Ejemplo n.º 1
def is_unimodal(interval_start, interval_end, fn, step):
	x = (interval_start + interval_end) / 2

	if (eval_math_fn(fn, {'x': interval_start}) > eval_math_fn(fn, {'x': x})) and (eval_math_fn(fn, {'x': interval_end}) > eval_math_fn(fn, {'x': x})):
			f'Funkcja jest prawdopodobnie unimodalna w przedziale [{interval_start}, {interval_end}]')
		return True
		new_interval_start = x - step
		new_interval_end = x + step
		counter = 0

			f'Funkcja nie jest unimodalna w przedziale [{interval_start}, {interval_end}]')

		while not (eval_math_fn(fn, {'x': new_interval_start}) > eval_math_fn(fn, {'x': x})) and (eval_math_fn(fn, {'x': new_interval_end}) > eval_math_fn(fn, {'x': x})) and counter <= 100:
			new_interval_start -= step
			new_interval_end += step
			counter += 1

		if counter <= 100:
				f'Funkcja jest unimodalna w przedziale [{new_interval_start}, {new_interval_end}]')
				f'Funkcja prawdopodobnie nie posiada minimum lokalnego')

		return False
Ejemplo n.º 2
def bisection(plot, fn, epsilon, a, b, iter_count):
    interval_start = a
    interval_end = b
    xm = (interval_start + interval_end) / 2

    mark_interval(plot, fn, interval_start, interval_end)

    for k in range(1, iter_count + 1):
        l = interval_end - interval_start
        x1 = interval_start + l / 4
        x2 = interval_end - l / 4

        vfx1 = eval_math_fn(fn, {'x': x1})
        vfx2 = eval_math_fn(fn, {'x': x2})
        vfxm = eval_math_fn(fn, {'x': xm})

        if abs(interval_end - interval_start) <= 2 * epsilon:
            print(f'Minimum: {xm}')
        elif vfx1 < vfxm:
            interval_end = xm
            xm = x1
        elif vfx2 < vfxm:
            interval_start = xm
            xm = x2
            interval_start = x1
            interval_end = x2

        print(f'Przedział {k}: [{interval_start}, {interval_end}]')
        print(f'Przedział {k}: minimum: {xm}')

        mark_interval(plot, fn, interval_start, interval_end)

    mark_point(plot, fn, xm)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def fibonacci(plot, fn, epsilon, a, b, iteration_count):
    n = get_n(b, a, epsilon)
    c = a + nth_fibonacci_number(n - 2) / nth_fibonacci_number(n) * (b - a)
    d = a + nth_fibonacci_number(n - 1) / nth_fibonacci_number(n) * (b - a)

    fc = eval_math_fn(fn, {"x": c})
    fd = eval_math_fn(fn, {"x": d})

    k = 1
    while n > 2 and k <= iteration_count:
        print(f'Przedział {k}: [{a}, {b}]')
        mark_interval(plot, fn, a, b)

        k += 1
        n -= 1

        if fc < fd:
            b = d
            d = c
            fd = fc
            c = a + nth_fibonacci_number(n -
                                         2) / nth_fibonacci_number(n) * (b - a)
            fc = eval_math_fn(fn, {"x": c})
            a = c
            c = d
            fc = fd
            d = a + nth_fibonacci_number(n -
                                         1) / nth_fibonacci_number(n) * (b - a)
            fd = eval_math_fn(fn, {"x": d})

    minimum = (a + b) / 2
    mark_point(plot, fn, minimum)

    print(f'Wynik: min: {minimum}, liczba iteracji: {k - 1}')
Ejemplo n.º 4
def calculate(method):
    # get values from input
    interval_start = float(interval_s.get())
    interval_end = float(interval_e.get())
    fun = fn.get()
    eps = float(epsilon.get())
    iter_c = int(iteration_count.get())

    # calculate plot points
    arrayX = np.arange(interval_start, interval_end + 1, 0.01)
    arrayY = np.array(list(map(lambda x: eval_math_fn(fun, {'x': x}), arrayX)))

    # clear plot

    if is_unimodal(interval_start, interval_end, fun, 0.2):
        mark_unimodal_interval(plot, fun, interval_start, interval_end)

        # choose method
        if method == Method.BISECTION:
            bisection(plot, fun, eps, interval_start, interval_end, iter_c)
        elif method == Method.FIBONACCI:
            fibonacci(plot, fun, eps, interval_start, interval_end, iter_c)

        # optimize with scipy
        scipy_optimize(fun, interval_start, interval_end, eps, iter_c)

    # plotting x and y axys
    plot.plot(arrayX, arrayY)

Ejemplo n.º 5
 def f(x):
     return eval_math_fn(fun, {'x': x})
Ejemplo n.º 6
def mark_unimodal_interval(plot, fn, start, end):
    plot.scatter(start, eval_math_fn(fn, {'x': start}), marker="x", linewidths=1, c='green')
    plot.scatter(end, eval_math_fn(fn, {'x': end}), marker="x", linewidths=1, c='green')
Ejemplo n.º 7
def mark_interval(plot, fn, start, end):
    plot.scatter(start, eval_math_fn(fn, {'x': start}), marker="|", linewidths=2, c='black')
    plot.scatter(end, eval_math_fn(fn, {'x': end}), marker="|", linewidths=2, c='black')
Ejemplo n.º 8
def mark_point(plot, fn, x):
    plot.scatter(x, eval_math_fn(fn, {'x': x}), marker='o', c='red')