def parent_index( self, grid_point_index, dim ):
      level, pos = grid_point_index.level_and_pos( dim )
      parent_level, parent_pos = \
          self.quadrature_rule_objects[self.indices[dim]].parent_index( level,
                                                                        pos )
      parent_data =
      parent_index = GridPointIndex( parent_data )
      parent_index.set_dimension_data( [parent_level,parent_pos], 
                                       dim, 3 )
      return parent_index
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def test_tensor_product_basis( self ):
     # test piecewise basis functions
     num_dims = 2
     basis_1d = [ PiecewiseLinearBasis() ]
     basis = TensorProductBasis( num_dims, basis_1d )
     domain = TensorProductDomain( num_dims, ranges = [[-1.,1.]] )
     assert basis.num_dims == num_dims
     x = numpy.random.uniform( -1., 1., ( 2, 20 ) )
     index = GridPointIndex( numpy.array( [[1,0]], numpy.int32 ) )
     true_val = basis_1d[0].value_set( x[0,:], index.get_dimension_data(0),
                                      -1., 1. ) * \
         basis_1d[0].value_set( x[1,:], index.get_dimension_data(1), -1., 1. )
     assert numpy.allclose( basis.value( x, index, domain ), true_val )
     index = GridPointIndex( numpy.array( [[1,0,1,2]], numpy.int32 ) )
     true_val = basis_1d[0].value_set( x[0,:], index.get_dimension_data(0),
                                      -1., 1. ) * \
         basis_1d[0].value_set( x[1,:], index.get_dimension_data(1), -1., 1. )
     assert numpy.allclose( basis.value( x, index, domain ), true_val )
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_point_index( self ):

        s = set()

        # Test Initialisation and data access
        point_index = GridPointIndex( None )
        s.add( point_index )
        assert point_index.level_and_pos( 0 ) == (0,0)
        assert point_index.level_and_pos( 1 ) == (0,0)
        assert point_index.level_and_pos( 2 ) == (0,0)

        point_index = GridPointIndex( numpy.array( [[1,1,0]], numpy.int32 ) )
        s.add( point_index )
        assert point_index.level_and_pos( 0 ) == (0,0)
        assert point_index.level_and_pos( 1 ) == (1,0)
        assert point_index.level_and_pos( 2 ) == (0,0)

        point_index = GridPointIndex( numpy.array( [[2,1,0]], numpy.int32 ) )
        s.add( point_index )
        assert point_index.level_and_pos( 0 ) == (0,0)
        assert point_index.level_and_pos( 1 ) == (0,0)
        assert point_index.level_and_pos( 2 ) == (1,0)

        point_index = GridPointIndex( numpy.array( [[1,1,0],[2,1,0]], 
                                                   numpy.int32 ) )
        s.add( point_index )
        assert point_index.level_and_pos( 0 ) == (0,0)
        assert point_index.level_and_pos( 1 ) == (1,0)
        assert point_index.level_and_pos( 2 ) == (1,0)

        point_index = GridPointIndex( numpy.array( [[0,1,0],[2,1,0]], 
                                                   numpy.int32 ) )
        s.add( point_index )
        assert point_index.level_and_pos( 0 ) == (1,0)
        assert point_index.level_and_pos( 1 ) == (0,0)
        assert point_index.level_and_pos( 2 ) == (1,0)

        point_index = GridPointIndex( numpy.array( [[0,1,0],[1,1,0]], 
                                                   numpy.int32 ) )
        s.add( point_index )
        assert point_index.level_and_pos( 0 ) == (1,0)
        assert point_index.level_and_pos( 1 ) == (1,0)
        assert point_index.level_and_pos( 2 ) == (0,0)

        # Test hashing
        true_grid_point_indices = {}
        true_grid_point_indices[ None ] = 0
        true_grid_point_indices[((1,1,0),)] = 0
        true_grid_point_indices[((2,1,0),)] = 0
        true_grid_point_indices[((1,1,0),(2,1,0))] = 0
        true_grid_point_indices[((0,1,0),(2,1,0))] = 0
        true_grid_point_indices[((0,1,0),(1,1,0))] = 0
        assert len( s ) == 6
        for pt in s:
            if ( not pt.is_root() ):
                # convert array to tuple
                key = tuple( tuple(x) for x in pt.get_id() )
                assert true_grid_point_indices.has_key( key )

        # add point already in set. The set should remain the same
        s.add( point_index )
        assert len( s ) == 6