def handleInquireMsg(skt, gameinfo, msg): # 处理询问消息: # 询问消息:分为两部分----前面的player操作 + 彩池信息 inquireMsgRe = r'inquire/\s*\n([\s\S]*)\s*\ntotal\s+pot:\s+(\d+)\s*\n/inquire' # Player操作:用户id 筹码 持有金币 下注 操作 playerOpsRe = r'(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(.*)\s+' inquireMatch =, msg) if inquireMatch: writeLog('\nGet inquire message') print 'Get inquire message: ' opsMsg = potMsg = opsSet = opsMsg.split('\n') actionSet = [] for ops in opsSet: opsMatch =, ops) if opsMatch: player = jetton = money = bet = op = action = Action() action.setAction(player, jetton, money, bet, op) #action.saveActionLog() actionSet.append(action) gameinfo.actions = actionSet gameinfo.updatePlayerInfo() gameinfo.potNum = int(potMsg) decisionProcess(skt, gameinfo)
def parsePlayersTights(gameinfo): # 通过分析各玩家的投注行为,获取各玩家的松紧策略 # 说明: # 我们每过25局分析一次各玩家的投注行为,从而维护一个玩家松紧系数向量。 # 那么,我们就可以根据这个向量实施相应的策略 # pts表示对应player对应的tight系数 # 如 pts[1111] = 2 pts = [] writeLog('\nParse Players Tights...') print 'Parse Players Tights....' # 这里,我们考虑到内存问题,选择了这样一种策略: # 每次计算后清空player的历史操作,仅仅将结果赋值到变量tightlevel中 # 这样,后面计算时,前面的结果就自动保存为一个结果,然后再相加 for ph in gameinfo.phSet: # ph表示一个玩家的操作历史 phtights = ph.tightlevel for ctp in ph.cardtopot: cards = ctp.holdcards phtights += parseTightFromHoldCards(ctp.holdcards) aveTight = float(phtights) / (len(ph.cardtopot) + 1) pt = {} pt['id'] = pt['tight'] = aveTight pts.append(pt) ph.setTightLevel(aveTight) ph.cardtopot = [] return pts
def handleFlopMsg(gameinfo, msg): # 公牌信息处理 # 翻牌消息: flopMsgRe = r'flop/\s*\n(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s*\n(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s*\n(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s*\n/flop' flopMatch =, msg) if flopMatch: writeLog('\nGet flop cards:') print 'Get flop cards: ' color1 = point1 = card1 = Card() card1.setCardInfo(color1, point1) card1.printCardInfo() card1.saveCardLog() color2 = point2 = card2 = Card() card2.setCardInfo(color2, point2) card2.printCardInfo() card2.saveCardLog() color3 = point3 = card3 = Card() card3.setCardInfo(color3, point3) card3.printCardInfo() card3.saveCardLog() gameinfo.addPublicCards(card1) gameinfo.addPublicCards(card2) gameinfo.addPublicCards(card3)
def sendMsgToServer(sock=None, msg=None): if msg: writeLog('\nSend My Operation: ') writeLog(msg) print '\nSend My Operation: ' print msg try: sock.send(msg) except socket.error, msg: print 'Message Send Failure. Error Message: ' + msg[1]
def buildConnection(myip=None, myport=0, uip=None, uport=0): skt = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) skt.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) myaddr = (myip, myport) try: skt.bind(myaddr) except socket.error, msg: err = 'Binding Failure. Error Message: ' + msg[1] print err writeLog(err)
def listenServerInfo(sock=None, gameinfo=None): print 'Client is waiting message from remote gameserver...' while True: msg = sock.recv(2048) if msg: writeLog('\nReceived Message: ') writeLog(msg) print '\nReceived message: ' print msg # thread.start_new_thread(handleMsg, (sock, msg, gameinfo)) handleMsg(sock, msg, gameinfo) msg = '' else: continue
def riverRoundDecision(gameinfo): (msg, aplayers) = handleActive(gameinfo) if msg: log = 'River Round Decision: ' + msg writeLog(log) return msg allcards = gameinfo.holdCards + gameinfo.publicCards (value, level, cards) = parseRiverRoundLevel(allcards) mytight2 = 0 # 玩家排名的策略分析 mytight1 = gameinfo.mytight # 通过分析用户松紧策略决定自己的松紧策略 mytight2 = getMyTightFromPalyerTights(gameinfo, aplayers) # 取两种策略分析的最大值 tightPolicy = max(mytight1, mytight2) tightInfo = 'River Round Tight Policy: ' + str(tightPolicy) writeLog(tightInfo) cardsLevelMsg = 'River Round Cards Level: ' + getLevelByIndex(level) writeLog(cardsLevelMsg) msg = getRiverMsgBasedOnTightLevel(gameinfo, tightPolicy, level, value, gameinfo.riverNum) log = 'River Round Decision: ' + msg writeLog(log) return msg
def handlePotMsg(gameinfo, msg): # 彩池分配消息处理: # 彩池分配消息: potwinMsgRe = r'pot-win/\s*\n([\s\S]*)\s*\n/pot-win' # 彩池单分配: potMsgRe = r'(\d+):\s+(\d+)' potwinItems = re.findall(potwinMsgRe, msg) if potwinItems: writeLog('\nGet pot num message') print 'Get pot num message' potwinMsg = potwinItems[0] potwins = potwinMsg.split('\n') for potwin in potwins: potwinMatch =, potwin) if potwinMatch: player = pot = playerInfo = gameinfo.getPlayerById(player) playerHistory = gameinfo.getPHById(player) if not playerHistory: playerHistory = PlayerHistory(player) playerHistory.addPlayerHistory(playerInfo.holdcards, int(pot)) writeLog('Pot-win info: ') print 'Pot-win info: ' writeLog('Player ID: %s' % player) print 'Player ID: ', player writeLog('Player Pot: %s' % pot) print 'PlayerPot: ', pot
def handleShowdownMsg(gameinfo, msg): # 摊牌消息处理: # 摊牌消息: 牌池信息 + 排名信息 showdownMsgRe = r'showdown/\s*\ncommon/\s*\n([\s\S]*)\s*\n/common\s*\n([\s\S]*)\s*\n/showdown' # 牌池信息: cardMsgRe = r'(\w+)\s+(\w+)' # 排名信息: rankMsgRe = r'(\d+):\s+(\d+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)' showdownMatch =, msg) if showdownMatch: writeLog('\nGet showdown message:') print 'Get showdown message: ' cardMsg = rankMsg = cards = cardMsg.split('\n') ranks = rankMsg.split('\n') print 'Handling common cards information...' writeLog('Common cards information:') for card in cards: cardMatch =, card) if cardMatch: color = point = print color, point clrinfo = 'Card color: %s' % color pitinfo = 'Card point: %s' % point writeLog(clrinfo) writeLog(pitinfo) writeLog('\nPlayer rank information') print 'Handling rank information...' for rank in ranks: rankMatch =, rank) if rankMatch: rank = player = color1 = point1 = color2 = point2 = nut_hand = card1 = Card() card1.setCardInfo(color1, point1) card1.printCardInfo() card1.saveCardLog() card2 = Card() card2.setCardInfo(color1, point1) card2.printCardInfo() card2.saveCardLog() gameinfo.updateRankInfo(player, card1, card2, rank, nut_hand)
def handleTurnMsg(gameinfo, msg): # 转牌消息处理: # 转牌消息: turnMsgRe = r'turn/\s*\n(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s*\n/turn' turnMatch =, msg) if turnMatch: writeLog('\nGet turn card:') print 'Get turn card:' color = point = card = Card() card.setCardInfo(color, point) card.printCardInfo() card.saveCardLog() gameinfo.addPublicCards(card)
def handleRiverMsg(gameinfo, msg): # 河牌消息处理: # 河牌消息 riverMsgRe = r'river/\s*\n(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s*\n/river' riverMatch =, msg) if riverMatch: writeLog('\nGet river card:') print 'Get river card: ' color = point = card = Card() card.setCardInfo(color, point) card.printCardInfo() card.saveCardLog() gameinfo.addPublicCards(card)
def handleHoldMsg(gameinfo, msg): # 处理手牌消息: # 持有手牌:花色 大小 花色 大小(共两张牌) holdMsgRe = r'hold/\s*\n(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s*\n(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s*\n/hold' holdMatch =, msg) if holdMatch: writeLog('\nGet hold cards message: ') print 'Get hold cards message: ' color1 = point1 = card1 = Card() card1.setCardInfo(color1, point1) card1.saveCardLog() card1.printCardInfo() color2 = point2 = card2 = Card() card2.setCardInfo(color2, point2) card2.saveCardLog() card2.printCardInfo() gameinfo.addHoldCards(card1) gameinfo.addHoldCards(card2)
def parseRiverRoundLevel(rivercards): result = [] maxRet = None # combinations方法将实现多选多的过程 combs = itertools.combinations(rivercards, 5) for cards in combs: (value, level) = parseFlopRoundLevel(cards) ret = (value, level, cards) result.append(ret) if result: sortedRet = sorted(result, reverse=True) maxRet = sortedRet[0] valueMsg = 'River Round Max Cards Value: ' + str(maxRet[0]) writeLog(valueMsg) print valueMsg levelMsg = 'River Round Max Cards Level: ' + getLevelByIndex(maxRet[1]) writeLog(levelMsg) print levelMsg return maxRet
def flopRoundDecision(gameinfo): (msg, aplayers) = handleActive(gameinfo) if msg: log = 'Flop Round Decision: ' + msg writeLog(log) return msg allcards = gameinfo.holdCards + gameinfo.publicCards (value, level) = parseFlopRoundLevel(allcards) mytight2 = 0 # 玩家排名的策略分析 mytight1 = gameinfo.mytight ''' # 通过分析用户松紧策略决定自己的松紧策略 mytight2 = getMyTightFromPalyerTights(gameinfo, aplayers) ''' # 策略分析取值 if mytight1 == 0: tightPolicy = 0 else: tightPolicy = max(mytight1, mytight2) tightInfo = 'Flop Round Tight Policy: ' + str(tightPolicy) writeLog(tightInfo) cardsLevelMsg = 'Flop Round Cards Level: ' + getLevelByIndex(level) writeLog(cardsLevelMsg) msg = getFlopMsgBasedOnTightLevel(gameinfo, tightPolicy, level, value, gameinfo.flopNum) log = 'Flop Round Decision: ' + msg writeLog(log) return msg
def testSVM(): ## loading data log = "Step 1: loading data..." writeLog(log) print log test_x, test_y = loadDigitTestData() # scales from -1 to 1 test_x = test_x/255.0*2 - 1 # initialize the vote matrix for testing data, Votes[m, 10] m, dump = shape(test_y) Votes = mat(zeros((m, 10))) ## testing data log = "Step 2: testing data..." for i in range(10): for j in range(i+1, 10): log = "--working on model: " + str(i) + '&' + str(j) print log writeLog(log) # loading the models d ='./models/svm_' + str(i) + '_' + str(j)) svmClassifier = d['svm'] d.close() # testing using the given model and votes Votes_k, Votes_l = SVM.testDigitScores(svmClassifier, test_x, m) # write to the Votes Votes[:, i] += Votes_k Votes[:, j] += Votes_l ## saving Votes matrix log = "Step 3: saving votes..." print log writeLog(log) d ='./models/Votes_Score_noscale') d['vote'] = Votes d.close()
def handleBlindMsg(gameinfo, msg): # 处理盲注消息: blindMsgRe = r'blind/\s*\n([\s\S]*)\s*\n/blind' # 盲注值:用户id;赌注(盲注) blindBetRe = r'(\d+):\s+(\d+)' blindItems = re.findall(blindMsgRe, msg) if blindItems: writeLog('\nGet blind bet message: ') print '\nGet blind bet message: ' blindInfo = blindItems[0] blinds = blindInfo.split('\n') bet = [] for blind in blinds: blindMatch =, blind) if blindMatch: betValue = bet.append(betValue) gameinfo.smallBlindBet = bet[0] smallbet = 'small bet: %s' % bet[0] writeLog(smallbet) if len(bet) == 2: gameinfo.bigBlindBet = bet[1] bigbet = 'big bet: %s' % bet[1] writeLog(bigbet)
myaddr = (myip, myport) try: skt.bind(myaddr) except socket.error, msg: err = 'Binding Failure. Error Message: ' + msg[1] print err writeLog(err) uaddr = (uip, uport) try: skt.connect(uaddr) except socket.error, msg: err = 'Connection Failure. Error Message: ' + msg[1] print err writeLog(err) return skt # 监听处理服务器发送的信息 def listenServerInfo(sock=None, gameinfo=None): print 'Client is waiting message from remote gameserver...' while True: msg = sock.recv(2048) if msg: writeLog('\nReceived Message: ') writeLog(msg) print '\nReceived message: ' print msg # thread.start_new_thread(handleMsg, (sock, msg, gameinfo))
def handRoundDecision(gameinfo): # 通过handleActive函数分析当前未弃牌的玩家数,并作出最简单只剩下自己时的操作 (msg, aplayers) = handleActive(gameinfo) if msg: log = 'Hand Round Decision:' + msg writeLog(log) return msg # 玩家排名策略分析 mytight1 = parseRaisePolicy(gameinfo) gameinfo.mytight = mytight1 if mytight1 == 4: msg = 'fold \n' log = 'Hand Round Decision: ' + msg writeLog(log) return msg mytight2 = 0 ''' # 通过分析用户松紧策略决定自己的松紧策略 mytight2 = getMyTightFromPalyerTights(gameinfo, aplayers) if mytight2 == 3: mytight2 = 1 elif mytight2 == 0: mytight2 = 2 ''' # 策略分析取值 if mytight1 == 0: tightPolicy = 0 else: tightPolicy = max(mytight1, mytight2) tightInfo = 'Hand Round Tight Policy: ' + str(tightPolicy) writeLog(tightInfo) myrole = gameinfo.myplayer.role opSet = parseOperationSet(gameinfo) joinFlag = handCardsHandle(gameinfo.holdCards, myseatrole=myrole, tightPolicy=tightPolicy) if joinFlag: bigBet = int(gameinfo.bigBlindBet) / 4 + gameinfo.minRaiseCount smallBet = max(int(gameinfo.minRaiseCount), int(gameinfo.bigBlindBet)) holdLevel = parseHoldLevel(gameinfo.holdCards) writeLog('Hold Cards Level: ' + str(holdLevel)) # 如果我的总筹码能够承受我希望加注的钱,那么就加注 if bigBet < int(gameinfo.myplayer.jetton): if 4 in opSet: if gameinfo.holdNum <= 3: if holdLevel >= 3: msg = 'raise %s \n' % bigBet elif holdLevel == 2: msg = 'raise %s \n' % smallBet else: msg = 'call \n' elif gameinfo.holdNum <= 5: if holdLevel == 3: msg = 'raise %s \n' % bigBet elif holdLevel == 3: msg = 'raise %s \n' % smallBet else: msg = 'call \n' else: if holdLevel == 4: msg = 'raise %s \n' % smallBet else: msg = 'fold \n' else: # 前面的小伙伴们都是all_in了,我就只有两条路可选了: # 要么一起all_in一起嗨,要么fold等下轮了... # 这可是关系到身家性命,当然不能马虎对待了 # 此处的想法是,不要轻易的all_in holdLevel = parseHoldLevel(gameinfo.holdCards) if holdLevel == 4: msg = 'all_in \n' else: msg = 'fold \n' # 完蛋,钱不够,那就all_in吧,死活一条命嘛 else: if holdLevel == 4: msg = 'all_in \n' else: msg = 'fold \n' else: msg = 'fold \n' log = 'Hand Round Decision: ' + msg writeLog(log) return msg
def handleSeatMsg(gameinfo, msg): # 匹配收到的信息中是否有座次信息,有则处理,否则进行其他检查 # 座次信息正则表达式 seatMsgRe = r'seat/\s\s*\n([\s\S]*)\s\s*\n/seat' # 庄家信息:用户id 筹码 持有金币 buttonMsgRe = r'button:\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)' # 小盲注信息:用户id 筹码 持有金币 smallBlindMsgRe = r'small\s+blind:\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)' # 大盲注信息:用户id 筹码 持有金币 bigBlindMsgRe = r'big\s+blind:\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)' # 其他用户信息:用户id 筹码 持有金币 norlmalMsgRe = r'(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)' seatItems = re.findall(seatMsgRe, msg) if seatItems: gameinfo.someDataClean() gameinfo.gameNum += 1 writeLog('\nGet seat message: ') print 'Get seat message: ' seatInfo = seatItems[0] seats = seatInfo.split('\n') normalSeats = 3 # seats对应所有玩家,seat对应每一个玩家 for seat in seats: buttonMatch =, seat) if buttonMatch: # role: button (BTN) seatRole = 1 id = jetton = money = gameinfo.addNewPlayer(id, jetton, money, seatRole) print 'Add new player: ' print 'role: button' print 'id: ', id print 'jetton: ', jetton print 'money: ', money continue smallBlindMatch =, seat) if smallBlindMatch: # role: small blind (SB) seatRole = 2 id = jetton = money = gameinfo.addNewPlayer(id, jetton, money, seatRole) print 'Add new player: ' print 'role: small blind' print 'id: ', id print 'jetton: ', jetton print 'money: ', money continue bigBlindMatch =, seat) if bigBlindMatch: # role: big blind (BB) seatRole = 3 id = jetton = money = gameinfo.addNewPlayer(id, jetton, money, seatRole) print 'Add new player: ' print 'role: big blind' print 'id: ', id print 'jetton: ', jetton print 'money: ', money continue normalMatch =, seat) if normalMatch: # role: normal (EP EP MP MP LP) normalSeats += 1 id = jetton = money = gameinfo.addNewPlayer(id, jetton, money, normalSeats) print 'Add new player: ' print 'role: normal' print 'id: ', id print 'jetton: ', jetton print 'money: ', money continue
def handCardsHandle(mycards, myseatrole, tightPolicy=1): ''' 分析手牌,然后确定是否应该加入牌局 对于tightPolicy,其表示我们在玩牌时的松紧策略 ''' # tightPolicy表示是否实行紧方式 # inFlag 用于表示是否决定玩一手牌。 # 位置划分: # ep(前位):8--大盲注后两个,4/3---依次递减 # mp(中位):8--EP后两个,6/5---依次递减 # lp(末位):8--MP后一个,7删除 # button(庄家) # blind(大小盲注) # 这里,我们使用经验,选择执行20%策略 # 基于概率事件,通过经验: # ep: 44+/AKo/ATs+/AQo+ # mp: 33+/A8s+/ATo+/KJo+ # lp: 22+/A2s+ # button: 22+/A2s+/T9s+/AJo+ # blind: 22+/AKo/AQs/AJs/KQs # 另外,对于松机制 # 所有:22+/AJo+/A4s+/98s+/KQo/KJs inFlag = False # 使用最紧机制 # 最紧机制通常适用于这样的情况: # 1、起手牌时,对手中存在all_in时,实行最紧策略,不要轻易all_in # 2、当自己的金钱远远大于第二名时,实行最紧策略。原因在于不要轻易加入牌局,除非自己有着极大的赢牌几率 # 3、当牌局的紧策略玩家出现加注和all_in操作时,我们实行最紧机制 if tightPolicy == 3: inFlag = ( justifyMode( mycards, pointMax=6, pointMin=6, plus=True, isuit=False) or justifyMode( mycards, pointMax=14, pointMin=13, plus=False, isuit=False) or justifyMode( mycards, pointMax=14, pointMin=10, plus=True, isuit=True) or justifyMode( mycards, pointMax=13, pointMin=12, plus=True, isuit=True)) # 使用紧机制 # 紧机制通常适用于这样一些情况: # 1、当自己的金钱为第一名且稍微领先第二名时,实行紧策略 # 2、当牌局的紧策略玩家出现跟注时,我们实行紧机制 elif tightPolicy == 2: if PlayerRole[myseatrole] == 'EP': inFlag = ( justifyMode( mycards, pointMax=3, pointMin=3, plus=True, isuit=False) or justifyMode( mycards, pointMax=14, pointMin=13, plus=False, isuit=False) or justifyMode( mycards, pointMax=14, pointMin=10, plus=True, isuit=True) or justifyMode( mycards, pointMax=14, pointMin=12, plus=False, isuit=False) or justifyMode( mycards, pointMax=13, pointMin=12, plus=False, isuit=False)) elif PlayerRole[myseatrole] == 'MP': inFlag = ( justifyMode( mycards, pointMax=3, pointMin=3, plus=True, isuit=False) or justifyMode( mycards, pointMax=14, pointMin=9, plus=True, isuit=True) or justifyMode( mycards, pointMax=14, pointMin=12, plus=True, isuit=False) or justifyMode( mycards, pointMax=13, pointMin=11, plus=True, isuit=False) or justifyMode( mycards, pointMax=13, pointMin=12, plus=False, isuit=False)) elif PlayerRole[myseatrole] == 'LP': inFlag = ( justifyMode( mycards, pointMax=3, pointMin=3, plus=True, isuit=False) or justifyMode( mycards, pointMax=9, pointMin=8, plus=True, isuit=True) or justifyMode( mycards, pointMax=14, pointMin=9, plus=True, isuit=True) or justifyMode( mycards, pointMax=14, pointMin=11, plus=True, isuit=False) or justifyMode( mycards, pointMax=13, pointMin=12, plus=False, isuit=False)) elif PlayerRole[myseatrole] == 'BTN': inFlag = ( justifyMode( mycards, pointMax=3, pointMin=3, plus=True, isuit=False) or justifyMode( mycards, pointMax=14, pointMin=9, plus=True, isuit=True) or justifyMode( mycards, pointMax=10, pointMin=9, plus=True, isuit=True) or justifyMode( mycards, pointMax=14, pointMin=11, plus=True, isuit=False)) elif PlayerRole[myseatrole] == 'SB' or PlayerRole[myseatrole] == 'BB': inFlag = ( justifyMode( mycards, pointMax=3, pointMin=3, plus=True, isuit=False) or justifyMode( mycards, pointMax=7, pointMin=6, plus=True, isuit=True) or justifyMode( mycards, pointMax=14, pointMin=13, plus=False, isuit=False) or justifyMode( mycards, pointMax=14, pointMin=11, plus=False, isuit=True) or justifyMode( mycards, pointMax=13, pointMin=12, plus=False, isuit=True)) # 使用最松机制 elif tightPolicy == 1: inFlag = ( justifyMode( mycards, pointMax=2, pointMin=2, plus=True, isuit=False) or justifyMode( mycards, pointMax=14, pointMin=5, plus=True, isuit=False) or justifyMode( mycards, pointMax=14, pointMin=2, plus=True, isuit=True) or justifyMode( mycards, pointMax=10, pointMin=9, plus=True, isuit=True) or justifyMode( mycards, pointMax=13, pointMin=12, plus=False, isuit=False) or justifyMode( mycards, pointMax=13, pointMin=11, plus=False, isuit=True) or justifyMode( mycards, pointMax=13, pointMin=10, plus=False, isuit=True) or justifyMode( mycards, pointMax=12, pointMin=9, plus=False, isuit=False)) # 最后这一种,实行的机制最松 # 22+/A8+/A2s+/76s+/109+/97s+/KJ/K10/K9s/Q10/Q9s/Q8s # 那么,哪些情况下实行最松机制呢? # 1、对于当自己的经济状况处于5-6名次时,同样执行最松机制,但是执行的方法为all_in # 2、自暴自弃:当自己的经济状况处于7-8名·,执行全all_in机制————投机方法 elif tightPolicy == 0: inFlag = ( justifyMode( mycards, pointMax=2, pointMin=2, plus=True, isuit=False) or justifyMode( mycards, pointMax=14, pointMin=8, plus=True, isuit=False) or justifyMode( mycards, pointMax=14, pointMin=4, plus=True, isuit=True) or justifyMode(mycards, pointMax=9, pointMin=8, plus=True, isuit=True) or justifyMode( mycards, pointMax=13, pointMin=11, plus=False, isuit=False) or justifyMode( mycards, pointMax=13, pointMin=10, plus=False, isuit=False) or justifyMode( mycards, pointMax=13, pointMin=9, plus=False, isuit=False) or justifyMode( mycards, pointMax=13, pointMin=8, plus=False, isuit=True) or justifyMode( mycards, pointMax=12, pointMin=10, plus=False, isuit=False) or justifyMode( mycards, pointMax=12, pointMin=9, plus=False, isuit=True) or justifyMode( mycards, pointMax=12, pointMin=8, plus=False, isuit=True)) if inFlag: writeLog('\nHand Round: Join this set!!!') print '\nHand Round: Join this set!!!' else: writeLog('\nHand Round: Do not join this set!!!') print '\nHand Round: Do not join this set!!!' return inFlag
import sys from gameinfo import GameInfo from connhandle import buildConnection, sendMsgToServer, listenServerInfo from util import writeLog, fileClean, setFileName if __name__ == '__main__': uip = sys.argv[1] uport = int(sys.argv[2]) myip = sys.argv[3] myport = int(sys.argv[4]) myid = sys.argv[5] myname = 'kobe' print '\ngameserver ip: ', uip print 'gameserver port: ', uport print 'my ip: ', myip print 'my port: ', myport print 'my id:', myid print 'my name: ', myname setFileName(myid) fileClean() gameinfo = GameInfo() gameinfo.myid = myid skt = buildConnection(myip, myport, uip, uport) # 发送注册信息 regmsg = 'reg: %s %s\n' % (myid, myname) regSend = 'Send message: %s' % regmsg writeLog(regSend) sendMsgToServer(skt, regmsg) listenServerInfo(skt, gameinfo)
def predictSVM(): ## loading the Votes log = "Step 1: loading votes..." writeLog(log) print log d ='./models/Votes_Score_noscale') Votes = d['vote'] d.close() ## loading the testing data log = "Step 2: loading testing data..." writeLog(log) print log test_x, test_y = loadDigitTestData() ## predict the testing data log = "Step 3: predicting the data..." writeLog(log) print log predict_y = Votes.argmax(axis=1) m, n = shape(test_y) matchCount = 0 for i in range(m): if predict_y[i] == test_y[i]: matchCount += 1 else: # print i # print str(test_y[i]) + '\t' + str(predict_y[i]) + '\t' + str(Votes[i]) # raw_input() writeLog(str(test_y[i]) + '\t' + str(predict_y[i]) + '\t' + str(Votes[i])) accuracy = float(matchCount) / m log = "step 4: show the result..." writeLog(log) print log log = 'The classify accuracy is: %.3f%%' % (accuracy * 100) writeLog(log) print log
def buildSVM(k, l): ''' Description: Build the SVM model for classes in Digit Data. @param: k: the SVM model for first class, 0<=k<=9 l: the SVM model for second class, 0<=l<=9 @procedure saves the SVM simplier model between class k and l. ''' ## Step 1: load data log = "Step 1: loading data..." writeLog(log) print log train_x, train_y, test_x, test_y = loadDigitData() # set_printoptions(threshold='nan') # extract k, l classes K_IndexTrain = nonzero(train_y.A == k)[0] L_IndexTrain = nonzero(train_y.A == l)[0] IndexTrain = concatenate((K_IndexTrain, L_IndexTrain)) # random shuffle the array IndexTrain = random.permutation(IndexTrain) K_IndexTest = nonzero(test_y.A == k)[0] L_IndexTest = nonzero(test_y.A == l)[0] IndexTest = concatenate((K_IndexTest, L_IndexTest)) # random shuffle the array IndexTest = random.permutation(IndexTest) train_x = train_x[IndexTrain] train_y = train_y[IndexTrain] test_x = test_x[IndexTest] test_y = test_y[IndexTest] # sets label to -1 and +1 train_y[train_y==k] = -1 train_y[train_y==l] = 1 test_y[test_y==k] = -1 test_y[test_y==l] = 1 # scales the features value between [-1~1] train_x = train_x/255.0*2 - 1 test_x = test_x/255.0*2 - 1 ## Step 2: training data log = "Step 2: training data..." writeLog(log) print log C = 16 toler = 0.001 maxIter = 50 svmClassifier = SVM.train(train_x, train_y.T, C, toler, maxIter, kernel = ('rbf', 13)) # saves the model to disk for feature prediction'./models/svm_' + str(k) + '_' + str(l)) # simpleSVM = SVMSimpleStruct(svmClassifier) #'./models/simple_svm_' + str(k_class)) # # load the model # print 'Step 2: loading model.. # d ='./models/svm_' + str(k) + '_' + str(l)) # svmClassifier = d['svm'] # d.close() # # Step 3: testing data log = "Step 3: testing data..." writeLog(log) print log accuracy = SVM.test(svmClassifier, test_x, test_y) ## Step 4: show the results log = 'The classify accuracy is: %.3f%%' % (accuracy * 100) print log writeLog(log)
def decisionProcess(skt, gameinfo): writeLog('\nDecision Process...') writeLog('Game Number: ' + str(gameinfo.gameNum)) writeLog('Hold Cards Count: ' + str(len(gameinfo.holdCards))) writeLog('Public Cards Count: ' + str(len(gameinfo.publicCards))) ''' 我们通过gameinfo中的公牌数量来判断当前局应该执行什么操作 ''' if len(gameinfo.publicCards) == 0: writeLog('Hold Cards Round: ') gameinfo.holdNum += 1 msg = decision.handRoundDecision(gameinfo) elif len(gameinfo.publicCards) == 3: writeLog('Flop Cards Round: ') gameinfo.flopNum += 1 msg = decision.flopRoundDecision(gameinfo) elif len(gameinfo.publicCards) == 4: writeLog('Turn Cards Round: ') gameinfo.turnNum += 1 msg = decision.turnRoundDecision(gameinfo) elif len(gameinfo.publicCards) == 5: writeLog('River Cards Round: ') gameinfo.riverNum += 1 msg = decision.riverRoundDecision(gameinfo) else: msg = 'fold \n' sendMsgToServer(skt, msg)
def train(X, y, C, toler, maxIter, kernel): ''' Description: Training entrance. @param: X: training features y: training labels C: slack variable toler: termination condition for iteration maxIter: maxmium iteration kernel: kernel type {linear | rbf} @return svm: SVM struct ''' startTime = time.time() svm = SVMStruct(mat(X), mat(y).T, C, toler, kernel) # Termination conditions: # 1) Maxmium iteration or # 2) No more alpha need to be changed after go through all the data. # which means, all the samples satisfy the KKT conditions. iteration = 0 entireSet = True alphaPairChanged = 0 while (iteration < maxIter) and ((alphaPairChanged > 0) or (entireSet)): alphaPairChanged = 0 # update alphas through whole data set if entireSet: for i in range(svm.m): # print 'innerLoop: ' + str(i) alphaPairChanged += innerLoop(svm, i) log = "iter: %d on Entire Set | Alphas Pairs Changed: %d" % (iteration, alphaPairChanged) writeLog(log) print log # update alphas through all non-boundary data set else: nonBoundIndexes = nonzero((svm.alphas.A > 0) & (svm.alphas.A < C))[0] # [0] row index for i in nonBoundIndexes: # print 'NonBoundInnerLoop: ' + str(i) alphaPairChanged += innerLoop(svm, i) log = "iter: %d on Non-Bound Set | Alphas Pairs Changed: %d" % (iteration, alphaPairChanged) writeLog(log) print log iteration += 1 # change update order: Entire Set <=> Non-boundary Set if entireSet: entireSet = False elif alphaPairChanged == 0: entireSet = True # training end log = 'SVM training costs %fs' % (time.time() - startTime) print log writeLog(log) return svm