Ejemplo n.º 1
def generate() -> None:
    authorities = get_targz_path(check_exists=False)
    if os.path.exists(authorities):
        command.fail("authorities.tgz already exists")
    # tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() creates the directory with 0o600, which protects the private keys
    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as d:
        certdir = os.path.join(d, "certdir")
        keyserver_yaml = os.path.join(d, "keyserver.yaml")
        util.writefile(keyserver_yaml, configuration.get_keyserver_yaml().encode())
        print("generating authorities...")
            # TODO: avoid having these touch disk
            subprocess.check_call(["keygen", keyserver_yaml, certdir, "supervisor-nodes"])
        except FileNotFoundError as e:
            if e.filename == "keygen":
                command.fail("could not find keygen binary. is the homeworld-keyserver dependency installed?")
                raise e
        print("encrypting authorities...")
        cryptdir = os.path.join(d, "cryptdir")
        for filename in os.listdir(certdir):
            if filename.endswith(".pub") or filename.endswith(".pem"):
                # public keys; copy over without encryption
                util.copy(os.path.join(certdir, filename), os.path.join(cryptdir, filename))
                # private keys; encrypt when copying
                keycrypt.gpg_encrypt_file(os.path.join(certdir, filename), os.path.join(cryptdir, filename))
        subprocess.check_call(["shred", "--"] + os.listdir(certdir), cwd=certdir)
        print("packing authorities...")
        subprocess.check_call(["tar", "-C", cryptdir, "-czf", authorities, "."])
        subprocess.check_call(["shred", "--"] + os.listdir(cryptdir), cwd=cryptdir)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def upload_bytes(node: configuration.Node, source_bytes: bytes, dest_path: str) -> None:
    # tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() creates the directory with 0o600, which protects the data if it's sensitive
    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as scratchdir:
        scratchpath = os.path.join(scratchdir, "scratch")
        util.writefile(scratchpath, source_bytes)
        check_scp_up(node, scratchpath, dest_path)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def run():
    print("Creating timeline/index")
    html = templates.get("timeline/index")
    html = templates.initial_replace(html, 1)

    tablehtml = ""
    upcominghtml = ""
    for row in t_db:
        rowhtml = templates.get("timeline/index_row")
        rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__NUMBER__", row["number"])
        rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__YEAR__", row["year"])
        rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__DATE__", row["date"])
        rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__CODE__", row["code"])
        rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__CITY__", row["city"])
        rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__COUNTRY__", code_to_country[row["code"]])
        rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__P_COUNTRY__", row["p_country"])
        rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__P_STUDENT__", row["p_student"])
        if "code2" in row:
            rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__CODE2__", row["code2"])
            rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__COUNTRY2__",
            rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__CODE2_STYLE__", "")
            rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__CODE2_STYLE__", "display: none;")
            rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__CODE2__", ".")  # Google crawler fix
        if int(row["year"]) < int(config.previous_year) + 3:
            # Reverse list
            tablehtml = rowhtml + tablehtml
            upcominghtml = rowhtml + upcominghtml
    html = html.replace("__TABLE__", tablehtml)
    html = html.replace("__UPCOMING__", upcominghtml)

    html = templates.final_replace(html, "..")
    util.writefile("../timeline/index.html", html)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def add_password_to_log(password):
    passwords = os.path.join(configuration.get_project(), "passwords")
    if not os.path.isdir(passwords):
    passfile = os.path.join(passwords,
                            "at-%s.gpg" % datetime.datetime.now().isoformat())
    util.writefile(passfile, keycrypt.gpg_encrypt_in_memory(password))
Ejemplo n.º 5
def launch_spec_direct(
        path):  # TODO: add a flag that enables this instead of launch_spec
    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as d:
        specfile = os.path.join(d, "spec.yaml")
        access.call_kubectl(["apply", "-f", specfile], return_result=False)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def run():
    print("Creating contestants/index")
    html = templates.get("contestants/index")
    html = templates.initial_replace(html, 2)

    def keyfn(item):
        return (item[1]["G"], item[1]["S"], item[1]["B"], item[1]["H"],

    sorted_items = sorted(s_db_h.items(), reverse=True, key=keyfn)
    tablehtml = ""
    for contestant, history in sorted_items:
        rowhtml = templates.get("contestants/index_row") \
                    .replace("__NAME__", s_db_c[contestant][0]["name"]) \
                    .replace("__USER_ID__", contestant) \
                    .replace("__GOLD__", str(history["G"])) \
                    .replace("__SILVER__", str(history["S"])) \
                    .replace("__BRONZE__", str(history["B"])) \
                    .replace("__HONOURABLE_MENTION__", str(history["H"])) \
                    .replace("__PARTICIPATIONS__", str(sum(history.values())))
        tablehtml += rowhtml

    html = html.replace("__TABLE__", tablehtml)
    html = templates.final_replace(html, "..")
    util.writefile("../dest/contestants/index.html", html)
def create_comparison(mtg1,
    set1 = mtg1.vertices(scale=2)
    set2 = mtg2.vertices(scale=2)
    # bbox properties
    bbxprop1 = mtg1.property('bbox')
    bbxprop2 = mtg2.property('bbox')
    # skeleton
    skeletonprop1 = mtg1.property('skeleton')
    skeletonprop2 = mtg2.property('skeleton')
    # size
    sizeprop1 = mtg1.property('size')
    sizeprop2 = mtg2.property('size')
    # max distance
    if maxdistance is None:
        # take second element to avoid appended trunk at the begining
        firstelem = mtg1.roots_iter(scale=2).next()
        secondelem = mtg1.children_iter(firstelem).next()
        skel1 = skeletonprop1[secondelem]
        skel1length = Polyline(skel1).getLength()
        nbsegments = (len(skel1) - 1)
        maxdistance = 2 * skel1length / nbsegments
        print 'Use max distance :', maxdistance, (skel1length, nbsegments)

    # Compute edge
    from time import clock
    start = clock()

    print 'Create edges of the bipartite graph'
    # edges = create_edges(bbxprop1,bbxprop2,skeletonprop1,skeletonprop2,maxdistance)
    edges = create_edges_with_space_division(bbxprop1, bbxprop2, skeletonprop1,
                                             skeletonprop2, maxdistance)
    nbedges = len(edges)
    print 'Number of edge and Average degree:', nbedges, ',', nbedges / len(

    print "Time to compute edges is : ", clock() - start
    if cacheprefix:
        edge_cache_file = os.path.join(cachepath, cacheprefix + '_edges.pkl')
        writefile(edge_cache_file, edges)

    use_max_size = False
    if use_max_size:
        # Compute global bounding box
        globalbbox = compute_global_bbx(bbxprop2)
        maxsize = norm(globalbbox.getSize())
        print 'Use max size as non matching cost :', maxsize
        delset1cost = [maxsize for i in set1]
        delset2cost = [maxsize for i in set2]

        delset1cost = [sizeprop1[i] for i in set1]
        delset2cost = [sizeprop2[i] for i in set2]

    # return BipartiteMatching
    return BipartiteMatching(set1, set2, edges, delset1cost, delset2cost)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def check_user_grant():
    "verify that user-grant and its kubeconfigs work"
    config = configuration.get_config()

    # because we don't yet have load balancing, we have to somehow get *inside the cluster* to test this.
    # that means figuring out the IP address for the user-grant service, uploading the local user cert to the master
    # node, and then authenticating to user-grant via curl on the master node. bluh.
    # TODO: once load balancing is ready, make this whole thing much simpler

    # we use a master node so we're confident we aren't connecting to the node where user-grant is hosted. there's
    # nothing about this that otherwise requires it; usually we'd choose a worker node to avoid running unnecessary code
    # on the master nodes, but this is entirely for testing in non-production clusters, so it doesn't matter.
    proxy_node = config.get_any_node("master")

    service_ip = get_service_ip("user-grant")
    user_key, user_cert = authority.get_local_grant_user_paths()
    remote_key, remote_cert = "/etc/homeworld/testing/usergrant.key", "/etc/homeworld/testing/usergrant.pem"
    ssh.check_ssh(proxy_node, "rm", "-f", remote_key, remote_cert)
    ssh.check_ssh(proxy_node, "mkdir", "-p", "/etc/homeworld/testing")
    ssh.check_scp_up(proxy_node, user_key, remote_key)
    ssh.check_scp_up(proxy_node, user_cert, remote_cert)

                               {config.user_grant_domain: service_ip})
        kubeconfig = ssh.check_ssh_output(
            proxy_node, "curl", "--key", remote_key, "--cert", remote_cert,
            "https://%s/" % config.user_grant_domain).decode()
        setup.modify_temporary_dns(proxy_node, {})

    magic_phrase = "it allows authenticating to the Hyades cluster as you"
    if magic_phrase not in kubeconfig:
            "invalid kubeconfig: did not see phrase " + repr(magic_phrase),
            "kubeconfig received read as follows: " + repr(kubeconfig))

    print("successfully retrieved kubeconfig from user-grant!")

    # at this point, we have a kubeconfig generated by user-grant, and now we want to confirm that it works.
    # we'll confirm that the kubeconfig works by checking that the auto-created rolebinding passes the sniff test.

    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as workdir:
        kubeconfig_path = os.path.join(workdir, "granted-kubeconfig")
        util.writefile(kubeconfig_path, kubeconfig.encode())

        rolebinding = json.loads(
                "hyperkube", "kubectl", "--kubeconfig", kubeconfig_path, "-o",
                "json", "get", "rolebindings",
                "auto-grant-" + authority.UPSTREAM_USER_NAME

        if rolebinding.get("roleRef", {}).get("name") != "admin":
            command.fail("rolebinding for user was not admin in %s" %

    print("autogenerated rolebinding for user",
          repr(authority.UPSTREAM_USER_NAME), "passed basic check!")
Ejemplo n.º 9
def run():
    print("Creating search")
    util.copyfile("templates/search/search.js", "../dest/search/search.js")
    html = templates.get("search/index")
    html = templates.initial_replace(html, 3)
    html = templates.final_replace(html, "..")
    util.writefile("../dest/search/index.html", html)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def run():
    print("Creating 404")
    html = templates.get("404")
    html = templates.initial_replace(html, -1)
    # This can't both work local and Github :/
    # but it only works on Github anyways
    html = templates.final_replace(html, "")
    util.writefile("../404.html", html)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def run(code):
    print("Creating countries/" + code + "/individual")
    html = templates.get("countries/code/individual")
    html = templates.initial_replace(html, 2)
    html = html.replace("__CODE__", code)
    html = html.replace("__COUNTRY__", c_db_c[code]["country"])
    if code in previous_code:
        html = html.replace("__PREVIOUS_CODE__", previous_code[code])
        html = html.replace("__PREVIOUS_CODE_STYLE__", "")
        html = html.replace("__PREVIOUS_CODE_STYLE__", "display: none;")
        html = html.replace("__PREVIOUS_CODE__", ".") # Google crawler fix
    if code in next_code:
        html = html.replace("__NEXT_CODE__", next_code[code])
        html = html.replace("__NEXT_CODE_STYLE__", "")
        html = html.replace("__NEXT_CODE_STYLE__", "display: none;")
        html = html.replace("__NEXT_CODE__", ".") # Google crawler fix

    tablehtml = ""
    if code in s_db_c:
        yearhtml = ""
        lastyear = ""
        for studentdata in s_db_c[code]:
            rowhtml = templates.get("countries/code/individual_row")
            rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__NAME__", studentdata["name"])
            rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__RANK__", ("&ge;" if studentdata["rank>="] else "") + studentdata["rank"])
            rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__YEAR__", studentdata["year"])
            if studentdata["medal"] == "G":
                rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__MEDAL__", templates.get("countries/code/individual_gold"))
            elif studentdata["medal"] == "S":
                rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__MEDAL__", templates.get("countries/code/individual_silver"))
            elif studentdata["medal"] == "B":
                rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__MEDAL__", templates.get("countries/code/individual_bronze"))
            elif studentdata["medal"] == "H":
                rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__MEDAL__", templates.get("countries/code/individual_honourable"))
                rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__MEDAL__", "")
            if lastyear == studentdata["year"]:
                rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__CLASS__", "")
                yearhtml += rowhtml
                lastyear = studentdata["year"]
                # reverse ordered:
                tablehtml = yearhtml + tablehtml
                rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__CLASS__", "doubleTopLine")
                yearhtml = rowhtml
        # Hacky way of removing first double top line:
        yearhtml = yearhtml.replace("doubleTopLine", "", 1)
        tablehtml = yearhtml + tablehtml

    html = html.replace("__TABLE__", tablehtml)
    html = templates.final_replace(html, "../..")
    util.writefile("../countries/" + code + "/individual.html", html)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def _matcheol(file, origfile):
    "Convert EOL markers in a file to match origfile"
    tostyle = _eoltype(util.readfile(origfile))
    if tostyle:
        data = util.readfile(file)
        style = _eoltype(data)
        if style:
            newdata = data.replace(style, tostyle)
            if newdata != data:
                util.writefile(file, newdata)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def call_keyreq(command, *params, collect=False):
    config = configuration.Config.load_from_project()
    keyserver_domain = config.keyserver.hostname + "." + config.external_domain + ":20557"

    invoke_variant = subprocess.check_output if collect else subprocess.check_call

    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tdir:
        https_cert_path = os.path.join(tdir, "server.pem")
        util.writefile(https_cert_path, authority.get_pubkey_by_filename("./server.pem"))
        return invoke_variant(["keyreq", command, https_cert_path, keyserver_domain] + list(params))
Ejemplo n.º 14
def _matcheol(file, origfile):
    "Convert EOL markers in a file to match origfile"
    tostyle = _eoltype(util.readfile(origfile))
    if tostyle:
        data = util.readfile(file)
        style = _eoltype(data)
        if style:
            newdata = data.replace(style, tostyle)
            if newdata != data:
                util.writefile(file, newdata)
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def upload_bytes() -> None:
     # tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() creates the directory with 0o600, which protects the data if it's sensitive
     with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as scratchdir:
         scratchpath = os.path.join(scratchdir, "scratch")
         util.writefile(scratchpath, source_bytes)
             "scp", "-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking=yes", "-o",
             "ConnectTimeout=1", "--", scratchpath, dest_rel
Ejemplo n.º 16
def run():
    print("Creating search")
    util.copyfile("database/countries.csv", "../search/countries.csv")
    util.copyfile("database/estudiantes.csv", "../search/estudiantes.csv")
    util.copyfile("templates/search/search.js", "../search/search.js")
    util.copyfile("templates/search/asciify.js", "../search/asciify.js")
    html = templates.get("search/index")
    html = templates.initial_replace(html, 3)
    html = templates.final_replace(html, "..")
    util.writefile("../search/index.html", html)
Ejemplo n.º 17
def gen_kube_specs(output_dir: str) -> None:
    if not os.path.isdir(output_dir):
    clustered, = keycheck(yaml.safe_load(
                          validator=lambda _, x: type(x) == list)
    vars = get_kube_spec_vars()
    for configname in clustered:
        templated = template.template("clustered/%s" % configname, vars)
        util.writefile(os.path.join(output_dir, configname),
def create_comparison(mtg1,mtg2,maxdistance = None, cacheprefix = None, cachepath = get_shared_data('comparison')):    
    set1 = mtg1.vertices(scale=2)
    set2 = mtg2.vertices(scale=2)
    # bbox properties
    bbxprop1 = mtg1.property('bbox')
    bbxprop2 = mtg2.property('bbox')
    # skeleton
    skeletonprop1 = mtg1.property('skeleton')
    skeletonprop2 = mtg2.property('skeleton')
    # size
    sizeprop1 = mtg1.property('size')
    sizeprop2 = mtg2.property('size')
    # max distance
    if maxdistance is None:
        # take second element to avoid appended trunk at the begining
        firstelem = mtg1.roots_iter(scale=2).next()
        secondelem = mtg1.children_iter(firstelem).next()
        skel1 = skeletonprop1[secondelem]
        skel1length = Polyline(skel1).getLength()
        nbsegments = (len(skel1)-1)
        maxdistance = 2 * skel1length / nbsegments
        print 'Use max distance :',maxdistance,(skel1length , nbsegments)
    # Compute edge
    from time import clock
    start = clock()
    print 'Create edges of the bipartite graph'
    # edges = create_edges(bbxprop1,bbxprop2,skeletonprop1,skeletonprop2,maxdistance)
    edges = create_edges_with_space_division(bbxprop1,bbxprop2,skeletonprop1,skeletonprop2,maxdistance)
    nbedges = len(edges)
    print 'Number of edge and Average degree:',nbedges,',',nbedges/len(bbxprop1)
    print "Time to compute edges is : ", clock() - start
    if cacheprefix:
        edge_cache_file = os.path.join(cachepath,cacheprefix+'_edges.pkl')
    use_max_size = False
    if use_max_size:    
        # Compute global bounding box
        globalbbox = compute_global_bbx(bbxprop2)    
        maxsize = norm(globalbbox.getSize())
        print 'Use max size as non matching cost :', maxsize
        delset1cost =  [maxsize for i in set1]
        delset2cost =  [maxsize for i in set2]

        delset1cost =  [sizeprop1[i] for i in set1]
        delset2cost =  [sizeprop2[i] for i in set2]

    # return BipartiteMatching
    return BipartiteMatching(set1,set2,edges,delset1cost,delset2cost)
def run(year):
    print("Creating timeline/" + year + "/individual")
    html = templates.get("timeline/year/individual")
    html = templates.initial_replace(html, 1)
    yeardata = t_db_y[year]
    html = html.replace("__YEAR__", year)
    html = html.replace("__NUMBER__", yeardata["number"])
    html = html.replace("__ORDINAL__", util.ordinal(yeardata["number"]))
    if year in previous_year:
        html = html.replace("__PREVIOUS_YEAR__", previous_year[year])
        html = html.replace("__PREVIOUS_YEAR_STYLE__", "")
        html = html.replace("__PREVIOUS_YEAR_STYLE__", "display: none;")
        html = html.replace("__PREVIOUS_YEAR__", ".") # Google crawler fix
    if year in next_year:
        html = html.replace("__NEXT_YEAR__", next_year[year])
        html = html.replace("__NEXT_YEAR_STYLE__", "")
        html = html.replace("__NEXT_YEAR_STYLE__", "display: none;")
        html = html.replace("__NEXT_YEAR__", ".") # Google crawler fix
    tablehtml = ""
    if year in s_db_y:
        for row in s_db_y[year]:
            rowhtml = templates.get("timeline/year/individual_row")
            if row["code"] == "":
                rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__CODE__", "TUR") # Yup, this is my hack
                rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__COUNTRY__", "")
                rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__CODE__", row["code"])
                rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__COUNTRY__", code_to_country[row["code"]])
            rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__NAME__", row["name"])
            rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__RANK__", ("&ge;" if row["rank>="] else "") + row["rank"])
            if row["medal"] == "G":
                rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__MEDAL__", templates.get("timeline/year/individual_gold"))
            elif row["medal"] == "S":
                rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__MEDAL__", templates.get("timeline/year/individual_silver"))
            elif row["medal"] == "B":
                rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__MEDAL__", templates.get("timeline/year/individual_bronze"))
            elif row["medal"] == "H":
                rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__MEDAL__", templates.get("timeline/year/individual_honourable"))
                rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__MEDAL__", "")
            tablehtml += rowhtml
    html = html.replace("__TABLE__", tablehtml)
    html = templates.final_replace(html, "../..")
    util.writefile("../timeline/" + year + "/individual.html", html)
Ejemplo n.º 20
def launch_spec(path, extra_kvs: dict = None, export=False):
    config = configuration.get_config()
    spec = configuration.get_single_kube_spec(path, extra_kvs).encode()
    assert path[:2] == '//'
    yamlname = path[2:].replace(":", "-")
    if export:
        util.writefile(yamlname, spec)
        for node in config.nodes:
            if node.kind == "supervisor":
                ssh.check_ssh(node, "mkdir", "-p", DEPLOYQUEUE)
                    node, spec,
                    "%s/%f.%s" % (DEPLOYQUEUE, time.time(), yamlname))
                print("Uploaded spec to deployqueue.")
Ejemplo n.º 21
def call_kubectl(params, return_result: bool):
    kubeconfig_data = configuration.get_local_kubeconfig()
    key_path, cert_path, ca_path = get_kube_cert_paths()

    if needs_rotate(cert_path):
        print("rotating kubernetes certs...")
        call_keyreq("kube-cert", key_path, cert_path, ca_path)

    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as f:
        kubeconfig_path = os.path.join(f, "temp-kubeconfig")
        util.writefile(kubeconfig_path, kubeconfig_data.encode())
        args = ["hyperkube", "kubectl", "--kubeconfig", kubeconfig_path] + list(params)
        if return_result:
            return subprocess.check_output(args)
Ejemplo n.º 22
def run():
    print("Creating countries/index")
    html = templates.get("countries/index")
    html = templates.initial_replace(html, 2)

    tablehtml = ""
    for row in c_db:
        rowhtml = templates.get("countries/index_row")
        rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__CODE__", row["code"])
        rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__COUNTRY__", code_to_country[row["code"]])

        if row["website"] != "":
            rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__NATIONAL_SITE__", row["website"])
            if len(row["website"]) < 50:
                rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__NATIONAL_SITE_TEXT__",
                rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__NATIONAL_SITE_TEXT__",
                                          row["website"][0:35] + "...")
            rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__NATIONAL_SITE_STYLE__", "")
            rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__NATIONAL_SITE_STYLE__",
                                      "display: none;")

        if row["code"] in t_db_c:
            hosts = ""
            flag = False
            for year in t_db_c[row["code"]]:
                if flag:
                    hosts += ", "
                hosts += templates.get("countries/index_hostyear").replace(
                    "__YEAR__", year["year"])
                flag = True
            rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__HOSTS__", hosts)
            rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__HOSTS__", "")

        rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__CLASS__",
                                  "tr-former" if row["former"] else "")

        tablehtml += rowhtml
    html = html.replace("__TABLE__", tablehtml)

    html = templates.final_replace(html, "..")
    util.writefile("../countries/index.html", html)
Ejemplo n.º 23
def call_keyreq(keyreq_command, *params):
    config = configuration.get_config()
    keyserver_domain = config.keyserver.hostname + "." + config.external_domain + ":20557"

    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tdir:
        https_cert_path = os.path.join(tdir, "clusterca.pem")
        keyreq_sp = subprocess.Popen(
            ["keyreq", keyreq_command, https_cert_path, keyserver_domain] +
        output, err_bytes = keyreq_sp.communicate()
        if keyreq_sp.returncode != 0:
            err = err_bytes.decode()
            raise KeyreqFailed(keyreq_sp.returncode, err)
        return output
Ejemplo n.º 24
def run():
    print("Creating timeline/index")
    html = templates.get("timeline/index")
    html = templates.initial_replace(html, 1)

    tablehtml = ""
    for row in t_db:
        rowhtml = templates.get("timeline/index_row")
        rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__NUMBER__", row["number"])
        rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__MONTH__", row["month"])
        rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__CONTEST_NAME__", row["name"])
        rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__DATE__", row["date"])
        rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__P_STUDENT__", row["p_student"])
        tablehtml = rowhtml + tablehtml
    html = html.replace("__TABLE__", tablehtml)

    html = templates.final_replace(html, "..")
    util.writefile("../dest/timeline/index.html", html)
Ejemplo n.º 25
def make_predictions(st_line, ed_line, out_file, pname, models):
    cat_count, item_count, item_sort, alpha, beta, item_word, bigram_item_word, time_cat_item_dict, cat_word, hot_words = models[
    reader = readfile(new_test_file)
    writer = writefile(out_file)
    line_idx = 0
    for (user, category, raw_query, click_time) in reader:
        line_idx += 1
        if line_idx < st_line:
        if line_idx > ed_line:
        if line_idx % TEST_STEP == 0:
            print '%s--%d' % (pname, line_idx / TEST_STEP)
        time_block = get_time_feature(click_time)
            bound = cat_count[category][PREDICT_HOT_SIZE]
            hots = [x[0] for x in item_sort[category][0:bound]]
            bigram = get_bigram_word(raw_query, hot_words, category)
            words = get_words(raw_query)
            query_size = sum([cat_word[category][w] for w in words])
            if query_size >= 100 and len(bigram) > 0:
                'only queries hot enough and can generate bigram features can be predicted by boosting model'
                rank = [[
                    boosting_bayes(bigram, words, category, sku, alpha, beta,
                                   item_word, bigram_item_word, item_count,
                                   cat_count, time_cat_item_dict, time_block)
                ] for sku in hots]
            elif query_size >= 100 and len(bigram) == 0:
                'if hot enough but can not generate bigram features then use naive bayes with time information'
                rank = [[
                    time_bayes_query_prediction(words, category, sku, alpha,
                                                beta, item_word, item_count,
                                                cat_count, time_cat_item_dict,
                ] for sku in hots]
                'otherwise use plain naive bayes'
                rank = [[
                    plain_bayes_query_prediction(words, category, sku, alpha,
                                                 beta, item_word, item_count,
                ] for sku in hots]
            rank = sorted(rank, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
            guesses = [i[0] for i in rank[0:5]]
            guesses = rerank_guess(guesses, user, raw_query)

            writer.writerow([" ".join(guesses)])
        except (TypeError, KeyError):  # a category we haven't seen before
            writer.writerow([" ".join(hots[0:5])])
Ejemplo n.º 26
def update_known_hosts():
    # uses local copies of machine list and ssh-host pubkey
    # TODO: eliminate now-redundant machine.list download from keyserver
    machines = configuration.get_machine_list_file().strip()
    cert_authority_pubkey = authority.get_pubkey_by_filename("./ssh_host_ca.pub")
    homedir = os.getenv("HOME")
    if homedir is None:
        command.fail("could not determine home directory, so could not find ~/.ssh/known_hosts")
    known_hosts_path = os.path.join(homedir, ".ssh", "known_hosts")
    known_hosts_old = util.readfile(known_hosts_path).decode().split("\n") if os.path.exists(known_hosts_path) else []

    if known_hosts_old and not known_hosts_old[-1]:

    known_hosts_new = _replace_cert_authority(known_hosts_old, machines, cert_authority_pubkey)

    util.writefile(known_hosts_path, ("\n".join(known_hosts_new) + "\n").encode())
    print("~/.ssh/known_hosts updated")
Ejemplo n.º 27
def run():
    print("Creating timeline/index")
    html = templates.get("timeline/index")
    html = templates.initial_replace(html, 1)

    tablehtml = ""
    upcominghtml = ""
    upcoming_row_ctr = 0
    for row in t_db:
        rowhtml = templates.get("timeline/index_row")
        rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__NUMBER__", row["number"])
        rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__YEAR__", row["year"])
        rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__DATE__", row["date"])
        rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__CODE__", row["code"])
        rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__CITY__", row["city"])
        rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__COUNTRY__", code_to_country[row["code"]])
        rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__P_COUNTRY__", row["p_country"])
        rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__P_STUDENT__", row["p_student"])
        if "code2" in row:
            rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__CODE2__", row["code2"])
            rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__COUNTRY2__",
            rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__CODE2_STYLE__", "")
            rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__CODE2_STYLE__", "display: none;")
            rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__CODE2__", ".")  # Google crawler fix
        if int(row["year"]) <= int(config.next_year) + 2:
            # Reverse list
            tablehtml = rowhtml + tablehtml
            upcominghtml = rowhtml + upcominghtml
            upcoming_row_ctr += 1
        if int(row["year"]) == 2019:
            tablehtml = templates.get("timeline/index_row_2020") + tablehtml

    # Append an empty row to preserve row parity between tables for styling purposes
    if upcoming_row_ctr % 2:
        upcominghtml = "<tr style=\"display:none;\"></tr>" + upcominghtml

    html = html.replace("__TABLE__", tablehtml)
    html = html.replace("__UPCOMING__", upcominghtml)

    html = templates.final_replace(html, "..")
    util.writefile("../timeline/index.html", html)
Ejemplo n.º 28
def update_known_hosts():
    # uses local copies of machine list and ssh-host pubkey
    # TODO: eliminate now-redundant machine.list download from keyserver
    machines = configuration.get_machine_list_file().strip()
    cert_authority_pubkey = authority.get_pubkey_by_filename(
    known_hosts_path = get_known_hosts_path()
    known_hosts_old = util.readfile(known_hosts_path).decode().split(
        "\n") if os.path.exists(known_hosts_path) else []

    if known_hosts_old and not known_hosts_old[-1]:

    known_hosts_new = _replace_cert_authority(known_hosts_old, machines,

                   ("\n".join(known_hosts_new) + "\n").encode())
    print("~/.ssh/known_hosts updated")
Ejemplo n.º 29
def gen_kube_specs(output_dir: str) -> None:
    if not os.path.isdir(output_dir):
    config = Config.load_from_project()

    vars = {
        "NETWORK": config.cidr_pods,
        "SERVIP_DNS": config.service_dns,
        "INTERNAL_DOMAIN": config.internal_domain

    clustered, = keycheck(yaml.safe_load(
                          validator=lambda _, x: type(x) == list)
    for configname in clustered:
        templated = template.template("clustered/%s" % configname, vars)
        util.writefile(os.path.join(output_dir, configname),
Ejemplo n.º 30
def update_known_hosts():
    "update ~/.ssh/known_hosts file with @ca-certificates directive"
    config = configuration.Config.load_from_project()
    machines = ",".join("%s.%s" % (node.hostname, config.external_domain)
                        for node in config.nodes)
    cert_authority_pubkey = authority.get_pubkey_by_filename("./ssh-host.pub")
    known_hosts_path = get_known_hosts_path()
    known_hosts_old = util.readfile(known_hosts_path).decode().split(
        "\n") if os.path.exists(known_hosts_path) else []

    if known_hosts_old and not known_hosts_old[-1]:

    known_hosts_new = _replace_cert_authority(known_hosts_old, machines,

                   ("\n".join(known_hosts_new) + "\n").encode())
    print("~/.ssh/known_hosts updated")
Ejemplo n.º 31
def generate() -> None:
    authorities = get_targz_path(check_exists=False)
    if os.path.exists(authorities):
        command.fail("authorities.tgz already exists")
    # tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() creates the directory with 0o600, which protects the private keys
    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as d:
        certdir = os.path.join(d, "certdir")
        keyserver_yaml = os.path.join(d, "keyserver.yaml")
        util.writefile(keyserver_yaml, configuration.get_keyserver_yaml().encode())
        print("generating authorities...")
            subprocess.check_call(["keygen", keyserver_yaml, certdir, "supervisor-nodes"])
        except FileNotFoundError as e:
            if e.filename == "keygen":
                command.fail("could not find keygen binary. is the homeworld-keyserver dependency installed?")
                raise e
        print("packing authorities...")
        subprocess.check_call(["tar", "-C", certdir, "-czf", authorities, "."])
        subprocess.check_call(["shred", "--"] + os.listdir(certdir), cwd=certdir)
Ejemplo n.º 32
def call_keyreq(keyreq_command, *params, collect=False):
    config = configuration.get_config()
    keyserver_domain = config.keyserver.hostname + "." + config.external_domain + ":20557"

    invoke_variant = subprocess.check_output if collect else subprocess.check_call

    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tdir:
        https_cert_path = os.path.join(tdir, "server.pem")
            return invoke_variant(
                ["keyreq", keyreq_command, https_cert_path, keyserver_domain] +
        except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
            if e.returncode == 1:
                fail_hint = "do you have valid kerberos tickets?\n" \
                    "or, your connection to the server might be faulty.\n" \
                    "or, the server's keygateway might be broken."
                command.fail("keyreq failed: %s" % e, fail_hint)
            raise e
Ejemplo n.º 33
def run():
    print("Creating countries/index")
    html = templates.get("countries/index")
    html = templates.initial_replace(html, 2)
    tablehtml = ""
    for row in c_db:
        rowhtml = templates.get("countries/index_row")
        rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__CODE__", row["code"])
        rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__COUNTRY__", code_to_country[row["code"]])
        if row["website"] != "":
            rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__NATIONAL_SITE__", row["website"])
            if len(row["website"]) < 50:
                rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__NATIONAL_SITE_TEXT__", row["website"])
                rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__NATIONAL_SITE_TEXT__", row["website"][0:35] + "...")
            rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__NATIONAL_SITE_STYLE__", "")
            rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__NATIONAL_SITE_STYLE__", "display: none;")
        if row["code"] in t_db_c:
            hosts = ""
            flag = False
            for year in t_db_c[row["code"]]:
                if flag:
                    hosts += ", "
                hosts += templates.get("countries/index_hostyear").replace("__YEAR__", year["year"])
                flag = True
            rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__HOSTS__", hosts)
            rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__HOSTS__", "")

        rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__CLASS__", "tr-former" if row["former"] else "")
        tablehtml += rowhtml
    html = html.replace("__TABLE__", tablehtml)
    html = templates.final_replace(html, "..")
    util.writefile("../countries/index.html", html)
Ejemplo n.º 34
def ctoxml(filePath, cilPath):
    logger = log.setup_custom_logger(__name__)
    logger.debug("Using CIL executable located at %s" % (cilPath))
    if os.path.isdir(filePath):
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(filePath):
          #excludes files that don't end in .c
          files = [fi for fi in files if fi.endswith(".c")]
          for cfile in files:
            fileName = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(root,cfile))
            xmlName = "%s.xml" % (os.path.splitext(cfile)[0]) 
            #if the generated XML exists, do not re-run CIL on the C file
            if not exists(xmlName): 
              logger.info("Running CIL on %s" % (fileName))
              result, data = util.myrun([cilPath] +  [fileName] + cilArgs)
              if result:
                  logger.error("CIL processing of %s failed: %s" % (fileName, data))
              cXmlName= os.path.join(root,xmlName)
              logger.debug("Writing results of CIL processing to %s" % (cXmlName))
              util.writefile(cXmlName, data)
      result, data = util.myrun([cilPath] +  [filePath] + cilArgs)
      logger.debug("Writing results of CIL proceesing to %s" % (cXmlName))
      til.writefile(cXmlName, data)
Ejemplo n.º 35
def make_predictions(st_line, ed_line, out_file, pname, models):
    cat_count, item_count, item_sort, alpha, beta, item_word, bigram_item_word, time_cat_item_dict, cat_word, hot_words = models[0]
    reader = readfile(new_test_file)
    writer = writefile(out_file)
    line_idx = 0
    for (user, category, raw_query, click_time) in reader:
        line_idx += 1
        if line_idx < st_line:
        if line_idx > ed_line:
        if line_idx % TEST_STEP == 0:
            print '%s--%d' % (pname, line_idx / TEST_STEP)
        time_block = get_time_feature(click_time)
            bound = cat_count[category][PREDICT_HOT_SIZE]
            hots = [x[0] for x in item_sort[category][0:bound]]
            bigram = get_bigram_word(raw_query, hot_words, category)
            words = get_words(raw_query)
            query_size = sum([cat_word[category][w] for w in words])
            if query_size >= 100 and len(bigram) > 0:
                'only queries hot enough and can generate bigram features can be predicted by boosting model'
                rank = [[sku, boosting_bayes(bigram, words, category, sku, alpha, beta, item_word, bigram_item_word, item_count, cat_count, time_cat_item_dict, time_block)] for sku in hots]
            elif query_size >= 100 and len(bigram) == 0:
                'if hot enough but can not generate bigram features then use naive bayes with time information'
                rank = [[sku, time_bayes_query_prediction(words, category, sku, alpha, beta, item_word, item_count, cat_count, time_cat_item_dict, time_block)] for sku in hots]
                'otherwise use plain naive bayes'
                rank = [[sku, plain_bayes_query_prediction(words, category, sku, alpha, beta, item_word, item_count, cat_count)] for sku in hots]
            rank = sorted(rank, key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=True)
            guesses = [i[0] for i in rank[0:5]]
            guesses = rerank_guess(guesses, user, raw_query)
            writer.writerow([" ".join(guesses)])
        except (TypeError, KeyError): # a category we haven't seen before
            writer.writerow([" ".join(hots[0:5])])
def comparison_process(ref_mtg,tested_mtg,cacheprefix = None,cachepath = get_shared_data('comparison')):
    """ Return score of geometrical comparison (nb of common elements) and topological comparison (nb of common edges) """
    from time import clock
    print 'mtgs sizes :',ref_mtg.nb_vertices(scale=ref_mtg.max_scale()),tested_mtg.nb_vertices(scale=tested_mtg.max_scale())
    print 'make mtgs comparable'
    ref_mtg = comparable_mtg(ref_mtg)
    tested_mtg = comparable_mtg(tested_mtg)
    print 'mtgs sizes :',ref_mtg.nb_vertices(scale=2),tested_mtg.nb_vertices(scale=2)
    if cacheprefix:
        if not os.path.exists(cachepath): os.makedirs(cachepath)    
        raw_comparison_cache_file = os.path.join(cachepath,cacheprefix+'_raw_comparison.pkl')
    if cacheprefix and os.path.exists(raw_comparison_cache_file) : 
        print 'Read raw matching from',repr(raw_comparison_cache_file)
        raw_comparison = readfile(raw_comparison_cache_file)
        print 'Compute matching'
        start = clock()
        matcher = create_comparison(ref_mtg,tested_mtg,None,cacheprefix,cachepath)
        if cacheprefix : 
            raw_comparison_cache_file_intermediate = os.path.join(cachepath,cacheprefix+'_raw_comparison_intermediate.pkl')
        else : raw_comparison_cache_file_intermediate = None
        raw_comparison = matcher.match(raw_comparison_cache_file_intermediate)
        print ">>>>>>>> The time for computing matching is : ", clock() - start , " <<<<<<<<. "
        if cacheprefix : writefile(raw_comparison_cache_file,raw_comparison)
    distance, mapping, nonmapping1, nonmapping2 = raw_comparison
    print 'Nb of mapping :',len(mapping), len(nonmapping1), len(nonmapping2)
    print 'Distance :',distance
    nbtotvertex = ref_mtg.nb_vertices(scale=2)+tested_mtg.nb_vertices(scale=2)
    nbmapped = 2.*len(mapping)
    score = nbmapped/float(nbtotvertex)
    print 'Mapping score :',score
    ref_sizes = ref_mtg.property('size')
    tested_sizes = tested_mtg.property('size')
    totlength = sum(ref_sizes.itervalues())+sum(tested_sizes.itervalues())
    matchedlength = sum([ref_sizes[i] for i,j in mapping])+sum([tested_sizes[j] for i,j in mapping])
    cscore = matchedlength/totlength
    print 'Weighted mapping score :',cscore
    # Extended comparison
    with_extension = False
    if with_extension:
        ext_comparison = extend_comparison(ref_mtg,tested_mtg,mapping, nonmapping1, nonmapping2)
        newmapping, newnonmapping1, newnonmapping2 = ext_comparison
        assert len(newmapping) == len(mapping)
        nbnewmapped = nbtotvertex-len(newnonmapping1)-len(newnonmapping2)
        print 'Nb element added to the mapping :',nbnewmapped-nbmapped
        nscore = nbnewmapped/float(nbtotvertex)
        print 'New mapping score :',nscore
        nweunmatchedlength = sum([ref_sizes[i] for i in newnonmapping1])+sum([tested_sizes[i] for i in newnonmapping2])
        newcscore = (totlength-nweunmatchedlength)/totlength
        print 'New Corrected mapping score :',newcscore
        if cacheprefix:
            ext_comparison_cache_file = os.path.join(cachepath,cacheprefix+'_extended_comparison.pkl')
        # Second visualization
        # # scene = comparison_representation(ref_mtg,tested_mtg,newmapping)
        # scene = ext_comparison_representation(ref_mtg,tested_mtg,mapping,newmapping)
        # Viewer.display(scene)
        newmapping, newnonmapping1, newnonmapping2 = mapping, nonmapping1, nonmapping2
        newcscore = cscore
    # Topological comparison
    edgematching ,nonedgematching1,nonedgematching2 = topological_comparison(ref_mtg,tested_mtg,newmapping, newnonmapping1, newnonmapping2)
    print map(len,[edgematching,nonedgematching1,nonedgematching2])
    tscore = (2*len(edgematching))/float(sum(map(len,[edgematching,edgematching,nonedgematching1,nonedgematching2])))
    print 'Topological comparison score',tscore
    return newcscore, tscore
def run(year):
    print("Creating timeline/" + year + "/country")
    html = templates.get("timeline/year/country")
    html = templates.initial_replace(html, 1)
    yeardata = t_db_y[year]
    html = html.replace("__YEAR__", year)
    html = html.replace("__NUMBER__", yeardata["number"])
    html = html.replace("__ORDINAL__", util.ordinal(yeardata["number"]))
    if year in previous_year:
        html = html.replace("__PREVIOUS_YEAR__", previous_year[year])
        html = html.replace("__PREVIOUS_YEAR_STYLE__", "")
        html = html.replace("__PREVIOUS_YEAR_STYLE__", "display: none;")
        html = html.replace("__PREVIOUS_YEAR__", ".") # Google crawler fix
    if year in next_year:
        html = html.replace("__NEXT_YEAR__", next_year[year])
        html = html.replace("__NEXT_YEAR_STYLE__", "")
        html = html.replace("__NEXT_YEAR_STYLE__", "display: none;")
        html = html.replace("__NEXT_YEAR__", ".") # Google crawler fix
    medals = {}
    if year in s_db_y:
        for row in s_db_y[year]:
            if row["code"] == "":
                # Country unknown
            if row["code"] not in medals:
                medals[row["code"]] = {
                    "bestrank": int(row["rank"]),
                    "bestrank>=": "&ge;" if row["rank>="] else "",
                    "gold": 0,
                    "silver": 0,
                    "bronze": 0,
                    "honourable": 0
            if row["medal"] == "G":
                medals[row["code"]]["gold"] += 1
            elif row["medal"] == "S":
                medals[row["code"]]["silver"] += 1
            elif row["medal"] == "B":
                medals[row["code"]]["bronze"] += 1
            elif row["medal"] == "H":
                medals[row["code"]]["honourable"] += 1
    def keyfn(code):
        m = medals[code]
        return (m["gold"], m["silver"], m["bronze"], m["honourable"],

    sortedcodes = reversed(sorted(medals, key = keyfn))
    tablehtml = ""
    prevcode = ""
    prevrank = 0
    for i, code in enumerate(sortedcodes):
        rowhtml = templates.get("timeline/year/country_row")
        rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__CODE__", code)
        rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__COUNTRY__", code_to_country[code])
        if prevcode != "" and keyfn(prevcode) == keyfn(code):
            rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__RANK__", prevrank)
            rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__RANK__", str(i + 1))
            prevcode = code
            prevrank = str(i + 1)
        rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__GOLD__", str(medals[code]["gold"]))
        rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__SILVER__", str(medals[code]["silver"]))
        rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__BRONZE__", str(medals[code]["bronze"]))
        rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__HONOURABLE__", str(medals[code]["honourable"]))
        rowhtml = rowhtml.replace("__BEST_RANK__", medals[code]["bestrank>="] + str(medals[code]["bestrank"]))
        tablehtml += rowhtml
    html = html.replace("__TABLE__", tablehtml)
    html = templates.final_replace(html, "../..")
    util.writefile("../timeline/" + year + "/country.html", html)
Ejemplo n.º 38
    if os.path.exists(roothg):
        raise util.Abort(_('destination already exists'))

    if not os.path.isdir(root):
    util.makedir(roothg, notindexed=True)

    requirements = ''
        requirements = srcrepo.opener.read('requires')
    except IOError, inst:
        if inst.errno != errno.ENOENT:

    requirements += 'shared\n'
    util.writefile(os.path.join(roothg, 'requires'), requirements)
    util.writefile(os.path.join(roothg, 'sharedpath'), sharedpath)

    r = repository(ui, root)

    default = srcrepo.ui.config('paths', 'default')
    if default:
        fp = r.opener("hgrc", "w", text=True)
        fp.write("default = %s\n" % default)

    if update:
        r.ui.status(_("updating working directory\n"))
        if update is not True:
            checkout = update
Ejemplo n.º 39
 def callfun(self, type, bufstr, md5str):
     util.writefile(md5str, bufstr)
def run(year):
    print("Creating timeline/" + year + "/index")
    html = templates.get("timeline/year/index")
    html = templates.initial_replace(html, 1)
    yeardata = t_db_y[year]
    html = html.replace("__YEAR__", year)
    html = html.replace("__NUMBER__", yeardata["number"])
    html = html.replace("__ORDINAL__", util.ordinal(yeardata["number"]))
    html = html.replace("__DATE__", yeardata["date"])
    html = html.replace("__CODE__", yeardata["code"])
    html = html.replace("__COUNTRY__", code_to_country[yeardata["code"]])
    if "code2" in yeardata:
        html = html.replace("__CODE2__", yeardata["code2"])
        html = html.replace("__COUNTRY2__", code_to_country[yeardata["code2"]])
        html = html.replace("__CODE2_STYLE__", "")
        html = html.replace("__CODE2_STYLE__", "display: none;")
        html = html.replace("__CODE2__", ".") # Google crawler fix
    if yeardata["city"] != "":
        html = html.replace("__CITY__", yeardata["city"] + ",")
        html = html.replace("__CITY__", "")
    if year in previous_year:
        html = html.replace("__PREVIOUS_YEAR__", previous_year[year])
        html = html.replace("__PREVIOUS_YEAR_STYLE__", "")
        html = html.replace("__PREVIOUS_YEAR_STYLE__", "display: none;")
        html = html.replace("__PREVIOUS_YEAR__", ".") # Google crawler fix
    if year in next_year:
        html = html.replace("__NEXT_YEAR__", next_year[year])
        html = html.replace("__NEXT_YEAR_STYLE__", "")
        html = html.replace("__NEXT_YEAR_STYLE__", "display: none;")
        html = html.replace("__NEXT_YEAR__", ".") # Google crawler fix
    if yeardata["p_student"] != "":
        html = html.replace("__P_STUDENT_STYLE__", "")
        html = html.replace("__P_STUDENT__", yeardata["p_student"])
        html = html.replace("__P_STUDENT_STYLE__", "display: none;")
    if yeardata["p_country"] != "":
        html = html.replace("__P_COUNTRY_STYLE__", "")
        html = html.replace("__P_COUNTRY__", yeardata["p_country"])
        html = html.replace("__P_COUNTRY_STYLE__", "display: none;")
    if yeardata["homepage"] != "":
        html = html.replace("__HOMEPAGE_STYLE__", "")
        html = html.replace("__HOMEPAGE__", yeardata["homepage"])
        html = html.replace("__HOMEPAGE_STYLE__", "display: none;")
        html = html.replace("__HOMEPAGE__", ".") # Google crawler fix
    gold = 0
    silver = 0
    bronze = 0
    honourable = 0
    if year in s_db_y:
        for studentdata in s_db_y[year]:
            if studentdata["medal"] == "G":
                gold += 1
            elif studentdata["medal"] == "S":
                silver += 1
            elif studentdata["medal"] == "B":
                bronze += 1
            elif studentdata["medal"] == "H":
                honourable += 1
        html = html.replace("__AWARDS_STYLE__", "")
        html = html.replace("__GOLD__", str(gold))
        html = html.replace("__SILVER__", str(silver))
        html = html.replace("__BRONZE__", str(bronze))
        html = html.replace("__HONOURABLE__", str(honourable))
        html = html.replace("__AWARDS_STYLE__", "display: none;")
    html = templates.final_replace(html, "../..")
    util.writefile("../timeline/" + year + "/index.html", html)
Ejemplo n.º 41
def run():
    print("Creating 404")
    html = templates.get("404")
    html = templates.initial_replace(html, -1)
    html = templates.final_replace(html, ".")
    util.writefile("../404.html", html)
def run(code):
    print("Creating countries/" + code + "/index")
    html = templates.get("countries/code/index")
    html = templates.initial_replace(html, 2)
    codedata = c_db_c[code]
    html = html.replace("__CODE__", code)
    html = html.replace("__COUNTRY__", codedata["country"])
    if codedata["website"] != "":
        html = html.replace("__CONTACT_STYLE__", "")
        html = html.replace("__NATIONAL_SITE__", codedata["website"])
        if len(codedata["website"]) < 50:
            html = html.replace("__NATIONAL_SITE_TEXT__", codedata["website"])
            html = html.replace("__NATIONAL_SITE_TEXT__", codedata["website"][0:50] + "...")
        html = html.replace("__CONTACT_STYLE__", "display: none;")
        html = html.replace("__NATIONAL_SITE__", ".") # Google crawler fix
    if code in previous_code:
        html = html.replace("__PREVIOUS_CODE__", previous_code[code])
        html = html.replace("__PREVIOUS_CODE_STYLE__", "")
        html = html.replace("__PREVIOUS_CODE_STYLE__", "display: none;")
        html = html.replace("__PREVIOUS_CODE__", ".") # Google crawler fix
    if code in next_code:
        html = html.replace("__NEXT_CODE__", next_code[code])
        html = html.replace("__NEXT_CODE_STYLE__", "")
        html = html.replace("__NEXT_CODE_STYLE__", "display: none;")
        html = html.replace("__NEXT_CODE__", ".") # Google crawler fix
    if code in t_db_c:
        hostshtml = ""
        for yeardata in t_db_c[code]:
            hosthtml = templates.get("countries/code/index_host")
            if yeardata["city"] != "":
                hosthtml = hosthtml.replace("__CITY__", " - " + yeardata["city"])
                hosthtml = hosthtml.replace("__CITY__", "")
            if yeardata["homepage"] != "":
                homepagehtml = templates.get("countries/code/index_host_homepage")
                homepagehtml = homepagehtml.replace("__LINK__", yeardata["homepage"])
                hosthtml = hosthtml.replace("__HOMEPAGE__", homepagehtml)
                hosthtml = hosthtml.replace("__HOMEPAGE__", "")
            hosthtml = hosthtml.replace("__YEAR__", yeardata["year"])
            hostshtml += hosthtml
        html = html.replace("__HOST__", "<dt>IPhO Host</dt>" + hostshtml)
        html = html.replace("__HOST__", "")
    gold = 0
    silver = 0
    bronze = 0
    honourable = 0
    if code in s_db_c:
        for studentdata in s_db_c[code]:
            if studentdata["medal"] == "G":
                gold += 1
            elif studentdata["medal"] == "S":
                silver += 1
            elif studentdata["medal"] == "B":
                bronze += 1
            elif studentdata["medal"] == "H":
                honourable += 1
    html = html.replace("__GOLD__", str(gold))
    html = html.replace("__SILVER__", str(silver))
    html = html.replace("__BRONZE__", str(bronze))
    html = html.replace("__HONOURABLE__", str(honourable))
    html = templates.final_replace(html, "../..")
    util.writefile("../countries/" + code + "/index.html", html)
Ejemplo n.º 43
def run():
    print("Creating index")
    html = templates.get("index")
    html = templates.initial_replace(html, 0)
    html = templates.final_replace(html, ".")
    util.writefile("../index.html", html)
def create(name):
    util.makedirs("../" + name + ".php")
    html = templates.get("backward_compatibility/" + name)
    html = templates.final_replace(html, "..")
    util.writefile("../" + name + ".php/index.html", html)