Ejemplo n.º 1
  def calc_frame_vel(self, time):
    """Calculates the frame velocity for a given point in time.

      time: Time at which the velocities are to be computed.
    Return: An array containing the frame velocity for the given point in time,
      specifying the velocity of the root and all joints.
    f0, f1, blend = self.calc_blend_idx(time)

    frame_vel0 = self.get_frame_vel(f0)
    frame_vel1 = self.get_frame_vel(f1)
    blend_frame_vel = self.blend_frame_vels(frame_vel0, frame_vel1, blend)

    root_vel = self.get_frame_root_vel(blend_frame_vel)
    root_ang_vel = self.get_frame_root_ang_vel(blend_frame_vel)

    cycle_count = self.calc_cycle_count(time)
    cycle_offset_rot = self._calc_cycle_offset_rot(cycle_count)
    root_vel = pose3d.QuaternionRotatePoint(root_vel, cycle_offset_rot)
    root_ang_vel = pose3d.QuaternionRotatePoint(root_ang_vel, cycle_offset_rot)

    self.set_frame_root_vel(root_vel, blend_frame_vel)
    self.set_frame_root_ang_vel(root_ang_vel, blend_frame_vel)

    return blend_frame_vel
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _calc_ref_vel(self, time):
        """Calculates the reference velocity for a given point in time.

      time: Time elapsed since the start of the reference motion.

      An array containing the reference velocity at the given point in time.
        motion = self.get_active_motion()
        enable_warmup_pose = self._curr_episode_warmup \
                             and time >= -self._warmup_time and time < 0.0
        if enable_warmup_pose:
            vel = self._calc_ref_vel_warmup()
            vel = motion.calc_frame_vel(time)

        root_vel = motion.get_frame_root_vel(vel)
        root_ang_vel = motion.get_frame_root_ang_vel(vel)

        root_vel = pose3d.QuaternionRotatePoint(root_vel,
        root_ang_vel = pose3d.QuaternionRotatePoint(root_ang_vel,

        motion.set_frame_root_vel(root_vel, vel)
        motion.set_frame_root_ang_vel(root_ang_vel, vel)

        return vel
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def _calc_reward_end_effector(self):
        """Get the end effector reward."""
        env = self._env
        robot = env.robot
        sim_model = robot.quadruped
        ref_model = self._ref_model
        pyb = self._get_pybullet_client()

        root_pos_ref = self._get_ref_base_position()
        root_rot_ref = self._get_ref_base_rotation()
        root_pos_sim = self._get_sim_base_position()
        root_rot_sim = self._get_sim_base_rotation()

        heading_rot_ref = self._calc_heading_rot(root_rot_ref)
        heading_rot_sim = self._calc_heading_rot(root_rot_sim)
        inv_heading_rot_ref = transformations.quaternion_conjugate(
        inv_heading_rot_sim = transformations.quaternion_conjugate(

        end_eff_err = 0.0
        num_joints = self._get_num_joints()
        height_err_scale = self._end_effector_height_err_scale

        for j in range(num_joints):
            is_end_eff = (j in robot._foot_link_ids)
            if (is_end_eff):
                end_state_ref = pyb.getLinkState(ref_model, j)
                end_state_sim = pyb.getLinkState(sim_model, j)
                end_pos_ref = np.array(end_state_ref[0])
                end_pos_sim = np.array(end_state_sim[0])

                rel_end_pos_ref = end_pos_ref - root_pos_ref
                rel_end_pos_ref = pose3d.QuaternionRotatePoint(
                    rel_end_pos_ref, inv_heading_rot_ref)

                rel_end_pos_sim = end_pos_sim - root_pos_sim
                rel_end_pos_sim = pose3d.QuaternionRotatePoint(
                    rel_end_pos_sim, inv_heading_rot_sim)

                rel_end_pos_diff = rel_end_pos_ref - rel_end_pos_sim
                end_pos_diff_height = end_pos_ref[2] - end_pos_sim[2]

                end_pos_err = (rel_end_pos_diff[0] * rel_end_pos_diff[0] +
                               rel_end_pos_diff[1] * rel_end_pos_diff[1] +
                               height_err_scale * end_pos_diff_height *

                end_eff_err += end_pos_err

        end_effector_reward = np.exp(-self._end_effector_err_scale *

        return end_effector_reward
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def _calc_ref_pose_warmup(self):
        """Calculate default reference  pose during warmup period."""
        motion = self.get_active_motion()
        pose0 = motion.calc_frame(0)
        warmup_pose = self._default_pose.copy()

        pose_root_rot = motion.get_frame_root_rot(pose0)
        default_root_rot = motion.get_frame_root_rot(warmup_pose)
        default_root_pos = motion.get_frame_root_pos(warmup_pose)

        pose_heading = motion_util.calc_heading(pose_root_rot)
        default_heading = motion_util.calc_heading(default_root_rot)
        delta_heading = pose_heading - default_heading
        delta_heading_rot = transformations.quaternion_about_axis(
            delta_heading, [0, 0, 1])

        default_root_pos = pose3d.QuaternionRotatePoint(
            default_root_pos, delta_heading_rot)
        default_root_rot = transformations.quaternion_multiply(
            delta_heading_rot, default_root_rot)

        motion.set_frame_root_pos(default_root_pos, warmup_pose)
        motion.set_frame_root_rot(default_root_rot, warmup_pose)

        return warmup_pose
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def _calc_ref_pose(self, time, apply_origin_offset=True):
        """Calculates the reference pose for a given point in time.

      time: Time elapsed since the start of the reference motion.
      apply_origin_offset: A flag for enabling the origin offset to be applied
        to the pose.

      An array containing the reference pose at the given point in time.

        motion = self.get_active_motion()
        enable_warmup_pose = self._curr_episode_warmup \
                             and time >= -self._warmup_time and time < 0.0
        if enable_warmup_pose:
            pose = self._calc_ref_pose_warmup()
            pose = motion.calc_frame(time)

        if apply_origin_offset:
            root_pos = motion.get_frame_root_pos(pose)
            root_rot = motion.get_frame_root_rot(pose)

            root_rot = transformations.quaternion_multiply(
                self._origin_offset_rot, root_rot)
            root_pos = pose3d.QuaternionRotatePoint(root_pos,
            root_pos += self._origin_offset_pos

            motion.set_frame_root_rot(root_rot, pose)
            motion.set_frame_root_pos(root_pos, pose)

        return pose
Ejemplo n.º 6
  def _calc_cycle_offset_pos(self, num_cycles):
    """Calculates change in the root position after a given number of cycles.

      num_cycles: Number of cycles since the start of the motion.

      Net translation of the root position.

    if not self._enable_cycle_offset_pos:
      cycle_offset_pos = np.zeros(3)
      if not self._enable_cycle_offset_rot:
        cycle_offset_pos = num_cycles * self._cycle_delta_pos

        cycle_offset_pos = np.zeros(3)
        for i in range(num_cycles):
          curr_heading = i * self._cycle_delta_heading
          rot = transformations.quaternion_about_axis(curr_heading, [0, 0, 1])
          curr_offset = pose3d.QuaternionRotatePoint(self._cycle_delta_pos, rot)
          cycle_offset_pos += curr_offset

    return cycle_offset_pos
Ejemplo n.º 7
  def calc_frame(self, time):
    """Calculates the frame for a given point in time.

      time: Time at which the frame is to be computed.
    Return: An array containing the frame for the given point in time,
      specifying the pose of the character.
    f0, f1, blend = self.calc_blend_idx(time)

    frame0 = self.get_frame(f0)
    frame1 = self.get_frame(f1)
    blend_frame = self.blend_frames(frame0, frame1, blend)

    blend_root_pos = self.get_frame_root_pos(blend_frame)
    blend_root_rot = self.get_frame_root_rot(blend_frame)

    cycle_count = self.calc_cycle_count(time)
    cycle_offset_pos = self._calc_cycle_offset_pos(cycle_count)
    cycle_offset_rot = self._calc_cycle_offset_rot(cycle_count)

    blend_root_pos = pose3d.QuaternionRotatePoint(blend_root_pos,
    blend_root_pos += cycle_offset_pos

    blend_root_rot = transformations.quaternion_multiply(
        cycle_offset_rot, blend_root_rot)
    blend_root_rot = motion_util.standardize_quaternion(blend_root_rot)

    self.set_frame_root_pos(blend_root_pos, blend_frame)
    self.set_frame_root_rot(blend_root_rot, blend_frame)

    return blend_frame
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def build_target_obs(self):
        """Constructs the target observations, consisting of a sequence of

    target frames for future timesteps. The tartet poses to include is
    specified by self._tar_frame_steps.

      An array containing the target frames.
        tar_poses = []

        time0 = self._get_motion_time()
        dt = self._env.env_time_step
        motion = self.get_active_motion()

        robot = self._env.robot
        ref_base_pos = self._get_ref_base_position()
        sim_base_rot = np.array(robot.GetBaseOrientation())

        heading = motion_util.calc_heading(sim_base_rot)
        if self._tar_obs_noise is not None:
            heading += self._randn(0, self._tar_obs_noise[0])
        inv_heading_rot = transformations.quaternion_about_axis(
            -heading, [0, 0, 1])

        for step in self._tar_frame_steps:
            tar_time = time0 + step * dt
            tar_pose = self._calc_ref_pose(tar_time)

            tar_root_pos = motion.get_frame_root_pos(tar_pose)
            tar_root_rot = motion.get_frame_root_rot(tar_pose)

            tar_root_pos -= ref_base_pos
            tar_root_pos = pose3d.QuaternionRotatePoint(
                tar_root_pos, inv_heading_rot)

            tar_root_rot = transformations.quaternion_multiply(
                inv_heading_rot, tar_root_rot)
            tar_root_rot = motion_util.standardize_quaternion(tar_root_rot)

            motion.set_frame_root_pos(tar_root_pos, tar_pose)
            motion.set_frame_root_rot(tar_root_rot, tar_pose)


        tar_obs = np.concatenate(tar_poses, axis=-1)

        return tar_obs
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def _sync_ref_origin(self, sync_root_position, sync_root_rotation):
        """Moves the origin of the reference motion, such that the root of the

    simulated and reference characters are at the same location. This is used
    to periodically synchronize the reference motion with the simulated
    character in order to mitigate drift.

      sync_root_position: boolean indicating if the root position should be
      sync_root_rotation: boolean indicating if the root rotation should be
        time = self._get_motion_time()
        motion = self.get_active_motion()
        ref_pose = self._calc_ref_pose(time, apply_origin_offset=False)

        if sync_root_rotation:
            ref_rot = motion.get_frame_root_rot(ref_pose)
            sim_rot = self._get_sim_base_rotation()
            ref_heading = self._calc_heading(ref_rot)
            sim_heading = self._calc_heading(sim_rot)
            heading_diff = sim_heading - ref_heading

            self._origin_offset_rot = transformations.quaternion_about_axis(
                heading_diff, [0, 0, 1])

        if sync_root_position:
            ref_pos = motion.get_frame_root_pos(ref_pose)
            ref_pos = pose3d.QuaternionRotatePoint(ref_pos,
            sim_pos = self._get_sim_base_position()
            self._origin_offset_pos = sim_pos - ref_pos
            self._origin_offset_pos[2] = 0  # only sync along horizontal plane
