Ejemplo n.º 1
	def setup_pair(self, object_rois, relationship_rois, scores_object, scores_relationship,
		# overlaps: (rois x gt_boxes)
		roi_num = min(cfg.TEST.MPN_BBOX_NUM, object_rois.size(0))
		rois = object_rois[:roi_num, :]
		relationship_num = min(cfg.TEST.MPN_REGION_NUM, relationship_rois.size(0))
		relationship_rois = relationship_rois[:relationship_num, :]

		subject_inds, object_inds, pair_rois = compare_rel_rois(
			rois, relationship_rois, scores_object[:roi_num], scores_relationship[:relationship_num],
			topN_obj=cfg.TEST.MPN_BBOX_NUM, topN_rel=cfg.TEST.MPN_REGION_NUM, obj_rel_thresh=cfg.TEST.MPN_OBJ_REL_THRESH,
			max_objects=cfg.TEST.MPN_MAX_OBJECTS, topN_covers=cfg.TEST.MPN_COVER_NUM, cover_thresh=cfg.TEST.MPN_MAKE_COVER_THRESH)

		subject_inds, object_inds, pair_rois = subject_inds.cpu().numpy(), object_inds.cpu().numpy(), pair_rois.data.cpu().numpy()

		subject_inds, object_inds = np.append(subject_inds, object_inds), np.append(object_inds, subject_inds)
		pair_rois = np.vstack((pair_rois, pair_rois))

		mat_phrase = np.zeros((subject_inds.size, 2), dtype=np.int64)
		mat_phrase[:, 0] = subject_inds
		mat_phrase[:, 1] = object_inds

		mat_object = np.zeros((roi_num, 2, pair_rois.shape[0]), dtype=np.int64)
		for i in range(pair_rois.shape[0]):
			mat_object[subject_inds[i], 0, i] = 1
			mat_object[object_inds[i], 1, i] = 1

		overlaps_phrase = bbox_intersections(
			np.ascontiguousarray(relationship_rois.data.cpu().numpy()[:, 1:5], dtype=np.float),
			np.ascontiguousarray(pair_rois[:, 1:5], dtype=np.float))

		max_overlaps_phrase = overlaps_phrase.max(axis=1)

		if graph_generation:
			keep_inds = np.where(max_overlaps_phrase >= cfg.TEST.MPN_PHRASE_REGION_OVERLAP_THRESH)[0]
			keep_inds = range(relationship_rois.size(0))

		relationship_rois = relationship_rois[keep_inds, :]

		mat_region = (overlaps_phrase[keep_inds, :] > cfg.TEST.MPN_PHRASE_REGION_OVERLAP_THRESH).astype(np.int64)
		mat_phrase = np.concatenate((mat_phrase, mat_region.transpose()), 1)

		return rois, pair_rois, relationship_rois, mat_object, mat_phrase, mat_region
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def forward(self, bottom, top):
        # Algorithm:
        # for each (H, W) location i
        #   generate 9 anchor boxes centered on cell i
        #   apply predicted bbox deltas at cell i to each of the 9 anchors
        # filter out-of-image anchors
        # measure GT overlap

        assert bottom[0].data.shape[0] == 1, \
            'Only single item batches are supported'

        # map of shape (..., H, W)
        height, width = bottom[0].data.shape[-2:]
        # GT boxes (x1, y1, x2, y2, label)
        gt_boxes = bottom[1].data
        # im_info
        im_info = bottom[2].data[0, :]

        gt_ishard = bottom[4].data
        dontcare_areas = bottom[5].data

        if DEBUG:
            print('im_size: ({}, {})'.format(im_info[0], im_info[1]))
            print('scale: {}'.format(im_info[2]))
            print('height, width: ({}, {})'.format(height, width))
            print('rpn: gt_boxes.shape', gt_boxes.shape)
            print('rpn: gt_boxes', gt_boxes)

        # 1. Generate proposals from bbox deltas and shifted anchors
        shift_x = np.arange(0, width) * self._feat_stride
        shift_y = np.arange(0, height) * self._feat_stride
        shift_x, shift_y = np.meshgrid(shift_x, shift_y)
        shifts = np.vstack((shift_x.ravel(), shift_y.ravel(),
                            shift_x.ravel(), shift_y.ravel())).transpose()
        # add A anchors (1, A, 4) to
        # cell K shifts (K, 1, 4) to get
        # shift anchors (K, A, 4)
        # reshape to (K*A, 4) shifted anchors
        A = self._num_anchors
        K = shifts.shape[0]
        all_anchors = (self._anchors.reshape((1, A, 4)) +
                       shifts.reshape((1, K, 4)).transpose((1, 0, 2)))
        all_anchors = all_anchors.reshape((K * A, 4))
        total_anchors = int(K * A)

        # only keep anchors inside the image
        inds_inside = np.where(
            (all_anchors[:, 0] >= -self._allowed_border) &
            (all_anchors[:, 1] >= -self._allowed_border) &
            (all_anchors[:, 2] < im_info[1] + self._allowed_border) &  # width
            (all_anchors[:, 3] < im_info[0] + self._allowed_border)    # height

        if DEBUG:
            print('total_anchors', total_anchors)
            print('inds_inside', len(inds_inside))

        # keep only inside anchors
        anchors = all_anchors[inds_inside, :]
        if DEBUG:
            print('anchors.shape', anchors.shape)

        # label: 1 is positive, 0 is negative, -1 is dont care
        labels = np.empty((len(inds_inside), ), dtype=np.float32)

        # overlaps between the anchors and the gt boxes
        # overlaps (ex, gt)
        overlaps = bbox_overlaps(
            np.ascontiguousarray(anchors, dtype=np.float),
            np.ascontiguousarray(gt_boxes, dtype=np.float))
        argmax_overlaps = overlaps.argmax(axis=1)
        max_overlaps = overlaps[np.arange(len(inds_inside)), argmax_overlaps]
        gt_argmax_overlaps = overlaps.argmax(axis=0)
        gt_max_overlaps = overlaps[gt_argmax_overlaps,
        gt_argmax_overlaps = np.where(overlaps == gt_max_overlaps)[0]

            # assign bg labels first so that positive labels can clobber them
            labels[max_overlaps < cfg.TRAIN.RPN_NEGATIVE_OVERLAP] = 0

        # fg label: for each gt, anchor with highest overlap
        labels[gt_argmax_overlaps] = 1

        # fg label: above threshold IOU
        labels[max_overlaps >= cfg.TRAIN.RPN_POSITIVE_OVERLAP] = 1

            # assign bg labels last so that negative labels can clobber positives
            labels[max_overlaps < cfg.TRAIN.RPN_NEGATIVE_OVERLAP] = 0

        # preclude dontcare areas
        if dontcare_areas is not None and dontcare_areas.shape[0] > 0:
            # intersec shape is D x A
            intersecs = bbox_intersections(
                np.ascontiguousarray(dontcare_areas, dtype=np.float),  # D x 4
                np.ascontiguousarray(anchors, dtype=np.float)  # A x 4
            intersecs_ = intersecs.sum(axis=0)  # A x 1
            labels[intersecs_ > cfg.TRAIN.DONTCARE_AREA_INTERSECTION_HI] = -1

        # preclude hard samples that are highly occlusioned, truncated or difficult to see
        if cfg.TRAIN.PRECLUDE_HARD_SAMPLES and gt_ishard is not None and gt_ishard.shape[0] > 0:
            assert gt_ishard.shape[0] == gt_boxes.shape[0]
            gt_ishard = gt_ishard.astype(int)
            gt_hardboxes = gt_boxes[gt_ishard == 1, :]
            if gt_hardboxes.shape[0] > 0:
                # H x A
                hard_overlaps = bbox_overlaps(
                    np.ascontiguousarray(gt_hardboxes, dtype=np.float),  # H x 4
                    np.ascontiguousarray(anchors, dtype=np.float))  # A x 4
                hard_max_overlaps = hard_overlaps.max(axis=0)  # (A)
                labels[hard_max_overlaps >= cfg.TRAIN.RPN_POSITIVE_OVERLAP] = -1
                max_intersec_label_inds = hard_overlaps.argmax(axis=1)  # H x 1
                labels[max_intersec_label_inds] = -1  #

        # subsample positive labels if we have too many
        num_fg = int(cfg.TRAIN.RPN_FG_FRACTION * cfg.TRAIN.RPN_BATCHSIZE)
        fg_inds = np.where(labels == 1)[0]
        if len(fg_inds) > num_fg:
            disable_inds = npr.choice(
                fg_inds, size=(len(fg_inds) - num_fg), replace=False)
            labels[disable_inds] = -1

        # subsample negative labels if we have too many
        num_bg = cfg.TRAIN.RPN_BATCHSIZE - np.sum(labels == 1)
        bg_inds = np.where(labels == 0)[0]
        if len(bg_inds) > num_bg:
            disable_inds = npr.choice(
                bg_inds, size=(len(bg_inds) - num_bg), replace=False)
            labels[disable_inds] = -1
            #print "was %s inds, disabling %s, now %s inds" % (
                #len(bg_inds), len(disable_inds), np.sum(labels == 0))

        bbox_targets = np.zeros((len(inds_inside), 4), dtype=np.float32)
        bbox_targets = _compute_targets(anchors, gt_boxes[argmax_overlaps, :])

        bbox_inside_weights = np.zeros((len(inds_inside), 4), dtype=np.float32)
        bbox_inside_weights[labels == 1, :] = np.array(cfg.TRAIN.RPN_BBOX_INSIDE_WEIGHTS)

        bbox_outside_weights = np.zeros((len(inds_inside), 4), dtype=np.float32)
        if cfg.TRAIN.RPN_POSITIVE_WEIGHT < 0:
            # uniform weighting of examples (given non-uniform sampling)
            num_examples = np.sum(labels >= 0)
            positive_weights = np.ones((1, 4)) * 1.0 / num_examples
            negative_weights = np.ones((1, 4)) * 1.0 / num_examples
            assert ((cfg.TRAIN.RPN_POSITIVE_WEIGHT > 0) &
                    (cfg.TRAIN.RPN_POSITIVE_WEIGHT < 1))
            positive_weights = (cfg.TRAIN.RPN_POSITIVE_WEIGHT /
                                np.sum(labels == 1))
            negative_weights = ((1.0 - cfg.TRAIN.RPN_POSITIVE_WEIGHT) /
                                np.sum(labels == 0))
        bbox_outside_weights[labels == 1, :] = positive_weights
        bbox_outside_weights[labels == 0, :] = negative_weights

        if DEBUG:
            self._sums += bbox_targets[labels == 1, :].sum(axis=0)
            self._squared_sums += (bbox_targets[labels == 1, :] ** 2).sum(axis=0)
            self._counts += np.sum(labels == 1)
            means = self._sums / self._counts
            stds = np.sqrt(self._squared_sums / self._counts - means ** 2)

        # map up to original set of anchors
        labels = _unmap(labels, total_anchors, inds_inside, fill=-1)
        bbox_targets = _unmap(bbox_targets, total_anchors, inds_inside, fill=0)
        bbox_inside_weights = _unmap(bbox_inside_weights, total_anchors, inds_inside, fill=0)
        bbox_outside_weights = _unmap(bbox_outside_weights, total_anchors, inds_inside, fill=0)

        if DEBUG:
            print('rpn: max max_overlap', np.max(max_overlaps))
            print('rpn: num_positive', np.sum(labels == 1))
            print('rpn: num_negative', np.sum(labels == 0))
            self._fg_sum += np.sum(labels == 1)
            self._bg_sum += np.sum(labels == 0)
            self._count += 1
            print('rpn: num_positive avg', self._fg_sum / self._count)
            print('rpn: num_negative avg', self._bg_sum / self._count)

        # labels
        labels = labels.reshape((1, height, width, A)).transpose(0, 3, 1, 2)
        labels = labels.reshape((1, 1, A * height, width))
        top[0].data[...] = labels

        # bbox_targets
        bbox_targets = bbox_targets \
            .reshape((1, height, width, A * 4)).transpose(0, 3, 1, 2)
        top[1].data[...] = bbox_targets

        # bbox_inside_weights
        bbox_inside_weights = bbox_inside_weights \
            .reshape((1, height, width, A * 4)).transpose(0, 3, 1, 2)
        assert bbox_inside_weights.shape[2] == height
        assert bbox_inside_weights.shape[3] == width
        top[2].data[...] = bbox_inside_weights

        # bbox_outside_weights
        bbox_outside_weights = bbox_outside_weights \
            .reshape((1, height, width, A * 4)).transpose(0, 3, 1, 2)
        assert bbox_outside_weights.shape[2] == height
        assert bbox_outside_weights.shape[3] == width
        top[3].data[...] = bbox_outside_weights
Ejemplo n.º 3
def _sample_rois(all_rois, gt_boxes, gt_ishard, dontcare_areas,
                 fg_rois_per_image, rois_per_image, num_classes):
    """Generate a random sample of RoIs comprising foreground and background
    # overlaps: (rois x gt_boxes)
    overlaps = bbox_overlaps(
        np.ascontiguousarray(all_rois[:, 1:5], dtype=np.float),
        np.ascontiguousarray(gt_boxes[:, :4], dtype=np.float))
    gt_assignment = overlaps.argmax(axis=1)
    max_overlaps = overlaps.max(axis=1)
    labels = gt_boxes[gt_assignment, 4]

    # preclude hard samples
    ignore_inds = np.empty(shape=(0), dtype=int)
    if cfg.TRAIN.PRECLUDE_HARD_SAMPLES and gt_ishard is not None and gt_ishard.shape[
            0] > 0:
        gt_ishard = gt_ishard.astype(int)
        gt_hardboxes = gt_boxes[gt_ishard == 1, :]
        if gt_hardboxes.shape[0] > 0:
            # R x H
            hard_overlaps = bbox_overlaps(
                np.ascontiguousarray(all_rois[:, 1:5], dtype=np.float),
                np.ascontiguousarray(gt_hardboxes[:, :4], dtype=np.float))
            hard_max_overlaps = hard_overlaps.max(axis=1)  # R x 1
            # hard_gt_assignment = hard_overlaps.argmax(axis=0)  # H
            ignore_inds = np.append(
                np.where(hard_max_overlaps >= cfg.TRAIN.FG_THRESH)[0])
            # if DEBUG:
            #     if ignore_inds.size > 1:
            #         print 'num hard: {:d}:'.format(ignore_inds.size)
            #         print 'hard box:', gt_hardboxes
            #         print 'rois: '
            #         print all_rois[ignore_inds]

    # preclude dontcare areas
    if dontcare_areas is not None and dontcare_areas.shape[0] > 0:
        # intersec shape is D x R
        intersecs = bbox_intersections(
            np.ascontiguousarray(dontcare_areas, dtype=np.float),  # D x 4
            np.ascontiguousarray(all_rois[:, 1:5], dtype=np.float)  # R x 4
        intersecs_sum = intersecs.sum(axis=0)  # R x 1
        ignore_inds = np.append(
                intersecs_sum > cfg.TRAIN.DONTCARE_AREA_INTERSECTION_HI)[0])
        # if ignore_inds.size >= 1:
        #     print 'num dontcare: {:d}:'.format(ignore_inds.size)
        #     print 'dontcare box:', dontcare_areas.astype(int)
        #     print 'rois: '
        #     print all_rois[ignore_inds].astype(int)

    # Select foreground RoIs as those with >= FG_THRESH overlap
    fg_inds = np.where(max_overlaps >= cfg.TRAIN.FG_THRESH)[0]
    fg_inds = np.setdiff1d(fg_inds, ignore_inds)
    # Guard against the case when an image has fewer than fg_rois_per_image
    # foreground RoIs
    fg_rois_per_this_image = min(fg_rois_per_image, fg_inds.size)
    # Sample foreground regions without replacement
    if fg_inds.size > 0:
        fg_inds = npr.choice(fg_inds,

    # Select background RoIs as those within [BG_THRESH_LO, BG_THRESH_HI)
    bg_inds = np.where((max_overlaps < cfg.TRAIN.BG_THRESH_HI)
                       & (max_overlaps >= cfg.TRAIN.BG_THRESH_LO))[0]
    bg_inds = np.setdiff1d(bg_inds, ignore_inds)
    # Compute number of background RoIs to take from this image (guarding
    # against there being fewer than desired)
    bg_rois_per_this_image = rois_per_image - fg_rois_per_this_image
    bg_rois_per_this_image = min(bg_rois_per_this_image, bg_inds.size)
    # Sample background regions without replacement
    if bg_inds.size > 0:
        bg_inds = npr.choice(bg_inds,

    # The indices that we're selecting (both fg and bg)
    keep_inds = np.append(fg_inds, bg_inds)
    # Select sampled values from various arrays:
    labels = labels[keep_inds]
    # Clamp labels for the background RoIs to 0
    labels[int(fg_rois_per_this_image):] = 0
    rois = all_rois[keep_inds]

    bbox_target_data = _compute_targets(rois[:, 1:5],
                                        gt_boxes[gt_assignment[keep_inds], :4],

    bbox_targets, bbox_inside_weights = \
        _get_bbox_regression_labels(bbox_target_data, num_classes)

    return labels, rois, bbox_targets, bbox_inside_weights
Ejemplo n.º 4
def anchor_target_layer(rpn_cls_score, gt_boxes, gt_ishard, dontcare_areas, im_info, _feat_stride=[16, ],
                        anchor_scales=[4, 8, 16, 32]):
    Assign anchors to ground-truth targets. Produces anchor classification
    labels and bounding-box regression targets.
    rpn_cls_score: for pytorch (1, Ax2, H, W) bg/fg scores of previous conv layer
    gt_boxes: (G, 5) vstack of [x1, y1, x2, y2, class]
    gt_ishard: (G, 1), 1 or 0 indicates difficult or not
    dontcare_areas: (D, 4), some areas may contains small objs but no labelling. D may be 0
    im_info: a list of [image_height, image_width, scale_ratios]
    _feat_stride: the downsampling ratio of feature map to the original input image
    anchor_scales: the scales to the basic_anchor (basic anchor is [16, 16])
    rpn_labels : (HxWxA, 1), for each anchor, 0 denotes bg, 1 fg, -1 dontcare
    rpn_bbox_targets: (HxWxA, 4), distances of the anchors to the gt_boxes(may contains some transform)
                            that are the regression objectives
    rpn_bbox_inside_weights: (HxWxA, 4) weights of each boxes, mainly accepts hyper param in cfg
    rpn_bbox_outside_weights: (HxWxA, 4) used to balance the fg/bg,
                            beacuse the numbers of bgs and fgs mays significiantly different
    _anchors = generate_anchors(scales=np.array(anchor_scales))
    _num_anchors = _anchors.shape[0]

    if DEBUG:
        print ('anchors:')
        print (_anchors)
        print ('anchor shapes:')
        print (np.hstack((
            _anchors[:, 2::4] - _anchors[:, 0::4],
            _anchors[:, 3::4] - _anchors[:, 1::4],
        _counts = cfg.EPS
        _sums = np.zeros((1, 4))
        _squared_sums = np.zeros((1, 4))
        _fg_sum = 0
        _bg_sum = 0
        _count = 0

    # allow boxes to sit over the edge by a small amount
    _allowed_border = 0
    # map of shape (..., H, W)
    # height, width = rpn_cls_score.shape[1:3]

    im_info = im_info[0]

    # Algorithm:
    # for each (H, W) location i
    #   generate 9 anchor boxes centered on cell i
    #   apply predicted bbox deltas at cell i to each of the 9 anchors
    # filter out-of-image anchors
    # measure GT overlap

    assert rpn_cls_score.shape[0] == 1, \
        'Only single item batches are supported'

    # map of shape (..., H, W)
    # pytorch (bs, c, h, w)
    height, width = rpn_cls_score.shape[2:4]

    if DEBUG:
        print ('AnchorTargetLayer: height', height, 'width', width)
        print ('')
        print ('im_size: ({}, {})'.format(im_info[0], im_info[1]))
        print ('scale: {}'.format(im_info[2]))
        print ('height, width: ({}, {})'.format(height, width))
        print ('rpn: gt_boxes.shape', gt_boxes.shape)
        print ('rpn: gt_boxes', gt_boxes)

    # 1. Generate proposals from bbox deltas and shifted anchors
    shift_x = np.arange(0, width) * _feat_stride
    shift_y = np.arange(0, height) * _feat_stride
    shift_x, shift_y = np.meshgrid(shift_x, shift_y)  # in W H order
    # K is H x W
    shifts = np.vstack((shift_x.ravel(), shift_y.ravel(),
                        shift_x.ravel(), shift_y.ravel())).transpose()
    # add A anchors (1, A, 4) to
    # cell K shifts (K, 1, 4) to get
    # shift anchors (K, A, 4)
    # reshape to (K*A, 4) shifted anchors
    A = _num_anchors
    K = shifts.shape[0]
    all_anchors = (_anchors.reshape((1, A, 4)) +
                   shifts.reshape((1, K, 4)).transpose((1, 0, 2)))
    all_anchors = all_anchors.reshape((K * A, 4))
    total_anchors = int(K * A)

    # only keep anchors inside the image
    inds_inside = np.where(
        (all_anchors[:, 0] >= -_allowed_border) &
        (all_anchors[:, 1] >= -_allowed_border) &
        (all_anchors[:, 2] < im_info[1] + _allowed_border) &  # width
        (all_anchors[:, 3] < im_info[0] + _allowed_border)  # height

    if DEBUG:
        print ('total_anchors', total_anchors)
        print ('inds_inside', len(inds_inside))

    # keep only inside anchors
    anchors = all_anchors[inds_inside, :]
    if DEBUG:
        print ('anchors.shape', anchors.shape)

    # label: 1 is positive, 0 is negative, -1 is dont care
    # (A)
    labels = np.empty((len(inds_inside),), dtype=np.float32)

    # overlaps between the anchors and the gt boxes
    # overlaps (ex, gt), shape is A x G
    overlaps = bbox_overlaps(
        np.ascontiguousarray(anchors, dtype=np.float),
        np.ascontiguousarray(gt_boxes, dtype=np.float))
    argmax_overlaps = overlaps.argmax(axis=1)  # (A)
    max_overlaps = overlaps[np.arange(len(inds_inside)), argmax_overlaps]
    gt_argmax_overlaps = overlaps.argmax(axis=0)  # G
    gt_max_overlaps = overlaps[gt_argmax_overlaps,
    gt_argmax_overlaps = np.where(overlaps == gt_max_overlaps)[0]

        # assign bg labels first so that positive labels can clobber them
        labels[max_overlaps < cfg.TRAIN.RPN_NEGATIVE_OVERLAP] = 0

    # fg label: for each gt, anchor with highest overlap
    labels[gt_argmax_overlaps] = 1
    # fg label: above threshold IOU
    labels[max_overlaps >= cfg.TRAIN.RPN_POSITIVE_OVERLAP] = 1

        # assign bg labels last so that negative labels can clobber positives
        labels[max_overlaps < cfg.TRAIN.RPN_NEGATIVE_OVERLAP] = 0

    # preclude dontcare areas
    if dontcare_areas is not None and dontcare_areas.shape[0] > 0:
        # intersec shape is D x A
        intersecs = bbox_intersections(
            np.ascontiguousarray(dontcare_areas, dtype=np.float),  # D x 4
            np.ascontiguousarray(anchors, dtype=np.float)  # A x 4
        intersecs_ = intersecs.sum(axis=0)  # A x 1
        labels[intersecs_ > cfg.TRAIN.DONTCARE_AREA_INTERSECTION_HI] = -1

    # preclude hard samples that are highly occlusioned, truncated or difficult to see
    if cfg.TRAIN.PRECLUDE_HARD_SAMPLES and gt_ishard is not None and gt_ishard.shape[0] > 0:
        assert gt_ishard.shape[0] == gt_boxes.shape[0]
        gt_ishard = gt_ishard.astype(int)
        gt_hardboxes = gt_boxes[gt_ishard == 1, :]
        if gt_hardboxes.shape[0] > 0:
            # H x A
            hard_overlaps = bbox_overlaps(
                np.ascontiguousarray(gt_hardboxes, dtype=np.float),  # H x 4
                np.ascontiguousarray(anchors, dtype=np.float))  # A x 4
            hard_max_overlaps = hard_overlaps.max(axis=0)  # (A)
            labels[hard_max_overlaps >= cfg.TRAIN.RPN_POSITIVE_OVERLAP] = -1
            max_intersec_label_inds = hard_overlaps.argmax(axis=1)  # H x 1
            labels[max_intersec_label_inds] = -1  #

    # subsample positive labels if we have too many
    fg_inds = np.where(labels == 1)[0]
    if len(fg_inds) > num_fg:
        disable_inds = npr.choice(
            fg_inds, size=(len(fg_inds) - num_fg), replace=False)
        labels[disable_inds] = -1

    # subsample negative labels if we have too many
    num_bg = cfg.TRAIN.RPN_BATCHSIZE - np.sum(labels == 1)
    bg_inds = np.where(labels == 0)[0]
    if len(bg_inds) > num_bg:
        disable_inds = npr.choice(
            bg_inds, size=(len(bg_inds) - num_bg), replace=False)
        labels[disable_inds] = -1
        # print "was %s inds, disabling %s, now %s inds" % (
        # len(bg_inds), len(disable_inds), np.sum(labels == 0))

    # bbox_targets = np.zeros((len(inds_inside), 4), dtype=np.float32)
    bbox_targets = _compute_targets(anchors, gt_boxes[argmax_overlaps, :])

    bbox_inside_weights = np.zeros((len(inds_inside), 4), dtype=np.float32)
    bbox_inside_weights[labels == 1, :] = np.array(cfg.TRAIN.RPN_BBOX_INSIDE_WEIGHTS)

    bbox_outside_weights = np.zeros((len(inds_inside), 4), dtype=np.float32)
        # uniform weighting of examples (given non-uniform sampling)
        # num_examples = np.sum(labels >= 0) + 1
        # positive_weights = np.ones((1, 4)) * 1.0 / num_examples
        # negative_weights = np.ones((1, 4)) * 1.0 / num_examples
        positive_weights = np.ones((1, 4))
        negative_weights = np.zeros((1, 4))
        assert ((cfg.TRAIN.RPN_POSITIVE_WEIGHT > 0) &
                (cfg.TRAIN.RPN_POSITIVE_WEIGHT < 1))
        positive_weights = (cfg.TRAIN.RPN_POSITIVE_WEIGHT /
                            (np.sum(labels == 1)) + 1)
        negative_weights = ((1.0 - cfg.TRAIN.RPN_POSITIVE_WEIGHT) /
                            (np.sum(labels == 0)) + 1)
    bbox_outside_weights[labels == 1, :] = positive_weights
    bbox_outside_weights[labels == 0, :] = negative_weights

    if DEBUG:
        _sums += bbox_targets[labels == 1, :].sum(axis=0)
        _squared_sums += (bbox_targets[labels == 1, :] ** 2).sum(axis=0)
        _counts += np.sum(labels == 1)
        means = _sums / _counts
        stds = np.sqrt(_squared_sums / _counts - means ** 2)
        print ('means:')
        print (means)
        print ('stdevs:')
        print (stds)

    # map up to original set of anchors
    labels = _unmap(labels, total_anchors, inds_inside, fill=-1)
    bbox_targets = _unmap(bbox_targets, total_anchors, inds_inside, fill=0)
    bbox_inside_weights = _unmap(bbox_inside_weights, total_anchors, inds_inside, fill=0)
    bbox_outside_weights = _unmap(bbox_outside_weights, total_anchors, inds_inside, fill=0)

    if DEBUG:
        print ('rpn: max max_overlap', np.max(max_overlaps))
        print ('rpn: num_positive', np.sum(labels == 1))
        print ('rpn: num_negative', np.sum(labels == 0))
        _fg_sum += np.sum(labels == 1)
        _bg_sum += np.sum(labels == 0)
        _count += 1
        print ('rpn: num_positive avg', _fg_sum / _count)
        print ('rpn: num_negative avg', _bg_sum / _count)

    # labels
    # pdb.set_trace()
    labels = labels.reshape((1, height, width, A))
    labels = labels.transpose(0, 3, 1, 2)
    rpn_labels = labels.reshape((1, 1, A * height, width)).transpose(0, 2, 3, 1)

    # bbox_targets
    bbox_targets = bbox_targets \
        .reshape((1, height, width, A * 4)).transpose(0, 3, 1, 2)

    rpn_bbox_targets = bbox_targets
    # bbox_inside_weights
    bbox_inside_weights = bbox_inside_weights \
        .reshape((1, height, width, A * 4)).transpose(0, 3, 1, 2)
    # assert bbox_inside_weights.shape[2] == height
    # assert bbox_inside_weights.shape[3] == width

    rpn_bbox_inside_weights = bbox_inside_weights

    # bbox_outside_weights
    bbox_outside_weights = bbox_outside_weights \
        .reshape((1, height, width, A * 4)).transpose(0, 3, 1, 2)
    # assert bbox_outside_weights.shape[2] == height
    # assert bbox_outside_weights.shape[3] == width

    rpn_bbox_outside_weights = bbox_outside_weights

    return rpn_labels, rpn_bbox_targets, rpn_bbox_inside_weights, rpn_bbox_outside_weights