Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_duration():
    """duration grab input"""
    while True:
        duration = input('please input the duration '
                         'of the task in minutes: ')
        # tests input against regex pattern if pattern  test
        durpattern = re.compile("(\d+)")
        durmatch = durpattern.fullmatch(duration)
        # if pattern fails test
        if not durmatch:
            print('this is not an appropriate format')
        # if pattern passes loop breaks and values stored
            utility = Utility()
            duration = utility.str2time(duration)
            return duration
Ejemplo n.º 2
def RetiredUtility(a, c, NextUtilityFun, UtilityParams, transfer, params):
    beta = params["beta"]
    r = params["r"]
    a_prime = a * (1 + r) - c + transfer
    next_utility = NextUtilityFun(a_prime)
    total_utility = Utility(
        c) + beta * next_utility  # need more arguments for Utility function
    return total_utility
Ejemplo n.º 3
def LastWorkingPeriodUtility(a, c, NextUtilityFun, UtilityParams, transfer,
    beta = UtilityParams["beta"]
    b = params["b"]
    r = params["r"]
    a_prime = a * (1 + r) + transfer - c
    total_utility = Utility(c, 0,
                            UtilityParams) + b + beta * NextUtilityFun(a_prime)
    return total_utility
def analyzeVisualize(sentiment):
	with open('pickled/pipeline_holdout.pickle', 'rb') as pipeline_holdout:
		pipeline = pickle.load(pipeline_holdout)
	with open('pickled/metrics_cm_holdout.pickle', 'rb') as metrics_cm:
		clf_cm = pickle.load(metrics_cm)
	with open('pickled/metrics_cr_holdout.pickle', 'rb') as metrics_cr:
		clf_cr = pickle.load(metrics_cr)
	with open('pickled/metrics_dataframe.pickle', 'rb') as df:
		metrics_df = pickle.load(df)
	with open('pickled/metrics_dataframe_kfold.pickle', 'rb') as df:
		metrics_df_kfold = pickle.load(df)

	clf_svc = pipeline[2]
	clf_names = sentiment.clf_names
	labels = ['negative', 'positive']

	visualizer = DataVisualizer()

	for cm, cr, name in zip(clf_cm, clf_cr, clf_names):
		visualizer.plotConfusionMatrix(cm, labels, name)
		visualizer.plotClassificationReport(cr, labels, name)
	metrics_df.rename(columns = {"Accuracy": "value_Accuracy", "Precision": "value_Precision", "Recall": "value_Recall", "F1-score": "value_F1-score", "ROC AUC": "value_ROC AUC"}, inplace = True)
	metrics_df['id'] = metrics_df.index
	metrics_df_long = pd.wide_to_long(metrics_df, stubnames = 'value', i = 'id', j = 'id_m', sep = '_', suffix = '\w')
	metrics_df_long['Metrics'] = metrics_df_long.index.get_level_values('id_m')
	visualizer.plotClassifierPerformanceComparison(metrics_df_long, clf_names, 'Holdout')
	metrics_df_kfold.rename(columns = {"Accuracy": "value_Accuracy", "Precision": "value_Precision", "Recall": "value_Recall", "F1-score": "value_F1-score", "ROC AUC": "value_ROC AUC"}, inplace = True)
	metrics_df_kfold['id'] = metrics_df_kfold.index
	metrics_df_kfold_long = pd.wide_to_long(metrics_df_kfold, stubnames = 'value', i = 'id', j = 'id_m', sep = '_', suffix = '\w')
	metrics_df_kfold_long['Metrics'] = metrics_df_kfold_long.index.get_level_values('id_m')
	visualizer.plotClassifierPerformanceComparison(metrics_df_kfold_long, clf_names, 'K-Fold')
	util = Utility()

	data = util.classifiersVsFeatures()
	colors = ['blue', 'yellow', 'red', 'green']
	visualizer.plotClassifiersVsFeatures(data, clf_names, colors)

	top_features = util.showTopFeatures(clf_svc, n = 30)
	print('The 30 most informative features for both positive and negative coefficients:\n')
Ejemplo n.º 5
def get_date():
    while True:
        date = input('please input a date for'
                     'the entry in the format yyyy/mm/dd:')
        # tests input against  regex pattern if pattern pails test
        pattern = re.compile("(\d{4}\/\d{2}\/\d{2})")
        match = pattern.fullmatch(date)
        # if not a match error i
        if not match:
            print('this is not an appropriate format')
        # if match  a Utility object is instantiated
        # date variable passed to Utility.date2string which tests
        # string to see if its a valid date
        # and while loop is broken
            utility = Utility()
            date = utility.str2date(date)
            return date
def checkUrlParameters(inputCurrency, outputCurrency, amount):
    """Checks if the URL parameters are valid and returns currency
    three letter code representation and a float amount value"""

    Utility.checkArguments(inputCurrency, amount)
    inputCurrency = Currencies.getCurrencyCode(inputCurrency)

    if None not in outputCurrency:
        outputCurrency = [Currencies.getCurrencyCode(outputCurrency[0])]

    if None in outputCurrency:
        outputCurrency = copy.copy(Currencies.listOfCurrencies)

    amount = abs(float(amount))

    return {
        'input_currency': inputCurrency,
        'output_currency': outputCurrency,
        'amount': amount
Ejemplo n.º 7
def main():

        args = CmdParser.parseArguments()

        inputCurrency = Currencies.getCurrencyCode(args['input'])
        outputCurrency = args['output']
        amount = args['amount']

        conversion = CurrencyConverter.getConversion(inputCurrency,
                                                     outputCurrency, amount)

        printResults = JsonCreator.finalOutput(inputCurrency, conversion,

    except InvalidArgumentError as invArgErr:
    except RequestError as reqErr:
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def GET(self, *vpath, **params):
     self.paramMap = {}
     for k,v in params.items():
         self.paramMap[k] = v
     ridesList = []
     cherrypy.response.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"    
     if vpath:
         if (vpath[0] == "near"):
             if not (self._validate_param("lat") and self._validate_param("lon")):
                 cherrypy.response.status = 400
                 return json.dumps({"Error":True,"Message":PMIP.REQUEST_PARAM_MISSING})
             if (self.paramMap.has_key("limit")):                    
                 rideDocs = self._find_near(self.paramMap["lat"], self.paramMap["lon"], self.paramMap["limit"])
                 rideDocs = self._find_near(self.paramMap["lat"], self.paramMap["lon"])
         elif(vpath[0] == "within"):
             if not (self._validate_param("lat") and self._validate_param("lon") and self._validate_param("radius")):
                 cherrypy.response.status = 400
                 return json.dumps({"Error":True,"Message":PMIP.REQUEST_PARAM_MISSING})
             if (self.paramMap.has_key("limit")):                    
                 rideDocs = self._find_within_circle(self.paramMap["lat"], self.paramMap["lon"], self.paramMap["radius"], self.paramMap["limit"])
                 rideDocs = self._find_within_circle(self.paramMap["lat"], self.paramMap["lon"], self.paramMap["radius"])
         elif(vpath[0] == "tags"):
             if not (self._validate_param("tag")):
                 cherrypy.response.status = 400
                 return json.dumps({"Error":True,"Message":PMIP.REQUEST_PARAM_MISSING})
                 rideDocs = self._find_with_tags(self.paramMap["tag"])
         # elif(vpath[0] == "route"):
             # if not (self._validate_param("from") and self._validate_param("to") and self._validate_param("from")):
                 # cherrypy.response.status = 400
                 # return json.dumps({"Error":True,"Message":PMIP.REQUEST_PARAM_MISSING})
             # else:
                  # rideDocs = self._find_for_route(self.paramMap["from"],self.paramMap["to"])
             cherrypy.response.status = 400
             return json.dumps({"Error":True,"Message":PMIP.INVALID_URI})
         for rideDoc in rideDocs :
             result = Utility.getRide(rideDoc)               
         return json.dumps(ridesList);
Ejemplo n.º 9
# written for openrobotics.ca
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import sys
from os import path

sys.path.append(path.dirname(__file__) + 'lib/')  #for generic functionality
sys.path.append(path.dirname(__file__) +
                'modules/')  #specific to various hardware

import random
import struct
from utilities import Utility
from serial_manager import SerialManager

utils = Utility()

manager = SerialManager()
print('\nSelect a port to connect to or a menu option below')

from threads import AutoTimer, EventWrapper

from data_structures import v2_drivetrain as v2dt
from data_structures import mini_arm as marm

marm.status = ord('k')
v2dt.speed1 = 1
v2dt.speed2 = 255
v2dt.status = ord('k')
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def parseArguments() -> dict:
        """Parses the command line arguments"""

        conversionAmount = -1
        inputCurrency = None
        outputCurrencies = [None]

        if len(sys.argv) == 1:

            optlist, args = getopt.getopt(
                sys.argv[1:], 'h',
                ['amount=', 'input_currency=', 'output_currency=', 'help'])
        except getopt.GetoptError:
            raise InvalidArgumentError(
                "Oops, it looks like you entered an invalid option.")

        if not len(args) == 0:
            raise InvalidArgumentError(
                "Oops, it looks like you entered an invalid option.")

        for option, argument in optlist:
            if option in ('-h', '--help'):

            elif option in '--amount':
                if conversionAmount is not -1:
                    raise InvalidArgumentError(
                        "Please select only one amount, output or input currency."
                conversionAmount = argument

            elif option in '--input_currency':
                if inputCurrency is not None:
                    raise InvalidArgumentError(
                        "Please select only one amount, output or input currency."
                inputCurrency = argument

            elif option in '--output_currency':
                if not None in outputCurrencies:
                    raise InvalidArgumentError(
                        "Please select only one amount, output or input currency."
                outputCurrencies = [argument]

        Utility.checkArguments(inputCurrency, conversionAmount)
        inputCurrency = Currencies.getCurrencyCode(inputCurrency)
        conversionAmount = abs(float(conversionAmount))

        if None not in outputCurrencies:
            outputCurrencies = [

            outputCurrencies = copy.copy(Currencies.listOfCurrencies)

        return {
            'amount': conversionAmount,
            'input': inputCurrency,
            'output': outputCurrencies
 def checkIfFileExists(baseCurrency):
     """Checks if a cache file for a given base already exists"""
     cacheFile = Utility.createFileName(baseCurrency)
     return os.path.isfile(cacheFile)
 def loadCachedResponse(baseCurrency):
     """Returns the content of a cache file"""
     cacheFile = Utility.createFileName(baseCurrency)
     with open(cacheFile, 'rb') as file:
         return pickle.load(file)
 def updateCache(baseCurrency, apiResponse):
     """Updates cache file"""
     cacheFile = Utility.createFileName(baseCurrency)
     apiResponse['date'] = Utility.currentDate()
     with open(cacheFile, "wb") as file:
         pickle.dump(apiResponse, file, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
Ejemplo n.º 14
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import sys
from os import path
sys.path.append(path.dirname(__file__) + 'lib/') #for generic functionality
sys.path.append(path.dirname(__file__) + 'modules/') #specific to various hardware

from threading import Thread
from time import clock
from time import sleep
from utilities import Utility
from serial_manager import SerialManager
from pololu_controller import PololuController
from Servo import *
from data_structures import mini_arm as marm

utils = Utility()
alive = True

def quit():
	global alive
	alive = False

manager1 = SerialManager()
print('Ports available')
print('Select Dynamixel port')
user_input = utils.getch()

if manager1.open_port(user_input, 115200):
	serv2 = Robotis_Servo(manager1,2)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def reverseString():
    data = request.get_json()
    return jsonify(message=Utility.getReverseString(data.get("message")),
Ejemplo n.º 16
from telegram import ReplyKeyboardMarkup, ReplyKeyboardRemove, ParseMode, ChatAction, MessageEntity, Bot
from telegram import InlineKeyboardButton, InlineKeyboardMarkup
from telegram.ext import Updater, CommandHandler, ConversationHandler, MessageHandler, Filters, PicklePersistence, PrefixHandler, CallbackQueryHandler

import re, os, requests, sys, time, json

from datetime import datetime

from utilities import Utility
from Dealer_Interaction.src import utils
from Dealer_Interaction.src import dealer_persistence

persistence_filename = "bot_persistence"

Utility_Obj = Utility()
Utils_Obj = utils.Utils()
Dealer_Persistence_Obj = dealer_persistence.Dealer_Persistence()

BOT_TOKEN = ""  # t.me/ColligoBot
BOT_DEV_TOKEN = "1140474924:AAEEt2LD6Hg0TRXZDZU7HoHullUtEqNQAPc"  # t.me/Colligo_Development_Bot

BOT_TOKEN = BOT_DEV_TOKEN  # Development mode

Bot_Obj = Bot(BOT_TOKEN)

#---------[Some Strings]---------
bot_replies = {
    "*Utilizza la tastiera sottostante*",
    "Seleziona a quale categoria appartiene il tuo negozio.(Max 3)\n*[Premere il pulsante Fine per terminare la selezione]*",
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def user_search(self):
        user_search gathers and stores user input related to search entries

        handles user data gathering and storage for search by date, duration
        regex pattern and exact match. once data is gathered and stored
        a WorkLog object is instantiated and the data passed to the relevant
        search method of worklog object

        while True:
            # prompt choose search method
            search_option = input('please choose a search option: ')
            # if user provides a invalid response to prompt
            if search_option not in ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'):
                print('this is not an available option')
            # if response valid loop will break

        # if date prompt for date get input
        if search_option == 'a':
            # begin loop for entry search by date data collection

            while True:

                date = input('please input a date to search '
                             'in the format yyyy/mm/dd: ')
                # tests input against  regex pattern
                pattern = re.compile("(\d{4}\/\d{2}\/\d{2})")
                match = pattern.fullmatch(date)
                # if pattern fails test
                # messsage will prompt until correct format recieved
                if not match:
                    print('this is not an appropriate format')
                # if usre input valid
                elif match:

                    # Utility object instantiated
                    utility = Utility()
                    # string -> datetime object
                    str2date = utility.str2date(date)
                    # Worklog object instantiated
                    search = Inspector()
                    # call to WorkLog.search_by_date mentod
                    # method handles search logic/ display of relevant entry
                        print('here are the matching entries: \n')
                        search_results = search.search_by_date(str2date)
                    except ValueError:
                        print('It looks like there is no matching results')

        # if duration prompt for duration get input
        elif search_option == 'b':
            # begin loop for entry search by duration data collection
            while True:

                duration = input('please input the duration of the task '
                                 'that you want to search: ')
                # tests input against  regex pattern
                durpattern = re.compile("(\d+)")
                durmatch = durpattern.fullmatch(duration)

                # if pattern fails test
                # messsage will prompt until correct format recieved
                if not durmatch:
                    print('this is not an appropriate format')
                # if user input valid
                elif durmatch:
                    # Utility object instantiated
                    utility = Utility()
                    # string -> timedelta
                    str2time = utility.str2time(duration)
                    # Worklog object instantiated
                    search = Inspector()
                    # call to WorkLog.search_by_duration
                    # method handles search logic/ display of relevant entry
                        print('here are the matching entries: \n')
                        search_results = search.search_by_duration(str2time)
                    except ValueError:
                        print('It looks like there is no matching results')
        # if string  prompt for string get input
        elif search_option == 'c':
            while True:
                string = input('please type string and we'
                               'will search against it: ')
                # Worklog object instantiated
                search = Inspector()
                # call to WorkLog.search_by_duration
                # method handles search logic/ display of relevant entry
                    print('here are the matching entries: ')
                    search_results = search.search_by_string(string)
                    # if now matching entries
                except ValueError:
                    print('It looks like there is no matching results')

        elif search_option == 'd':
            while True:
                string = input('please type employee name to search for: ')
                # Worklog object instantiated
                search = Inspector()
                # call to WorkLog.search_by_duration
                # method handles search logic/ display of relevant entry
                    print('here are the matching entries: \n')
                    search_results = search.search_by_employee(string)
                except ValueError:
                    print('It looks like there is no matching results')
        elif search_option == 'e':
# written for openrobotics.ca
import sys
from os import path
sys.path.append(path.dirname(__file__) + 'lib/') #for generic functionality
sys.path.append(path.dirname(__file__) + 'modules/') #specific to various hardware

from threading import Thread
from time import clock
from time import sleep
from utilities import Utility
from serial_manager import SerialManager
from pololu_controller import PololuController
from Servo import *
from data_structures import mini_arm as marm

utils = Utility()
alive = True

def quit():
	global alive
	alive = False

manager1 = SerialManager()
print 'Ports available'
print 'Select Dynamixel port'
user_input = utils.getch()

if manager1.open_port(user_input, 57600):
	serv_2 = Robotis_Servo(manager1, 1)