Ejemplo n.º 1
def create_attractors(attractors_dict_list={}):
    if len(attractors_dict_list) == 0:
        attrctr1 = utilities.bool2int(1 for _ in range(number_of_bits))
        attrctr2 = utilities.bool2int(0 for _ in range(number_of_bits))

        attrctrs = [attrctr1, attrctr2]

        for index, val in enumerate(attrctrs):
            attractor_state = attrctrs[index]
            attractor_depth = random.randint(
                attrctr_min_depth, attrctr_max_depth
            )  # depth for each attractors is picked randomly
            attractor_radius = random.randint(attrctr_min_radius,

            attractors[attractor_state] = {
                'depth': attractor_depth,
                'radius': attractor_radius

            #TODO: Fix this with dynamic rather than static attractor depth and radius
            attrctrs_1 = [[k, 100, 1] for k, v in attractors.items()]

        attrctrs_1 = [[att['state'], att['depth'], att['radius']]
                      for att in attractors_dict_list]

    attrctr, coherence_mat = analysis.init_coherence_matrix(
        number_of_bits, attrctrs_1, 3)

    return coherence_mat
Ejemplo n.º 2
def run_simulation(end_time, agents, states):
    static_obj = ray.put(shrd_static)

    sim_result_lst = []

    ncores = os.cpu_count()

    for t in range(end_time):
        dynamic_obj = ray.put(states)
        chunked = chunks(agents, ncores)
        sim_result = defaultdict(list)
        for agt_index, agt_state in enumerate(states):

        results = [
            agent_update.remote(chunk, static_obj, dynamic_obj)
            for chunk in chunked
        states = [item for sublist in ray.get(results) for item in sublist]
        for agt_nxt_state in states:
        del dynamic_obj
    return sim_result_lst
Ejemplo n.º 3
def run_simulation(alpha, coherence, bit_mat, list_agents, end_time, exp):
    d = []
    generations = 0
    for t in range(end_time):
        # compute next state for all agents
        for agt in list_agents:
            agt.update_knowledge(alpha, coherence, bit_mat)

        # keep record of current record and all other values
        for agt in list_agents:
            row = {'Agent_Number': int(agt.name.split('t')[1]),
                   # at any time step we will need normalized how many neighbors disagree on bits
                   'Current': utilities.bool2int(agt.knowledge_state),
                   'Next': utilities.bool2int(agt.next_state),


        # now update all agents next state with computed next state
        for agt in list_agents:
            agt.knowledge_state = agt.next_state
            agt.next_state = None
            agt.dissonance_lst = None


    return pd.DataFrame(d)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def doit():
    attrctr1 = utilities.bool2int([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1])
    attrctr2 = utilities.bool2int([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])

    attrctrs = [attrctr1, attrctr2]
    attractors = {}
    number_attractors = 0
    while number_attractors < 2:
        attractor_state = attrctrs.pop()
        attractor_depth = random.randint(
            1, 4)  # depth for each attractors is picked randomly
        attractor_radius = random.randint(1, 2)

        attractors[attractor_state] = {
            'depth': attractor_depth,
            'radius': attractor_radius
        number_attractors += 1

    attrctrs_1 = [[k, 100, 1] for k, v in attractors.items()]

    attrctr, coh = analysis.init_coherence_matrix(number_of_bits, attrctrs_1,

    ### This cell is for generating the dataset
    # constants intialization

    network_parameters = [0.7]  #np.arange(0, 1, 0.1).round(2)
    proportion_parameters = [0.7]  #np.arange(0, 1, 0.1).round(2)
    end_simulation_time = 10

    #alphas = np.arange(0, 1, 0.1).round(2)
    alphas = [0.1]
    exp_times = 1

    constants = const.Constants()

    bit_mat = constants.get_bit_matrix()

    record_df_list = []

    start = time.time()

    for exp in range(1):
        for alpha in alphas:
            for j in proportion_parameters:
                # first create environment

                for i in network_parameters:

                    run_simulation(alpha, coh, bit_mat, end_simulation_time, i,
                    #                 tmp_record_df = tmp_record_df[tmp_record_df['Time']==49]
                    # tmp_record_df['exp'] = exp
                    # record_df_list.append(tmp_record_df)

    end = time.time()
    print((end - start) / 60.0)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def update_knowledge(self, alpha, txn, bit_matrix):
        """Takes alpha and transition matrix (expects a 2d array)"""
        # first convert state binary to int to get the row in coherence matrix
        row_ptr = utilities.bool2int(self.knowledge_state)
        # get the corresponding probabilites from the matrix
        coh_prob_tx = txn[row_ptr]
        ones_list = np.zeros(number_of_bits)
        dissonance_list = []
        disagreements = []

        for index, curr_bit_state in enumerate(self.knowledge_state):
            # now look for neighbors who disagree in this bit value

            neigh_disagreement_count = self.count_dissimilar_neighbors(index)

            # compute d as (# of neighbors disagree on bit/# of neighbors)
            if len(self.neighbors) > 0:
                d = neigh_disagreement_count / len(self.neighbors)
                d = 0

            #TODO: Handle the viral parameter - in general, if d = 0 and viral is set,
            #TODO: it should not be possible to make that transition

            if d > 0:
                dissonance = utilities.sigmoid(d, self.tau)

                dissonance = 0


            # keeping track of disagreement of bits/total neighbors
            # transition probabilities given social pressure for moving to a state
            # with a '1' at this bit
            ones_list[index] = (1 -
                                dissonance if curr_bit_state else dissonance)

        zeros_list = 1 - ones_list
        tmp_soc_mat = ones_list * bit_matrix + zeros_list * (1 - bit_matrix)

        # Probabilities for each state given social pressure
        soc_prob_tx = np.prod(tmp_soc_mat, 1)
        #TODO logs soc_prob_tx for each agent at each time step

        probs = alpha * soc_prob_tx + (1 - alpha) * coh_prob_tx
        self.next_state_probs = probs
        self.soc_probs = soc_prob_tx
        self.next_state = utilities.int2bool(
            np.random.choice(range(2**number_of_bits), 1, p=probs)[0],
        self.dissonance_lst = dissonance_list
        self.state_disagreements = disagreements

        return soc_prob_tx
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def update(self, static, dynamic):
        """Takes environment with common values to compute"""

        # first convert state binary to int to get the row in coherence matrix
        txn = static["coherence_matrix"]
        bit_matrix = static["bit_matrix"]
        alpha = static["alpha"]
        kstate = dynamic[self.idx]

        # for agt in population:
        row_ptr = utilities.bool2int(kstate)

        # get the corresponding probabilites from the matrix
        coh_prob_tx = txn[row_ptr]
        ones_list = np.zeros(number_of_bits)

        for kbit, curr_bit_state in enumerate(kstate):
            # now look for neighbors who disagree in this bit value
            count = 0
            for alter in self.neighbors:
                alter_state = dynamic[alter]
                if curr_bit_state != alter_state[kbit]:
                    count += 1

            dissonance = 0 if len(
                self.neighbors) == 0 else count / len(self.neighbors)

            #TODO: Handle the viral parameter - in general, if d = 0 and viral is set,
            #TODO: it should not be possible to make that transition

            if dissonance > 0:
                dissonance = utilities.sigmoid(dissonance, self.tau)

            # transition probabilities given social pressure for moving to a state
            # with a '1' at this bit
            ones_list[kbit] = (1 -
                               dissonance if curr_bit_state else dissonance)

        zeros_list = 1 - ones_list
        tmp_soc_mat = ones_list * bit_matrix + zeros_list * (1 - bit_matrix)

        # Probabilities for each state given social pressure
        soc_prob_tx = np.prod(tmp_soc_mat, 1)
        #TODO logs soc_prob_tx for each agent at each time step

        probs = alpha * soc_prob_tx + (1 - alpha) * coh_prob_tx
        return utilities.int2bool(
            np.random.choice(range(2**number_of_bits), 1, p=probs)[0],