Ejemplo n.º 1
	def other_trends(self, movie):
		#This function works very similarly to the above functions, such as director_trends.
		#See the above functions for additional details.
		source = movie[3][1]
		creative = movie[3][2]
		method = movie[3][3]
		budget = movie[1][1]
		date = movie[4][3]
		year = movie[4][0]

		films = []
		nfilms = []
		total = []	

		for entry in self.data2:
			if source==entry[3][1] and creative==entry[3][2] and method==entry[3][3] and entry[4][3]<date and entry[4][0]>year-10:

		if len(films)==0:
			return None

		nfilms = utilities.closest_matches(films, budget)
		for item in nfilms:

		count = Counter(total)
		final = count.most_common()[0][0]

		return final
Ejemplo n.º 2
	def genre_trends(self, movie):
		#This function works very similarly to the above functions, such as director_trends.
		#See the above functions for additional details.
		genre = movie[3][0]
		b = movie[1][1]
		date = movie[4][3]
		year = movie[4][0]

		gross = 0
		budget = 0
		films = []
		nfilms = []
		total = []	

		for entry in self.data2:
			if genre==entry[3][0] and entry[4][3]<date and entry[4][0]>year-10:

		if len(films)==0:
			return None

		nfilms = utilities.closest_matches(films, b)
		for item in nfilms:
			gross+= item[1][0]
			budget+= item[1][1]

		av_gross = float(gross)/float(budget)
		count = Counter(total)
		final = count.most_common()[0][0]

		return [final, av_gross]
Ejemplo n.º 3
	def director_trends(self, movie):
		#This function works very similarly to 'weekrate'. See that function for 
		#further details if necessary.

		date = movie[4][3]
		year = movie[4][0]
		b = movie[1][1] #budget
		director = movie[2][4]

		gross = 0
		budget = 0
		films = []
		nfilms = []
		total = []	
		blockbuster = None #stores recent blockbuster film made by director

		for entry in self.data2:
			#if a film in the data was directed by the given director, but was
			#released prior to the current film within the previous 15 years
			if director==entry[2][4] and entry[4][3]<date and entry[4][0]>year-15:

		if len(films)==0:
			return None

		films.sort(key = lambda x: x[4][3])
		recent = films[-1]

		for item in films:
			#if one of the films grossed more than $300,000,000
			if item[1][0]>300000000:
				#it is the 'blockbuster'. Since the list is already sorted, if
				#there are multiple, then the most recent takes the value of
				blockbuster = item

		nfilms = utilities.closest_matches(films, b)

		for item in nfilms:
			gross+= item[1][0]
			budget+= item[1][1]

		av_gross = float(gross)/float(budget)
		count = Counter(total)
		final = count.most_common()[0][0]

		return [final, av_gross, recent, blockbuster]
Ejemplo n.º 4
	def weekrate(self, n, b):
		gross = 0 #Running total of the domestic gross of all films released
				  #on the specified week of the year.
		budget = 0 #Running total of the budget "  "
		films = [] #List of all films released on the specified week of the year.
		nfilms = [] #Narrowed list of matching films, based on similar budgets.
		total = [] #List of revenue tiers for films released on specified week.

		for movie in self.data2:
			#find the week of the movie's release
			date = utilities.findweek(movie[4][0], movie[4][1], movie[4][2])
			if date==n: #if the release week's match
				films.append(movie) #list the movie

		#if no matches were found, return None
		if len(films)==0:
			return None

		#otherwise narrow the results to include only those with the most
		#similar budgets
		nfilms = utilities.closest_matches(films, b)

		#then go through the list
		for entry in nfilms:
			gross+= entry[1][0] #sum the revenues
			budget+= entry[1][1] #sum the budgets
			total.append(entry[1][2]) #list the revenue tiers

		#determine the average success ratio
		av_gross = float(gross)/float(budget)
		#The final value of the revenue tier projection is the most common
		#value listed. In other words, if most films fall in tier 3, then 
		#final = 3.
		count = Counter(total)
		final = count.most_common()[0][0]

		#return an array of results
		return [final, av_gross]
Ejemplo n.º 5
	def actor_trends(self, actor, movie):
		date = movie[4][3]
		year = movie[4][0]
		b = movie[1][1] #budget of searched film

		gross = 0 #Running total of the domestic gross of all films released
				  #on the specified week of the year.
		budget = 0 #Running total of the budget "  "
		films = [] #List of all films released on the specified week of the year.
		nfilms = [] #Narrowed list of matching films, based on similar budgets.
		total = [] #List of revenue tiers for films released on specified week.

		apartnerships = [] #list of actor partnerships
		dpartnerships = [] #list of director partnerships
		recent = None #most recent film released

		for entry in self.data2:
			#for each film in the data, if the actor is one of the main actors
			#in the film, but the film was released before the current movie
			#and was released in the last 5 years, and is not an animated film
			if actor in entry[2][1] and entry[4][3]<date and entry[4][0]>year-5 and entry[3][3]!="Digital Animation":
				films.append(entry) #add it to the list

		#if no matches were found, return None
		if len(films)==0:
			return None

		#sort the films according to when they were released
		films.sort(key = lambda x: x[4][3])
		#the last one released becomes 'recent'
		recent = films[-1]

		for f in films:
			#if the actor has worked with another actor in the current movie before
			#and successful films were produced together, then...
			for a in f[2][1]:
				if a!=actor and movie[2][2]!=f[2][2] and a in movie[2][1] and f[1][0]>100000000:
					apartnerships.append([a, f]) #... add it to the list
			#similarly, if the actor has worked with the same director on a previous 
			#film and it was successful, then...
			if movie[2][4]==f[2][4] and f[1][0]>100000000:
				dpartnerships.append([movie[2][4], f]) #... add it to the list

		#narrow the list of matches according to most similar budgets
		nfilms = utilities.closest_matches(films, b)

		#then go through the list
		for item in nfilms:
			gross+= item[1][0] #sum the revenues
			budget+= item[1][1] #sum the budgets
			total.append(item[1][2]) #list the revenue tiers

		#determine the average success ratio
		av_gross = float(gross)/float(budget)
		#The final value of the revenue tier projection is the most common
		#value listed. In other words, if most films fall in tier 3, then 
		#final = 3.
		count = Counter(total)
		final = count.most_common()[0][0]

		#return an array of results
		return [final, av_gross, recent, apartnerships, dpartnerships]