Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_parfile_from_id(parfile_id, existdb=None, verify_md5=True):
    """Return the path to the raw file that has the given ID number.
        Optionally double check the file's MD5 sum, to make sure
        nothing strange has happened.

            parfile_id: The ID number of the raw file to get
                a path for.
            existdb: A (optional) existing database connection object.
                (Default: Establish a db connection)
            verify_md5: If True, double check the file's MD5 sum.
                (Default: Perform MD5 check.)

            fn: The full file path.
    notify.print_info("Looking-up raw file with ID=%d" % parfile_id, 2)

    # Use the existing DB connection, or open a new one if None was provided
    db = existdb or database.Database()

    select = db.select([db.parfiles.c.filename, db.parfiles.c.filepath, db.parfiles.c.md5sum]).where(
        db.parfiles.c.parfile_id == parfile_id
    result = db.execute(select)
    rows = result.fetchall()
    if not existdb:
        # Close the DB connection we opened

    if len(rows) == 1:
        filename = rows[0]["filename"]
        filepath = rows[0]["filepath"]
        md5sum_from_db = rows[0]["md5sum"]
        raise errors.InconsistentDatabaseError(
            "Bad number of files (%d) " "with parfile_id=%d" % (len(rows), parfile_id)

    fullpath = os.path.join(filepath, filename)
    # Make sure the file exists
    if verify_md5:
            "Confirming MD5 sum of %s matches what is " "stored in DB (%s)" % (fullpath, md5sum_from_db), 2

        md5sum_file = datafile.get_md5sum(fullpath)
        if md5sum_from_db != md5sum_file:
            raise errors.FileError(
                "md5sum check of %s failed! MD5 from "
                "DB (%s) != MD5 from file (%s)" % (fullpath, md5sum_from_db, md5sum_file)
    return fullpath
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_parfile_id(parfile, existdb=None):
    """Given a parfile path find its parfile_id number.
            parfile: the path to a parfile.
            existdb: A (optional) existing database connection object.
                (Default: Establish a db connection)

            parfile_id: the corresponding parfile_id value.
    # Use the exisitng DB connection, or open a new one if None was provided
    db = existdb or database.Database()

    notify.print_info("Getting parfile ID for %s using " "filename and md5sum" % parfile, 2)
    path, fn = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(parfile))
    md5sum = datafile.get_md5sum(parfile)
    select = db.select([db.parfiles.c.md5sum, db.parfiles.c.filename, db.parfiles.c.parfile_id]).where(
        (db.parfiles.c.md5sum == md5sum) | (db.parfiles.c.filename == fn)

    result = db.execute(select)
    rows = result.fetchall()
    if not existdb:
    if len(rows) == 1:
        row = rows[0]
        if row["md5sum"] == md5sum and row["filename"] == fn:
            return row["parfile_id"]
        elif row["md5sum"] == md5sum:
            raise errors.FileError(
                "A parfile (parfile_id=%d) with "
                "this md5sum, but a different filename "
                "exists in the DB." % row["parfile_id"]
        elif row["filename"] == fn:
            raise errors.FileError(
                "A parfile (parfile_id=%d) with "
                "this filename, but a different md5sum "
                "exists in the DB." % row["parfile_id"]
            raise errors.InconsistentDatabaseError(
                "A parfile (parfile_id=%d) "
                "matches our query, but neither its md5sum (%s), "
                "nor its filename (%s) appears to match! "
                "This should never happen!" % (row["parfile_id"], row["md5sum"], row["fn"])
    elif len(rows) == 0:
        raise errors.ToasterError(
            "Input parfile (%s) does not appear "
            "to be registered in the DB! "
            "Use 'load_parfile.py' to load "
            "it into the DB." % parfile
        raise errors.InconsistentDatabaseError(
            "Multiple (%s) parfiles " "match the given file name or md5sum!" % len(rows)