Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, space, planning_mode=False):

        #self.deduction_types = ['SubsetLink', 'ImplicationLink', 'InheritanceLink', 'PredictiveImplicationLink']
        self.deduction_types = [
            'ImplicationLink', 'InheritanceLink', 'PredictiveImplicationLink'

        self.pd = dict()

        self.results = []

        self.space = space
        self.planning_mode = planning_mode
        self.viz = PLNviz(space)

        self.trace = Trace_Chainer()
        self.bc_later = OrderedSet()

        # simple statistics
        self.num_app_pdns_per_level = Counter()
        self.num_uses_per_rule_per_level = defaultdict(Counter)

        global _line
        _line = 1
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __new__(cls, id=None, parent=None, children=[], **kw):
        Takes care of Widget instances creation. Should not need to be overrien
        obj = view.Renderable.__new__(cls, id, parent, children, **kw)
        obj.__dict__.update(v for v in kw.iteritems()
                            if not v[0].startswith('_'))
        obj.orig_kw = kw.copy()

        if id is not None and not valid_id(id):
            raise ValueError("%r is not a valid id for a Widget" % id)
        obj._id = id
        obj._serial = serial_generator.next()

        # Attach the widget to its parent
        if parent is not None:
            if parent._is_initialized:
                raise WidgetInitialized
            obj.parent = weakref.proxy(parent)

        # Append children passed as args or defined in the class, former
        # override later
        obj.c = obj.children = WidgetBunch()
        if isclass(children) and issubclass(children, WidgetsList):
            children = children()
        if not [obj._append_child(c) for c in children]:
            cls_children = cls._cls_children
            if isclass(cls_children) and issubclass(cls_children, WidgetsList):
                cls_children = cls_children()
            [obj._append_child(c) for c in cls_children]

        # Copy mutable attrs from __class__ into self, if not found in self
        # set to None
        for name in chain(cls.params, ['css', 'javascript']):
                attr = getattr(obj, name, None)
                if isinstance(attr, (list, dict)):
                    attr = copy(attr)
                setattr(obj, name, attr)
            except AttributeError:
                # In case we try to set a read-only property

        # Initialize the static js calls list
        obj._js_calls = []

        # Initialize resources OrderedSet
        obj._resources = OrderedSet()

        # Set default css class for the widget
        if not getattr(obj, 'css_class', None):
            obj.css_class = obj.__class__.__name__.lower()

        return obj
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def retrieve_resources(self):
     Returns a dict keyed by location with ordered collections of
     resources from this widget and its children as values.
     from tw.api import locations
     resources = dict((k, OrderedSet()) for k in locations)
     for r in self._resources:
     return resources
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self,

        #self.deduction_types = ['SubsetLink', 'ImplicationLink', 'InheritanceLink', 'PredictiveImplicationLink']
        self.deduction_types = [
            'ImplicationLink', 'InheritanceLink', 'PredictiveImplicationLink'

        self.use_fc = use_fc

        self.pd = dict()

        self.results = []

        self.space = space
        self.planning_mode = planning_mode
        self.viz = PLNviz(space)

        self.trace = Trace_Chainer()
        self.bc_later = OrderedSet()

        # If you do BC, it is necessary to put an App for every Atom available.
        # Let's suppose that means every Rule to start with...
        for rule in self.rules:

        # simple statistics
        self.num_app_pdns_per_level = Counter()
        self.num_uses_per_rule_per_level = defaultdict(Counter)

        global _line
        _line = 1
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def retrieve_javascript(self):
     oset = OrderedSet()
     for child in self:
     return oset
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def retrieve_css(self):
     oset = OrderedSet()
     for child in self:
     return oset
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def bc(self, target, nsteps=2000, nresults=1):
            #import prof3d; prof3d.profile_me()

            tvs = self.get_tvs(target)
            print "Existing target truth values:", map(str, tvs)
            #if len(tvs):
            #    raise NotImplementedError('Cannot revise multiple TruthValues, so no point in doing this search')

            #log.info(format_log('bc', target))
            self.bc_later = OrderedSet([target])
            self.results = []

            self.target = target
            # Have a sentinel application at the top
            self.root = T('WIN')

            dummy_app = rules.Rule(self.root, [target],
                                   name='producing target')
            # is this line necessary?
            self.bc_later = OrderedSet([dummy_app])

            # viz - visualize the root
            self.viz.outputTarget(target, None, 0, 'TARGET')

            steps_so_far = 0
            start = time()

            while self.bc_later and steps_so_far < nsteps and (
                    nresults == 0 or len(self.results) < nresults):
                steps_so_far += 1

                #msg = '%s goals expanded, %s remaining, %s Proof DAG Nodes' % (len(self.bc_before), len(self.bc_later), len(self.pd))
                msg = 'done %s steps, %s goals remaining, %s Proof DAG Nodes' % (
                    steps_so_far, len(self.bc_later), len(self.pd))
                #log.info(format_log('time taken', time() - start))
                #for pdn in self.pd:
                #    log.info(format_log(len(pdn.args),str(pdn)))

            # Always print it at the end, so you can easily check the (combinatorial) efficiency of all tests after a change
            print msg

            for res in self.results:
                print 'Inference trail:'
                trail = self.trail(res)

                #print 'Action plan (if applicable):'
                #print self.extract_plan(trail)
    #            for res in self.results:
    #                self.viz_proof_tree(self.trail(res))

            ret = []
            for tr in self.results:
                # Create the Atom (before this point it's just a Tree)
                atom = atom_from_tree(tr, self.space)
                # haxx
                atom.tv = self.get_tvs(tr)[0]

#            pprint(self.num_app_pdns_per_level)
#            pprint(self.num_uses_per_rule_per_level)
#            pprint(Chainer.successful_num_app_pdns_per_level)
#            pprint(Chainer.successful_num_uses_per_rule_per_level)

            return ret
        except Exception, e:
            import traceback, pdb
            print traceback.format_exc(10)
            # Start the post-mortem debugger
            return []
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def retrieve_resources(self):
     from tw.core.resources import merge_resources, locations
     resources = dict((k, OrderedSet()) for k in locations)
     for w in self:
         merge_resources(resources, w.retrieve_resources())
     return resources
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def retrieve_javascript(self):
     oset = OrderedSet()
     for child in self:
     return oset
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def retrieve_css(self):
     oset = OrderedSet()
     for child in self:
     return oset
Ejemplo n.º 11
class Widget(view.Renderable):
    Base class for all widgets.


    .. sourcecode:: python

        >>> w = Widget('foo')
        >>> w.id

        >>> w = Widget('foo', children=[Widget('c1'), Widget('c2')])
        >>> [c.id for c in w.children]
        ['foo_c1', 'foo_c2']
        >>> [c.parent.id for c in w.children]
        ['foo', 'foo']

    It is a **must** that all initial state is entirely determined by the
    arguments to this function. This means that two widgets
    (of the same class) that receive the same parameters
    must behave in exactly the same way. You should not rely on external
    sources inside __init__ to set initial state.

    If you need to fetch data from external sources, do it at
    :meth:`update_params` instead.

    Essential pre, and post initialization is done in :meth:`__new__` and
    :meth:`post_init` respectively. :meth:`post_init` is guaranteed to run after
    the instance finishes initialization and it's behavior is rather special
    as all post_init's in mro will be called to have a chance to set final
    state in the instance.

    Basic pre-initialization consists of binding all kw arguments to the
    widget instance, attaching the widget to it's parent (if given),
    attaching the children and copying mutable arguments listed at
    :attr:`params` from the class to the instance to avoid accidental

    .. sourcecode:: python

        >>> w = Widget('foo', a=1, b=2)
        >>> w.id
        >>> w.a
        >>> w.b

    Basic post-initialization consists of caching required CSS and JS
    resources and setting the widget as initialized preventing further
    modification of it's attributes.

    .. sourcecode:: python

        >>> w = Widget('foo', a='1', b='2')
        >>> w.a = 'bar'
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        WidgetLocked: The widget is locked. It's unthread-safe to alter it's attributes after initialization.

    Widget attributes can only be modified in this method because widgets
    should behave in a state-less way as they are shared among threads for
    multiple requests.

    Per request modification of variables sent to the template should be
    done inside :meth:`update_params` and all state flowing from parent to
    children should occur inside that dict.

    Widgets should be instantiated at import time and reused among requests,
    most widgets allow overriding most of their parameters (not neccesarily all
    of them) at display time to change behavior. You should try avoiding
    instantiating widgets for every request as their initialization could be
    quite expensive for heavily nested widgets.

    Request-local storage provided by the hosting framework in
    ``tw.framework.request`` can be used to pass state among widgets
    which don't share the same root.

    __metaclass__ = WidgetType

    parent = None
    default = None
    params = {
        'id': ('The id of this widget. This id is used to reference a widget '
               'from its parent ``children`` attribute and is usually the '
               'DOM id of outermost HTML tag of the widget.'),
        'Main CSS class for this widget',
        'A list with extra css classes for the widget.'
    css = []
    javascript = []
    css_classes = []

    _is_initialized = False
    _is_locked = False

    def displays_on(self):
        if self.is_root:
            return tw.framework.default_view
            return self.parent.engine_name

    displays_on = property(displays_on,
        Where the widget is being displayed on

    #XXX: Some of these properties could be implemented as static attributes
    def id(self):
        return '_'.join(
                      for w in self.path if w.id_path_elem])) or None

    id = property(id,
        The calculated id of the widget. This string will provide a unique
        id for each widget in the tree in a format which allows to re-recreate
        the nested structure.

            >>> A = Widget("A", children=[
            ...     Widget("B", children=[
            ...         Widget("C")
            ...         ])
            ...     ])
            >>> C = A.c.B.c.C
            >>> C.id


    def key(self):
        return '.' + '.'.join(
                      for w in self.path if w.id_path_elem][:-1])) or None

    key = property(key,
        A string that can be used as a key to index the dictionary of
        parameters sent to the root widget so it reaches this widget when


            >>> A = Widget("A", children=[
            ...     Widget("B", children=[
            ...         Widget("C")
            ...         ])
            ...     ])
            >>> C = A.c.B.c.C
            >>> C.key

    def path(self):
        item = self
        while item:
            yield item
            item = item.parent

    path = property(path,
        Iterates a walk from this widget to the root of the tree

    def id_path_elem(self):
        return self._id

    def root(self):
        return list(self.path)[-1]

    root = property(root, doc="The root of this widget tree")

    def is_root(self):
        return self.parent is None

    is_root = property(is_root, doc="True if the widget doesn't have a parent")

    def __new__(cls, id=None, parent=None, children=[], **kw):
        Takes care of Widget instances creation.Should not need to be
        overridden likely.
        obj = view.Renderable.__new__(cls, **kw)
        # The previous version of this used the __dict__ attribute to update
        # things, but that doesn't fire any fset properties, and can actually
        # lose data if a property is set, the following will not behave like
        # that
        for k, v in kw.iteritems():
            if not k.startswith('_'):
                    setattr(obj, k, v)
                except AttributeError, e:
                    #skip setting the value of a read only property
        obj.orig_kw = kw.copy()

        if id is not None and not valid_id(id):
            raise ValueError("%r is not a valid id for a Widget" % id)
        obj._id = id
        obj._serial = serial_generator.next()

        # Attach the widget to its parent
        if parent is not None:
            if parent._is_initialized:
                raise WidgetInitialized
            obj.parent = weakref.proxy(parent)

        # Append children passed as args or defined in the class, former
        # override later
        obj.c = obj.children = WidgetBunch()
        if isclass(children) and issubclass(children, WidgetsList):
            children = children()
        if not [obj._append_child(c) for c in children]:
            cls_children = cls._cls_children
            if isclass(cls_children) and issubclass(cls_children, WidgetsList):
                cls_children = cls_children()
            [obj._append_child(c) for c in cls_children]

        # Copy mutable attrs from __class__ into self, if not found in self
        # set to None
        for name in chain(cls.params, ['css', 'javascript']):
                attr = getattr(obj, name, None)
                if isinstance(attr, (list, dict)):
                    attr = copy(attr)
                setattr(obj, name, attr)
            except AttributeError:
                # In case we try to set a read-only property

        # Initialize the static js calls list
        obj._js_calls = []

        # Initialize resources OrderedSet
        obj._resources = OrderedSet()

        # Set default css class for the widget
        if not getattr(obj, 'css_class', None):
            obj.css_class = obj.__class__.__name__.lower()

        return obj
Ejemplo n.º 12
class Chainer:

    # Useful for testing, where you make multiple Chainer objects for separate AtomSpaces
    successful_num_app_pdns_per_level = Counter()
    successful_num_uses_per_rule_per_level = defaultdict(Counter)

    def __init__(self,

        #self.deduction_types = ['SubsetLink', 'ImplicationLink', 'InheritanceLink', 'PredictiveImplicationLink']
        self.deduction_types = [
            'ImplicationLink', 'InheritanceLink', 'PredictiveImplicationLink'

        self.use_fc = use_fc

        self.pd = dict()

        self.results = []

        self.space = space
        self.planning_mode = planning_mode
        self.viz = PLNviz(space)

        self.trace = Trace_Chainer()
        self.bc_later = OrderedSet()

        # If you do BC, it is necessary to put an App for every Atom available.
        # Let's suppose that means every Rule to start with...
        for rule in self.rules:

        # simple statistics
        self.num_app_pdns_per_level = Counter()
        self.num_uses_per_rule_per_level = defaultdict(Counter)

        global _line
        _line = 1


    def bc(self, target, nsteps=2000, nresults=1):
            #import prof3d; prof3d.profile_me()

            tvs = self.get_tvs(target)
            print "Existing target truth values:", map(str, tvs)
            #if len(tvs):
            #    raise NotImplementedError('Cannot revise multiple TruthValues, so no point in doing this search')

            #log.info(format_log('bc', target))
            #self.bc_later = OrderedSet([target])
            self.results = []

            self.target = target
            # Have a sentinel application at the top
            self.root = T('WIN')

            dummy_app = rules.Rule(self.root, [target],
                                   name='producing target')
            # is this line necessary?
            #self.bc_later = OrderedSet([dummy_app])

            # viz - visualize the root
            self.viz.outputTarget(target, None, 0, 'TARGET')

            steps_so_far = 0
            start = time()

            import pdb
            while self.bc_later and steps_so_far < nsteps and (
                    nresults == 0 or len(self.results) < nresults):
                if self.use_fc:

                steps_so_far += 1

                #msg = '%s goals expanded, %s remaining, %s Proof DAG Nodes' % (len(self.bc_before), len(self.bc_later), len(self.pd))
                msg = 'done %s steps, %s goals remaining, %s Proof DAG Nodes' % (
                    steps_so_far, len(self.bc_later), len(self.pd))
                #log.info(format_log('time taken', time() - start))
                #for pdn in self.pd:
                #    log.info(format_log(len(pdn.args),str(pdn)))

            # Always print it at the end, so you can easily check the (combinatorial) efficiency of all tests after a change
            print msg

            for res in self.results:
                print 'Inference trail:'
                trail = self.trail(res)

                #print 'Action plan (if applicable):'
                #print self.extract_plan(trail)

    #            for res in self.results:
    #                self.viz_proof_tree(self.trail(res))

            ret = []
            for tr in self.results:
                # Create the Atom (before this point it's just a Tree)
                atom = atom_from_tree(tr, self.space)
                # haxx
                atom.tv = self.get_tvs(tr)[0]

#            pprint(self.num_app_pdns_per_level)
#            pprint(self.num_uses_per_rule_per_level)
#            pprint(Chainer.successful_num_app_pdns_per_level)
#            pprint(Chainer.successful_num_uses_per_rule_per_level)

            return ret
        except Exception, e:
            import traceback, pdb
            print traceback.format_exc(10)
            # Start the post-mortem debugger
            return []