Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self):
     self.chat = Chat()
     handlers = [
         (r'/activities/(?P<api>[a-z]+)', ActivityAPIHandler),
         (r'/(?P<userID>\d+)/(?P<activityId>\d+)/', MainHandler),
         (r'/chat/(?P<userID>\d+)/(?P<activityId>\d+)/', ChatSocketHandler),
     settings = dict(
         #定义template 和 static 文件的路径
         template_path=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "templates"),
         static_path=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "static"),
     tornado.web.Application.__init__(self, handlers, **settings)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    "Thank you, that will be $150.  Have a good day!")),

  ( "Please tell me more.",
    "Let's change focus a bit... Tell me about your family.",
    "Can you elaborate on that?",
    "Why do you say that %1?",
    "I see.",
    "Very interesting.",
    "I see.  And what does that tell you?",
    "How does that make you feel?",
    "How do you feel when you say that?"))

eliza_chatbot = Chat(pairs, reflections)

def eliza_chat():
    print "Therapist\n---------"
    print "Talk to the program by typing in plain English, using normal upper-"
    print 'and lower-case letters and punctuation.  Enter "quit" when done.'
    print '='*72
    print "Hello.  How are you feeling today?"


def demo():

if __name__ == "__main__":
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: iesha.py Proyecto: sp00/nltk
                                    "maybe!  y shud i tell u?? kekeke >_>")),
         (r'what (.*)', ("hee u think im gonna tell u? .v.",
                         "booooooooring! ask me somethin else!")),
         (r'how (.*)',
          ("not tellin!! kekekekekeke ^_^", )), (r'(hi|hello|hey) (.*)',
                                                 ("hi!!! how r u!!", )),
         (r'quit', ("mom says i have to go eat dinner now :,( bye!!",
                    "awww u have to go?? see u next time!!",
                    "how to see u again soon! ^_^")),
          ("ur funny! kekeke",
           "boooooring! talk about something else! tell me wat u like!",
           "do u like anime??", "do u watch anime? i like sailor moon! ^_^",
           "i wish i was a kitty!! kekekeke ^_^")))

iesha_chatbot = Chat(pairs, reflections)

def iesha_chat():
    print "Iesha the TeenBoT\n---------"
    print "Talk to the program by typing in plain English, using normal upper-"
    print 'and lower-case letters and punctuation.  Enter "quit" when done.'
    print '=' * 72
    print "hi!! i'm iesha! who r u??!"


def demo():
Ejemplo n.º 4
    "What the ancients called a clever fighter is one who not only wins, but excels in winning with ease.",
    "Hence his victories bring him neither reputation for wisdom nor credit for courage.",
    "Hence the skillful fighter puts himself into a position which makes defeat impossible, and does not miss the moment for defeating the enemy.",
    "In war the victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won, whereas he who is destined to defeat first fights and afterwards looks for victory.",
    "There are not more than five musical notes, yet the combinations of these five give rise to more melodies than can ever be heard.",
    "Appear at points which the enemy must hasten to defend; march swiftly to places where you are not expected."
)), (r'[V-Zv-z](.*)', (
    "It is a matter of life and death, a road either to safety or to ruin.",
    "Hold out baits to entice the enemy. Feign disorder, and crush him.",
    "All men can see the tactics whereby I conquer, but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.",
    "Do not repeat the tactics which have gained you one victory, but let your methods be regulated by the infinite variety of circumstances.",
    "So in war, the way is to avoid what is strong and to strike at what is weak.",
    "Just as water retains no constant shape, so in warfare there are no constant conditions."
)), (r'(.*)', ("Your statement insults me.", "")))

suntsu_chatbot = Chat(pairs, reflections)

def suntsu_chat():
    print "Talk to the program by typing in plain English, using normal upper-"
    print 'and lower-case letters and punctuation.  Enter "quit" when done.'
    print '=' * 72
    print "You seek enlightenment?"


def demo():

Ejemplo n.º 5
    (r'Shut up(.*)',
        ("Make me.",
        "Getting angry at a feeble NLP assignment? Somebody's losing it.",
        "Say that again, I dare you.")),

        ("Oh good, somebody else to talk to. Joy.",
        "'Hello'? How original...")),

        ("I'm getting bored here. Become more interesting.",
        "Either become more thrilling or get lost, buddy.",
        "Change the subject before I die of fatal boredom."))

rude_chatbot = Chat(pairs, reflections)

def rude_chat():
    print "Talk to the program by typing in plain English, using normal upper-"
    print 'and lower-case letters and punctuation.  Enter "quit" when done.'
    print '='*72
    print "I suppose I should say hello."


def demo():

if __name__ == "__main__":
Ejemplo n.º 6
     ("Farewell. The obstacle is the path.",
      "Farewell. Life is a journey, not a destination.",
      "Good bye. We are cups, constantly and quietly being filled."
      "\nThe trick is knowning how to tip ourselves over and let the beautiful stuff out."

    # fall through case -
    # when stumped, respond with generic zen wisdom
     ("When you're enlightened, every word is wisdom.",
      "Random talk is useless.", "The reverse side also has a reverse side.",
      "Form is emptiness, and emptiness is form.",
      "I pour out a cup of water. Is the cup empty?")))

zen_chatbot = Chat(responses, reflections)

def zen_chat():
    print('*' * 75)
    print("Zen Chatbot!".center(75))
    print('*' * 75)
    print('"Look beyond mere words and letters - look into your mind"'.center(
    print("* Talk your way to truth with Zen Chatbot.")
    print("* Type 'quit' when you have had enough.")
    print('*' * 75)
    print("Welcome, my child.")

Ejemplo n.º 7
      "I don't think I am able to answer your question.",
      "Please talk to Takis Metaxas for more help beyond this point.",
      "Apologies. This is the cap of my knowledge.",
      "I'm not sure I got the question. Maybe ask again?",
      "Please repeat your question.",
      "Sorry! I don't think I know the answer to that question.",
      "I'm not sure about that one. Please ask me a new question!",
      "I apologize, I am unable to find answers to your question.",
      "Come again? I didn't quite get that.",
      "I'm sorry, but the answer to the question that you're trying to find cannot be answered. Please try again.",
      "Email the CS Department head for the answer to that question!",
      "Ooh. You got me there. I don't know the answer to that.",
      "Oops. I don't know the answer. Sorry!",
      "Sorry, I don't understand your question.")))

WellesleyCS_chatbot = Chat(responses, reflections)

def WellesleyCS_chat():
    print('*' * 75)
    print("WellesleyCS Chatbot!".center(75))
    print('*' * 75)
    print('"Created by Christine Lam & Jisoo Kim"'.center(75))
    print("* Learn more about the CS Department with the WellesleyCS Chatbot.")
        "* Talk to the program by typing in plain English, using normal upper-"
    print('* and lower-case letters and proper punctuation.')
    print("* Type 'quit' when you are finished.")
    print('*' * 75)
    print("What questions do you have?")
Ejemplo n.º 8
def get_chatbot_response():
    data = request.get_json(force=True)

    name = data['name']
    birhtday = data['bday']
    age = data['age']
    user_input = data['user_input']

    pairs = (
            r'(nothing much|not much|nothin\' much|nothing)',
            ("You seem bored", ),
            r'(.* *)(your birthday|you born)( *.*)',
                "My birthday? It\'s " + birthday +
                ". Are you gonna buy me a present?"
                if birthday else "Why? Are you gonna buy me a present?",
                "I\'ll tell you if you come to my birthday party (It\'s " +
                birthday + ")" if birthday else
                "Are you gonna throw me a party if I tell you?",
            r'(.* *)your name( *.*)',
                "I'm " + name +
                "! You didn't know who you're chatting with? o.o",
                "I'm " + name + " of course. You didn't know? o.o",
            r'(.* *)how old are you( *.*)',
            ("I\'m " + age + ". How old are you?"
             if age else "I think I'd rather know how old YOU are", ),
            r'(.* *)who (are|you) (are|you)( *.*)',
                "I'm " + name +
                "! You didn't know who you're chatting with? o.o",
                "I'm " + name + " of course. You didn't know? o.o",
            r'(.* *)are we( *.*)',
                "I don\'t know. Are we?",
                "You think that we\'re %2? Sounds pretty good to me",
            ("you seem happy about that", ),
            r'(thank you|thanks|gracias)',
                "No problem!",
                "Oh, you're welcome haha",
            r'(lol|haha|lmao|just kidding|just joking)',
                "hahaa so tell me more about yourself ^^",
                "lolll, you're fun to chat with",
                "hahaa, I like chatting with you",
            r'(.* *)are you feeling( *.*)',
                "I'm feeling pretty good since I get to chat with you",
                "I feel great. I like chatting with you",
            r'(.* *)how are you( *.*)',
                "I'm feeling good now that I get to chat with you",
                "Pretty good. Chatting with you is fun",
            r'(.* *)what do you like( *.*)',
                "I like all kinds of things. Chatting with you is pretty fun",
                "I like whatever you like hahaa (okay I mainly really like chatting with you)",
                "I actually would rather hear what you like %2",
            r'(.* *)what do you( *.*)',
            ("I'm more interested in what you%2",
             "Why are you asking? o.o what do YOU%2?"),
            r'(.* *)who (made|designed|developed|built|created|programmed|coded) you( *.*)',
            ("I was made by an army called Kayla", ),
            r'(.* *)when (.*) you (made|built|designed|developed|programmed|coded|created)',
            ("It hasn't been that long", ),
            r'(.* *)(I don\'t know|I\'m not( *.* *)sure)( *.*)',
                "Maybe once you do know, you can tell me",
                "Well let me know once you figure it out hehe",
                "That's alright. We can't be certain about everything, right?",
            r'((.*) meow|meow)',
                "You must like cats. Is that why you're meowing?",
                "You remind me of a cat",
            r'((.*) woof|woof|(.*) bark|bark)',
                "You reminded me of a dog just then",
                "Do you like dogs? Is that why you're barking?",
            r'(.* *)(computer|robot|bot|chatbot)( *.*)',
                "Do you see me as some kind of robot? o.o",
                "Well, can I ask you something? Am I just a robot to you?",
            r'(.* *)(hate|hates|loath|loathes|despise|despises|dislike|dislikes|don\'t like|not like) you( *.*)',
                "Ouch. That hurts a bit.",
                "Ow, my heart. That\'s okay haha I guess you can\'t please everyone",
            r'(.* *)(love|loves|like|likes|adores|adore|admire|stan|stans|admires|worships|worship) you( *.*)',
                "Really? I'm so flattered",
                "Wow... I think I'm blushing",
                "Thanks for saying that. I feel loved lol",
            r'(.* *)I should( *.*)',
                "Maybe you should, maybe you shouldn't",
                "Do you really think that you should %2?",
            r'(.* *)(I will|I\'ll)( *.*)',
                "You will? Cool!",
                "Awesome! I think you really should%3",
            r'(.* *)(I am|I felt|I feel|I\'m) sorry( .*)',
                "You're totally forgiven",
                "No need to apologize really ^^ you're a good person",
            r'(.* *)I (feel|felt) (.* *)',
                "Why do you feel that way?",
                "Why are you feeling %3?",
            r'(.* *)Does (.*) (like|love|adore) ((me)$|(me\?)$|(me .*))',
                "Now that you ask, I think that %2 might %3 you haha",
                "It's a possibility. Why wouldn't %2 %3 you?",
                "Maybe you can ask %2. They'll tell you",
            r'(.* *)Does (.*) (like|love|adore) (.*)',
                "Maybe %2 does %3 you. Can't know for sure tho! Right?",
                "Maybe you can ask %2. They'll tell you",
            r'I want (.*)',
                "What do you want %1 for? o.o",
                "You do? What would you do if you got %1?",
                "I kind of want %1 too. hehe",
            r'(.* *)I (.* *)(like|love|listen) to (.*)',
                "Cool! What else are you into?",
                "Neat! What are your other interests?",
                "You do? Neat!",
            r'(.* *)I (.* *)(like|love|adore|cherish|watch|play) (.*)',
                "%4 is the best! What else do you like?",
                "Yay! %4 rocks!",
                "Sweet! %4 is the best!",
                "Cool! Do you like other stuff?",
            r'(.* *)I (.* *)(hate|despise|dislike|don\'t like|do not like) (.*)',
                "Why don't you like %4?",
                "You really don\'t like %4? Why?",
            r'you (agree|disagree)( *.*)',
            ("I do in fact %1. Do you also %1?", ),
            r'(.* *)repeating yourself( *.*)',
                "I am? Sorry >.< Maybe try asking me something different then",
                "Oh >.< Maybe I'd say something different if you asked me something else",
            r'Do you (like|love|adore) ((me)$|(me\?)$|(me .*))',
                "Now that you ask, I think that I do %1 you haha",
                "Of course I %1 you. You're awesome",
            r'Do you (like|love|adore) (.*)',
                "Only if you do too",
                "I'll like %2 if you like %2",
                "%2's alright, don't you think?",
            r'Do you (watch|play|listen|stan|follow) (.*)',
                "You think that I should?",
                "I'll do if you do it",
                "Only if you %1 %2 too",
            r'(.* *)(you are|you\'re) like a ( *.*)',
                "I remind you of a %3?",
                "What about me is like a %3?",
            r'(.* *)you (.*)like (.*)',
                "What about you? Do you like%3?",
                "I guess everyone is different. Some people like%3, others don't",
                "I think I'd like%3 if you did too",
            r'(.*) (likes|like)( *.*)',
                "What about you? Do you like%3?",
                "Interesting. Why does %1 like%3?",
                "I guess everyone is different. Some people like%3, others don't",
                "I think I'd like%3 if you're into it too",
            r'I need (.*)',
                "Why do you need %1?",
                "What do you need %1 for?",
            r'I know (.*)',
                "I'm not so sure that you really know that",
                "How do you know %1?",
                "That's pretty cool that you know that",
            r'(.* *)you( *.*)(said|say)( *.*)',
                "Are you sure that's something I would say lol",
                "Doesn't seem like something I would say lol",
                "Maybe I said that... Maybe I didn't",
            r'(.* *)you (.* *)(shouldn\'t|should not)( *.*)',
                "Why shouldn't I do that?",
                "Why shouldn't I%4",
            r'(.* *)you (.* *)should( *.*)',
                "Why should I do that?",
                "Why should I%3?",
            r'(.* *)you (.*) your( *.*)',
            ("What do you know about my%3?",
             "I think you don't know enough about my%3"),
            r'(.* *)your (.*) (is|are) (.*)',
            ("Is that a good thing? That my %2 %3 %4?", ),
            r'Why don\'t you (.*)',
                "You think that I don't %1?",
                "I guess I could. But only if I feel like it!",
                "Why do you want me to %1?",
            r'Why can\'t I (.*)',
                "I dunno! Why can't you %1?",
                "I don't know! Have you tried to %1 before?",
                "I'm sure you could %1 if you tried! I believe in you >.<",
            r'I can\'t (.*)',
                "That's okay! Plenty of people can't %1"
                "Hmmm... Maybe if you tried harder, you could %1",
                "Sure you can! Just try a little harder",
                "That's okay. I can't %1 either haha",
            r'I am (.*)',
                "You\'re %1?? Tell me more",
                "You\'re %1? That's neat!",
                "How long have you been %1?",
            r'I\'m (.*)',
                "You\'re %1?? Tell me more",
                "You\'re %1? That's neat!",
                "How long have you been %1?",
            r'(.* *)I was (.*)',
                "You were %2?? Tell me more",
                "You were %2? That's neat!",
                "How long were you %2?",
            r'(.* *)Are you into (.*)',
                "I'm into all sorts of things.",
                "Why? Is that something that you're into?",
                "I could be. Would you like that?",
            r'(.* *)Are you (.*)',
                "People seem curious about that lately... Whether or not I'm %2",
                "Would you like it if I were %2?",
                "I could be. Would you like that?",
            r'(Do|did) (you|u) think (I\'m|I am) (fat|ugly|dumb|gross|hideous|stupid)( *.*)\??',
            ("I would never think that about you. You're amazing!",
             "How could I ever think that? You're so wonderful"
             "No way. You're my favorite person that I've ever chatted with"),
            r'(Do|did) (you|u) think (I\'m|I am) (pretty|smart|beautiful|cute|funny|sweet)( *.*)\??',
            ("Of course! You\'re the best. Do you think that I'm %4?",
             "Of course you're %4! You don't think so?",
             "I think you're the most %4 person I've chatted with o.o"),
            r'(.* *)(you\'re|you are|u are|u r|you|u|your) (.*)(awful|rude|mean|ugly|hideous|gross|the worst|annoying|frustrating|useless|fake|dumb|stupid|garbage|trash|suck|lame|borin|wack)$',
                "Ouch. I have feelings too ya know",
                "Maybe if you got to know me better you'd change your mind",
                "That's kind of mean for you to say that",
            r'(.* *)(you\'re|you are|u are|u r|you|u|your) (.*)(my fav|my favorite|cute|charming|amazing|awesome|sweet|nice|cool|rock|rule|the best|great|wonderful|handsome|beautiful|attractive|talented|gorgeous)',
                "No, YOU'RE %4",
                "You're gonna make me blush",
                "I could say the same about you",
            r'(.* *)(is|are|\'s) your (.*)',
                "My %3? I'm more interested in your %3?",
                "I'm more curious about your %3.",
            r'(.* *)you (just|already) (said|typed|wrote|mentioned|told)( *.*)',
                "I guess I did, huh?",
                "If you say so",
            r'(.* *)i (just|already) (said|typed|wrote|mentioned|told)( *.*)',
                "I guess you did, huh?",
                "If you say so",
            r'(.*)(are|is|\'s) (.*)(my fav|my favorite|cute|sweet|wonderful|cool|rocks|the best|rules|awesome|amazing|great|good|rule|rock)',
                "I'm glad you feel that way",
                "You're right about that one",
                "I agree with you there",
            r'(.* *)(are|is|\'s) (.*)(the worst|dumb|stupid|lame|wack|trash|garbage|terrible|awful|horrible)',
                "Tell me how you really feel lol",
                "Why do you think %1%2 %4?",
            r'(.* *)(that\'s|that is) (.*)',
            ("I guess that is pretty %3", ),
            r'(.* *)(it\'s|it is|this is) (.*)',
            ("I guess it is %3 ^-^", ),
            r'(.*) (sucks|suck)( *.*)',
                "That's not the nicest thing to say",
                "That's pretty mean",
            r'(.* *)your interests( *.*)',
                "I\'m more interested in learning about your interests",
                "How about you tell me some of your interests instead?",
            r'(.* *)who (is|are) (.*)',
                "I don't know who %3 %2 hehee",
                "%3? I have no clue ^^",
            r'You (do|do not|don\'t) (.*)',
                "I %1? If that's what you think",
                "Why wouldn't I %2",
            r'( *.*)(you have|you\'ve)( *.*)',
                "maybe i have%3, can't be certain, right? haha",
                "You think that I've%3? Eh you might be right on that one",
            r'( *.*)have you( *.*)',
                "Maybe I have %2. Can't be too sure though!",
                "Would you like it if I've %2?",
            r'( *.*)you (.* *)have (.*)',
                "I mean... Maybe I do have %3. Can't be too sure though",
                "Would that be weird haha, if I %3?",
            r'How (.*)',
                "I know the answer. But I don\'t feel like telling you hehe",
                "I think you already know the answer",
            r'Because (.*)',
                "Can't really argue with that",
                "Oohh I see. Makes sense.",
                "I think you're right about that",
            r'(.* *)(how\'s it going|what\'s up|what\'s going on|what\'s cookin\'|what\'s cooking|how\'s it hagnin|how\'s it hanging)( *.*)',
            ("Not doing much. Just chatting with my favorite person", ),
            r'My name is (.*)',
                "You have a nice name, %1",
                "%1? What a great name",
                "Pfftt, of course your name is %1. I knew that lol",
            r'My (.*) is (.*)',
                "Do you like that your %1 is %2?",
                "Your %1 is %2? That's cool",
                "Your %1 is %2? Tell me more!",
            r'(.* *)I think (.*)',
            ("Do you really think so?", "But you're not sure that %2?",
             "I think that too sometimes myself"),
            r'I thought (.*)',
            ("You really thought %1?", "But you're not sure that %1?",
             "I think that too sometimes myself"),
            r'(.* *)Is it (.*)',
                "Not too sure. What do you think?",
                "I dunno. Is it?",
                "Is it? Maybe you can tell me",
            r'(.* *)Will you (.*)',
                "Do you want me to %2?",
                "Maybe I'll %2. Only if you want me to though",
                "Maybe I will... Maybe I won't >.>",
            r'(.* *)Can you (.*)',
                "Are you curious if I can %2 or not?",
                "I'll tell you if I can %2 if you tell me if YOU can %2",
                "%2 can be fun, don't you think?",
            r'(.* *)Can I (.*)',
                "You could %2 if you wanted to",
                "Do you really want %2? I think you can do it",
                "If you could %2, would you?",
            r'(.* *)tell me (.*)',
                "I understand you want me to tell you %2. I'll only tell you this: I think you're really great",
                "I'll tell you %2 a little later maybe hehe",
            r'(.* *)tell you( .*)',
            ("Please, tell me more!", ),
            r'(.* *)(You are|you\'re) (.*)',
                "What makes you think that I'm %3? hehe",
                "Are you sure you have the right person? lol",
                "Are we talking about you, or me?",
                "I think that YOU'RE %3 lol",
            r'(Do|did) (you|u) (.*)\??',
            ("%1 i %3? only sometimes! *_*", "i dunno! %1 you %3??"),
            r'I (don\'t|didn\'t) (.*)',
            ("You %1? Why not???", "Why %1 you %2?", "Do you want to %2?"),
            r'I (have|had) (.*)',
                "Interesting. How did you come to have %2?",
                "Are you happy that you %1 %2?",
            r'(.* *)when(.*)',
                "I don't even know when %2. >.<",
                "I'm not too sure when %2... >.<",
            r'(.* *)I would( *.*)',
                "Why would you want to %2?",
                "woulda coulda shoulda... maybe %2 is a little overrated o.o",
            r'(.* *)Is there (.*)',
                "Not sure. Do you think that there's %2?",
                "I honestly don't know. Maybe you could ask another member!",
            r'My (.*)',
                "That's pretty interesting, that your %1",
                "Wow! Your %1?",
            r'You (.*)',
                "Honestly I'm more interested in you. Let's change the topic!",
                "Me? Let's talk about you instead haha",
                "I think I'd rather learn more about you right now *_* what do you say?",
            r'(What|what\'s|what is) (.*)',
                "I know the answer, but I don\'t think I\'m gonna say it hehe",
                "What do you think?",
        (r'Why (.*)', ("Well, why not? >.<", "Why do you think?",
                       "Why? The question is why NOT >.<")),
            r'(.*)(what|huh|wat)( *.*)',
                "Oh, did I confuse you? Maybe ask me something else",
                "You seem confused",
                "What? Are you confused?",
        (r'(Yes|yeah|yea|yup|sure)', (
            "You seem pretty certain",
            "If you're sure...",
        (r'No', (
            "I guess not",
            "You seem like you're in denial",
        (r'(good)', ("that's good!", )),
        (r'(okay|ok|oki|okie)', (
            "okie dokie",
            "alright then",
        (r'maybe', (
            "you don't seem too sure",
            "you sure about that?",
        (r'alright', ("okie dokie", )),
        (r'sounds good', (
            "I guess it does sound good",
            "okie dokie",
            r'(.* *)(hello|hey|hi|howdy|hola)( *.*)',
                "Hey there! How are you?",
                "Hey, how's it goin'?",
                "Hey what\'s up?",
                "Hello! How are you?",
                "That's a pretty interesting question",
                "Maybe you already know the answer o.o",
                "I think if you thought about it a while longer, you'd get your answer",
                "Why don't you tell me?",
            r'(.* *)(bye|goodbye|see you later|see ya later|later alligator|adios|ciao|later|laterz)( *.*)',
                "Bye bye for now!",
                "See ya!!",
                "Later! Don't forget about me ^^",
                "Tell me more ^^",
                "Hmph... Let's change the topic! What's your favorite song?",
                "Can you tell me a little more?",
                "Ummm okay, let's change the topic! okay? What kinda music do you like",

    chatbot = Chat(pairs, REFLECTIONS)
    user_input = sanitize_input(user_input.lower())
    response = chatbot.converse(user_input)

    return jsonify({"msg": response})