async def execute(self, arg): if self.module.mode == utility.getModType("message"): await self.executeMessage(arg) elif self.module.mode == utility.getModType("schedule"): await self.executeSchedule(arg) elif self.module.mode == utility.getModType("join"): await self.executeJoin(arg)
def getModules(type): if type == utility.getModType("0"): return config.messageMod.actions elif type == utility.getModType("1"): return config.scheduleMod.actions elif type == utility.getModType("2"): return config.joinMod.actions else: return config.joinMod.actions + config.scheduleMod.actions + config.messageMod.actions
def checkMode(mode): if config.openModule[-1].mode == utility.getModType("message"): if mode == "message" or mode == "m" or mode == "0": return 0 elif mode == "username" or mode == "u" or mode == "1": return 1 elif mode == "variable" or mode == "v" or mode == "2": return 2 elif mode == "command" or mode == "c" or mode == "3": return 3
def checkMode(mode): if config.openModule[-1].mode == utility.getModType("message"): if mode == "message" or mode == "0" or mode == "m": return 0 elif mode == "giverole" or mode == "1" or mode == "gr": return 1 elif mode == "removerole" or mode == "2" or mode == "rr": return 2 elif mode == "variable" or mode == "3" or mode == "v": return 3
def PrintModules(list): embed = discord.Embed(title="Modules", color=0x00ff00) i = 1 string = "" for x in list: string += "**" + str(i) + ":** " + x.getName( ) + " - (" + utility.getModType(x.getMode()) + ")\n" i += 1 if (len(list) == 0): string = "There are no defined modules" embed.add_field(name="-------------------", value=string, inline=True) return embed
def print(self, level): string = "" string += "Module '**" + + "**' of type '**" + utility.getModType( str(self.mode)) + "** " if == 1: string += "(active)" string += "\n" for ts in range(level): string += "|\t\t" string += "**Triggers**\n" if len(self.triggers) == 0: for ts in range(level): string += "|\t\t" string += "\t\t" string += "There are no triggers (the module will always execute)\n" else: for x in self.triggers: for ts in range(level): string += "|\t\t" string += "\t\t" string += x.print() + "\n" for ts in range(level): string += "|\t\t" string += "**Actions**\n" if len(self.actions) == 0: for ts in range(level): string += "|\t\t" string += "\t\t" string += "There are no actions (nothing will happen if it executes)\n" else: for x in self.actions: for ts in range(level): string += "|\t\t" string += "\t\t" string += x.print() + "\n" for ts in range(level): string += "|\t\t" string += "**Stored variables**\n" if len(self.variables) == 0: for ts in range(level): string += "|\t\t" string += "\t\t" string += "There are no variables" else: for x in self.variables: for ts in range(level): string += "|\t\t" string += "\t\t" if x != self.variables[-1]: string += str(x) + "\n" else: string += str(x) return string
async def crMod(ctx, name, type): if len(config.openModule) != 0: type = config.openModule[-1].mode else: father = 0 if utility.getModType(type) == "noType": response = utility.getEmbed( "**Error creating the module:** Invalid type") await ctx.send(embed=response) return for x in getModules(-1): if == name: response = utility.getEmbed( "**Error creating the module:** There is already a module with that name" ) await ctx.send(embed=response) return config.openModule.append(Module.Module(name, utility.getModType(type))) response = utility.getEmbed("Created module **' " + name + "'** with type **" + utility.getModType(type) + "**") await ctx.send(embed=response)
def PrintActiveModules(): embed = discord.Embed(title="Active Modules", color=0x00ff00) i = 1 string = "" for x in getModules(-1): if == 1: string += "**" + str(i) + ":** " + x.getName( ) + " - (" + utility.getModType(x.getMode()) + ")\n" i += 1 if (string == ""): string = "There are no active modules" embed.add_field(name="-------------------", value=string, inline=True) return embed
def checkState(self, message): if self.module.mode == utility.getModType("message"): if(self.mode == 0): return self.checkMessageContent(message.content) elif(self.mode == 1): return self.checkUserName(message) elif(self.mode == 2): return self.checkVariable() elif(self.mode == 3): return self.checkCommand() else: return False return False
def checkArgs(mode, args): if config.openModule[-1].mode == utility.getModType("message"): if checkMode(mode) == 0: if len(args) != 2: return False elif checkMode(mode) == 1: if len(args) != 1: return False elif checkMode(mode) == 2: if len(args) != 2: return False elif checkMode(mode) == 3: if len(args) < 1: return False return True
def updateData(mode): if utility.getModType(mode) == utility.getModType("0"): with open("msgModuleDat.p", "wb") as f: pickle.dump(config.messageMod, f) elif utility.getModType(mode) == utility.getModType("1"): with open("schModuleDat.p", "wb") as f: pickle.dump(config.scheduleMod, f) elif utility.getModType(mode) == utility.getModType("2"): with open("joinModuleDat.p", "wb") as f: pickle.dump(config.joinMod, f)
async def CloseModule(ctx): if len(config.openModule) == 0: await embed=utility.getEmbed("**Error:** No module opened")) return aux = config.openModule.pop() if len(config.openModule) == 0: if utility.getModType(aux.mode) == utility.getModType("0"): for x in config.messageMod.actions: if aux.getName() == x.getName(): config.messageMod.actions.remove(x) break config.messageMod.actions.append(aux) elif utility.getModType(aux.mode) == utility.getModType("1"): for x in config.scheduleMod.actions: if aux.getName() == x.getName(): config.scheduleMod.actions.remove(x) break config.scheduleMod.actions.append(aux) elif utility.getModType(aux.mode) == utility.getModType("2"): for x in config.joinMod.actions: if aux.getName() == x.getName(): config.joinMod.actions.remove(x) break config.joinMod.actions.append(aux) else: print("Invalid type wtf this should not happen O.o\n") return updateData(aux.mode) else: for x in filterActions(config.openModule[-1].actions): if aux.getName() == x.getName(): config.openModule[-1].actions.remove(x) break config.openModule[-1].actions.append(aux) await"Module Closed")) return