Ejemplo n.º 1
def GetExpectedGameState():
    promptMessage = (
        "What gameState value do you expect in the response?  \"\" for continue play"
    gameStateVal = utilities.GetUserInput(promptMessage, legalGameStates)
    gameState = ('"gameState": "' + gameStateVal + '"\n')  # return a string
    return gameState
Ejemplo n.º 2
def GetCastlingMove(playerColor, moveList):
    # Determine castling notation here - Add castling move from algebraic chess notation as first list element
    # We have 2 possible castling moves for each playerColor side - 'kingSide' & 'queenSide'
    print("Castling move chosen.")
    move = ""
    promptMessage = (
        "Which rook do you want to swap w/ your King - (Kingside ('k') or Queenside ('q')?"
    castlingSide = utilities.GetUserInput(promptMessage, legalCastlingSides)
    if castlingSide == "k":
        move = ("0-0")
    elif castlingSide == "q":
        move = ("0-0-0")
        print("Process ERROR - unknown castling move.  Exiting.")
    # Since we know the playerColor and castlingside, add the original position King & rook Pieces
    #print("DEBUG: Our Castling move string list item came back as %s" % moveList)
    origRookPiece = {}
    origKingPiece = {}
    newRookPiece = {}
    newKingPices = ()
    if playerColor == "w":
        if castlingSide == 'k':  # Kingside (right)
            origRookPiece = utilities.MakePieceObj("R", "h1")
            origKingPiece = utilities.MakePieceObj("K", "e1")
            newRookPiece = utilities.MakePieceObj("R", "f1")
            newKingPiece = utilities.MakePieceObj("K", "g1")
        elif castlingSide == 'q':  # Queenside (left)
            origRookPiece = utilities.MakePieceObj("R", "a1")
            origKingPiece = utilities.MakePieceObj("K", "e1")
            newRookPiece = utilities.MakePieceObj("R", "d1")
            newKingPiece = utilities.MakePieceObj("K", "c1")
                "Process ERROR - illegal castling notation found in move string : '%s'. Exiting...\n"
                % requestMoveString)
    if playerColor == "b":
        if castlingSide == 'k':  # Kingside (right)
            origRookPiece = utilities.MakePieceObj("r", "h8")
            origKingPiece = utilities.MakePieceObj("k", "e8")
            newRookPiece = utilities.MakePieceObj("r", "f8")
            newKingPiece = utilities.MakePieceObj("k", "g8")
        elif castlingSide == 'q':  # Queenside (left)
            origRookPiece = utilities.MakePieceObj("r", "a8")
            origKingPiece = utilities.MakePieceObj("k", "e8")
            newRookPiece = utilities.MakePieceObj("r", "d8")
            newKingPiece = utilities.MakePieceObj("k", "c8")
                "Process ERROR - illegal castling notation found in move string : '%s'. Exiting...\n"
                % requestMoveString)
    moveList = [move, origRookPiece, origKingPiece, newRookPiece, newKingPiece]
    #print("DEBUG: End of requestMoveCastling, our full moveList should be:\n%s\n" % moveList)
    return moveList
Ejemplo n.º 3
def GetNextStep(boardStateList):
    print("Current board:")
    promptMessage = ("Would you like to add a new piece ('a'),\n\
remove an existing piece ('r'),\n\
or declare the board finished ('f'): ")
    legalNextMoves = ('a', 'r', 'f')
    nextStep = utilities.GetUserInput(promptMessage, legalNextMoves)
    return nextStep
Ejemplo n.º 4
def GetPlayerColor():
    promptMessage = ("What color are you playing?")
    playerColor = utilities.GetUserInput(promptMessage,
                                         legalColors)  # Check input legality
    # Set both the player and expected response colors
    if playerColor == "w":
        print("Playing as White\n")
        print("Playing as Black\n")
    return playerColor
Ejemplo n.º 5
def GetMoveType():
    promptMessage = ("What sort of move do you want to make?\n\
Choose 'check','checkmate' or 'pawnpromotion' even if it includes a capture.")
    moveType = utilities.ChooseValueFromList(promptMessage, legalMoveTypes)
    # Append 'capture' to Moveype if it includes one
    if moveType == "check":
        promptMessage = ("Will this check move include a capture?")
        isCapture = utilities.GetUserInput(promptMessage, legalYN)
        if isCapture == 'y':
            moveType = "checkcapture"
    if moveType == "checkmate":
        promptMessage = ("Will this checkmate move include a capture?")
        isCapture = utilities.GetUserInput(promptMessage, legalYN)
        if isCapture == 'y':
            moveType = "checkmatecapture"
    if moveType == "pawnpromotion":
        promptMessage = ("Will this pawn promotion move include a capture?")
        isCapture = utilities.GetUserInput(promptMessage, legalYN)
        if isCapture == 'y':
            moveType = "pawnpromotioncapture"
    return moveType
Ejemplo n.º 6
def GetRequestBoard():
    boardStateList = []  # send back as list, not string
    getBoard = False
    while getBoard == False:
        promptMessage = (
            "Would you like to use or inspect starting boards in our Test_Board repository?"
        getRepoBoards = utilities.GetUserInput(promptMessage, legalYN)
        if getRepoBoards == 'y':
            boardFile = GetRequestBoardFromRepo()
            if boardFile != None:
                boardStateList = ReadBoardFile(boardFile, boardStateList)
                print("Here is the starting board you've chosen:")
                promptMessage = ("Is this the board you want to use?")
                likeThisBoard = utilities.GetUserInput(promptMessage, legalYN)
                if likeThisBoard == 'y':
                    getBoard = True
                    continue  # Try again
            else:  # User wants to build a new board
                boardStateList = BuildNewRequestBoard(boardStateList)
                getBoard = True
        elif getRepoBoards == 'n':
            promptMessage = ("Would you like to create a new starting board?")
            getNewBoard = utilities.GetUserInput(promptMessage, legalYN)
            if getNewBoard == 'y':
                boardStateList = BuildNewRequestBoard(boardStateList)
                getBoard = True
                print("Not sure what you want to do - Please try again.")
                continue  # Try Again
            print("Not sure what you want to do... Exiting")
    return boardStateList
Ejemplo n.º 7
def BuildNewRequestBoard(boardStateList):
    # for fast board populating ask for this 4-character format, case-insensitive:
    # <color><piece><loc>
    print('''Building a new starting board.\n
To make this fast, enter all the info about each new piece in one 4-character String.
The format is case-insensitive: <color><piece><loc> .  For example, adding a black Knight
to square c6 would be:  bnc6 ('n' for knight, since king gets 'k').  White ('w') pieces
will be upper-cased for you. E.G. Adding a white rook to a1 (wra1) will put an "R" on square a1.
At each prompt you will be shown the current board, and asked whether to add another piece('a'),
remove a current piece('r'), or finish('f').  The new boardState will be added to the API request.\n
    keepGoing = True
    while keepGoing == True:
        nextStep = GetNextStep(boardStateList)
        if nextStep == 'a':
            print("Adding a new piece to our board:")
            newPiece = GetBoardPiece(boardStateList)
        elif nextStep == 'r':
            print("Request to remove a piece from our board - please choose:")
            pieceToRemove = GetBoardPiece(boardStateList)
            numPieces = utilities.CountItemsInList(boardStateList)
            if numPieces != 0 and numPieces != 1:  # Remove the piece if we have 2 or more pieces on the board
                print("Can't remove piece on board with %d pieces." %
        elif nextStep == 'f':  #Finish up
            print("Finished Board:")
            keepGoing = False
            promptMessage = (
                "Would you like to add this new board to the Test_Board repository?"
            saveBoard = utilities.GetUserInput(promptMessage, legalYN)
            if saveBoard == 'y':
                    "Not saving this board to the Test_Board repository.  Continuing with building test case."
            print("Adding this board to the SFCS API request")
            return boardStateList
                "Process ERROR: Unexpected invalid input '%s' for GetNextStep.  Exiting..."
                % nextStep)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def GetTestType():
    promptMessage = (
        "First Question - Is this a functional test or an expected error test?"
    testType = utilities.GetUserInput(promptMessage,
                                      legalTestTypes)  # Check input legality
    if testType == 'e':
            "\nThis is an Expected Error Case expected to return an API Error message\n"
    if testType == 'f':
            "\nThis is a Functional Test Case expected to return a full API response.\n"
    return testType
Ejemplo n.º 9
def GetRequestBoardFromRepo():
    choseBoard = False
    while choseBoard == False:
        repoBoardTypes = GetListRepoBoardTypes()
        promptMessage = (
            "Here are the categories of starting boards in our Test_Board repository:"
        boardType = utilities.ChooseValueFromList(promptMessage,
        boardNames = GetListBoardNames(boardType)
        numBoards = 0
        numBoards = len(boardNames)
        if numBoards == 0:
            print("There are no boards in the %s TestBoards repository yet." %
        else:  # Print out the list of boards, 1/line
                "Here is the current list of %d boards in the %s repository directory:"
                % (numBoards, boardType))
            iter = 0
            while iter <= (numBoards - 1):
                board = boardNames[iter]
                print(" %d: %s" %
                      ((iter + 1),
                       board))  # make choices 1-numItems, not (0-NumItems-1)
                iter += 1
        promptMessage = (
            "Do you want to use one of these boards ('u'), inspect another category ('a'), \n\
or build a new board ('b')?")
        legalChoice = ('u', 'a', 'b')
        useThisBoard = utilities.GetUserInput(promptMessage, legalChoice)
        if useThisBoard == 'u':
            boardName = utilities.ChooseValueFromList(promptMessage,
            fullBoardName = os.path.join(fullTestBoardDir, boardType,
            choseBoard = True
        elif useThisBoard == 'a':
            continue  # Try again
        elif useThisBoard == 'b':
            return  # return None
    return fullBoardName
Ejemplo n.º 10
def CheckDestinationLegality(testType, destinationSquare):
    moveMessage = ""
    legalDest = False
    while legalDest == False:
        if len(destinationSquare) != 2:
            if testType == 'f':
                moveMessage += (
                    "ERROR: Invalid destination square value '%s'!  columnrow format only."
                    % destinationSquare)
                destinationSquare = input(
                    "Please enter a move destination loc (<column><row>): ")
                continue  # Try again
            else:  # Expected Error - see if the user meant this as the error
                moveMessage += (
                    "WARNING: %s is an invalid location and will return a move error from the API"
                    % destinationSquare)
                promptMessage = (
                    "Did you intend that to be the expected error?")
                intentional = utilities.GetUserInput(promptMessage, legalYN)
                if intentional == 'y':
                    return moveMessage
                    moveMessage += (
                        "ERROR: Invalid destination square value '%s'!  columnrow format only."
                        % destinationSquare)
                    destinationSquare = input(
                        "Please enter a move destination loc (<column><row>): "
                    continue  # Try again
        columnChar = destinationSquare[0]
        rowChar = destinationSquare[1]
        if columnChar not in (legalColumns):
            if testType == 'f':
                moveMessage += ("ERROR: Invalid column '%s'.  Must be %s." %
                                (columnChar, str(legalColumns)))
                destinationSquare = input(
                    "Please enter a move destination loc (<column><row>): ")
                continue  # Try again
            else:  # Expected Error - see if the user meant this as the error
                moveMessage += (
                    "WARNING: %s is an invalid column and will return a board error from the API"
                    % destinationSquare)
                promptMessage = (
                    "Did you intend that to be the expected error?")
                intentional = utilities.GetUserInput(promptMessage, legalYN)
                if intentional == 'y':
                    return moveMessage
                    moveMessage += (
                        "ERROR: Invalid destination square value '%s'!  columnrow format only."
                        % destinationSquare)
                    destinationSquare = input(
                        "Please enter a move destination loc (<column><row>): "
                    continue  # Try again
        if int(rowChar) not in (legalRows):
            if testType == 'f':
                moveMessage += ("ERROR: Invalid row '%s'.  Must be %s." %
                                (rowChar, str(legalRows)))
                destinationSquare = input(
                    "Please enter a move destination loc (<column><row>): ")
                continue  # Try again
            else:  # Expected Error - see if the user meant this as the error
                moveMessage += (
                    "WARNING: %s is an invalid row and will return a board error from the API"
                    % destinationSquare)
                promptMessage = (
                    "Did you intend that to be the expected error?")
                intentional = utilities.GetUserInput(promptMessage, legalYN)
                if intentional == 'y':
                    return moveMessage
                    moveMessage += (
                        "ERROR: Invalid destination square value '%s'!  columnrow format only."
                        % destinationSquare)
                    destinationSquare = input(
                        "Please enter a move destination loc (<column><row>): "
                    continue  # Try again
        legalDest = True
    return moveMessage