def task_pytest(): ''' run 'py.test --verbose %(PREDIR)s ''' % gl() return { 'task_dep': ['submod'], 'actions': ['py.test -s -vv %(PREDIR)s > %(PREDIR)s/results' % gl()], }
def task_post(): ''' run post tests ''' return { 'file_dep': [DODO], 'task_dep': ['sota'], 'actions': [ 'py.test -s -vv %(POSTDIR)s > %(POSTDIR)s/results' % gl(), ], 'targets': ['%(POSTDIR)s/results' % gl()], 'clean': [clean_targets], }
def task_libcli(): ''' build so libary for use as sota's commandline interface ''' return { 'file_dep': [DODO] + rglob('src/cli/*.{h,c,cpp}'), 'task_dep': ['pre', 'submod:src/docopt'], 'actions': [ 'cd src/cli && make -j %(J)s' % gl(), 'install -C -D src/cli/ %(LIBDIR)s/' % gl(), ], 'targets': ['src/cli/test', '%(LIBDIR)s/' % gl()], 'clean': [clean_targets], }
def task_pylint(): ''' run pylint on all pyfiles ''' excludes = ['src/doit/'] for pyfile in globs('*.py', 'src/*/*.py', '%(PREDIR)s/*/*.py' % gl()) - globs(*excludes): yield { 'name': pyfile, 'task_dep': ['submod', 'version:src/'], 'actions': [ '%(ENVS)s pylint -E -j4 --rcfile %(PREDIR)s/pylint.rc %(pyfile)s' % gl() ], }
def task_pyflakes(): ''' run pyflakes on files ''' for pyfile in rglob('%(TARGETDIR)s/*.py' % gl()): yield { 'name': pyfile, 'actions': ['pyflakes ' + pyfile], }
def task_pycov(): ''' run 'py.test --cov=<pyfile> %(PREDIR)s/<pyfile>' ''' % gl() def hastests(pyfile): return os.path.exists(os.path.join(PREDIR, pyfile)) excludes = [''] pyfiles = globs('src/*/*.py') - globs(*excludes) for pyfile in sorted(pyfiles, key=hastests): covcmd = 'py.test -s -vv --cov=%(pyfile)s %(PREDIR)/%(pyfile)s' msgcmd = 'echo "no tests found (%(PREDIR)s/%(pyfile)s to run coverage on %(pyfile)s"' yield { 'name': pyfile, 'task_dep': ['submod', 'version:src/'], 'actions': [(covcmd if hastests(pyfile) else msgcmd) % gl()], }
def task_liblexer(): ''' build lexer library with ragel ''' return { 'file_dep': [DODO] + rglob('src/lexer/*.{h,rl,c}'), 'task_dep': ['pre', 'ragel', 'version:src/version.h'], 'actions': [ 'cd src/lexer && LD_LIBRARY_PATH=%(REPO)s/lib make -j %(J)s RAGEL=%(REPO)s/%(RAGEL)s' % gl(), 'install -C -D src/lexer/ %(LIBDIR)s/' % gl(), ], 'targets': [ 'src/lexer/lexer.cpp', 'src/lexer/test', '%(LIBDIR)s/' % gl() ], 'clean': [clean_targets], }
def task_success(): ''' run ./sota --help and print success ''' return { 'task_dep': ['sota', 'post'], 'actions': [ './sota --help > /dev/null 2>&1' % gl(), 'echo "sota build success!"', ], }
def task_submod(): ''' run git submodule update on submods ''' for submod in SUBMODS: yield { 'name': submod, 'file_dep': [DODO], 'task_dep': ['init'], 'actions': ['git submodule update %(submod)s' % gl()], }
def task_colm(): ''' build colm binary for use in build ''' return { 'file_dep': [DODO], 'task_dep': ['pre', 'submod:src/colm'], 'actions': [ 'cd src/colm && ./', 'cd src/colm && ./configure --prefix=%(REPO)s' % gl(), 'cd src/colm && make && make install', ], 'targets': [COLM], 'clean': [clean_targets], }
def task_ragel(): ''' build colm binary for use in build ''' return { 'file_dep': [DODO], 'task_dep': ['pre', 'colm'], 'actions': [ 'cd src/ragel && ./', 'cd src/ragel && ./configure --prefix=%(REPO)s --with-colm=%(REPO)s --disable-manual' % gl(), 'cd src/ragel && make && make install', ], 'targets': [RAGEL], 'clean': [clean_targets], }
def task_tidy(): ''' clean submods and sota/lang repo ''' yield { 'name': 'sota/lang', 'actions': ['git clean -xfd'], } for submod in SUBMODS: yield { 'name': submod, 'actions': [ 'cd %(submod)s && git reset --hard HEAD && git clean -xfd' % gl() ], }
def task_sota(): ''' build sota program with rpython infrastructure ''' return { 'file_dep': [ DODO, '%(LIBDIR)s/' % gl(), '%(LIBDIR)s/' % gl(), ] + rglob('%(TARGETDIR)s/*.py' % gl()), 'task_dep': ['submod:src/pypy', 'pre'], 'actions': [ 'mkdir -p %(BINDIR)s' % gl(), '%(PYTHON)s -B %(RPYTHON)s --output %(BINDIR)s/sota %(TARGETDIR)s/%(TARGETSRC)s' % gl(), ], 'targets': ['%(BINDIR)s/sota' % gl()], 'clean': [clean_targets], }
'verbosity': 2, 'default_tasks': ['success'], } REPO = os.path.dirname(__file__) SUBMODS = subs2shas().keys() DODO = '' COLM = 'bin/colm' RAGEL = 'bin/ragel' TARGETDIR = 'src' TARGETSRC = '' PYTHON = 'python' if call('which pypy', throw=False)[0] else 'pypy' PYTHON = 'python' # FIXME: its slower; doing this for now ... -sai pylint: disable=fixme RPYTHON = 'src/pypy/rpython/bin/rpython' ROOTDIR = 'root' BINDIR = '%(ROOTDIR)s/bin' % gl() LIBDIR = '%(ROOTDIR)s/lib' % gl() PREDIR = 'tests/pre' POSTDIR = 'tests/post' VERSION_JSON = 'src/version.json' CC = os.getenv('CXX', 'g++') CXXFLAGS = '-Wall -Werror -fPIC -O2 -std=c++11 -g -I../ -I../docopt' ENVS = [ 'PYTHONPATH=.:src:src/pypy:$PYTHONPATH', ] ENVS = ' '.join(ENVS) try: