Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _sql_regression_part1(weights, columns, table_name, dbms: str):
        This method creates the portion of the SQL query responsible for the application of the dot product between
        regression weights and features.

        :param weights: the regression weights
        :param columns: the feature names
        :param table_name: the name of the table or the subquery where to read the data
        :param dbms: the name of the dbms
        :return: the portion of the SQL query which implements the regression dot products

        if not isinstance(weights, Iterable):
            raise TypeError(
                "Wrong data type for parameter weights. Only iterable data type is allowed."

        if not isinstance(columns, Iterable):
            raise TypeError(
                "Wrong data type for parameter columns. Only iterable data type is allowed."

        if not isinstance(table_name, str):
            raise TypeError(
                "Wrong data type for parameter table_name. Only string data type is allowed."

        for weight in weights:
            if not isinstance(weight, float):
                raise TypeError(
                    "Wrong data type for weights elements. Only float data type is allowed."

        for col in columns:
            if not isinstance(col, str):
                raise TypeError(
                    "Wrong data type for columns elements. Only string data type is allowed."

        dbms_util = DBMSUtils()

        query = "SELECT "
        for i in range(len(columns)):
            col = dbms_util.get_delimited_col(dbms, columns[i])
            query += "({} * {}) AS {} ,".format(col, weights[i], col)

        query = query[:-1]  # remove the last ','

        query += " FROM {}".format(table_name)

        return query
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _sql_regression_part2(bias, columns, table_name, dbms: str):
        This method creates the portion of the SQL query responsible for the application of the linear combination over
        the regression dot products.

        :param bias: the regression bias
        :param columns: the feature names
        :param table_name: the name of the table or the subquery where to read the data
        :param dbms: the name of the dbms
        :return: the portion of the SQL query which implements the regression dot product linear combination

        if not isinstance(bias, float):
            raise TypeError(
                "Wrong data type for parameter bias. Only float data type is allowed."

        if not isinstance(columns, Iterable):
            raise TypeError(
                "Wrong data type for parameter columns. Only iterable data type is allowed."

        if table_name is not None:
            if not isinstance(table_name, str):
                raise TypeError(
                    "Wrong data type for parameter table_name. Only string data type is allowed."

        for col in columns:
            if not isinstance(col, str):
                raise TypeError(
                    "Wrong data type for columns elements. Only string data type is allowed."

        dbms_util = DBMSUtils()

        query = "SELECT "
        query += " ( "
        for col in columns:
            col = dbms_util.get_delimited_col(dbms, col)
            query += "{} +".format(col)

        query += "{}".format(bias)
        query += ") AS Score"

        query += " FROM {}".format(table_name)

        return query
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def _get_linear_combination(self, weights, bias, columns):
        This method generates the linear combination component of the LogisticRegression function.

        :param weights: the weights for a target class
        :param bias: the bias for a target class
        :param columns: the feature names
        :return: the portion of SQL query responsible for the application of the linear combination component of the
                 LogisticRegression function

        dbms_util = DBMSUtils()

        query = ""
        for i in range(len(columns)):
            c = dbms_util.get_delimited_col(self.dbms, columns[i])
            query += "({}*{}) + ".format(c, weights[i])
        query = "{} {}".format(query, bias)

        return query
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def _get_query_dense_ohe(ohe_params: dict, table_name: str, dbms: str):
        This method creates the SQL query that implements a dense one-hot-encoding transformation.

        :param ohe_params: dictionary containing the parameters extracted from the fitted OneHotEncoder
        :param table_name: the table name or the previous subquery where to read the data
        :param dbms: the name of the dbms
        :return: the SQL query that implements a dense one-hot-encoding transformation

        ohe_params = OneHotEncoderSQL.check_ohe_params(ohe_params)
        assert isinstance(table_name, str)
        assert isinstance(dbms, str)

        ohe_map = ohe_params["ohe_encoding"]
        remaining_features = ohe_params["other_features"]

        dbms_utils = DBMSUtils()

        ohe_query = "SELECT "

        # implement one-hot encoding in SQL
        for feature_after_ohe in ohe_map:
            # feature_after_ohe = ohe_feature_map["feature_after_ohe"]
            fao = dbms_utils.get_delimited_col(dbms, feature_after_ohe)
            ohe_feature_map = ohe_map[feature_after_ohe]
            feature_before_ohe = dbms_utils.get_delimited_col(
                dbms, ohe_feature_map["feature_before_ohe"])
            value = ohe_feature_map["value"]

            ohe_query += "CASE WHEN {} = '{}' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS {},\n".format(
                feature_before_ohe, value, fao)

        # add the remaining features to the selection
        for f in remaining_features:
            ohe_query += "{},".format(dbms_utils.get_delimited_col(dbms, f))
        ohe_query = ohe_query[:-1]  # remove the last ','

        ohe_query += " FROM {}".format(table_name)

        return ohe_query
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def query(self, table_name):
        This method creates the SQL query that implements into SQL an One Hot Encoding.

        :param table_name: the table name or the previous subquery where to read the data
        :return: the SQL query that implements the One Hot Encoding

        assert isinstance(table_name,
                          str), "Wrong data type for param 'table_name'."
        assert self.params is not None, "No ohe params extracted."
        assert self.mode is not None, "No mode selected."

        dbms_util = DBMSUtils()
        auto_inc = dbms_util.get_auto_increment_col(self.dbms)
        # if the table provided in input is the result of a previous query
        if len(table_name) > 7 and table_name[-7:] == 'AS data':
            real_tab_name = 'data'
        else:  # only a table name is provided
            real_tab_name = table_name
        self.input_table_name = f'(select {auto_inc} AS {self.ohe_table_pk}, {real_tab_name}.* FROM {table_name}) AS T'

        # create the SQL query that performs the One Hot Encoding
        pre_ohe_queries = None
        if self.mode == 'dense':
            ohe_query = self._get_query_dense_ohe(self.params,

        elif self.mode == 'sparse':
            pre_ohe_queries, ohe_query = self._get_query_sparse_ohe(

            raise ValueError(f"Wrong mode ({self.mode}).")

        return pre_ohe_queries, ohe_query
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def get_sql_nested_rules(tree: BaseDecisionTree,
                             feature_names: list,
                             is_classification: bool,
                             dbms: str,
                             merge_ohe_features: dict = None):
        This method extracts the rules from a BaseDecisionTree object and convert them in SQL.

        :param tree: BaseDecisionTree object
        :param feature_names: list of feature names
        :param is_classification: boolean flag that indicates whether the DTM is used in classification or regression
        :param dbms: the name of the dbms
        :param merge_ohe_features: (optional) ohe feature map to be merged in the decision rules
        :return: string containing the SQL query

        assert isinstance(
            tree, BaseDecisionTree
        ), "Only BaseDecisionTree data type is allowed for param 'tree'."
        assert isinstance(
            list), "Only list data type is allowed for param 'features_names'."
        for f in feature_names:
            assert isinstance(f, str)
        assert isinstance(
            is_classification, bool
        ), "Only bool data type is allowed for param 'is_classification'."
        if merge_ohe_features is not None:

        dbms_util = DBMSUtils()

        # get for each node, left, right child nodes, thresholds and features
        left = tree.tree_.children_left  # left child for each node
        right = tree.tree_.children_right  # right child for each node
        thresholds = tree.tree_.threshold  # test threshold for each node
        features = [feature_names[i] for i in tree.tree_.feature]
        # features = tree.tree_.feature  # indexes of the features used by the tree
        if is_classification:
            classes = tree.classes_

        def visit_tree(node):

            # leaf node
            if left[node] == -1 and right[node] == -1:
                if is_classification:
                    return " {} ".format(classes[np.argmax(
                    return " {} ".format(tree.tree_.value[node][0][0])

            # internal node
            op = '<='
            feature = features[node]
            thr = thresholds[node]

            if merge_ohe_features is not None:
                # if ohe features have to be merged in the decision tree, the tree conditions are changed
                #   feature_after_ohe > 0.5 becomes original_cat_feature = val
                #   feature_after_ohe <= 0.5 becomes original_cat_feature <> val
                if feature in merge_ohe_features:  # only categorical features should pass this test
                    mof = merge_ohe_features[feature]
                    feature = mof['feature_before_ohe']
                    thr = "'{}'".format(mof['value'])
                    op = '<>'

            sql_dtm_rule = f" CASE WHEN {dbms_util.get_delimited_col(dbms, feature)} {op} {thr} THEN"

            # check if current node has a left child
            if left[node] != -1:
                sql_dtm_rule += visit_tree(left[node])

            sql_dtm_rule += "ELSE"

            # check if current node has a right child
            if right[node] != -1:
                sql_dtm_rule += visit_tree(right[node])

            sql_dtm_rule += "END "

            return sql_dtm_rule

        # start tree visit from the root node
        root = 0
        sql_dtm_rules = visit_tree(root)

        return sql_dtm_rules
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def convert_rules_to_sql(rules: list,
                             dbms: str,
                             merge_ohe_features: dict = None):
        This method converts the rules extracted from a BaseDecisionTree object into SQL case statements.

        :param rules: rules extracted from a BaseDecisionTree object
        :param dbms: the name of the dbms
        :param merge_ohe_features: (optional) ohe feature map to be merged in the decision rules
        :return: string containing the SQL query

        if merge_ohe_features is not None:

        dbms_util = DBMSUtils()

        sql_query = ""
        sql_string = " CASE WHEN "
        # loop over the rules
        for item in rules:

            if not isinstance(item, tuple):  # the item is a leaf score
                sql_string = sql_string[:-5]  # remove 'WHEN '
                if sql_string == ' CASE ':  # case a tree is composed of only a leaf
                    sql_query += str(item)
                    sql_string += " THEN {} ".format(item)
                    sql_query += sql_string
                sql_string = "WHEN "
            else:  # the item is a rule condition
                op = item[1]
                thr = item[2]
                if op == 'l':
                    op = '<='
                elif op == 'r':
                    op = '>'
                else:  # when op is equals to '=' or '<>' the thr is a string
                    thr = "'{}'".format(thr)
                feature_name = item[3]

                if merge_ohe_features is not None:
                    # if ohe features have to be merged in the decision tree, the tree conditions are changed
                    #   feature_after_ohe > 0.5 becomes original_cat_feature = val
                    #   feature_after_ohe <= 0.5 becomes original_cat_feature <> val
                    if feature_name in merge_ohe_features:  # only categorical features should pass this test
                        mof = merge_ohe_features[feature_name]
                        feature_name = mof['feature_before_ohe']
                        old_op = op[:]
                        op = '='
                        if old_op == '<=':
                            if 0 <= thr:
                                op = '<>'
                        elif old_op == '>':
                            if 0 > thr:
                                op = '<>'
                            raise ValueError("Wrong op.")

                        thr = "'{}'".format(mof['value'])

                feature_name = dbms_util.get_delimited_col(dbms, feature_name)
                sql_string += "{} {} {} and ".format(feature_name, op, thr)

        if 'CASE' in sql_query:  # ignore the case where a tree is composed of only a leaf
            sql_query += "END "

        return sql_query