Ejemplo n.º 1
    async def anti_links(self, message):
        link = LINKS.findall(message.content)
        invites = INVITE.search(message.content)
        current = message.created_at.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).timestamp()
        reason = _('Spamming links')
        automod = cm.get(self.bot, 'automod', message.guild.id)
        antilinks = cm.get(self.bot, 'links', message.guild.id)

        if not antilinks:

        if invites:  # invites and links are different things

        if link:
            # was unable to figure out how to add links without multiplying.
            # if link_whitelist:
            #     for li in link_whitelist:
            #         if li in link:
            #             return
            #         else:
            #             pass
            content_bucket = self.link_cooldown.get_bucket(message)
            retry = content_bucket.update_rate_limit(current)
            if automod['delete_messages'] and message.channel.permissions_for(message.guild.me).manage_messages:
                await message.delete(silent=True)

            if retry:
                await self.execute_punishment(antilinks['level'], message, reason, btime.FutureTime(antilinks['time']))
Ejemplo n.º 2
    async def anti_spam(self, message):
        current = message.created_at.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).timestamp()
        reason = _("Spam (sending multiple messages in a short time span)")
        automod = cm.get(self.bot, 'automod', message.guild.id)
        antispam = cm.get(self.bot, 'spam', message.guild.id)

        if not antispam:

        content_bucket = self.messages_cooldown.get_bucket(message)
        if content_bucket.update_rate_limit(current):
            await self.execute_punishment(antispam['level'], message, reason, btime.FutureTime(antispam['time']))

        user_bucket = self.user_cooldowns.get_bucket(message)
        if user_bucket.update_rate_limit(current):
            await self.execute_punishment(antispam['level'], message, reason, btime.FutureTime(antispam['time']))
Ejemplo n.º 3
    async def anti_mentions(self, message):
        current = message.created_at.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).timestamp()
        reason = _('Spamming mentions')
        automod = cm.get(self.bot, 'automod', message.guild.id)
        massmention = cm.get(self.bot, 'massmention', message.guild.id)

        if not massmention:

        limit = massmention['limit']
        if len(message.mentions) > limit:
            content_bucket = self.mentions_limit.get_bucket(message)
            retry = content_bucket.update_rate_limit(current)
            if automod['delete_messages'] and message.channel.permissions_for(message.guild.me).manage_messages:
                await message.delete()

            if retry:
                await self.execute_punishment(massmention['level'], message, reason, btime.FutureTime(massmention['time']))
Ejemplo n.º 4
    async def anti_caps(self, message):
        cap = CAPS.findall(message.content)
        current = message.created_at.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).timestamp()
        reason = _('Spamming caps')
        automod = cm.get(self.bot, 'automod', message.guild.id)
        masscaps = cm.get(self.bot, 'masscaps', message.guild.id)

        if not masscaps:

        perc = masscaps['percentage'] / 100

        if len(cap) >= len(message.content) * perc and len(message.content) > 10:
            content_bucket = self.caps_content.get_bucket(message)
            retry = content_bucket.update_rate_limit(current)
            if automod['delete_messages'] and message.channel.permissions_for(message.guild.me).manage_messages:
                await message.delete()

            if retry:
                await self.execute_punishment(masscaps['level'], message, reason, btime.FutureTime(masscaps['time']))
Ejemplo n.º 5
    async def anti_invite(self, message):
        invites = INVITE.findall(message.content)
        current = message.created_at.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).timestamp()
        reason = _('Advertising')
        automod = cm.get(self.bot, 'automod', message.guild.id)
        antiinvite = cm.get(self.bot, 'invites', message.guild.id)

        if invites and antiinvite:
            content_bucket = self.invite_cooldown.get_bucket(message)
            the_invite = invites[0]
                invite = await self.bot.fetch_invite(the_invite)
                if invite.guild.id == message.guild.id and len(invites) == 1:
                if automod['delete_messages'] and message.channel.permissions_for(message.guild.me).manage_messages:
                    await message.delete()
            except Exception as e:

            retry = content_bucket.update_rate_limit(current)
            if retry:
                await self.execute_punishment(antiinvite['level'], message, reason, btime.FutureTime(antiinvite['time']))
Ejemplo n.º 6
    async def poll(self, ctx, *, data: str = None):
        creates a poll that allows your community to vote on whatever you are polling!
        requires the `Community Manager` role

        to create a poll, use the following format:
        !poll --title MyTitle --desc this is for a test --add :MyEmoji: - blue is better --add :MyOtherEmoji: - red is better
        +timer 1m
        all fields are optional. one field per line. you may add as many emojis as you wish. for info on the timer formatting, see the ``!help time`` command."
        if not data:
            await ctx.send_help(ctx.command)
        pdb = {"queries": {}, "end": 0, "endtxt": "", "title": "", "desc": "",
        "channel": ctx.channel.id, "msg": None}
        parser = Arguments()
        parser.add_argument("--title", "-t", nargs="+")
        parser.add_argument("--add", "-a", "--append", nargs="+", action="append")
        parser.add_argument("--timer", "-timer", nargs="+")
        parser.add_argument("--description", "--desc", "-d", nargs="+")
            parsed = parser.parse_args(parse.split(data))
        except Exception as e:
            return await ctx.send(str(e))
        if not parsed.add:
            return await ctx.send(f"No options passed!")
        for i in parsed.add:
            i = i[0]
            c = i.split()
            emoji = c[0]
            r = " ".join(c[1:])
                emoji = await commands.EmojiConverter().convert(ctx, emoji)
            except commands.BadArgument:
                if ":" in emoji:
                    return await ctx.send("unusable emoji!")
            pdb['queries'][emoji] = r
        if parsed.timer:
            c = btime.FutureTime(" ".join(parsed.timer))
            end = btime.human_timedelta(c.dt, brief=True)
            pdb['endtxt'] = end
            pdb['end'] = round(c.dt.timestamp())
        if parsed.description:
            pdb['desc'] = " ".join(parsed.description)
        if parsed.title:
            pdb['title'] = " ".join(parsed.title)
        e = discord.Embed()
        if pdb['end'] != 0 and pdb['desc']:
            e.description = pdb['desc'] + f"\n*poll will close after* "+pdb['endtxt']
        elif pdb['end'] != 0:
            e.description = f"*poll will close after* {pdb['endtxt']}"
        e.colour = discord.Color.purple()
        e.title = pdb['title']
        e.timestamp = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
        for emoji, desc in pdb['queries'].items():
                emoj = str(self.bot.get_emoji(int(emoji)))
                emoj = emoji
            e.add_field(name=desc, value=f"*react with* {emoj}", inline=False)
        v = await ctx.send(embed=e)
        pdb['msg'] = v.id
        id = str(uuid.uuid4())
        if pdb['end'] != 0:
            await self.db.execute("INSERT INTO polls "
                                      "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
                                      (ctx.guild.id, id, pdb['end'], pdb['endtxt'], pdb['title'], pdb['desc'], pdb['channel'], pdb['msg']))
            for emoji, desc in pdb['queries'].items():
                await self.db.execute("INSERT INTO poll_nodes VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)",
                                          (ctx.guild.id, id, str(emoji.id), desc))
        for emote in pdb['queries'].keys():
                r = self.bot.get_emoji(int(emote))
            except Exception:
                r = emote
            await v.add_reaction(r)