fov_map, x, y):
					game.message.new(victim + ' is stuck in a bear trap!', game.turns)
				elif not obj.entity.is_dead():
					game.message.new('You hear a scream.', game.turns)
Ejemplo n.º 26
	def attack_rating_modifiers(self):
		modifier = 0
		for i in range(len(self.equipment)):
			if 'ar_bonus1' in self.equipment[i].flags:
				modifier += util.roll_dice(1, 4)
			if 'ar_bonus2' in self.equipment[i].flags:
				modifier += util.roll_dice(1, 4, 2)
			if 'ar_bonus3' in self.equipment[i].flags:
				modifier += util.roll_dice(1, 4, 3)
			if 'burdened' in self.flags:
				modifier -= util.roll_dice(1, 4)
			if 'strained' in self.flags:
				modifier -= util.roll_dice(1, 4, 2)
			if 'overburdened' in self.flags:
				modifier -= util.roll_dice(1, 4, 3)
			if 'hungry' in self.flags:
				modifier -= util.roll_dice(1, 4)
			if 'famished' in self.flags:
				modifier -= util.roll_dice(1, 4, 2)
			if 'starving' in self.flags:
				modifier -= util.roll_dice(1, 4, 3)
		return modifier
Ejemplo n.º 27
def roll_contest(cade, message):
    # of the form "1d6"
    dice = message.content

                      message.author.name + " started a contest of " + dice)

    rolls = []
    for user in message.server.members:
        if user.id == cade.user.id:
        roll = util.roll_dice(dice)
        rolls.append((user, roll))
        cade.send_message(message.channel, user.name + " rolled a " + str(roll))

    winner = max(rolls, key=lambda x: x[1])
                      "The winner is " + winner[0].name + "!")
Ejemplo n.º 28
	def place_objects(self):
		num_monsters = self.randomize(self.max_monsters / 5, self.max_monsters, 3)
		num_items = self.randomize(self.max_items / 5, self.max_items, 3)
		if self.type in ['Mountain Peak', 'Sea', 'Ocean']:
			num_items = 0
			if self.type == 'Mountain Peak':
				num_monsters = 0
		for i in range(num_monsters):

		for i in range(num_items):
			x = libtcod.random_get_int(game.rnd, 0, self.map_width - 1)
			y = libtcod.random_get_int(game.rnd, 0, self.map_height - 1)
			while self.tile_is_blocked(x, y) or self.tile[x][y]['name'] in ['high mountains', 'deep water', 'very deep water']:
				x = libtcod.random_get_int(game.rnd, 0, self.map_width - 1)
				y = libtcod.random_get_int(game.rnd, 0, self.map_height - 1)
			chest = util.roll_dice(1, 20)
			if chest == 20:
				self.set_tile_values('locked chest', x, y)
				self.objects.append(game.baseitems.loot_generation(x, y, self.threat_level))
Ejemplo n.º 29
	def stat_gain(self, st, dx, iq, wi, en):
		fate = util.roll_dice(1, 100)
		msg = 'You gain '
		if fate <= st:
			self.strength += 1
			self.base_strength += 1
			msg += 'strength!'
		elif fate <= st + dx:
			self.dexterity += 1
			self.base_dexterity += 1
			msg += 'dexterity!'
		elif fate <= st + dx + iq:
			self.intelligence += 1
			self.base_intelligence += 1
			msg += 'intelligence!'
		elif fate <= st + dx + iq + wi:
			self.wisdom += 1
			self.base_wisdom += 1
			msg += 'wisdom!'
		elif fate <= st + dx + iq + wi + en:
			self.endurance += 1
			self.base_endurance += 1
			msg += 'endurance!'
		game.message.new(msg, game.turns, libtcod.light_fuchsia)
Ejemplo n.º 30
	def create_outdoor_map(self, default_tile):
		deep_water_tiles = 0
		shallow_water_tiles = 1
		sand_tiles = 2
		grass_tiles = 3
		dirt_tiles = 4
		medium_grass_tiles = 5
		rocks_tiles = 6
		tall_grass_tiles = 7
		trees_tiles = 8
		hills_tiles = 9
		tiles = [0] * 10
		icons = ['deep water', 'shallow water', 'sand', 'grass', 'dirt', 'medium grass', 'a pile of rocks', 'tall grass', 'tree', 'hills']
		map_size = self.map_width * self.map_height
		heightmap = game.worldmap.hm_list[self.location_level]

		# assign values per terrain types
		if self.type in ['Mountains']:
			tiles[hills_tiles] = self.randomize(int(map_size * 0.045), int(map_size * 0.180), 3)
			tiles[tall_grass_tiles] = self.randomize(int(map_size * 0.035), int(map_size * 0.140), 3)

		if self.type in ['High Hills']:
			tiles[trees_tiles] = self.randomize(int(map_size * 0.035), int(map_size * 0.140), 3)
			tiles[tall_grass_tiles] = self.randomize(int(map_size * 0.045), int(map_size * 0.180), 3)
			tiles[rocks_tiles] = self.randomize(int(map_size * 0.025), int(map_size * 0.100), 3)
			tiles[medium_grass_tiles] = self.randomize(int(map_size * 0.040), int(map_size * 0.160), 3)
			tiles[dirt_tiles] = self.randomize(int(map_size * 0.006), int(map_size * 0.024), 3)

		if self.type in ['Low Hills']:
			maxhm = (game.terrain['Low Hills']['maxelev'] - game.terrain['Low Hills']['elevation']) * 1000
			hm = int(max(1, (heightmap - game.terrain['Low Hills']['elevation']) * 1000))
			bonus = float(hm) / float(maxhm)
			tiles[hills_tiles] = self.randomize(int((map_size * 0.060) + (map_size * 0.060 * (bonus * 0.4))), int((map_size * 0.240) + (map_size * 0.240 * (bonus * 0.4))), 3)
			tiles[trees_tiles] = self.randomize(int(map_size * 0.035), int(map_size * 0.140), 3)
			tiles[tall_grass_tiles] = self.randomize(int(map_size * 0.025), int(map_size * 0.100), 3)
			tiles[rocks_tiles] = self.randomize(int((map_size * 0.012) + (map_size * 0.012 * (bonus * 0.4))), int((map_size * 0.050) + (map_size * 0.050 * (bonus * 0.4))), 3)
			tiles[dirt_tiles] = self.randomize(int(map_size * 0.006), int(map_size * 0.024), 3)
			tiles[grass_tiles] = self.randomize(int(max(1, (map_size * 0.010) - (map_size * 0.010 * (bonus * 0.4)))), int(max(map_size * 0.010, (map_size * 0.040) - (map_size * 0.040 * (bonus * 0.4)))), 3)

		if self.type == 'Forest':
			maxhm = (game.terrain['Forest']['maxelev'] - game.terrain['Forest']['elevation']) * 1000
			hm = int(max(1, (heightmap - game.terrain['Forest']['elevation']) * 1000))
			bonus = float(hm) / float(maxhm)
			tiles[trees_tiles] = self.randomize(int((map_size * 0.052) + (map_size * 0.052 * (bonus * 0.4))), int((map_size * 0.210) + (map_size * 0.210 * (bonus * 0.4))), 3)
			tiles[tall_grass_tiles] = self.randomize(int((map_size * 0.018) + (map_size * 0.018 * (bonus * 0.4))), int((map_size * 0.075) + (map_size * 0.075 * (bonus * 0.4))), 3)
			tiles[rocks_tiles] = self.randomize(int(map_size * 0.012), int(map_size * 0.050), 3)
			tiles[medium_grass_tiles] = self.randomize(int((map_size * 0.025) + (map_size * 0.025 * (bonus * 0.4))), int((map_size * 0.100) + (map_size * 0.100 * (bonus * 0.4))), 3)
			tiles[dirt_tiles] = self.randomize(int(map_size * 0.006), int(map_size * 0.024), 3)

		if self.type == 'Plains':
			maxhm = (game.terrain['Plains']['maxelev'] - game.terrain['Plains']['elevation']) * 1000
			hm = int(max(1, (heightmap - game.terrain['Plains']['elevation']) * 1000))
			bonus = float(hm) / float(maxhm)
			tiles[trees_tiles] = self.randomize(int((map_size * 0.012) + (map_size * 0.012 * (bonus * 0.4))), int((map_size * 0.050) + (map_size * 0.050 * (bonus * 0.4))), 3)
			tiles[tall_grass_tiles] = self.randomize(int((map_size * 0.012) + (map_size * 0.012 * (bonus * 0.4))), int((map_size * 0.050) + (map_size * 0.050 * (bonus * 0.4))), 3)
			tiles[rocks_tiles] = self.randomize(int(map_size * 0.006), int(map_size * 0.024), 3)
			tiles[medium_grass_tiles] = self.randomize(int((map_size * 0.012) + (map_size * 0.012 * (bonus * 0.4))), int((map_size * 0.050) + (map_size * 0.050 * (bonus * 0.4))), 3)
			tiles[dirt_tiles] = self.randomize(int(map_size * 0.006), int(map_size * 0.024), 3)
			tiles[sand_tiles] = self.randomize(int(max(1, (map_size * 0.006) - (map_size * 0.006 * (bonus * 0.4)))), int(max(map_size * 0.006, (map_size * 0.024) - (map_size * 0.024 * (bonus * 0.4)))), 3)
			tiles[shallow_water_tiles] = self.randomize(int(map_size * 0.001), int(map_size * 0.004), 3)

		if self.type == 'Coast':
			tiles[rocks_tiles] = self.randomize(int(map_size * 0.012), int(map_size * 0.050), 3)
			tiles[dirt_tiles] = self.randomize(int(map_size * 0.012), int(map_size * 0.050), 3)
			tiles[grass_tiles] = self.randomize(int(map_size * 0.006), int(map_size * 0.024), 3)
			tiles[shallow_water_tiles] = self.randomize(int(map_size * 0.001), int(map_size * 0.004), 3)

		if self.type == 'Shore':
			maxhm = (game.terrain['Shore']['maxelev'] - game.terrain['Shore']['elevation']) * 1000
			hm = int(max(1, (heightmap - game.terrain['Shore']['elevation']) * 1000))
			bonus = float(hm) / float(maxhm)
			tiles[sand_tiles] = self.randomize(int((map_size * 0.001) + (map_size * 0.001 * (bonus * 0.4))), int((map_size * 0.004) + (map_size * 0.004 * (bonus * 0.4))), 3)

#		print "---"
#		print "Level:", self.location_level, " x:", self.location_level % game.WORLDMAP_WIDTH, " y:", self.location_level / game.WORLDMAP_WIDTH
#		print "Heightmap:", heightmap
#		print "Hills:", tiles[hills_tiles]
#		print "Trees:", tiles[trees_tiles]
#		print "Tall grass:", tiles[tall_grass_tiles]
#		print "Rocks:", tiles[rocks_tiles]
#		print "Medium grass:", tiles[medium_grass_tiles]
#		print "Dirt:", tiles[dirt_tiles]
#		print "Grass:", tiles[grass_tiles]
#		print "Sand:", tiles[sand_tiles]
#		print "Shallow water:", tiles[shallow_water_tiles]
#		print "Deep water:", tiles[deep_water_tiles]

		# place tiles on map
		for j in range(len(tiles)):
			for i in range(tiles[j]):
				x = libtcod.random_get_int(game.rnd, 0, self.map_width - 1)
				y = libtcod.random_get_int(game.rnd, 0, self.map_height - 1)
				while self.tile[x][y]['name'] != default_tile:
					x = libtcod.random_get_int(game.rnd, 0, self.map_width - 1)
					y = libtcod.random_get_int(game.rnd, 0, self.map_height - 1)
				self.set_tile_values(icons[j], x, y)
				if icons[j] == 'tree':
					dice = util.roll_dice(1, 100)
					if dice % 2 == 0:
						self.set_tile_values(icons[j], x, y, type='trees2')

				if icons[j] == 'shallow water' or (self.type == 'Shore' and icons[j] in ['sand', 'deep water']):
					length = self.randomize(10, 20, 3)
					direction = self.randomize(1, 40, 3)
					startx = x
					starty = y
					while length > 0:
						nextstep = util.roll_dice(1, 3)
						stepx, stepy = 0, 0
						if nextstep == 1:
							if direction % 4 == 0:
								stepx -= 1
							if direction % 4 == 1:
								stepy -= 1
							if direction % 4 == 2:
								stepx += 1
							if direction % 4 == 3:
								stepy += 1
						elif nextstep == 2:
							if direction % 4 == 0:
								stepx += 1
							if direction % 4 == 1:
								stepy += 1
							if direction % 4 == 2:
								stepx -= 1
							if direction % 4 == 3:
								stepy -= 1
							if direction % 4 == 0:
								stepy -= 1
							if direction % 4 == 1:
								stepx += 1
							if direction % 4 == 2:
								stepy += 1
							if direction % 4 == 3:
								stepx -= 1
						startx += stepx
						starty += stepy
						if startx < self.map_width and starty < self.map_height:
							self.set_tile_values(icons[j], startx, starty)
						length -= 1
Ejemplo n.º 31
 def modify_wound_rolls(self, wound_rolls, target):
     failed_rolls = np.argwhere(wound_rolls <= self.value)
     reroll = roll_dice(6, size=len(failed_rolls))
     for i, failed_roll_loc in enumerate(failed_rolls):
         wound_rolls[failed_roll_loc] = reroll[i]
     return wound_rolls
Ejemplo n.º 32
 def modify_damage_rolls(self, damage_rolls):
     for i, damage in enumerate(damage_rolls):
         resilient_rolls = roll_dice(6, size=damage)
         damage_reduced = (resilient_rolls >= self.value).sum()
         damage_rolls[i] = damage - damage_reduced
     return damage_rolls
Ejemplo n.º 33
 def modify_hit_rolls(self, hit_rolls, hit_target):
     failed_rolls = np.argwhere(hit_rolls <= self.value)
     reroll = roll_dice(6, size=len(failed_rolls))
     for i, failed_roll_loc in enumerate(failed_rolls):
         hit_rolls[failed_roll_loc] = reroll[i]
     return hit_rolls
Ejemplo n.º 34
 def modify_wound_rolls(self, wound_rolls, target):
     second_roll = roll_dice(6, size=wound_rolls.size)
     res = np.maximum(wound_rolls, second_roll)
     return res
Ejemplo n.º 35
def simulate_unit(attacking_unit, weapon, n_shots, target_unit,

    # Sort abilities on their "order" value
    save_target_abilities = sort_abilities(active_abilities,
    hit_mod_abilities = sort_abilities(active_abilities,
    wound_mod_abilities = sort_abilities(active_abilities,
    damage_mod_abilities = sort_abilities(active_abilities,

    hit_target_value = attacking_unit.ws if weapon.weapon_type == WeaponType.MELEE else attacking_unit.bs
    t, s, wound_target_value = calculate_wound_target_value(
        attacking_unit, weapon, target_unit)
    save_target_value = calculate_save_target_value(weapon, target_unit,

    sims_attacks_hits_wounds_damages_kills = []

    for sim in range(N_SIMS):

        # If applicable, roll for n_attacks
        weapon_effective_attacks = weapon.effective_attacks(attacking_unit)
        if 'D' in str(
        ):  # TODO don't do this string conversion in the tight loop
            n_attacks = sum(
                roll_from_dice_string(weapon_effective_attacks, size=n_shots))
            n_attacks = n_shots

        # Roll the attack dice
        hit_rolls = roll_dice(6, size=n_attacks)
        for ability in hit_mod_abilities:
            hit_rolls = ability.modify_hit_rolls(hit_rolls, hit_target_value)
        n_hits = (hit_rolls >= hit_target_value).sum()

        # Roll the wound dice
        wound_rolls = roll_dice(6, size=n_hits)
        for ability in wound_mod_abilities:
            wound_rolls = ability.modify_wound_rolls(wound_rolls,
        n_wounds = (wound_rolls >= wound_target_value).sum()

        # Roll the save dice
        save_rolls = roll_dice(6, size=n_wounds)
        n_unsaved = n_wounds - (save_rolls >= save_target_value).sum()

        # Roll damage
        damage_rolls = maybe_roll_from_dice_string(weapon.d, size=n_unsaved)
        for ability in damage_mod_abilities:
            damage_rolls = ability.modify_damage_rolls(damage_rolls)
        total_damage = sum(damage_rolls)

        # Allocate damage and count kills
        n_kills, allocated_damage = 0, 0
        for dmg in damage_rolls:
            allocated_damage += dmg
            if allocated_damage >= target_unit.w:
                n_kills += 1
                allocated_damage = 0

            (n_attacks, n_hits, n_wounds, total_damage, n_kills))

    # Unzip results and calculate percentiles
    all_attacks, all_hits, all_wounds, all_damages, all_kills = \
        (list(res) for res in zip(*sims_attacks_hits_wounds_damages_kills))
    index_5th = int(.05 * N_SIMS)
    index_25th = int(.25 * N_SIMS)
    index_median = int(.5 * N_SIMS)
    index_75th = int(.75 * N_SIMS)
    index_95th = int(.95 * N_SIMS)

    attacks_result = (

    hits_result = (

    wounds_result = (

    damages_result = (

    kills_result = (

    return [
        attacks_result, "{}+".format(hit_target_value), hits_result,
        "{}+".format(wound_target_value), wounds_result,
        "{}+".format(save_target_value), damages_result, kills_result
Ejemplo n.º 36
 def roll(self) -> int:
     return roll_dice()
Ejemplo n.º 37
def use_skill():
	skills = []
	for x in game.player.skills:
		if x.can_use:
	output = [x.name for x in skills]
	choice = game.messages.box('Use a skill', 'Up/down to select, ENTER to use, ESC to exit', 'center_mapx', 'center_mapy', 65, max(19, len(output) + 4), output, step=2, mouse_exit=True)
	if choice != -1:
		if output[choice] == 'Detect Traps':

		if output[choice] == 'Artifacts':
			output2 = game.player.inventory + game.player.equipment
			choice2 = game.messages.box('Use skill on which item', 'Up/down to select, ENTER to use, ESC to exit', 'center_mapx', 'center_mapy', 65, max(19, len(output) + 4), output2, inv=True, step=2, mouse_exit=True)
			if choice2 != -1:
				if output2[choice2].is_identified():
					game.message.new('That item is already identified.', game.turns)
				elif output2[choice2].assay == game.player.level:
					game.message.new('You already tried to identify that item. You can do it once per item per level.', game.turns)
					if output2[choice2].level * 5 > skills[choice].level:
						game.message.new('Your skill is not high enough to identity that item.', game.turns)
						output2[choice2].assay = game.player.level
						game.message.new('You identify the item!', game.turns)
					game.player_move = True

		if output[choice] == 'Disarm Traps':
			attempt = False
			for x in range(-1, 2):
				for y in range(-1, 2):
					if 'trapped' in game.current_map.tile[game.char.x + x][game.char.y + y]:
						dice = libtcod.random_get_int(game.rnd, 0, 150)
						if skills[choice].level >= dice:
							if game.current_map.tile[game.char.x + x][game.char.y + y]['type'] == 'trap':
								game.current_map.set_tile_values('floor', game.char.x + x, game.char.y + y)
								game.message.new('You disarm the trap.', game.turns)
								game.message.new('You disarm the trap chest.', game.turns)
								game.current_map.tile[game.char.x + x][game.char.y + y].pop('trapped', None)
							game.message.new('You failed to disarm the trap.', game.turns)
							dice = util.roll_dice(1, 50)
							if dice > game.player.karma:
								if game.current_map.tile[game.char.x + x][game.char.y + y]['type'] == 'trap':
									util.trigger_trap(game.char.x + x, game.char.y + y)
									game.current_map.tile[game.char.x + x][game.char.y + y].update({game.chest_trap[libtcod.random_get_int(game.rnd, 0, len(game.chest_trap) - 1)]: True})
									game.current_map.tile[game.char.x + x][game.char.y + y].pop('trapped', None)
									util.trigger_trap(game.char.x + x, game.char.y + y, chest=True)
						game.player_move = True
						attempt = True
			if not attempt:
				game.message.new('There are no traps in your surroundings.', game.turns)

		if output[choice] == 'Lockpicking':
			attempt = False
			for x in range(-1, 2):
				for y in range(-1, 2):
					if 'locked' in game.current_map.tile[game.char.x + x][game.char.y + y]:
						dice = libtcod.random_get_int(game.rnd, 0, 150)
						name = game.current_map.tile[game.char.x + x][game.char.y + y]['name']
						if skills[choice].level >= dice:
							game.message.new('You unlock the ' + name + '.', game.turns)
							if name == 'locked door':
								game.current_map.set_tile_values('opened door', game.char.x + x, game.char.y + y)
							if name == 'locked chest':
								game.current_map.set_tile_values('empty chest', game.char.x + x, game.char.y + y)
								nb_items = util.roll_dice(2, 4)
								for i in range(nb_items):
									game.current_map.objects.append(game.baseitems.loot_generation(game.char.x + x, game.char.y + y, game.current_map.threat_level))
							game.message.new('You failed to unlock the ' + name + '.', game.turns)
							if 'trapped' in game.current_map.tile[game.char.x + x][game.char.y + y]:
								dice = util.roll_dice(1, 30)
								if game.player.karma < dice:
									game.current_map.tile[game.char.x + x][game.char.y + y].update({game.chest_trap[libtcod.random_get_int(game.rnd, 0, len(game.chest_trap) - 1)]: True})
									game.current_map.tile[game.char.x + x][game.char.y + y].pop('trapped', None)
									util.trigger_trap(game.char.x + x, game.char.y + y, chest=True)
						game.player_move = True
						attempt = True
			if not attempt:
				game.message.new('There is nothing to unlock in your surroundings.', game.turns)
	game.draw_gui = True