Ejemplo n.º 1
def pref_fix_after_readmmp_after_updaters():
    # temporary kluge (since probably not enough to protect this
    #  from making updater exceptions much worse in effect):
    # disable when dna updater is off, to work around bug in that case
    # (described in checkin mail today)
    # (only needed in "after" version) [bruce 080319]
    if not dna_updater_is_enabled():
        print "bug: the permanent version of this fix is not working, noticed in pref_fix_after_readmmp_after_updaters"
    res = debug_pref("DNA: do fix_after_readmmp_after_updaters? ",
                      Choice_boolean_True, # same comment as for before_updaters version
                      ## non_debug = True,
                      prefs_key = True )
    return res and dna_updater_is_enabled() # only ok to do this if dna updater is on
Ejemplo n.º 2
def pref_fix_after_readmmp_after_updaters():
    # temporary kluge (since probably not enough to protect this
    #  from making updater exceptions much worse in effect):
    # disable when dna updater is off, to work around bug in that case
    # (described in checkin mail today)
    # (only needed in "after" version) [bruce 080319]
    if not dna_updater_is_enabled():
        print "bug: the permanent version of this fix is not working, noticed in pref_fix_after_readmmp_after_updaters"
    res = debug_pref(
        "DNA: do fix_after_readmmp_after_updaters? ",
        Choice_boolean_True,  # same comment as for before_updaters version
        ## non_debug = True,
    return res and dna_updater_is_enabled(
    )  # only ok to do this if dna updater is on
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self, mapping, chunk):
     # immediately memoize some settings which need to be constant
     # during use, as a bug precaution. Also do whatever precomputes
     # are convenient.
     writemmp_mapping_memo.__init__(self, mapping)
     self.chunk = chunk
     self.ladder = chunk.ladder
     if not dna_updater_is_enabled():
         msg = "Warning: can't convert PAM model when dna updater is disabled; affects [N] chunk(s)"
         env.history.deferred_summary_message( orangemsg( msg))
     elif not self.ladder:
         # (might happen if dna updater is turned off at runtime -- not sure;
         #  note, doing that might have worse effects, like self.ladder existing
         #  but being out of date, causing traceback errors. #### FIX those sometime (elsewhere).)
         print "error: ladder not set during writemmp, can't convert pam model, in %r" % chunk
         msg = "Error: [N] chunk(s) don't have ladders set"
         env.history.deferred_summary_message( redmsg( msg))
         self.convert_pam_enabled = True
     if self.convert_pam_enabled:
         # Note: this only means conversion is possible -- we don't yet know
         # if it's requested by options on this mapping and chunk.
         # The ladder memo will decide that.
         self._ladder_memo = mapping.get_memo_for(self.ladder)
         self._save_as_pam = self._ladder_memo._f_save_as_what_PAM_model()
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def __init__(self, mapping, chunk):
     # immediately memoize some settings which need to be constant
     # during use, as a bug precaution. Also do whatever precomputes
     # are convenient.
     writemmp_mapping_memo.__init__(self, mapping)
     self.chunk = chunk
     self.ladder = chunk.ladder
     if not dna_updater_is_enabled():
         msg = "Warning: can't convert PAM model when dna updater is disabled; affects [N] chunk(s)"
     elif not self.ladder:
         # (might happen if dna updater is turned off at runtime -- not sure;
         #  note, doing that might have worse effects, like self.ladder existing
         #  but being out of date, causing traceback errors. #### FIX those sometime (elsewhere).)
         print "error: ladder not set during writemmp, can't convert pam model, in %r" % chunk
         msg = "Error: [N] chunk(s) don't have ladders set"
         self.convert_pam_enabled = True
     if self.convert_pam_enabled:
         # Note: this only means conversion is possible -- we don't yet know
         # if it's requested by options on this mapping and chunk.
         # The ladder memo will decide that.
         self._ladder_memo = mapping.get_memo_for(self.ladder)
         self._save_as_pam = self._ladder_memo._f_save_as_what_PAM_model()
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def __init__(self, mapping, ladder):
     # assume never created except by chunks, so we know dna updater is enabled
     writemmp_mapping_memo.__init__(self, mapping)
     assert dna_updater_is_enabled()
     self.ladder = ladder
     self.save_as_pam = self._compute_save_as_pam()
     self.wrote_axis_chunks = [] # public attrs
     self.wrote_strand_chunks = []
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def __init__(self, mapping, ladder):
     # assume never created except by chunks, so we know dna updater is enabled
     writemmp_mapping_memo.__init__(self, mapping)
     assert dna_updater_is_enabled()
     self.ladder = ladder
     self.save_as_pam = self._compute_save_as_pam()
     self.wrote_axis_chunks = []  # public attrs
     self.wrote_strand_chunks = []
Ejemplo n.º 7
def initialize():
    Register one or more related post_event_model_updaters
    (in the order in which they should run). These will be
    run by env.do_post_event_updates().
    if dna_updater_is_enabled():
        ## from dna_updater import dna_updater_init
        ## dna_updater_init.initialize()
        _ensure_ok_to_call_dna_updater() # TODO: replace with the commented out 2 lines above

    env.register_post_event_model_updater( _master_model_updater)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def initialize():
    Register one or more related post_event_model_updaters
    (in the order in which they should run). These will be
    run by env.do_post_event_updates().
    if dna_updater_is_enabled():
        ## from dna_updater import dna_updater_init
        ## dna_updater_init.initialize()
        )  # TODO: replace with the commented out 2 lines above

Ejemplo n.º 9
def _run_dna_updater():  #bruce 080210 split this out
    # TODO: check some dicts first, to optimize this call when not needed?
    # TODO: zap the temporary function calls here
    #bruce 080319 added sets of status_of_last_dna_updater_run
    if dna_updater_is_enabled():
        # never implemented sufficiently: if ...: _reload_dna_updater()
        _ensure_ok_to_call_dna_updater()  # soon will not be needed here
        from dna.updater.dna_updater_main import full_dna_update
        # soon will be toplevel import
        global_model_changedicts.status_of_last_dna_updater_run = LAST_RUN_IS_ONGOING
            global_model_changedicts.status_of_last_dna_updater_run = LAST_RUN_FAILED
            msg = "\n*** exception in dna updater; will attempt to continue"
            print_compact_traceback(msg + ": ")
            msg2 = "Error: exception in dna updater (see console for details); will attempt to continue"
            global_model_changedicts.status_of_last_dna_updater_run = LAST_RUN_SUCCEEDED
        global_model_changedicts.status_of_last_dna_updater_run = LAST_RUN_DIDNT_HAPPEN
Ejemplo n.º 10
def _run_dna_updater(): #bruce 080210 split this out
    # TODO: check some dicts first, to optimize this call when not needed?
    # TODO: zap the temporary function calls here
    #bruce 080319 added sets of status_of_last_dna_updater_run
    if dna_updater_is_enabled():
        # never implemented sufficiently: if ...: _reload_dna_updater()
        _ensure_ok_to_call_dna_updater() # soon will not be needed here
        from dna.updater.dna_updater_main import full_dna_update
            # soon will be toplevel import
        global_model_changedicts.status_of_last_dna_updater_run = LAST_RUN_IS_ONGOING
            global_model_changedicts.status_of_last_dna_updater_run = LAST_RUN_FAILED
            msg = "\n*** exception in dna updater; will attempt to continue"
            print_compact_traceback(msg + ": ")
            msg2 = "Error: exception in dna updater (see console for details); will attempt to continue"
            global_model_changedicts.status_of_last_dna_updater_run = LAST_RUN_SUCCEEDED            
        global_model_changedicts.status_of_last_dna_updater_run = LAST_RUN_DIDNT_HAPPEN
Ejemplo n.º 11
def make_or_remove_crossover(twoPls, make=True, cmdname=None):
    Make or Remove (according to make option) a crossover, given Pl5_recognizers for its two Pl atoms.

    # What we are doing is recognizing one local structure and replacing it with another
    # made from the same atoms. It'd sure be easier if I could do the manipulation in an mmp file,
    # save that somewhere, and read those to generate the operation! I'd have two sets of atoms, before and after,
    # and see how bonds and atomtypes got changed.

    # In this case it's not too hard to hand-code... I guess only the Pl atoms and their bonds are affected.
    # We probably do have to look at strand directions -- hmm, probably we should require them to exist before saying it's ok!
    # Or maybe better to give history error message when the command is chosen, saying you need to set them (or repair them) first...
    # Then we have to move the new/moved Pl atoms into a good position...

    # Note: Pl.ordered_bases are ordered by bond direction, to make this easier...
    # but if we want to patch up the directions in the end, do we need to care exactly which ones were defined?
    # or only "per-Pl"? hmm... it's per-Pl for now

    assert cmdname

    for pl in twoPls:
        if pl.ordered_bases is None:  # should no longer be possible -- now checked before menu commands are offered [bruce 070604]
            ###BUG: this could have various causes, not only the one reported below! Somehow we need access to the
            # message supplied to the RecognizerError, for use here.
            ###REVIEW: Does that mean it should pass through compute methods (probably in a controlled way)
            # rather than making computed values None?
            # Or, should the value not be None, but a "frozen" examinable and reraisable version of the error exception??
            msg = "%s: Error: bond direction is locally undefined or inconsistent around %s" % (
                cmdname, pl.atom)  ###UNTESTED
            print "should no longer be possible:", msg  #bruce 070604

    Pl1, Pl2 = twoPls
    a, b = Pl1.ordered_bases
    d, c = Pl2.ordered_bases  # note: we use d,c rather than c,d so that the atom arrangement is as shown in the diagram below.

    # Note: for either the Make or Remove operation, the geometric arrangement is initially:
    # c <-- Pl2 <-- d
    # a --> Pl1 --> b
    # and it ends up being (where dots indicate arrowheads, to show bond direction):
    # c        d
    #  .      /
    #   \    .
    #  Pl1  Pl2
    #   .    \
    #  /      .
    # a        b
    # Note: Pl1 stays attached to a, and Pl2 to d. Which two opposite bonds to preserve like that
    # is an arbitrary choice -- as long as Make and Remove make the same choice about that,
    # they'll reverse each other's effects precisely (assuming the sugars were initially correct as Ss or Sj).

    # break the bonds we no longer want
    for obj1, obj2 in [(Pl1, b), (Pl2, c)]:
        bond = find_bond(obj1.atom, obj2.atom)

    # make the bonds we want and didn't already have
    for obj1, obj2 in [(Pl1, c), (Pl2, b)]:
        assert not atoms_are_bonded(obj1.atom, obj2.atom)
        ###e we should make bond_atoms do this assert itself, or maybe tolerate it (or does it already??)
        bond_atoms_faster(obj1.atom, obj2.atom, V_SINGLE)

    # set directions of all 4 bonds (even the preserved ones -- it's possible they were not set before,
    #  if some but not all bonds had directions set in the part of a strand whose directions we look at.)
    for obj1, obj2 in [(a, Pl1), (Pl1, c), (d, Pl2), (Pl2, b)]:
        bond = find_bond(obj1.atom, obj2.atom)
        bond.set_bond_direction_from(obj1.atom, 1)

    # WARNING: after that bond rearrangement, don't use our Pl5_recognizers in ways that depend on Pl bonding,
    # since it's not well defined whether they think about the old or new bonding to give their answers.
    Pl_atoms = Pl1.atom, Pl2.atom
    del Pl1, Pl2, twoPls

    # transmute base sugars to Sj or Ss as appropriate
    if dna_updater_is_enabled():
        want = Element_Ss5  #bruce 080320 bugfix
        want = make and Element_Sj5 or Element_Ss5
    for obj in (a, b, c, d):
        # Note: we do this after the bond making/breaking so it doesn't add singlets which mess us up.

    # move Pl atoms into better positions
    # (someday, consider using local minimize; for now, just place them directly between their new neighbor atoms,
    #  hopefully we leave them selected so user can easily do their own local minimize.)
    for pl in Pl_atoms:
            average_value(map(lambda neighbor: neighbor.posn(),

        greenmsg(cmdname + ": ") + quote_html("(%s - %s)" % tuple(Pl_atoms)))

    #e need assy.changed()? evidently not.

    return  # from make_or_remove_crossover
Ejemplo n.º 12
def make_or_remove_crossover(twoPls, make = True, cmdname = None):
    Make or Remove (according to make option) a crossover, given Pl5_recognizers for its two Pl atoms.

    # What we are doing is recognizing one local structure and replacing it with another
    # made from the same atoms. It'd sure be easier if I could do the manipulation in an mmp file,
    # save that somewhere, and read those to generate the operation! I'd have two sets of atoms, before and after,
    # and see how bonds and atomtypes got changed.

    # In this case it's not too hard to hand-code... I guess only the Pl atoms and their bonds are affected.
    # We probably do have to look at strand directions -- hmm, probably we should require them to exist before saying it's ok!
    # Or maybe better to give history error message when the command is chosen, saying you need to set them (or repair them) first...
    # Then we have to move the new/moved Pl atoms into a good position...

    # Note: Pl.ordered_bases are ordered by bond direction, to make this easier...
    # but if we want to patch up the directions in the end, do we need to care exactly which ones were defined?
    # or only "per-Pl"? hmm... it's per-Pl for now

    assert cmdname

    for pl in twoPls:
        if pl.ordered_bases is None: # should no longer be possible -- now checked before menu commands are offered [bruce 070604]
            ###BUG: this could have various causes, not only the one reported below! Somehow we need access to the
            # message supplied to the RecognizerError, for use here.
            ###REVIEW: Does that mean it should pass through compute methods (probably in a controlled way)
            # rather than making computed values None?
            # Or, should the value not be None, but a "frozen" examinable and reraisable version of the error exception??
            msg = "%s: Error: bond direction is locally undefined or inconsistent around %s" % (cmdname, pl.atom) ###UNTESTED
            print "should no longer be possible:", msg #bruce 070604
            env.history.message( redmsg( quote_html( msg)))

    Pl1, Pl2 = twoPls
    a,b = Pl1.ordered_bases
    d,c = Pl2.ordered_bases # note: we use d,c rather than c,d so that the atom arrangement is as shown in the diagram below.

    # Note: for either the Make or Remove operation, the geometric arrangement is initially:
    # c <-- Pl2 <-- d
    # a --> Pl1 --> b
    # and it ends up being (where dots indicate arrowheads, to show bond direction):
    # c        d
    #  .      /
    #   \    .
    #  Pl1  Pl2
    #   .    \
    #  /      .
    # a        b
    # Note: Pl1 stays attached to a, and Pl2 to d. Which two opposite bonds to preserve like that
    # is an arbitrary choice -- as long as Make and Remove make the same choice about that,
    # they'll reverse each other's effects precisely (assuming the sugars were initially correct as Ss or Sj).

    # break the bonds we no longer want
    for obj1, obj2 in [(Pl1, b), (Pl2, c)]:
        bond = find_bond(obj1.atom, obj2.atom)
        bond.bust(make_bondpoints = False)

    # make the bonds we want and didn't already have
    for obj1, obj2 in [(Pl1, c), (Pl2, b)]:
        assert not atoms_are_bonded(obj1.atom, obj2.atom)
            ###e we should make bond_atoms do this assert itself, or maybe tolerate it (or does it already??)
        bond_atoms_faster(obj1.atom, obj2.atom, V_SINGLE)

    # set directions of all 4 bonds (even the preserved ones -- it's possible they were not set before,
    #  if some but not all bonds had directions set in the part of a strand whose directions we look at.)
    for obj1, obj2 in [(a, Pl1), (Pl1, c), (d, Pl2), (Pl2, b)]:
        bond = find_bond(obj1.atom, obj2.atom)
        bond.set_bond_direction_from(obj1.atom, 1)

    # WARNING: after that bond rearrangement, don't use our Pl5_recognizers in ways that depend on Pl bonding,
    # since it's not well defined whether they think about the old or new bonding to give their answers.
    Pl_atoms = Pl1.atom, Pl2.atom
    del Pl1, Pl2, twoPls

    # transmute base sugars to Sj or Ss as appropriate
    if dna_updater_is_enabled():
        want = Element_Ss5 #bruce 080320 bugfix
        want = make and Element_Sj5 or Element_Ss5
    for obj in (a,b,c,d):
        # Note: we do this after the bond making/breaking so it doesn't add singlets which mess us up.

    # move Pl atoms into better positions
    # (someday, consider using local minimize; for now, just place them directly between their new neighbor atoms,
    #  hopefully we leave them selected so user can easily do their own local minimize.)
    for pl in Pl_atoms:
        pl.setposn( average_value( map( lambda neighbor: neighbor.posn() , pl.neighbors() )))

    env.history.message( greenmsg( cmdname + ": ") + quote_html("(%s - %s)" % tuple(Pl_atoms)))

    #e need assy.changed()? evidently not.

    return # from make_or_remove_crossover