Ejemplo n.º 1
def update_sa_anns(boxes, labels, cer_idxs, gt_anns, iou_thre):
    比较 certain_anns 和 GT_anns 的 iou,定下哪些 anns 需要用 cer_anns 替换
    cer_boxes, cer_labels = boxes[cer_idxs], labels[cer_idxs]
    gt_boxes, gt_labels = gt_anns
    sa_boxes, sa_labels = gt_boxes.clone(), gt_labels  # 保存 gt,在此基础上更新

    cer_keep_idxs = []
    gt_sl_idxs = []  # 记录 gt 中哪些 ann 是 model ann 的

    for cer_idx, cer_box in enumerate(cer_boxes):
        cer_box_rep = cer_box.repeat((gt_boxes.size()[0], 1))
        ious = box_iou(cer_box_rep, gt_boxes)
        val, gt_idx = torch.topk(ious, k=1)
        # 与 gt 阈值 >= 0.8,并且 label 相同
        # 找到后,gt_boxes 不动态删了,要保证 gt_idx 的对应
        if cer_labels[cer_idx] == gt_labels[gt_idx] and val >= iou_thre:
            sa_boxes[gt_idx] = cer_box
            cer_keep_idxs.append(cer_idx)  # 保存再次筛选后的 idx

    # 与 gt ann 比较后,再次更新 certain_idxs,相当于 human judge 结果
    cer_idxs = cer_idxs[cer_keep_idxs]

    return cer_idxs, gt_sl_idxs, sa_boxes, sa_labels
Ejemplo n.º 2
def fast_nms(box_thre, coef_thre, class_thre, cfg):
    class_thre, idx = class_thre.sort(1, descending=True)  # [80, 64 (the number of kept boxes)]

    idx = idx[:, :cfg.top_k]
    class_thre = class_thre[:, :cfg.top_k]

    num_classes, num_dets = idx.size()
    box_thre = box_thre[idx.reshape(-1), :].reshape(num_classes, num_dets, 4)  # [80, 64, 4]
    coef_thre = coef_thre[idx.reshape(-1), :].reshape(num_classes, num_dets, -1)  # [80, 64, 32]

    iou = box_iou(box_thre, box_thre)
    iou_max, _ = iou.max(dim=1)

    # Now just filter out the ones higher than the threshold
    keep = (iou_max <= cfg.nms_iou_thre)

    # Assign each kept detection to its corresponding class
    class_ids = torch.arange(num_classes, device=box_thre.device)[:, None].expand_as(keep)

    class_ids, box_nms, coef_nms, class_nms = class_ids[keep], box_thre[keep], coef_thre[keep], class_thre[keep]

    # Only keep the top cfg.max_num_detections highest scores across all classes
    class_nms, idx = class_nms.sort(0, descending=True)

    idx = idx[:cfg.max_detections]
    class_nms = class_nms[:cfg.max_detections]

    class_ids = class_ids[idx]
    box_nms = box_nms[idx]
    coef_nms = coef_nms[idx]

    return box_nms, coef_nms, class_ids, class_nms
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def compute_recall(self, exp_setting='gt5'):
        Compute recall for the created h5 file
        if exp_setting == 'gt5':
            pfile = self.cfg.ds.proposal_gt5_h5_resized
        elif exp_setting == 'p100':
            pfile = self.cfg.ds.proposal_h5_resized

        with h5py.File(pfile, 'r') as f:
            label_proposals = f['dets_labels'][:]

        vid_dict_df = self.vid_dict_df

        anet_ent_preproc_data = json.load(open(self.trn_anet_ent_preproc_file))

        recall_num = 0
        recall_tot = 0

        for row_ind, row in tqdm(vid_dict_df.iterrows(),

            vid = row['vid_id']
            seg = row['seg_id']
            vid_seg_id = row['id']

            annot = anet_ent_preproc_data[vid]['segments'][seg]
            gt_boxs = torch.tensor(annot['bbox']).float()
            gt_frms = annot['frm_idx']

            prop_index = row_ind

            region_feature_file = self.feature_root / f'{vid_seg_id}.npy'
            if not region_feature_file.exists():

            props = copy.deepcopy(label_proposals[prop_index])
            props = torch.tensor(props).float()
            # props = props.view(10, -1, 7)

            for fidx, frm in enumerate(gt_frms):
                prop_frms = props[props[..., 4] == frm]
                gt_box_in_frm = gt_boxs[fidx]

                ious = box_iou(prop_frms[:, :4], gt_box_in_frm)

                ious_max, ious_arg_max = ious.max(dim=0)
                # conversion to long is important, otherwise
                # after 256 becomes 0
                recall_num += (ious_max > 0.5).any().long()

            recall_tot += len(gt_boxs)

        recall = recall_num.item() / recall_tot
        print(f'Recall is {recall}')
Ejemplo n.º 4
def compute_sl_ratio(sl_ann, gt_ann, iou_thre=0.8):
    sl_ann_num, gt_ann_num = 0, len(gt_ann['labels'])
    sl_boxes, sl_labels = to_tensor(sl_ann['boxes']), to_tensor(sl_ann['labels'])
    gt_boxes, gt_labels = to_tensor(gt_ann['boxes']), to_tensor(gt_ann['labels'])

    for sl_idx, sl_box in enumerate(sl_boxes):
        sl_box_rep = sl_box.repeat((gt_boxes.size()[0], 1))
        ious = box_iou(sl_box_rep, gt_boxes)
        val, gt_idx = torch.topk(ious, k=1)
        if sl_labels[sl_idx] == gt_labels[gt_idx] and val >= iou_thre:
            sl_ann_num += 1

    print(sl_ann_num, gt_ann_num)

    return sl_ann_num / (gt_ann_num + 1e-16)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __call__(self, img, boxes, labels, pts, has_pt):
        if random.random() > self.proba:
            return img, boxes, labels, pts, has_pt

        imw, imh = img.size
        params = [(0, 0, imw, imh)]  # crop roi (x,y,w,h) out
        min_iou = random.choice([0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9])
        #for min_iou in (0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9):
        for _ in range(10):
            scale = random.uniform(self.min_scale, 1)
            aspect_ratio = random.uniform(
                max(1 / self.max_aspect_ratio, scale * scale),
                min(self.max_aspect_ratio, 1 / (scale * scale)))
            w = int(imw * scale * math.sqrt(aspect_ratio))
            h = int(imh * scale / math.sqrt(aspect_ratio))

            x = random.randrange(imw - w)
            y = random.randrange(imh - h)

            roi = torch.tensor([[x, y, x + w, y + h]], dtype=torch.float)
            ious = box_iou(boxes, roi)
            params.append((x, y, w, h))

            if ious.min() >= min_iou:
                params = [(x, y, w, h)]

        x, y, w, h = random.choice(params)
        img = img.crop((x, y, x + w, y + h))

        center = (boxes[:, :2] + boxes[:, 2:]) / 2
        mask = (center[:, 0] >= x) & (center[:, 0] <= x+w) \
            & (center[:, 1] >= y) & (center[:, 1] <= y+h)
        if mask.any():
            boxes = boxes[mask] - torch.tensor([x, y] * 2, dtype=torch.float)
            boxes = box_clamp(boxes, 0, 0, w, h)
            labels = labels[mask]
            pts = pts[mask] - torch.tensor([x, y] * 5, dtype=torch.float)
            # pts = pts_clamp(pts, 0, 0, w, h)
            has_pt = has_pt[mask]
            boxes = torch.tensor([[0, 0] * 2], dtype=torch.float)
            labels = torch.tensor([-1], dtype=torch.long)
            pts = torch.tensor([[0, 0] * 5], dtype=torch.float)
            has_pt = torch.tensor([False], dtype=torch.bool)
        return img, boxes, labels, pts, has_pt
Ejemplo n.º 6
def prep_metrics(ap_data, ids_p, classes_p, boxes_p, masks_p, gt, gt_masks,
                 height, width, iou_thres):
    gt_boxes = gt[:, :4]
    gt_boxes[:, [0, 2]] *= width
    gt_boxes[:, [1, 3]] *= height
    gt_classes = gt[:, 4].int().tolist()
    gt_masks = gt_masks.reshape(-1, height * width)
    masks_p = masks_p.reshape(-1, height * width)

    mask_iou_cache = mask_iou(masks_p, gt_masks)
    bbox_iou_cache = box_iou(boxes_p.float(), gt_boxes.float()).cpu()

    for _class in set(ids_p + gt_classes):
        num_gt_per_class = gt_classes.count(_class)

        for iouIdx in range(len(iou_thres)):
            iou_threshold = iou_thres[iouIdx]

            for iou_type, iou_func in zip(['box', 'mask'],
                                          [bbox_iou_cache, mask_iou_cache]):
                gt_used = [False] * len(gt_classes)
                ap_obj = ap_data[iou_type][iouIdx][_class]

                for i, pred_class in enumerate(ids_p):
                    if pred_class != _class:

                    max_iou_found = iou_threshold
                    max_match_idx = -1
                    for j, gt_class in enumerate(gt_classes):
                        if gt_used[j] or gt_class != _class:

                        iou = iou_func[i, j].item()

                        if iou > max_iou_found:
                            max_iou_found = iou
                            max_match_idx = j

                    if max_match_idx >= 0:
                        gt_used[max_match_idx] = True
                        ap_obj.push(classes_p[i], True)
                        ap_obj.push(classes_p[i], False)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def rejudge_certain_anns(boxes, labels, cer_idxs, uncer_idxs, iou_thre=0.5):
    boxes, labels: detection 全部输出结果
    iou(certain_box, uncertain_box) 再比较其 label
        如果 label 不同,说明 model 对该位置不确定 (top n 不确定)
        如果 label 相同,保留 cer box 即可
    iou_thre 判断出的 box, 执行 nms,把相对于 cer_box 的 uncertain boxes 去掉
    iou_thre 控制着 uncertain 阈值,越低更多 certain 样本化为 uncertain,更多样本流入 AL
    @return: 筛选过的 cer_boxes, cer_labels
    keep_idxs = []
    cer_boxes, cer_labels = boxes[cer_idxs], labels[cer_idxs]
    uncer_boxes, uncer_labels = boxes[uncer_idxs], labels[uncer_idxs]

    for cer_idx, cer_box in enumerate(cer_boxes):
        certain = True
        # boxes, torch.float32
        cer_box_rep = cer_box.repeat((uncer_boxes.size()[0], 1))  # repeat 便于向量比较
        ious = box_iou(cer_box_rep, uncer_boxes)

        # >= iou_thre 的 uncertain_box 下标
        mask = torch.where(ious >= iou_thre, torch.tensor(1), torch.tensor(0)).nonzero()
        if mask.size()[0] > 0:
            # uncertain 中有 label 不同的,uncer
            if cer_labels[cer_idx] not in uncer_labels[mask]:
                certain = False

        if certain:

        # 相当于 nms,将上面 mask 的 box 去掉,不用于下轮判断,加快执行
        unmask = [idx for idx in range(uncer_boxes.size()[0]) if idx not in mask]
        if len(unmask) == 0:
            # 已经没有 uncertain boxes 进行对比了,直接保存剩下所有的 cer_box
            keep_idxs += [idx for idx in range(cer_idx + 1, len(cer_boxes))]  # 从 cer_idx+1 到最后

        uncer_boxes = uncer_boxes[unmask]
        uncer_labels = uncer_labels[unmask]

    return cer_idxs[keep_idxs]  # 最后保留的 box
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def choose_gt5_for_one_vid_seg(self,
        Choose for 5 props per frame
        # Convert to torch tensors for box_iou computations
        # props: 10*100 x 7
        props = torch.tensor(props).float()
        prop_feats = torch.tensor(prop_feats).float()
        # set for comparing
        gt_frms_set = set(gt_frms)
        gt_boxs = torch.tensor(gt_boxs).float()
        gt_frms = torch.tensor(gt_frms).float()

        # Get the frames for the proposal boxes are
        prop_frms = props[:, 4]
        # Create a frame mask.
        # Basically, if the iou = 0 if the proposal and
        # the ground truth box lie in different frames
        frm_msk = prop_frms[:, None] == gt_frms
        if len(gt_boxs) > 0 and len(props) > 0:
            ious = box_iou(props[:, :4], gt_boxs) * frm_msk.float()
            # get the max iou proposal for each bounding box
            ious_max, ious_arg_max = ious.max(dim=0)
            # if len(ious_arg_max) > nppf:
            # ious_arg_max = ious_arg_max[:nppf]
            out_props = props[ious_arg_max]
            out_props_inds = ious_arg_max % 100
            recall = (ious_max > 0.5).sum()
            ngt = len(gt_boxs)
            ngt = 1
            recall = 0
            ious = torch.zeros(props.size(0), 1)
            out_props = props[0]
            out_props_inds = torch.tensor(0)

        # Dictionary to store final proposals to use
        fin_out_props = {}
        # Reshape proposals and proposal features to
        # nfrms x nppf x ndim
        props1 = props.view(nfrms, nppf_orig, 7)
        prop_dim = prop_feats.size(-1)
        prop_feats1 = prop_feats.view(nfrms, nppf_orig, prop_dim)

        # iterate over each frame
        for frm in range(nfrms):
            if frm not in fin_out_props:
                fin_out_props[frm] = []

            # if there are gt boxes in the frame
            # consider the proposals which have highest iou
            # in the frame
            if frm in gt_frms_set:
                props_inds_gt_in_frm = out_props_inds[out_props[..., 4] == frm]
                # add highest iou props to the dict key
                fin_out_props[frm] += props_inds_gt_in_frm.tolist()

            # sort by their scores, and choose nppf=5 such props
            props_to_use_inds = props1[frm, ...,
            # add 5 such props to the list
            fin_out_props[frm] += props_to_use_inds.tolist()

            # Restrict the total to 5
            fin_out_props[frm] = list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(

        # Saving them, init with zeros
        props_output = torch.zeros(nfrms, nppf, 7)
        prop_feats_output = torch.zeros(nfrms, nppf, prop_dim)

        # set for each frame
        for frm in fin_out_props:
            inds = fin_out_props[frm]
            props_output[frm] = props1[frm][inds]
            prop_feats_output[frm] = prop_feats1[frm][inds]

        # Reshape nfrm x nppf x ndim -> nfrm*nppf x ndim
        props_output = props_output.view(nfrms * nppf,
        prop_feats_output = prop_feats_output.view(
            nfrms, nppf, prop_dim).detach().cpu().numpy()

        if save:
            np.save(out_file, prop_feats_output)

        return {
            'out_props': props_output,
            'recall': recall,
            'num_prop': nppf * nfrms,
            'num_gt': ngt