Ejemplo n.º 1
 def single_line_manual_with_z(self,
     # no container needed
     vec = euclid.Vector3(1.0, slopey, slopez)
     pos = euclid.Point3(0.0, intercepty,
                         interceptz)  # fix at x=0 plane -> foil plane
     return euclid.Line3(pos, vec)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def hits(self, line=None, side=0):
        Input: A euclid line3 object
               The tracker side (=0 -> left tracker default)
        Process: Determine the nearest wires given a line throught the 
                 initial grid and cut on those wires closer than the 
                 lattice constant.
        Output: 2 Lists of wire coordinates and radii = shortest distance 
                wire to line
        zvec = euclid.Vector3(0.0,0.0,1.0) # zaxis vector for 3D wire line
        darr = np.zeros((self.rows, self.columns))
        zcoord = np.zeros((self.rows, self.columns))

        if side < 1:
            sign = -1
            tracker = self.grid_left
            sign = 1
            tracker = self.grid_right

        self.wireinfo = [] # clean start
        m = 0
        for entry in tracker: # rows
            for n in range(len(entry)): # columns
                if isinstance(line, euclid.Line3): # input was a Line3 object
                    pos = euclid.Point3(entry[n][0], entry[n][1], 0.0) # point of wire in grid
                    wire = euclid.Line3(pos,zvec) # wire into a vertical 3D line
                    segm = wire.connect(line)
                    zcoord[m][n] = segm.p.z
                    darr[m][n] = segm.length # shortest distance line to line in 3D

                elif isinstance(line, HX.helix): # input was a Helix object
                    distance = line.GetDistanceToPoint((entry[n][0]*1.0e-3, entry[n][1]*1.0e-3, 0.0)) # input in [m]
                    zcoord[m][n] = sign*line.tanlambda * entry[n][0] # [mm]
                    darr[m][n] = distance[0]*1.0e3 # [mm] shortest distance helix to wire point in 2D

                    print 'grid ERROR: input type unknown, not line nor helix'
                    return [], []
            m += 1
        cells = []
        radius = []
        iarr,jarr = np.where(darr <= (0.51*self.d)) #allow minimal overlap
        for ind,item in enumerate(iarr):
            jind = jarr[ind]
            pair = list(tracker[item][jind])
            #print 'hit: ',pair
            self.wireinfo.append((side, jind, item)) # side, row, column
            cells.append(pair) # wire (x,y) and z concatenated
        return cells, radius
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def single_line_manual_atplane(self, slope, interceptx, intercepty):
     # no container needed
     vec = euclid.Vector3(1.0, slope,0.0)
     pos = euclid.Point3(interceptx, intercepty, 0.0) # fix at icx, iy point
     return euclid.Line3(pos,vec)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def single_line_manual(self, slope, intercept = 0.0):
     # no container needed
     vec = euclid.Vector3(1.0, slope,0.0)
     pos = euclid.Point3(0.0, intercept, 0.0) # fix at x=0 plane -> foil plane
     return euclid.Line3(pos,vec)
            euclid.Vector2(0.0, 1.0))
        breakpoint = original.intersect(layerline)
        bpoints.append((breakpoint.x, breakpoint.y))
        c, r, i = remove_hits(bl + 1, 9, cells, radii,
                              info)  # return numpy arrays
        cluster[1] = (c, r, i)

        # next line continuing from breakpoint
        scat_angle = random.gauss(0.0, scatter_angle * math.pi /
                                  180.0)  # random scattering angle
        newangle = angle + scat_angle  # altering original slope angle with new angle
        sl = math.tan(newangle)
        nextdummy = euclid.Line3(
            euclid.Point3(breakpoint.x, breakpoint.y, 5.0),
            euclid.Vector3(1.0, sl, 0.0))
        caloinfo = dcalo.calohits(nextdummy, lrtracker)
        while len(caloinfo) < 1:  # no calo was hit, try again
            scat_angle = random.gauss(0.0, scatter_angle * math.pi /
                                      180.0)  # random scattering angle
            newangle = angle + scat_angle  # altering original slope angle with new angle
            sl = math.tan(newangle)
            nextdummy = euclid.Line3(
                euclid.Point3(breakpoint.x, breakpoint.y, 5.0),
                euclid.Vector3(1.0, sl, 0.0))
            caloinfo = dcalo.calohits(nextdummy, lrtracker)

        ncells, nradii = wgr.hits(nextdummy,
                                  lrtracker)  # left/right tracker half