Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        Initializes geometric mean layer parameters.

        :          dict like object
                    Contains hyperparameters

        # Set parameter dictionary
        self.__params = dd()
        self.__params.encoder_weights = None

        if 'import_path' in kwargs:
            for param in self.__params.values:
                fn = os.path.join(kwargs.import_path, "{}.npy".format(str(param)))
                print 'Loading parameter {} from file with shape {}'.format(str(param), param.get_value().shape)
        # Hyperparameters
        self.hp = dd(kwargs)
        # Parameter not to be optimized        
        init = binomial(1, self.hp.selection_prob, size=(self.hp.nb_out, self.hp.nb_out)).astype(th.config.floatX)
        init /= np.sqrt((init**2).sum(0))
        self.encoder_selection = th.shared(init, name='encoder_selection')

        # Format layer_id
        self.layer_id = '_' + str(self.hp.layer_id) if 'layer_id' in self.hp else ''
        self.output_debug = False
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, hp, layer_id=''):
        Initializes maxout parameters.

        hp          dict like object
                    Contains hyperparameters
                    .nb_inp = number of layer inputs
                    .nb_max = number of inputs per maxout units
                    .nb_out = number of maxout units


        # Format layer_id
        self.layer_id = '_' + str(layer_id)

        # Hyperparameters
        self.hp = hp

        # Set parameter dictionary
        self.__params = [('encoder_weights', None)]
        self.__params = dd(self.__params)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, hp, layer_id=''):
        Initializes geometric mean layer parameters.

        hp:          dict like object
                    Contains hyperparameters
                    .nb_inp = number of layer inputs
                    .nb_geo = number of elements per geometric mean
                    .nb_out = number of output units
                    .patch_sz = input patch size (if coming from image), for debug purpose

        self.output_debug = False

        # Format layer_id
        self.layer_id = '_' + str(layer_id)

        # Hyperparameters
        self.hp = hp

        # Set parameter dictionary
        self.__params = dd()
        self.__params.encoder_weights = None
        self.__params.selection_biases = None
        self.__params.selection_factor = None
Ejemplo n.º 4

        for param in self.__params.values:
            fn = os.path.join(path, "{}.npy".format(str(param)))
            print 'Loading parameter {} from file with shape {}'.format(

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # For testing the maxout model
    x = T.matrix('tensor2', dtype=th.config.floatX)

    hp = dd()
    hp.nb_inp = 5
    hp.nb_max = 3
    hp.nb_out = 7
    hp.inp_corruption_level = 0
    hp.inp_corruption_type = None
    hp.hid_corruption_level = 0
    hp.hid_corruption_type = None

    params = maxout_params(hp)
    layer = maxout(x, params)
    h = layer.enc(x)
    d = layer.dec(h)
    c = layer.cost(d, x)
    enc_fn = th.function(inputs=[x], outputs=h)
    dec_fn = th.function(inputs=[x], outputs=d)
Ejemplo n.º 5
        make_dir(join(debug_path, 'histograms'))
        self.__pca_weights = pca_weights
        self.__patch_sz = patch_sz
        self.__debug_path = debug_path
        self.__prefix = '' if prefix == None else prefix
        self.output_debug = True

if __name__ == '__main__':

    from learn.utils.activation import relu, sigmoid, linear

    # For testing the maxout model
    x = T.matrix('tensor2', dtype=th.config.floatX)

    hp = dd()
    hp.nb_inp = 5
    hp.nb_geo = 3
    hp.nb_out = 7
    hp.inp_corruption_level = 0
    hp.inp_corruption_type = None
    hp.hid_corruption_level = 0
    hp.hid_corruption_type = None

    hp = dd()
    hp.type = 'geometric'
    hp.nb_inp = 25
    hp.nb_geo = 3
    hp.nb_out = 7
    hp.variant = 'product'
    hp.inp_act = relu if hp.variant == 'product' else linear