Ejemplo n.º 1
 def manage_request(self, data):
     # quello che mi arriva  è del tipo [OPCODE|S|C|sito|...|nonce|hash]kcs | IV   
     unpacked_data = utility.unpack_message(data, 4)
     if(unpacked_data is None or len(unpacked_data) != 2):
         utility.print_user_log(self.client_address,"Bad packet format")
         return (False, 109)
     encrypted_data , IV = unpacked_data
     decrypted_data = utility.decrypt_AES(encrypted_data, self.session_key, IV)
     if decrypted_data is None:
         return (False, 102)
     #print decrypted_data
     decrypted_fields = utility.unpack_message(decrypted_data, 4)
     if decrypted_data is None:
         utility.print_user_log(self.client_address,"Bad packet format")
         return (False, 109)
     data_to_hash = ''.join(decrypted_fields[:-1])
     hashed_data_c = decrypted_fields[-1]
     hashed_data = utility.get_hash(data_to_hash)
     ret = utility.secure_cmp(hashed_data_c, hashed_data)
     utility.print_user_log(self.client_address,"Request: %s" % decrypted_fields[0])
     if ret is False:
         print hexlify(hashed_data_c)
         print hexlify(hashed_data)
         utility.print_user_log(self.client_address,"Different hashes")
         return (False, 103)
     #print fields
     nonce = decrypted_fields[-2]
     if nonce in self.nonces:
         utility.print_user_log(self.client_address, "No fresh nonce!!")
         return (False, 104)
     #print fields
     #execute query
     response_fields = self.execute_query(decrypted_fields[:-2])   # è una lista [:-2] tutto tranne nonce hash
     response_fields.append(nonce) # aggiungo nonce alla lista
     response = utility.concatenate(*response_fields)
     hashed_response = utility.get_hash(response)               
     #print "hash,", hashed_response
     #data_to_pack = utility.concatenate((response, hashed_response)) # concateno hash alla risposta
     #print "RF: ",response_fields
     packed_message = utility.pack_message(*response_fields)
     #print packed_message
     IV = os.urandom(16)
     data_to_send = utility.encrypt_AES(packed_message, self.session_key, IV)
     if data_to_send is None:
         return (False, 106)
     data_to_send = utility.pack_message(data_to_send, IV)
     #print "DATA TO SEND \n", data_to_send
     #un = utility.unpack_message(data_to_send, 4)
     #print "ENC",un[0]
     #print "IV", un[1]
     utility.print_user_log(self.client_address, 'Response: '+ response_fields[0])
     return (True, data_to_send)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def message_M4(self, nonce_prot_c):
        utility.print_user_log(self.client_address,'Sending M4...')

        hash_nonce_c = utility.get_hash(nonce_prot_c)
        data_to_pack = utility.concatenate('100', self.server_ID, self.client_ID, hash_nonce_c)
        hash_data = utility.get_hash(data_to_pack)
        data = utility.pack_message('100', self.server_ID, self.client_ID, hash_nonce_c, hash_data)
        IV = os.urandom(16)
        enc_data = utility.encrypt_AES(data, self.session_key, IV)
        if enc_data is None:
            utility.print_user_log(self.client_address, '[ERROR] Error during encryption')
            return None
        data_to_send = utility.pack_message(enc_data, IV)
        return data_to_send
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def download_sub(self, movie_path):
     self.movie_path = movie_path
     movie_hash = get_hash(self.movie_path)
     headers = {'User-Agent': self.user_agent}
     response = requests.get('http://api.thesubdb.com/?action=search&hash={}'.format(movie_hash), headers=headers)
     if 'en' in response.text:
         subtitle = requests.get('http://api.thesubdb.com/?action=download&hash={}&language=en'.format(movie_hash),
         _file = get_file(self.movie_path, subtitle.text)
         yield _file.name
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def message_M3(self):
        priv_key = utility.load_priv_key('server_prvkey_1')
        if priv_key is None:
            utility.print_user_log(self.client_address,'[ERROR]Some errors occured reading  the key')
            return None
        utility.print_user_log(self.client_address,'Private key loaded')
        # waiting for M3
        utility.print_user_log(self.client_address,"Waiting for M3...")
        data_recv = utility.recv_data(self.request,0)
        if data_recv is None:
            utility.print_user_log(self.client_address, "[ERROR] Client disconnected during M3")
            return None
        utility.print_user_log(self.client_address, "Received M3..")

        encrypted_data = bytes(data_recv)
        decrypted_data = utility.decrypt_RSA(encrypted_data, priv_key)
        if decrypted_data is None:
            utility.print_user_log(self.client_address, '[ERROR] some errors occured decrypting the data')
            return None
            ''' print '_____________________________________'
            print decrypted_data
            print '_____________________________________' '''
            fields = utility.unpack_message(decrypted_data, 4)
            #print fields
            if len(fields) != 8:
                return None
        # Manca TYPE | ...
            opcode, server_prot_ID,client_prot_ID, client_pass,session_key, nonce_prot_s, self.nonce_prot_c, hashed_data_c = fields
        except IndexError:
            utility.print_user_log(self.client_address, '[ERROR] incorrect message format')
            return None
        ''' for i in fields:
            print hexlify( i),  "\n" '''
        data_to_hash = ''.join(fields[0:7]) 
        hashed_data = utility.get_hash(data_to_hash)
        ret = utility.secure_cmp(hashed_data, hashed_data_c)
        #print hexlify(hashed_data)
        #print hexlify(hashed_data_c)
        if (ret is False):
            utility.print_user_log(self.client_address, '[ERROR] Packet Hashes do not match')
            del session_key
            return None
        ret = utility.secure_cmp(self.nonce_s, nonce_prot_s)
        if(ret is False):
            utility.print_user_log(self.client_address, '[ERROR] Server Nonce is not fresh!')
            del session_key
            return None
        #print '1'
        ret = utility.secure_cmp(self.client_ID, client_prot_ID)
        if(ret is False):
            utility.print_user_log(self.client_address, '[ERROR] Client IDs do not match')
            del session_key
            return None
        #print '2'
        ret = utility.secure_cmp(self.server_ID, server_prot_ID)
        if(ret is False):
            utility.print_user_log(self.client_address, '[ERROR] Serve IDs do not match')
            del session_key
            return None
        #return (opcode, session_key, nonce_prot_c, client_pass)

        # =================================================================
        if opcode == 'LOG':
            utility.print_user_log(self.client_address, "LOGIN REQUEST")
        # KDF(salted) e ricerca hash in database
            db = DB.Database()
            ret = db.connect()
            if ret[0] == False:
                utility.print_user_log(self.client_address, '[ERROR] Error during connecting to DB '+ str(ret[1]))
                del session_key
                return None
            user_config = db.find_user_config(self.client_ID, 'users')
            if user_config == None:
                utility.print_user_log(self.client_address, '[ERROR] No user config found with ID: %s' % self.client_ID )
                del session_key
                return None
            ID, hash_pwd, salt_hash = user_config
            hashed_pwd = bytes(hash_pwd)
            #print hash_pwd, hashed_pwd
            #print hexlify(hashed_pwd)
            #kdf = utility.get_kdf(client_pass, salt_kdf)
            #hashed_kdf =  utility.get_hash(kdf, salt_hash)
            #if hashed_kdf == None:
            #    utility.print_user_log(self.client_address, '[ERROR] Error during KDF creation')
            #    del session_key
            #   return None
            # Check importante, hashed_kdf é l'hash della kdf della password che mi invia l'utente
            #                   hashed_pwd é l'hash della kdf della password che ho nel DB
            hash_pwd_c = utility.get_hash(client_pass, salt_hash)
            ret = utility.secure_cmp(hashed_pwd, hash_pwd_c)
            if ret == False:
                utility.print_user_log(self.client_address, '[ERROR] Password hashes do not match')
                del session_key
                return None
        # =====================================================================
        # REG ===============================================================
        elif opcode == 'REG':
            utility.print_user_log(self.client_address,'SIGNIN REQUEST')
            db = DB.Database()
            ret = db.connect()
            if ret[0] == False:
                utility.print_user_log(self.client_address,'[ERROR CONNECT] '+ str(ret[0]))
                del session_key
                return None
            user_config = db.find_user_config(self.client_ID, 'users')
            if user_config != None:
                utility.print_user_log(self.client_address,'[ERROR CONFIG] User: '******' already present')
                del session_key
                return 203
            # bytes salts
            salt_hash = os.urandom(16)
            #kdf = utility.get_kdf(client_pass, salt_kdf)
            #hashed_kdf =  utility.get_hash(kdf, salt_hash)
            hashed_pwd = utility.get_hash(client_pass, salt_hash)
            #print hashed_kdf
            ''' if hashed_kdf == None:
                utility.print_user_log(self.client_address,'[ERROR] Error during KDF creation')
                del session_key
                return None '''
            ret = db.connect()
            if ret[0] == False:
                utility.print_user_log(self.client_address,'[ERROR] Error during connecting to DB '+ str(ret[1]))
                del session_key
                return None
            ret = db.add_user('users',self.client_ID, hashed_pwd, salt_hash)
            if ret[0] == False:
                utility.print_user_log(self.client_address,'[ERROR] Error during user add ' + ret[1])
                del session_key
                return None

            del session_key
            return None
        self.session_key = session_key
        #self.client_key = kdf
        self.database = db
        self.nonces = [] 
        return True 
Ejemplo n.º 5
    firefox_profile = webdriver.FirefoxProfile()
    firefox_profile.set_preference('permissions.default.image', 2)
    firefox_profile.set_preference('dom.ipc.plugins.enabled.libflashplayer.so', 'false')
    driver = Firefox(firefox_profile=firefox_profile)


    play_button = WebDriverWait(driver, 15).until(
        lambda x: x.find_element_by_xpath('//span[@class="serverDetails"]'))

    )  # TODO: fix into an elegant solution, gotta wait for 'secureHash' in JS to be defined and set
    secureHash = utility.get_hash(driver.page_source)

    print(f"Logged in, our secure hash is {secureHash}")

Ejemplo n.º 6
    "delete self loops"
    g = get_graph(edgelist)
    length = len(g.es)
    while True :
        selfloop = False;
        for e in g.es:
            if g.is_loop(e):
                selfloop = True;
        if selfloop == False : 

if __name__ == "__main__":
    edgelist = sys.argv[1]
    print('extracting the largest connected component')
    print('trimming edges')
    trim_edges(edgelist + '_lcc')
    print('deleting self loops')
    delete_self_loop(edgelist + "_lcc", edgelist + "_final")
    print('getting the graph to make hash file of edgelist')
    g = get_graph(edgelist + "_final")
    print('hashing the edgelist')
    graph_hash = get_hash(g)
    print('dumping the edgelist')
    hashfile = edgelist + '_hash.p'
    pickle.dump(graph_hash, open(hashfile, 'wb'))