Ejemplo n.º 1
            if "Server Download" in " ".join(" ".join(
        if len(urls) >= 1:
            if len(urls) > 1:
                    "WARNING: Multiple download urls found choosing first found."
            return urls[0]
    return None

command_args = command_args.copy()
command_args["setup"] = CmdSpec(
        ArgSpec("PORT", "The port for the server to listen on", int),
        ArgSpec("DIR", "The Directory to install minecraft in", str),
        "u", ["url"],
        "Url to download tekkit from. See http://www.technicpack.net/modpack/tekkitmain.552547 for latest download.",
        "url", "URL", str),
         "p", ["modpack"],
         "Url for the modpack page. Used to locate the latest server url.",
         "modpack_url", "URL", str)))

def configure(server,
Ejemplo n.º 2
      for l in f:
        if m is not None and m.group(1) in settings:
          del settings[m.group(1)]
  for k,v in settings.items():
  with open(filename,"w") as f:

command_args={"setup":CmdSpec(optionalarguments=(ArgSpec("PORT","The port for the server to listen on",int),ArgSpec("DIR","The Directory to install minecraft in",str),),
                              options=(OptSpec("l",["eula"],"Mark the eula as read","eula",None,True),)),
              "op":CmdSpec(requiredarguments=(ArgSpec("USER","The user[s] to op",str),),repeatable=True),
              "deop":CmdSpec(requiredarguments=(ArgSpec("USER","The user[s] to deop",str),),repeatable=True),
              "message":CmdSpec(optionalarguments=(ArgSpec("TARGET","The user[s] to send the message to. Sends to all if none given.",str),),repeatable=True,
                      options=(OptSpec("p",["parse"],"Parse the message for selectors (otherwise prints directly).","parse",None,True),)),
              "backup":CmdSpec(optionalarguments=(ArgSpec("PROFILE","Do a backup using the specified profile",str),),
                               options=(OptSpec("a",["activate"],"Activate regular backups. Valid values for frequency are 'daily', 'weekly', 'monthly' and 'yearly' or 'none' to disable",'activate',"FREQUENCY",str),
                                       OptSpec("d",["deactivate"],"Deactivate regular backups. Equivelent to --activate none",'activate',None,'none'),
                                       OptSpec("w",["when"],"When should the regular backups take place. Valid format is 'hour[:minute][ DATE]' where DATE is the day of the week (3 letter names accepted) for "
                                           "weekly, the day of the month for monthly, the day and month (3 letter names accepted for month) for yearly backups and not allowed for daily backups",'when','WHEN',str)))}
command_descriptions={'set':"The available keys to set are:\texe_name: (1 value) the name of the jar file to execute\n\tbackup.profiles.PROFILENAME.targets: (many values) the "
                            "targets to include in a backup using the specified profile\n\tbackup.profiles.PROFILENAME.exclusions: (many values) patterns that match files to "
                            "exclude from a backup using the specified profile\n\tbackup.profiles.PROFILENAME.base: (one value) the name of a profile that this profile extends\n\t"
                            "backups.profiles.PROFILENAME.replace_targets and backups.profiles.PROFILENAME.replace_exclusions: (one value: on/off) Should the relevent entry "
                            "replace the base rather than extend the bases value\n\tbackups.profiles.PROFILENAME.lifetime: (two values: length year,month,week,day) How long "
Ejemplo n.º 3
import downloader
import utils.updatefs
from utils.cmdparse.cmdspec import CmdSpec, OptSpec, ArgSpec
from utils import backups
from utils import updatefs
import random

from utils.fileutils import make_empty_file

import utils.steamcmd as steamcmd

steam_app_id = 740
steam_anonymous_login_possible = True

commands = ("update", "restart")
command_args={"setup":CmdSpec(optionalarguments=(ArgSpec("PORT","The port for the server to listen on",int),ArgSpec("DIR","The Directory to install minecraft in",str),)),
        "update":CmdSpec(options=(OptSpec("v",["validate"],"Validate the server files after updating",'validate',None,True), \
                OptSpec("r",["restart"],"Restarts the server upon updating",'restart',None,True),)),

# required still
command_descriptions = {
    "update": "Updates the game server to the latest version.",
    "restart": "Restarts the game server without killing the process."

# required still
command_descriptions = {}
command_functions = {}  # will have elements added as the functions are defined

max_stop_wait = 1
Ejemplo n.º 4
class Server(object):
    """An object that represents a game server
    Each instance of this class corresponds to a specific game server with a specified backend.

    Class Attributes: (DO NOT CHANGE)
        default_commands: the default list of commands that all servers handle.
        default_command_args: the default arguments for each of the commands specified in this package.
                    More arguments can be specified by the backend module but these are required to be optional.
        default_command_description: the default description for each of the commands specified in this package.
                    Extra description can be provided by the backend module which is appended to this description.
    Instance Attributes:
        self.name: the name of this server. DO NOT CHANGE
        self.module: the module object for the backend of this server. DO NOT CHANGE
        self.data: the backend data store for this server. DO NOT REPLACE

    default_commands = ("setup", "start", "stop", "activate", "deactivate",
                        "status", "message", "connect", "dump", "set",
    default_command_args = {
            "n", ["noask"], "Don't ask for input. Just fail if we can't cope",
            "ask", None, False), )),
            "d", ["delay"], "Delay starting the server just setup the crontab",
            "start", None, False), )),
            OptSpec("d", ["delay"],
                    "Delay stopping the server just remove the crontab",
                    "stop", None, False), )),
            "v", ["verbose"],
            "Verbose status. argument is the level from 0 (normal) to 3 (max)",
            "verbose", "LEVEL", int), )),
            ArgSpec("MESSAGE", "The message to send", str), )),
                "KEY", "The key to set in the form of dot seperated elements",
                str), ),
                "The value to set. New nodes in the structure will be created as needed. "
                "Exactly how many values can be specified is KEY dependant.",
                str), ),
    default_command_descriptions = {
        "Setup the game server.\nThis will include processing the required settings,"
        " downloading or copying any needed files and doing any setup task so that a"
        " 'start' should work.\nIf noask is specified then this may fail if extra "
        "game server dependant settings are not provided.",
        "Start the server.",
        "Stop the server.",
        "Set the server to restart on reboots and start now unless --delay is specified.",
        "Stop the server from restarting on reboots and stop now unless --delay is specified.",
        "Check the status of the server. At the minimum will report if the server is running.",
        "Message the server. By default sends the message to all users.",
        "Connect to the server's console session.",
        "Dump the servers data store.",
        "Set a parameter in data store to a new value.\nFor keys that index into lists the special entry 'APPEND' my be used to create a new "
        "entry at the end of the list. Also for some keys value 'DELETE' is a value that causes the entry to be deleted.\n\n"
        "Which values are changable is game module dependent",
        "Backup the game server"

    def __init__(self, name, module=None):
        """Initialise this Server object.
        If module is not None this is a new Server so initialise it with a data store containing
        only the module name otherwise load the data from the data store and use the module specified there.
        Raises a ServerError if we can't load the data store or if the module isn't specified or can't be loaded.
        self.name = name
        if module is not None:
            if not os.path.isdir(DATAPATH):
                except OSError:
                    raise ServerError(
                        "Data Path doesn't exist and can't create it",
            self.data = data.JSONDataStore(
                os.path.join(DATAPATH, name + ".json"), {"module": module})
            except IOError as ex:
                raise ServerError("Error saving initial data", ex)
                self.data = data.JSONDataStore(
                    os.path.join(DATAPATH, name + ".json"))
            except (IOError, data.DataError) as ex:
                raise ServerError("Error reading data", ex)
        if "module" not in self.data:
            raise ServerError("Invalid data store: No module specified")
        truename, self.module = _findmodule(self.data["module"])
        if truename != self.data["module"]:
            print("Module has been redirected. Actual module is '" + truename +
                  "'. Saving to data store.")
            self.data["module"] = truename

    def get_commands(self):
        """Get a list of all the commands available for this server"""
        return self.default_commands + self.module.commands

    def get_command_args(self, command):
        """Get the full argument spec for the command specified on this server"""
        args = self.default_command_args.get(command, None)
        extra_args = self.module.command_args.get(command, None)
        if args is None:
            return extra_args
        return args.combine(extra_args)

    def get_command_description(self, command):
        """Get the complete description for the command specified for this server"""
        desc = self.default_command_descriptions.get(command, None)
        extra_desc = self.module.command_descriptions.get(command, None)
        if extra_desc is not None:
            if desc is None:
                desc = extra_desc
                desc = desc + "\n\n" + extra_desc
        return desc

    def run_command(self, command, *args, **kwargs):
        """Run the specified command with the specified arguments on this server
        This raises ServerError if the command can't be found or the server state isnt valid
        for the requested command (e.g. stop command on a server that isn't running).

        It can also raise AttributeError if the backend modules doesn't provide some of the
        required functions. It can also raise other Exceptions if the arguments don't match those
        required by either this or the backend module
        if command in self.default_commands:
            if command == "setup":
                self.setup(*args, **kwargs)
            elif command == "start":
                self.start(*args, **kwargs)
            elif command == "stop":
                self.stop(*args, **kwargs)
            elif command == "activate":
                self.activate(*args, **kwargs)
            elif command == "deactivate":
                self.deactivate(*args, **kwargs)
            elif command == "status":
                self.status(*args, **kwargs)
            elif command == "message":
                self.module.message(self, *args, **kwargs)
            elif command == "connect":
                self.connect(*args, **kwargs)
            elif command == "dump":
                self.dump(*args, **kwargs)
            elif command == "set":
                self.doset(*args, **kwargs)
            elif command == "backup":
                self.module.backup(self, *args, **kwargs)
        elif command in self.module.commands:
            self.module.command_functions[command](self, *args, **kwargs)
            raise ServerError("Unknown command '" + command +
                              "' can't be executed. Please check the help")

    def setup(self, *args, ask=True, **kwargs):
        """Setup this server. Once this returns the server should be ready to start."""
        args, kwargs = self.module.configure(self, ask, *args, **kwargs)
        self.module.install(self, *args, **kwargs)

    def start(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Start a server. Won't start it if the server is already running."""
        if screen.check_screen_exists(self.name):
            raise ServerError(
                "Error: Can't start server that is already running")
            prestart = self.module.prestart
        except AttributeError:
            prestart(*args, **kwargs)
        cmd, cwd = self.module.get_start_command(self, *args, **kwargs)
        screen.start_screen(self.name, cmd, cwd=cwd)
            poststart = self.module.poststart
        except AttributeError:
            poststart(*args, **kwargs)

    def stop(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Stop the server. If the server can't be stopped even after multiple attempts then raises a ServerError"""
        if not screen.check_screen_exists(self.name):
            raise ServerError("Error: Can't stop a server that isn't running")
        jmax = 5
            jmax = min(jmax, self.module.max_stop_wait)
        except AttributeError:
        print("Will try and stop server for " + str(jmax) + " minutes")
        for j in range(jmax):
            self.module.do_stop(self, j, *args, **kwargs)
            for i in range(6):
                if not screen.check_screen_exists(self.name):
                    return  # session doesn't exist so success
            if not screen.check_screen_exists(self.name):
            print("Server isn't stopping after " + str(j + 1) + " minutes")
        print("Killing Server")
        screen.send_to_screen(self.name, ["quit"])
        if screen.check_screen_exists(self.name):
            raise ServerError("Error can't kill server")

    def status(self, *args, verbose=0, **kwargs):
        """Print the status of the server. At the least shows if there is a server screen session running"""
        if not screen.check_screen_exists(self.name):
            print("Server isn't running as no screen session")
            print("Server is running as screen session exists")
            if verbose > 0:
                self.module.status(self, verbose, *args, **kwargs)

    def connect(self):
        """Connect to the screen session to manually interact with the server"""

    def dump(self):
        """Dump of the data in the data store"""

    def doset(self, key, *args, **kwargs):
        """Set a value in the data store. The value will be check and post set actions may be run"""
        types, key = _parsekey(key)
        value = self.module.checkvalue(self, key, *args, **kwargs)
        data = self.data
        for t, el in zip(types[1:], key[:-1]):
            if el is None:
                print("Appending", el, t)
                data = data[-1]
                if isinstance(data, MappingABC) and el not in data:
                    print("Adding as absent", el, t)
                    data[el] = t()
                data = data[el]
        if value == "DELETE":
            del data[key[-1]]
        elif key[-1] is None:
            data[key[-1]] = value
            fn = self.module.postset
        except AttributeError:
            fn(server, key, *args, **kwargs)

    def activate(self, start=True):
        """Activate the server by enabling it in crontab and optionally starting it if not already running"""
        from core import program
        programpath = program.PATH
        ct = crontab.CronTab(user=True)
        jobs = ((job, _parsecmd(job.command.split())) for job in ct
                if job.is_enabled() and job.slices.special == "@reboot"
                and job.command.startswith(programpath))
        jobs = [(job, cmd[1]) for job, cmd in jobs
                if cmd[0] == programpath and cmd[2:] == ["start"]]
        if any(self.name in servers for job, servers in jobs):
            print("Server is already active. Can't activate again")
        elif len(jobs) > 0:
            job, servers = jobs[0]
            job.command = programpath + " " + str(
                len(servers)) + " " + " ".join(servers) + " start"
            ct.new(command=programpath + " " + self.name +
                   " start").every_reboot()
        if start and not screen.check_screen_exists(self.name):

    def deactivate(self, stop=True):
        """Activate the server by disabling it in crontab and optionally stopping it if it is running"""
        from core import program
        programpath = program.PATH
        if stop and screen.check_screen_exists(self.name):
        ct = crontab.CronTab(user=True)
        jobs = ((job, _parsecmd(job.command.split())) for job in ct
                if job.is_enabled() and job.slices.special == "@reboot"
                and job.command.startswith(programpath))
        jobs = [(job, cmd[1]) for job, cmd in jobs if cmd[0] == programpath
                and self.name in cmd[1] and cmd[2:] == ["start"]]
        if len(jobs) == 0:
            print("Server isn't active. Can't deactivate")
            for job, servers in jobs:
                if len(servers) == 1:
                    job.command = programpath + " " + str(
                        len(servers)) + " " + " ".join(servers) + " start"
Ejemplo n.º 5
import json
import time
import datetime
import subprocess as sp
from server import ServerError
import re
import screen
import downloader
import utils.updatefs
from utils.cmdparse.cmdspec import CmdSpec, OptSpec, ArgSpec

commands = ()
command_args = {
        ArgSpec("DIR", "The Directory to install minecraft in", str), ))
command_descriptions = {}
command_functions = {}

def configure(server, ask, port=None, dir=None, *, exe_name="BungeeCord.jar"):
    if dir is None:
        if "dir" in server.data and server.data["dir"] is not None:
            dir = server.data["dir"]
            dir = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join("~", server.name))
        if ask:
            inp = input(
                "Where would you like to install the minecraft server: [" +
                dir + "] ").strip()