Ejemplo n.º 1
 def configitems(self, section, untrusted=False):
     items = self._configitems(section, untrusted=untrusted, abort=True)
     if self.debugflag and not untrusted and self.ucdata:
         uitems = self._configitems(section, untrusted=True, abort=False)
         for k in util.sort(uitems):
             if uitems[k] != items.get(k):
                 self.warn(_("Ignoring untrusted configuration option " "%s.%s = %s\n") % (section, k, uitems[k]))
     return util.sort(items.items())
Ejemplo n.º 2
def load_tests(directories=config.test_directories):
    """Load all tests from 'directories'.
    for d in directories:
        test_files = util.directory(d, '[a-z].*\.py$')
        set_files = util.directory(d, '[A-Z].*\.py$')
        for f in util.sort(test_files) + util.sort(set_files):
            execfile(os.path.join(d, f), globals())
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_sort(self):
     a = []
     result = util.sort(a)
     self.assertEqual(result, [])
     a = [3, 1, 2]
     result = util.sort(a)
     self.assertEqual(result, [1, 2, 3])
     a = [0, 9, 3]
     result = util.sort(a, "cow")
     self.assertEqual(result, [0, 9, 3])
     a = ['a', 'z', 'j']
     result = util.sort(a, "desc")
     self.assertEqual(result, ['z', 'j', 'a'])
Ejemplo n.º 4
def hook(ui, repo, name, throw=False, **args):
    r = False

    if _redirect:
        # temporarily redirect stdout to stderr
        oldstdout = os.dup(sys.__stdout__.fileno())
        os.dup2(sys.__stderr__.fileno(), sys.__stdout__.fileno())

        for hname, cmd in util.sort(ui.configitems('hooks')):
            if hname.split('.')[0] != name or not cmd:
            if callable(cmd):
                r = _pythonhook(ui, repo, name, hname, cmd, args, throw) or r
            elif cmd.startswith('python:'):
                r = _pythonhook(ui, repo, name, hname, cmd[7:].strip(),
                                args, throw) or r
                r = _exthook(ui, repo, hname, cmd, args, throw) or r
        if _redirect:
            os.dup2(oldstdout, sys.__stdout__.fileno())

    return r
Ejemplo n.º 5
def _all_classes(prefix):
    g = copy.copy(globals())
    class_names = [name for name in g if name.find(prefix) == 0]
    return [(
    ) for name in util.sort(class_names)]
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def iterate():
        if follow and not m.files():
            ff = followfilter(onlyfirst=opts.get('follow_first'))
            def want(rev):
                if ff.match(rev) and rev in wanted:
                    return True
                return False
            def want(rev):
                return rev in wanted

        for i, window in increasing_windows(0, len(revs)):
            yield 'window', revs[0] < revs[-1], revs[-1]
            nrevs = [rev for rev in revs[i:i+window] if want(rev)]
            for rev in util.sort(list(nrevs)):
                fns = fncache.get(rev)
                if not fns:
                    def fns_generator():
                        for f in change(rev)[3]:
                            if m(f):
                                yield f
                    fns = fns_generator()
                yield 'add', rev, fns
            for rev in nrevs:
                yield 'iter', rev, None
Ejemplo n.º 7
def updatedir(ui, repo, patches, similarity=0):
    """Update dirstate after patch application according to metadata"""
    if not patches:
    copies = []
    removes = {}
    cfiles = patches.keys()
    cwd = repo.getcwd()
    if cwd:
        cfiles = [util.pathto(repo.root, cwd, f) for f in patches.keys()]
    for f in patches:
        gp = patches[f]
        if not gp:
        if gp.op == "RENAME":
            copies.append((gp.oldpath, gp.path))
            removes[gp.oldpath] = 1
        elif gp.op == "COPY":
            copies.append((gp.oldpath, gp.path))
        elif gp.op == "DELETE":
            removes[gp.path] = 1
    for src, dst in copies:
        repo.copy(src, dst)
    removes = removes.keys()
    if (not similarity) and removes:
        repo.remove(util.sort(removes), True)
    for f in patches:
        gp = patches[f]
        if gp and gp.mode:
            islink, isexec = gp.mode
            dst = repo.wjoin(gp.path)
            # patch won't create empty files
            if gp.op == "ADD" and not os.path.exists(dst):
                flags = (isexec and "x" or "") + (islink and "l" or "")
                repo.wwrite(gp.path, "", flags)
            elif gp.op != "DELETE":
                util.set_flags(dst, islink, isexec)
    cmdutil.addremove(repo, cfiles, similarity=similarity)
    files = patches.keys()
    files.extend([r for r in removes if r not in files])
    return util.sort(files)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def _picktool(repo, ui, path, binary, symlink):
    def check(tool, pat, symlink, binary):
        tmsg = tool
        if pat:
            tmsg += " specified for " + pat
        if not _findtool(ui, tool):
            if pat: # explicitly requested tool deserves a warning
                ui.warn(_("couldn't find merge tool %s\n") % tmsg)
            else: # configured but non-existing tools are more silent
                ui.note(_("couldn't find merge tool %s\n") % tmsg)
        elif symlink and not _toolbool(ui, tool, "symlink"):
            ui.warn(_("tool %s can't handle symlinks\n") % tmsg)
        elif binary and not _toolbool(ui, tool, "binary"):
            ui.warn(_("tool %s can't handle binary\n") % tmsg)
        elif not util.gui() and _toolbool(ui, tool, "gui"):
            ui.warn(_("tool %s requires a GUI\n") % tmsg)
            return True
        return False

    # HGMERGE takes precedence
    hgmerge = os.environ.get("HGMERGE")
    if hgmerge:
        return (hgmerge, hgmerge)

    # then patterns
    for pat, tool in ui.configitems("merge-patterns"):
        mf = util.matcher(repo.root, "", [pat], [], [])[1]
        if mf(path) and check(tool, pat, symlink, False):
                toolpath = _findtool(ui, tool)
                return (tool, '"' + toolpath + '"')

    # then merge tools
    tools = {}
    for k,v in ui.configitems("merge-tools"):
        t = k.split('.')[0]
        if t not in tools:
            tools[t] = int(_toolstr(ui, t, "priority", "0"))
    names = tools.keys()
    tools = util.sort([(-p,t) for t,p in tools.items()])
    uimerge = ui.config("ui", "merge")
    if uimerge:
        if uimerge not in names:
            return (uimerge, uimerge)
        tools.insert(0, (None, uimerge)) # highest priority
    tools.append((None, "hgmerge")) # the old default, if found
    for p,t in tools:
        if check(t, None, symlink, binary):
            toolpath = _findtool(ui, t)
            return (t, '"' + toolpath + '"')
    # internal merge as last resort
    return (not (symlink or binary) and "internal:merge" or None, None)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def commit(ui, repo, commitfunc, pats, opts):
    '''commit the specified files or all outstanding changes'''
    date = opts.get('date')
    if date:
        opts['date'] = util.parsedate(date)
    message = logmessage(opts)

    # extract addremove carefully -- this function can be called from a command
    # that doesn't support addremove
    if opts.get('addremove'):
        addremove(repo, pats, opts)

    m = match(repo, pats, opts)
    if pats:
        modified, added, removed = repo.status(match=m)[:3]
        files = util.sort(modified + added + removed)

        def is_dir(f):
            name = f + '/'
            i = bisect.bisect(files, name)
            return i < len(files) and files[i].startswith(name)

        for f in m.files():
            if f == '.':
            if f not in files:
                rf = repo.wjoin(f)
                rel = repo.pathto(f)
                    mode = os.lstat(rf)[stat.ST_MODE]
                except OSError:
                    if is_dir(f): # deleted directory ?
                    raise util.Abort(_("file %s not found!") % rel)
                if stat.S_ISDIR(mode):
                    if not is_dir(f):
                        raise util.Abort(_("no match under directory %s!")
                                         % rel)
                elif not (stat.S_ISREG(mode) or stat.S_ISLNK(mode)):
                    raise util.Abort(_("can't commit %s: "
                                       "unsupported file type!") % rel)
                elif f not in repo.dirstate:
                    raise util.Abort(_("file %s not tracked!") % rel)
        m = matchfiles(repo, files)
        return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, m, opts)
    except ValueError, inst:
        raise util.Abort(str(inst))
Ejemplo n.º 10
def compare(data1, data2, mode='diff'):
    data1 = precheck(data1)
    data2 = precheck(data2)
    result = []
    if mode == 'diff':
        result = data1.copy()
        for i in data2:
            if i in result:
        data2 = list(set(data2))
        for i in data2:
            if data1.count(i) != 0:
    result = sort(result)
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def walk(self, match):
     fdict = dict.fromkeys(match.files())
     # for dirstate.walk, files=['.'] means "walk the whole tree".
     # follow that here, too
     fdict.pop('.', None)
     for fn in self:
         for ffn in fdict:
             # match if the file is the exact name or a directory
             if ffn == fn or fn.startswith("%s/" % ffn):
                 del fdict[ffn]
         if match(fn):
             yield fn
     for fn in util.sort(fdict):
         if match.bad(fn, 'No such file in rev ' + str(self)) and match(fn):
             yield fn
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def _walk(self, relpath, recurse):
     '''yields (unencoded, encoded, size)'''
     path = self.pathjoiner(self.path, relpath)
     striplen = len(self.path) + len(os.sep)
     l = []
     if os.path.isdir(path):
         visit = [path]
         while visit:
             p = visit.pop()
             for f, kind, st in osutil.listdir(p, stat=True):
                 fp = self.pathjoiner(p, f)
                 if kind == stat.S_IFREG and f[-2:] in ('.d', '.i'):
                     n = util.pconvert(fp[striplen:])
                     l.append((n, n, st.st_size))
                 elif kind == stat.S_IFDIR and recurse:
     return util.sort(l)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def _findoldnames(fctx, limit):
    "find files that path was copied from, back to linkrev limit"
    old = {}
    seen = {}
    orig = fctx.path()
    visit = [(fctx, 0)]
    while visit:
        fc, depth = visit.pop()
        s = str(fc)
        if s in seen:
        seen[s] = 1
        if fc.path() != orig and fc.path() not in old:
            old[fc.path()] = (depth, fc.path()) # remember depth
        if fc.rev() < limit and fc.rev() is not None:
        visit += [(p, depth - 1) for p in fc.parents()]

    # return old names sorted by depth
    return [o[1] for o in util.sort(old.values())]
Ejemplo n.º 14
Archivo: core.py Proyecto: intfrr/tilt
def get_reversed_hosts(value, extensive):
    source1 = source.get_reverse_from_yougetsignal(value, extensive)
    source2 = source.get_reverse_from_logontube(value, extensive)
    if source1:
        domains = domains + source1
    if source2:
        domains = domains + source2
    if error:
        logger.warning('[*] One source responded badly: Reverse ip lookup may be inaccurate')
    domains = util.remove_duplicates(domains)
    domains = util.sort(domains)
    return domains
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def __init__(self, repo, parents, text, files, filectxfn, user=None,
                 date=None, extra=None):
        self._repo = repo
        self._rev = None
        self._node = None
        self._text = text
        self._date = date and util.parsedate(date) or util.makedate()
        self._user = user
        parents = [(p or nullid) for p in parents]
        p1, p2 = parents
        self._parents = [changectx(self._repo, p) for p in (p1, p2)]
        files = util.sort(util.unique(files))
        self._status = [files, [], [], [], []]
        self._filectxfn = filectxfn

        self._extra = extra and extra.copy() or {}
        if 'branch' not in self._extra:
            self._extra['branch'] = 'default'
        elif self._extra.get('branch') == '':
            self._extra['branch'] = 'default'
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def add(self, manifest, files, desc, transaction, p1=None, p2=None,
                  user=None, date=None, extra={}):

        user = user.strip()
        if "\n" in user:
            raise error.RevlogError(_("username %s contains a newline")
                                    % repr(user))
        user, desc = util.fromlocal(user), util.fromlocal(desc)

        if date:
            parseddate = "%d %d" % util.parsedate(date)
            parseddate = "%d %d" % util.makedate()
        if extra and extra.get("branch") in ("default", ""):
            del extra["branch"]
        if extra:
            extra = self.encode_extra(extra)
            parseddate = "%s %s" % (parseddate, extra)
        l = [hex(manifest), user, parseddate] + util.sort(files) + ["", desc]
        text = "\n".join(l)
        return self.addrevision(text, transaction, len(self), p1, p2)
Ejemplo n.º 17
def get_reversed_hosts(value, extensive):

    source1 = source.get_reverse_from_yougetsignal(value, extensive)
    source2 = source.get_reverse_from_logontube(value, extensive)

    domains = []
    error = False
    if source1:
        domains = domains + source1
        error = True
    if source2:
        domains = domains + source2
        error = True
    if error:
            '[*] One source responded badly: Reverse ip lookup may be inaccurate'
    domains = util.remove_duplicates(domains)
    domains = util.sort(domains)
    return domains
Ejemplo n.º 18
def circularity_filter(cnts, min, max, sorted=False):
        e =(4 * PI * area)/ (length * length)
    :param cnts: 轮廓list
    :param min:  最小圆度
    :param max:  最大圆度
    :param sorted: 是否排序,默认Fal
    :return: cnt_list

    eList = []
    newList = []
    for c in cnts:
        length = cv.arcLength(c, True)
        area = cv.contourArea(c)
        e = (4 * np.pi * area) / (length * length)

        if min <= e <= max:

    return newList if not sorted else sort(newList, eList)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def list():

    question_file = database_manager.import_questions_for_list()
    titles = ['ID','Submission time','Title',]
    sort = request.args.get('sort')
    search = request.args.get('search')

    if sort:
    # If sort has a value
        sorted_question_file = util.sort(sort)

        return render_template('list.html', titles=titles, questions=sorted_question_file,
                               page_title = 'AskMate - List of questions')

    if search:

        search_result = util.search_results(question_file,search)

        return render_template('list.html', titles=titles,questions=search_result,
                               page_title = 'AskMate - List of questions')

    return render_template('list.html',titles=titles, questions=question_file,
                           page_title = 'AskMate - List of questions')
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def encode_extra(self, d):
     # keys must be sorted to produce a deterministic changelog entry
     items = [_string_escape('%s:%s' % (k, d[k])) for k in util.sort(d)]
     return "\0".join(items)
Ejemplo n.º 21
def neighbours(base, max_neig=2, eps_dist=0.09, ncpus=1):
      Look for neigbours as many times as needed until no new neighbours
    are found. This method is not efficient (checks 1 more neighbour
    than needed), but it is effective.
      latt_vec: Lattice vectors
      base_up: List of basis elements
      nvec: number of repetitions of the latt vecs to get
            all the max_neig neighbors
      eps_dist: distance quanta, anything closer than eps_dist is considered
                to be at the same point
      ncpus: number of cpus used to calculate
    nvec = 1
    base_up = base.elems
    latt_vec = base.latt
    repeat = True
    aux = 0
    while repeat:
        vecs_cells = ut.vec_neig(latt_vec, nvec)  # all possible combis of
        dists = np.array([0.])  # lattice vectors
        for r in vecs_cells:
            # Matrix of distances (nx3)
            A = np.matrix(np.zeros((len(base_up), 3), dtype=float))
            for i in range(len(base_up)):  #x,y,z in zip(X,Y,Z):
                elem = base_up[i]
                A[i, 0] = elem.position[0]
                A[i, 1] = elem.position[1]
                A[i, 2] = elem.position[2]
            # Matrix of distances displaced by vector r (nx3)
            B = np.matrix(np.zeros((len(base_up), 3), dtype=float))
            for i in range(len(base_up)):  #x,y,z in zip(X,Y,Z):
                elem = base_up[i]
                B[i, 0] = elem.position[0] + r[0]
                B[i, 1] = elem.position[1] + r[1]
                B[i, 2] = elem.position[2] + r[2]
            dists = np.append(dists, num.dists(A, B))

        #   OJO!! if 2 atoms are eps_dist Angstroms away, they are the same atom
        # considering that the size of an H atom is 0.5 Angstroms... may be enough
        # ordenado contains all the different distances in the problem
        ordenado = ut.sort(dists, eps=eps_dist)
        #print '-------',max_neig
        #print ordenado[0:5]

        bonds = []  # list of tuples (vector,neigh matrix)
        for r in vecs_cells:
            A = np.matrix(np.zeros((len(base_up), 3), dtype=float))
            for i in range(len(base_up)):  #x,y,z in zip(X,Y,Z):
                elem = base_up[i]
                A[i, 0] = elem.position[0]
                A[i, 1] = elem.position[1]
                A[i, 2] = elem.position[2]
            B = np.matrix(np.zeros((len(base_up), 3), dtype=float))
            for i in range(len(base_up)):  #x,y,z in zip(X,Y,Z):
                elem = base_up[i]
                B[i, 0] = elem.position[0] + r[0]
                B[i, 1] = elem.position[1] + r[1]
                B[i, 2] = elem.position[2] + r[2]
            neig = num.vecin(A, B, ordenado, eps_dist)
            min_neig = neig.min()
            if min_neig <= max_neig:
                bonds.append((r, neig))
        if aux == len(bonds):  # No new neighbours stop looking
            repeat = False
        else:  # New neighbours check next cells
            repeat = True
            nvec += 1
        aux = len(bonds)
    nvec = nvec - 1  #  we tried with one more cell and checked
    # that no new neighbour appeared
    # bonds, and number of repetitions needed to find all max_neig
    return bonds, nvec
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def add(self, map, transaction, link, p1=None, p2=None, changed=None):
        # apply the changes collected during the bisect loop to our addlist
        # return a delta suitable for addrevision
        def addlistdelta(addlist, x):
            # start from the bottom up
            # so changes to the offsets don't mess things up.
            i = len(x)
            while i > 0:
                i -= 1
                start = x[i][0]
                end = x[i][1]
                if x[i][2]:
                    addlist[start:end] = array.array("c", x[i][2])
                    del addlist[start:end]
            return "".join([struct.pack(">lll", d[0], d[1], len(d[2])) + d[2] for d in x])

        def checkforbidden(l):
            for f in l:
                if "\n" in f or "\r" in f:
                    raise error.RevlogError(_("'\\n' and '\\r' disallowed in filenames"))

        # if we're using the listcache, make sure it is valid and
        # parented by the same node we're diffing against
        if not (changed and self.listcache and p1 and self.mapcache[0] == p1):
            files = util.sort(map)

            # if this is changed to support newlines in filenames,
            # be sure to check the templates/ dir again (especially *-raw.tmpl)
            hex, flags = revlog.hex, map.flags
            text = ["%s\000%s%s\n" % (f, hex(map[f]), flags(f)) for f in files]
            self.listcache = array.array("c", "".join(text))
            cachedelta = None
            addlist = self.listcache

            # combine the changed lists into one list for sorting
            work = [[x, 0] for x in changed[0]]
            work[len(work) :] = [[x, 1] for x in changed[1]]

            delta = []
            dstart = None
            dend = None
            dline = [""]
            start = 0
            # zero copy representation of addlist as a buffer
            addbuf = buffer(addlist)

            # start with a readonly loop that finds the offset of
            # each line and creates the deltas
            for w in work:
                f = w[0]
                # bs will either be the index of the item or the insert point
                start, end = self._search(addbuf, f, start)
                if w[1] == 0:
                    l = "%s\000%s%s\n" % (f, revlog.hex(map[f]), map.flags(f))
                    l = ""
                if start == end and w[1] == 1:
                    # item we want to delete was not found, error out
                    raise AssertionError(_("failed to remove %s from manifest") % f)
                if dstart != None and dstart <= start and dend >= start:
                    if dend < end:
                        dend = end
                    if l:
                    if dstart != None:
                        delta.append([dstart, dend, "".join(dline)])
                    dstart = start
                    dend = end
                    dline = [l]

            if dstart != None:
                delta.append([dstart, dend, "".join(dline)])
            # apply the delta to the addlist, and get a delta for addrevision
            cachedelta = addlistdelta(addlist, delta)

            # the delta is only valid if we've been processing the tip revision
            if self.mapcache[0] != self.tip():
                cachedelta = None
            self.listcache = addlist

        n = self.addrevision(buffer(self.listcache), transaction, link, p1, p2, cachedelta)
        self.mapcache = (n, map)

        return n
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def _show(self, ctx, copies, props):
        '''show a single changeset or file revision'''
        changenode = ctx.node()
        rev = ctx.rev()

        if self.ui.quiet:
            self.ui.write("%d:%s\n" % (rev, short(changenode)))

        log = self.repo.changelog
        changes = log.read(changenode)
        date = util.datestr(changes[2])
        extra = changes[5]
        branch = extra.get("branch")

        hexfunc = self.ui.debugflag and hex or short

        parents = [(p, hexfunc(log.node(p)))
                   for p in self._meaningful_parentrevs(log, rev)]

        self.ui.write(_("changeset:   %d:%s\n") % (rev, hexfunc(changenode)))

        # don't show the default branch name
        if branch != 'default':
            branch = util.tolocal(branch)
            self.ui.write(_("branch:      %s\n") % branch)
        for tag in self.repo.nodetags(changenode):
            self.ui.write(_("tag:         %s\n") % tag)
        for parent in parents:
            self.ui.write(_("parent:      %d:%s\n") % parent)

        if self.ui.debugflag:
            self.ui.write(_("manifest:    %d:%s\n") %
                          (self.repo.manifest.rev(changes[0]), hex(changes[0])))
        self.ui.write(_("user:        %s\n") % changes[1])
        self.ui.write(_("date:        %s\n") % date)

        if self.ui.debugflag:
            files = self.repo.status(log.parents(changenode)[0], changenode)[:3]
            for key, value in zip([_("files:"), _("files+:"), _("files-:")],
                if value:
                    self.ui.write("%-12s %s\n" % (key, " ".join(value)))
        elif changes[3] and self.ui.verbose:
            self.ui.write(_("files:       %s\n") % " ".join(changes[3]))
        if copies and self.ui.verbose:
            copies = ['%s (%s)' % c for c in copies]
            self.ui.write(_("copies:      %s\n") % ' '.join(copies))

        if extra and self.ui.debugflag:
            for key, value in util.sort(extra.items()):
                self.ui.write(_("extra:       %s=%s\n")
                              % (key, value.encode('string_escape')))

        description = changes[4].strip()
        if description:
            if self.ui.verbose:
                self.ui.write(_("summary:     %s\n") %

Ejemplo n.º 24
def diff(repo, node1=None, node2=None, match=None, changes=None, opts=None):
    """yields diff of changes to files between two nodes, or node and
    working directory.

    if node1 is None, use first dirstate parent instead.
    if node2 is None, compare node1 with working directory."""

    if opts is None:
        opts = mdiff.defaultopts

    if not node1:
        node1 = repo.dirstate.parents()[0]

    flcache = {}

    def getfilectx(f, ctx):
        flctx = ctx.filectx(f, filelog=flcache.get(f))
        if f not in flcache:
            flcache[f] = flctx._filelog
        return flctx

    ctx1 = repo[node1]
    ctx2 = repo[node2]

    if not changes:
        changes = repo.status(ctx1, ctx2, match=match)
    modified, added, removed = changes[:3]

    if not modified and not added and not removed:

    date1 = util.datestr(ctx1.date())
    man1 = ctx1.manifest()

    if repo.ui.quiet:
        r = None
        hexfunc = repo.ui.debugflag and hex or short
        r = [hexfunc(node) for node in [node1, node2] if node]

    if opts.git:
        copy, diverge = copies.copies(repo, ctx1, ctx2, repo[nullid])
        for k, v in copy.items():
            copy[v] = k

    gone = {}
    gitmode = {"l": "120000", "x": "100755", "": "100644"}

    for f in util.sort(modified + added + removed):
        to = None
        tn = None
        dodiff = True
        header = []
        if f in man1:
            to = getfilectx(f, ctx1).data()
        if f not in removed:
            tn = getfilectx(f, ctx2).data()
        a, b = f, f
        if opts.git:
            if f in added:
                mode = gitmode[ctx2.flags(f)]
                if f in copy:
                    a = copy[f]
                    omode = gitmode[man1.flags(a)]
                    _addmodehdr(header, omode, mode)
                    if a in removed and a not in gone:
                        op = "rename"
                        gone[a] = 1
                        op = "copy"
                    header.append("%s from %s\n" % (op, a))
                    header.append("%s to %s\n" % (op, f))
                    to = getfilectx(a, ctx1).data()
                    header.append("new file mode %s\n" % mode)
                if util.binary(tn):
                    dodiff = "binary"
            elif f in removed:
                # have we already reported a copy above?
                if f in copy and copy[f] in added and copy[copy[f]] == f:
                    dodiff = False
                    header.append("deleted file mode %s\n" % gitmode[man1.flags(f)])
                omode = gitmode[man1.flags(f)]
                nmode = gitmode[ctx2.flags(f)]
                _addmodehdr(header, omode, nmode)
                if util.binary(to) or util.binary(tn):
                    dodiff = "binary"
            r = None
            header.insert(0, mdiff.diffline(r, a, b, opts))
        if dodiff:
            if dodiff == "binary":
                text = b85diff(to, tn)
                text = mdiff.unidiff(
                    # ctx2 date may be dynamic
            if header and (text or len(header) > 1):
                yield "".join(header)
            if text:
                yield text
Ejemplo n.º 25
 def showextras(**args):
     for key, value in util.sort(changes[5].items()):
         args = args.copy()
         args.update(dict(key=key, value=value))
         yield self.t('extra', **args)
Ejemplo n.º 26
            for f, fn in mf.readdelta(n).iteritems():
                if not f:
                    err(lr, _("file without name in manifest"))
                elif f != "/dev/null":
                    fns = filenodes.setdefault(f, {})
                    if fn not in fns:
                        fns[fn] = i
        except Exception, inst:
            exc(lr, _("reading manifest delta %s") % short(n), inst)

    ui.status(_("crosschecking files in changesets and manifests\n"))

    if havemf:
        for c, m in util.sort([(c, m) for m in mflinkrevs for c in mflinkrevs[m]]):
            err(c, _("changeset refers to unknown manifest %s") % short(m))
        del mflinkrevs

        for f in util.sort(filelinkrevs):
            if f not in filenodes:
                lr = filelinkrevs[f][0]
                err(lr, _("in changeset but not in manifest"), f)

    if havecl:
        for f in util.sort(filenodes):
            if f not in filelinkrevs:
                    fl = repo.file(f)
                    lr = min([fl.linkrev(fl.rev(n)) for n in filenodes[f]])
Ejemplo n.º 27
    "locValid", "age", "ageValid", "alt", "altValid", "course", "courseValid",
    "speed", "speedValid", "rssi", "snr", "freqError", "sf", "isPacket"

currentDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
data_file = os.path.abspath(
    os.path.join(currentDir, '..', 'data', "PACKETS.TXT"))
output_file_name = "heatmap_SNR.html" if PLOT_SNR else "heatmap_RSS.html"
output_file = os.path.abspath(
    os.path.join(currentDir, '..', 'result', output_file_name))

grid_size = 25

for_map = pd.read_csv(data_file, sep=',', header=None, names=HEADER)

for_map = util.sort(for_map)

for_map_gps = for_map.copy()

for_map = for_map[for_map.isPacket > 0]

util.addDistanceTo(for_map, CENTER)


for_map.plot.scatter(x='distance', y='pl_db', c='sf', colormap='viridis')

max_lat = for_map[LAT_SERIES].max()
Ejemplo n.º 28
def predict():
    # input from web
    state = str(request.form['state'])
    bus_name = str(request.form['restaurant'])
    star1 = str(request.form['star1'])
    star2 = str(request.form['star2'])
    star1, star2 = int(star1), int(star2)

    # selecting model to load depending on star selection from web app
    affix = None
    if star1 == 1 and star2 == 2:
        affix = "12"
    if star1 == 1 and star2 == 3:
        affix = "13"
    if star1 == 1 and star2 == 4:
        affix = "14"
    if star1 == 1 and star2 == 5:
        affix = "15"
    if star1 == 2 and star2 == 5:
        affix = "25"
    if star1 == 3 and star2 == 5:
        affix = "35"
    if star1 == 4 and star2 == 5:
        affix = "45"
    if affix:
        with open("../break_week/models/model" + affix + ".pickle", "rb") as f:
            models = pickle.load(f)

    # loading data from mongoDB using restaurant name and state
    db = client.yelp
    df = pd.DataFrame(
            "bus_name": bus_name,
            "state": state

    # calling display function
    df_pos, df_neg, name, size, Recall, Precision, Accuracy, lst_neg, \
                    lst_pos = display(models, df, star1, star2, state=state, bus_name=bus_name)

    # creating a list of count of words describing each aspect
    neg_asp_lst = list(df_neg["Aspect"])
    pos_asp_lst = list(df_pos["Aspect"])
    neg_words, pos_words = [], []
    for neg, pos in zip(df_neg["Level of experience"],
                        df_pos["Level of experience"]):

    # using created list to make a dict of aspects
    data_neg = {"Aspect": neg_asp_lst, "Level of experience": neg_words}
    data_pos = {"Aspect": pos_asp_lst, "Level of experience": pos_words}

    # using dict to make bar chart
    plot_neg = create_bar_chart(data_neg, "Negative customer experience",
                                "Aspect", "Level of experience")
    plot_pos = create_bar_chart(data_pos, "Positive customer experience",
                                "Aspect", "Level of experience")

    script_neg, div_neg = components(plot_neg)
    script_pos, div_pos = components(plot_pos)
    if len(lst_pos) >= 4 and len(lst_neg) >= 4:
        neg_asp1, neg_asp2, neg_asp3, neg_asp4, neg_asp5 = lst_neg[0][
            0], lst_neg[1][0], lst_neg[2][0], lst_neg[3][0], lst_neg[4][0]
        neg_desc1, neg_desc2, neg_desc3, neg_desc4, neg_desc5 = sort(
            lst_neg[0][1]), sort(lst_neg[1][1]), sort(lst_neg[2][1]), sort(
                lst_neg[3][1]), sort(lst_neg[4][1])
        pos_asp1, pos_asp2, pos_asp3, pos_asp4, pos_asp5 = lst_pos[0][
            0], lst_pos[1][0], lst_pos[2][0], lst_pos[3][0], lst_pos[4][0]
        pos_desc1, pos_desc2, pos_desc3, pos_desc4, pos_desc5 = sort(
            lst_pos[0][1]), sort(lst_pos[1][1]), sort(lst_pos[2][1]), sort(
                lst_pos[3][1]), sort(lst_pos[4][1])
        return render_template("index.html", title="Home")
    return render_template("predict.html",
Ejemplo n.º 29
def _nonoverlap(d1, d2, d3):
    "Return list of elements in d1 not in d2 or d3"
    return util.sort([d for d in d1 if d not in d3 and d not in d2])