Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _filterOtherRectangles(self):
        filtered_rectangle_centres = []
        contains_map = {}
        # The ratio between the hole length + the horizontal space and the hole length
        model_hole_space_ratio = (self._model.hole_length + self._model.hole_h_space) / self._model.hole_length
        model_length_width_ratio = (self._model.hole_length / self._model.hole_width)
        for centre in self._filtered_rectangle_centres:
            if not contains_map.get(centre, False):
                box = self._boxes[self._centres_to_indices[centre]]
                ((box_vector, box_length), (_, box_width)) = geom.get_box_info(box)
                max_distance = 0.5 * box_length
                # If the rectangle is not too small and the length/width ratio is the ratio expected by the _model
                if box_length > 30 and geom.are_ratio_similar(box_length / box_width, model_length_width_ratio, 1.75):
                    for other_centre in self._filtered_rectangle_centres:
                        if other_centre is not centre:
                            other_box = self._boxes[self._centres_to_indices[other_centre]]
                            ((other_box_vector, other_box_length),(_, other_box_width)) = geom.get_box_info(other_box)
                            centres_vector = geom.vectorize(centre, other_centre)
                            # If the other rectangle is not too small and the length/width ratio
                            #   is the ratio expected by the _model
                            #   and : the two rectangle have the same length
                            #   and : the distance between the _rectangles is the distance expected by the _model
                            #   and : the vector of the long_side of the rectangle and the vector that binds the
                            #       two centres is approximately parallel
                            if other_box_length > 30 \
                                    and geom.are_ratio_similar(other_box_length / other_box_width,
                                                               model_length_width_ratio, 1.75) \
                                    and geom.are_vectors_similar(box_vector, other_box_vector, max_distance,
                                                                 signed=False) \
                                    and geom.are_ratio_similar(np.linalg.norm(centres_vector) / box_length,
                                                               model_hole_space_ratio, 0.25) \
                                    and geom.are_vectors_parallel(box_vector, centres_vector, 0.4):

                                if not contains_map.get(centre, False):
                                    contains_map[centre] = True
                                if not contains_map.get(other_centre, False):
                                    contains_map[other_centre] = True
        return filtered_rectangle_centres
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def _findHamcodesRectangles(self):
     hamcodes_id_to_rect_centres = {}
     for hamcode in self._hamcodes:
         hamcode.contours = geom.sort_rectangle_corners(hamcode.contours)
         ham_long_vector = geom.vectorize(hamcode.contours[0], hamcode.contours[1])
         for rect_centre in self._filtered_rectangle_centres:
             ((long_vector, long_norm), (_, _)) = geom.get_box_info(self._boxes[self._centres_to_indices[rect_centre]])
             if geom.are_vectors_parallel(long_vector, ham_long_vector, 0.25):
                 hamcode_vector = geom.vectorize(hamcode.contours[0], hamcode.contours[1])
                 centers_vector = geom.vectorize(hamcode.center, rect_centre)
                 model_ratio = (self._model.hamcode_v_margin + (self._model.hamcode_side / 2.)
                                - self._model.hole_v_margin - (self._model.hole_width / 2.)) / self._model.hamcode_side
                 image_ratio = np.linalg.norm(centers_vector) / np.linalg.norm(hamcode_vector)
                 if geom.are_ratio_similar(image_ratio, model_ratio, 1.3):
                     hamcodes_id_to_rect_centres[hamcode.id] = rect_centre
     return hamcodes_id_to_rect_centres