Ejemplo n.º 1
def chunkify(m):
    direction = Dir.horizontal
    start_chunk = Rect(0, 0, m.width, m.height)
    start_chunk.room = -1
    chunks = [start_chunk]
    minsize = 13
    minlength = 6
    while m.free_area < m.total_size * 0.2:
        curr = pop_largest(chunks)
        if direction == Dir.vertical and curr.width > minsize:
            start = curr.x + max(minlength, int(curr.width * 0.2))
            end = curr.x + curr.width - max(minlength, int(curr.width * 0.2))
            hallway = random.randint(start, end)
            first = Rect(curr.x, curr.y, hallway - curr.x, curr.height)
            second = Rect(hallway + 1, curr.y, curr.x + curr.width - hallway - 1, curr.height)
            new_direction = Dir.horizontal
        elif direction == Dir.horizontal and curr.height > minsize:  # horizontal
            start = curr.y + max(minlength, int(curr.height * 0.2))
            end = curr.y + curr.height - max(minlength, int(curr.height * 0.2))
            hallway = random.randint(start, end)
            first = Rect(curr.x, curr.y, curr.width, hallway - curr.y)
            second = Rect(curr.x, hallway + 1, curr.width, curr.y + curr.height - hallway - 1)
            new_direction = Dir.vertical
        else:  # chunk too small, done. just re-add the chunk

        mark_room(m, first, m.first_unused_room_id)

        mark_room(m, second, m.first_unused_room_id)

        mark_hallway(m, curr, hallway, direction)
        direction = new_direction

        # print_map(m)

    return chunks