Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, database, user, password, host, port, table, tsid_list,
                 period=None, verbose=False):
        :param database: String of the database name
        :param user: String of the username used to login to the database
        :param password: String of the password used to login to the database
        :param host: String of the database address (localhost, url, ip, etc.)
        :param port: Integer of the database port number (5432)
        :param table: String of the database table that should be worked on
        :param tsid_list: List of strings, with each string being a tsid
        :param period: Optional integer indicating the number of days whose
            values should be cross validated. If None is provided, then the
            entire set of values will be validated.
        :param verbose: Boolean of whether to print debugging statements or not

        self.database = database
        self.user = user
        self.password = password
        self.host = host
        self.port = port
        self.table = table
        self.tsid_list = tsid_list
        self.period = period
        self.verbose = verbose

        # Build a DataFrame with the source id and weight
        self.source_weights_df = query_source_weights(
            database=self.database, user=self.user, password=self.password,
            host=self.host, port=self.port)

        # List of data vendor names to ignore when cross validating the data.
        #   Relevant when the data source has data that would be considered.
        self.source_exclude_list = ['pySecMaster_Consensus']

        self.source_id_exclude_list = []
        for source in self.source_exclude_list:
            source_id = query_data_vendor_id(
                database=self.database, user=self.user, password=self.password,
                host=self.host, port=self.port, name=source)

        if self.verbose:
            if self.period:
                print('Running cross validator for %s tsids only for the prior '
                      '%i day\'s history.' % (len(tsid_list), self.period))
                print('Running cross validator for %s tsids for the entire '
                      'data history.' % (len(tsid_list),))

Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, database, user, password, host, port, table, tsid_list,
                 period=None, verbose=False):
        :param database: String of the database name
        :param user: String of the username used to login to the database
        :param password: String of the password used to login to the database
        :param host: String of the database address (localhost, url, ip, etc.)
        :param port: Integer of the database port number (5432)
        :param table: String of the database table that should be worked on
        :param tsid_list: List of strings, with each string being a tsid
        :param period: Optional integer indicating the number of days whose
            values should be cross validated. If None is provided, then the
            entire set of values will be validated.
        :param verbose: Boolean of whether to print debugging statements or not

        self.database = database
        self.user = user
        self.password = password
        self.host = host
        self.port = port
        self.table = table
        self.tsid_list = tsid_list
        self.period = period
        self.verbose = verbose

        # Build a DataFrame with the source id and weight
        self.source_weights_df = query_source_weights(
            database=self.database, user=self.user, password=self.password,
            host=self.host, port=self.port)

        # List of data vendor names to ignore when cross validating the data.
        #   Relevant when the data source has data that would be considered.
        self.source_exclude_list = ['pySecMaster_Consensus']

        self.source_id_exclude_list = []
        for source in self.source_exclude_list:
            source_id = query_data_vendor_id(
                database=self.database, user=self.user, password=self.password,
                host=self.host, port=self.port, name=source)

        if self.verbose:
            if self.period:
                print('Running cross validator for %s tsids only for the prior '
                      '%i day\'s history.' % (len(tsid_list), self.period))
                print('Running cross validator for %s tsids for the entire '
                      'data history.' % (len(tsid_list),))

Ejemplo n.º 3
    def validator(self, tsid):

        tsid_start = time.time()

        # DataFrame of all stored prices for this ticker and interval. This is
        #   a multi-index DataFrame, with date and data_vendor_id in the index.
        tsid_prices_df = query_all_tsid_prices(
            database=self.database, user=self.user, password=self.password,
            host=self.host, port=self.port, table=self.table, tsid=tsid)

        unique_sources = tsid_prices_df.index.\
        unique_dates = tsid_prices_df.index.get_level_values('date').unique()

        # If a period is provided, limit the unique_dates list to only those
        #   within the past n period days.
        if self.period:
            beg_date = datetime.today() - timedelta(days=self.period)
            unique_dates = unique_dates[unique_dates > beg_date]

        # The consensus_price_df contains the prices from weighted consensus
        if self.table == 'daily_prices':
            consensus_price_df = pd.DataFrame(
                columns=['date', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'volume',
                         'ex_dividend', 'split_ratio'])
        elif self.table == 'minute_prices':
            consensus_price_df = pd.DataFrame(
                columns=['date', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'volume'])
            raise NotImplementedError('Table %s is not implemented within '
                                      'CrossValidate.validator' % self.table)

        # Set the date as the index
        consensus_price_df.set_index(['date'], inplace=True)

        # Cycle through each period, comparing each data source's prices
        for date in unique_dates:

            # Either add each field's consensus price to a dictionary,
            #   which is entered into the consensus_price_df upon all fields
            #   being processed, or enter each field's consensus price directly
            #   into the consensus_price_df. Right now, this is doing the later.
            # consensus_prices = {}

                # Create a DataFrame for the current period, with the source_ids
                #   as the index and the data_columns as the column headers
                period_df = tsid_prices_df.xs(date, level='date')
            except KeyError:
                # Should never happen
                print('Unable to extract the %s period\'s prices from '
                      'the tsid_prices_df for %s' % (date, tsid))
                # Transpose the period_df DataFrame so the source_ids are
                #   columns and the price fields are the rows
                period_df = period_df.transpose()

                # Cycle through each price field for this period's values
                for field_index, field_data in period_df.iterrows():
                    # field_index: string of the index name
                    # field_data: Pandas Series (always??) of the field data

                    # Reset the field consensus for every field processed
                    field_consensus = {}

                    # Cycle through each source's values that are in the
                    #   field_data Series.
                    for source_data in field_data.iteritems():
                        # source_data is a tuple, with the first item is being
                        #   the data_vendor_id and the second being the value.

                        # If the source_data's id is in the exclude list, don't
                        #   use its price when calculating the field consensus.
                        if source_data[0] not in self.source_id_exclude_list:

                            # Only process the source value if it is not None
                            if source_data[1] is not None:

                                # Retrieve weighted consensus for this source
                                source_weight = self.source_weights_df.loc[
                                    self.source_weights_df['data_vendor_id'] ==
                                    source_data[0], 'consensus_weight']

                                    if field_consensus:
                                        # There's already a value for this field
                                        if source_data[1] in field_consensus:
                                            # This source's value has a match in
                                            #   the current consensus. Increase
                                            #   weight for this price.
                                            field_consensus[source_data[1]] += \
                                            # Data value from the source does
                                            #   not match this field's consensus
                                            field_consensus[source_data[1]] = \

                                        # Add first price to the field_consensus
                                        #   dictionary, using price as the key
                                        #   and the source's weight as the item.
                                        field_consensus[source_data[1]] = \
                                except IndexError:
                                    # No source_weight was found, prob because
                                    #   there was no data_vendor_id for value

                    # Insert the highest consensus value for this period into
                    #   the consensus_price_df (the dictionary key (price) with
                    #   the largest value (consensus sum).
                        consensus_value = max(field_consensus.items(),
                    except ValueError:
                        # None of the sources had any values, thus use -1
                        consensus_value = -1
                    consensus_price_df.ix[date, field_index] = consensus_value

        # Make the date index into a normal column
        # Convert the datetime object to an ISO date
        consensus_price_df['date'] = consensus_price_df['date'].\
            apply(lambda x: x.isoformat())

        # Add the vendor id of the pySecMaster_Consensus as a column
        validator_id = query_data_vendor_id(
            database=self.database, user=self.user, password=self.password,
            host=self.host, port=self.port, name='pySecMaster_Consensus')

        consensus_price_df.insert(0, 'data_vendor_id', validator_id)
        consensus_price_df.insert(1, 'source', 'tsid')
        consensus_price_df.insert(2, 'source_id', tsid)

        # Add the current date to the last column
                                  'updated_date', datetime.now().isoformat())

        if validator_id in unique_sources:
            delete_start = time.time()

            # Data from the cross validation process has already been saved
            #   to the database before, thus it must be removed before adding
            #   the new calculated values.

            if self.period:
                # Only delete prior consensus values for this tsid that are
                #   newer than the beg_date (current date - replace period).
                delete_query = ("""DELETE FROM %s
                                   WHERE source_id='%s'
                                   AND data_vendor_id='%s'
                                   AND date>'%s'""" %
                                (self.table, tsid, validator_id,
                # Delete all existing consensus values for this tsid.
                delete_query = ("""DELETE FROM %s
                                   WHERE source_id='%s'
                                   AND data_vendor_id='%s'""" %
                                (self.table, tsid, validator_id))

            retry_count = 5
            while retry_count > 0:
                retry_count -= 1

                delete_status = delete_sql_table_rows(
                    database=self.database, user=self.user,
                    password=self.password, host=self.host, port=self.port,
                    query=delete_query, table=self.table, item=tsid)
                if delete_status == 'success':
                    # Add the validated values to the relevant price table AFTER
                    #   ensuring that the duplicates were deleted successfully
                    df_to_sql(database=self.database, user=self.user,
                              password=self.password, host=self.host,
                              port=self.port, df=consensus_price_df,
                              sql_table=self.table, exists='append', item=tsid)

            # print('Data table replacement took %0.2f' %
            #       (time.time() - delete_start))

            # Add the validated values to the relevant price table
            df_to_sql(database=self.database, user=self.user,
                      password=self.password, host=self.host, port=self.port,
                      df=consensus_price_df, sql_table=self.table,
                      exists='append', item=tsid)

        # For period updates, slow down the process to allow postgre to catch up
        if self.period:

        if self.verbose:
            print('%s data cross-validation took %0.2f seconds to complete.' %
                  (tsid, time.time() - tsid_start))
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def validator(self, tsid):

        tsid_start = time.time()

        # DataFrame of all stored prices for this ticker and interval. This is
        #   a multi-index DataFrame, with date and data_vendor_id in the index.
        tsid_prices_df = query_all_tsid_prices(database=self.database,

        unique_sources = tsid_prices_df.index.\
        unique_dates = tsid_prices_df.index.get_level_values('date').unique()

        # If a period is provided, limit the unique_dates list to only those
        #   within the past n period days.
        if self.period:
            beg_date = datetime.today() - timedelta(days=self.period)
            unique_dates = unique_dates[unique_dates > beg_date]

        # The consensus_price_df contains the prices from weighted consensus
        if self.table == 'daily_prices':
            consensus_price_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=[
                'date', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'volume', 'dividend',
        elif self.table == 'minute_prices':
            consensus_price_df = pd.DataFrame(
                columns=['date', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'volume'])
            raise NotImplementedError('Table %s is not implemented within '
                                      'CrossValidate.validator' % self.table)

        # Set the date as the index
        consensus_price_df.set_index(['date'], inplace=True)

        # Cycle through each period, comparing each data source's prices
        for date in unique_dates:

            # Either add each field's consensus price to a dictionary,
            #   which is entered into the consensus_price_df upon all fields
            #   being processed, or enter each field's consensus price directly
            #   into the consensus_price_df. Right now, this is doing the later.
            # consensus_prices = {}

                # Create a DataFrame for the current period, with the source_ids
                #   as the index and the data_columns as the column headers
                period_df = tsid_prices_df.xs(date, level='date')
            except KeyError:
                # Should never happen
                print('Unable to extract the %s period\'s prices from '
                      'the tsid_prices_df for %s' % (date, tsid))
                # Transpose the period_df DataFrame so the source_ids are
                #   columns and the price fields are the rows
                period_df = period_df.transpose()

                # Cycle through each price field for this period's values
                for field_index, field_data in period_df.iterrows():
                    # field_index: string of the index name
                    # field_data: Pandas Series (always??) of the field data

                    # Reset the field consensus for every field processed
                    field_consensus = {}

                    # Cycle through each source's values that are in the
                    #   field_data Series.
                    for source_data in field_data.iteritems():
                        # source_data is a tuple, with the first item is being
                        #   the data_vendor_id and the second being the value.

                        # If the source_data's id is in the exclude list, don't
                        #   use its price when calculating the field consensus.
                        if source_data[0] not in self.source_id_exclude_list:

                            # Only process the source value if it is not None
                            if source_data[1] is not None:

                                # Retrieve weighted consensus for this source
                                source_weight = self.source_weights_df.loc[
                                    self.source_weights_df['data_vendor_id'] ==
                                    source_data[0], 'consensus_weight']

                                    if field_consensus:
                                        # There's already a value for this field
                                        if source_data[1] in field_consensus:
                                            # This source's value has a match in
                                            #   the current consensus. Increase
                                            #   weight for this price.
                                            field_consensus[source_data[1]] += \
                                            # Data value from the source does
                                            #   not match this field's consensus
                                            field_consensus[source_data[1]] = \

                                        # Add first price to the field_consensus
                                        #   dictionary, using price as the key
                                        #   and the source's weight as the item.
                                        field_consensus[source_data[1]] = \
                                except IndexError:
                                    # No source_weight was found, prob because
                                    #   there was no data_vendor_id for value

                    # Insert the highest consensus value for this period into
                    #   the consensus_price_df (the dictionary key (price) with
                    #   the largest value (consensus sum).
                        consensus_value = max(field_consensus.items(),
                    except ValueError:
                        # None of the sources had any values, thus use -1
                        consensus_value = -1
                    consensus_price_df.ix[date, field_index] = consensus_value

        # Make the date index into a normal column
        # Convert the datetime object to an ISO date
        consensus_price_df['date'] = consensus_price_df['date'].\
            apply(lambda x: x.isoformat())

        # Add the vendor id of the pySecMaster_Consensus as a column
        validator_id = query_data_vendor_id(database=self.database,

        consensus_price_df.insert(0, 'data_vendor_id', validator_id)
        consensus_price_df.insert(1, 'source', 'tsid')
        consensus_price_df.insert(2, 'source_id', tsid)

        # Add the current date to the last column

        if validator_id in unique_sources:
            delete_start = time.time()

            # Data from the cross validation process has already been saved
            #   to the database before, thus it must be removed before adding
            #   the new calculated values.

            if self.period:
                # Only delete prior consensus values for this tsid that are
                #   newer than the beg_date (current date - replace period).
                delete_query = (
                    """DELETE FROM %s
                                   WHERE source_id='%s' AND source='tsid'
                                   AND data_vendor_id='%s'
                                   AND date>'%s'""" %
                    (self.table, tsid, validator_id, beg_date.isoformat()))
                # Delete all existing consensus values for this tsid.
                delete_query = ("""DELETE FROM %s
                                   WHERE source_id='%s' AND source='tsid'
                                   AND data_vendor_id='%s'""" %
                                (self.table, tsid, validator_id))

            retry_count = 5
            while retry_count > 0:
                retry_count -= 1

                delete_status = delete_sql_table_rows(database=self.database,
                if delete_status == 'success':
                    # Add the validated values to the relevant price table AFTER
                    #   ensuring that the duplicates were deleted successfully

            # print('Data table replacement took %0.2f' %
            #       (time.time() - delete_start))

            # Add the validated values to the relevant price table

        # For period updates, slow down the process to allow postgre to catch up
        if self.period:

        if self.verbose:
            print('%s data cross-validation took %0.2f seconds to complete.' %
                  (tsid, time.time() - tsid_start))