Ejemplo n.º 1
 def load_image(self, image_index):
     """ Load an image at the image_index.
     path = os.path.join(
         self.data_dir, 'JPEGImages',
         self.image_names[image_index] + self.image_extension)
     return read_image_bgr(path)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def load_image(self, image_index):
     Load an image at the image_index.
     image_info = self.coco.loadImgs(self.image_ids[image_index])[0]
     path       = os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'images', self.set_name, image_info['file_name'])
     return read_image_bgr(path)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def load_image(self, image_index):
     Load an image at the image_index.
     return read_image_bgr(self.image_path(image_index))
Ejemplo n.º 4
    'horse': 12,
    'motorbike': 13,
    'person': 14,
    'pottedplant': 15,
    'sheep': 16,
    'sofa': 17,
    'train': 18,
    'tvmonitor': 19
labels_to_names = {}
for key, value in voc_classes.items():
    labels_to_names[value] = key
# load image
image_paths = glob.glob('datasets/voc_test/VOC2007/JPEGImages/*.jpg')
for image_path in image_paths:
    image = read_image_bgr(image_path)

    # copy to draw on
    draw = image.copy()

    # preprocess image for network
    image = preprocess_image(image)
    image, scale = resize_image(image)

    # process image
    start = time.time()
    # locations, feature_shapes = model.predict_on_batch(np.expand_dims(image, axis=0))
    boxes, scores, labels = model.predict_on_batch(
        np.expand_dims(image, axis=0))
    print("processing time: ", time.time() - start)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def load_image(self, image_index):
     return read_image_bgr(self.image_path(image_index))
Ejemplo n.º 6

num_classes = generator.num_classes()
classes = list(generator.classes.keys())

model, prediction_model, debug_model = centernet(num_classes=num_classes,
prediction_model.load_weights(model_path, by_name=True, skip_mismatch=True)

for f in os.listdir(PROCESS_PATH):
    if f.endswith(DATA_SUFFIX):
        image = read_image_bgr(PROCESS_PATH + f)
        src_image = image.copy()

        c = np.array([image.shape[1] / 2., image.shape[0] / 2.], dtype=np.float32)
        s = max(image.shape[0], image.shape[1]) * 1.0

        tgt_w = generator.input_size
        tgt_h = generator.input_size
        trans_input = get_affine_transform(c, s, (tgt_w, tgt_h))
        image = cv2.warpAffine(image, trans_input, (tgt_w, tgt_h), flags=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
        image = image.astype(np.float32)

        image[..., 0] -= 103.939
        image[..., 1] -= 116.779
        image[..., 2] -= 123.68
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def load_image(self, image_index):
     Load an image at the image_index.
     return read_image_bgr(self.images[image_index])
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def load_image(self, image_index):
     return read_image_bgr(self.images[image_index])
    def produce(self, *, inputs: Inputs, timeout: float = None, iterations: int = None) -> CallResult[Outputs]:
        Produce image detection predictions.

            inputs  : numpy ndarray of size (n_images, dimension) containing the d3m Index, image name, 
                      and bounding box for each image.

            outputs : A d3m dataframe container with the d3m index, image name, bounding boxes as 
                      a string (8 coordinate format), and confidence scores.
        iou_threshold = 0.5     # Bounding box overlap threshold for false positive or true positive
        score_threshold = 0.05  # The score confidence threshold to use for detections
        max_detections = 100    # Maxmimum number of detections to use per image

        # Convert training model to inference model
        inference_model = models.convert_model(self.training_model)

        # Generate image paths
        image_cols = inputs.metadata.get_columns_with_semantic_type('https://metadata.datadrivendiscovery.org/types/FileName')
        self.base_dir = [inputs.metadata.query((metadata_base.ALL_ELEMENTS, t))['location_base_uris'][0].replace('file:///', '/') for t in image_cols]
        self.image_paths = np.array([[os.path.join(self.base_dir, filename) for filename in inputs.iloc[:,col]] for self.base_dir, col in zip(self.base_dir, image_cols)]).flatten()
        self.image_paths = pd.Series(self.image_paths)

        # Initialize output objects
        box_list = []
        score_list = []
        image_name_list = []

        # Predict bounding boxes and confidence scores for each image
        image_list = [x for i, x in enumerate(self.image_paths.tolist()) if self.image_paths.tolist().index(x) == i]

        start_time = time.time()
        print('Starting testing...', file = sys.__stdout__)

        for i in image_list:
            image = read_image_bgr(i)

            # preprocess image for network
            image = preprocess_image(image)
            image, scale = resize_image(image)

            boxes, scores, labels = inference_model.predict_on_batch(np.expand_dims(image, axis = 0))

            # correct for image scale
            boxes /= scale

            for box, score in zip(boxes[0], scores[0]):
                if score < 0.5:
                b = box.astype(int)
                image_name_list.append(i * len(b))

        print(f'Testing complete. Testing took {time.time()-start_time} seconds.', file = sys.__stdout__)
        ## Convert predicted boxes from a list of arrays to a list of strings
        boxes = np.array(box_list).tolist()
        boxes = list(map(lambda x : [x[0], x[1], x[0], x[3], x[2], x[3], x[2], x[1]], boxes))  # Convert to 8 coordinate format for D3M            
        boxes = list(map(lambda x : ",".join(map(str, x)), boxes))

        # Create mapping between image names and D3M index
        input_df = pd.DataFrame({
            'd3mIndex': inputs.d3mIndex,
            'image': [os.path.basename(list) for list in self.image_paths]

        d3mIdx_image_mapping = input_df.set_index('image').T.to_dict('list')

        # Extract values for image name keys and get missing image predictions (if they exist)
        image_name_list = [os.path.basename(list) for list in image_name_list]
        d3mIdx = [d3mIdx_image_mapping.get(key) for key in image_name_list]
        empty_predictions_image_names = [k for k,v in d3mIdx_image_mapping.items() if v not in d3mIdx]
        d3mIdx = [item for sublist in d3mIdx for item in sublist]   # Flatten list of lists

        ## Assemble in a Pandas DataFrame
        results = pd.DataFrame({
            'd3mIndex': d3mIdx,
            'bounding_box': boxes,
            'confidence': score_list

        # D3M metrics evaluator needs at least one prediction per image. If RetinaNet does not return 
        # predictions for an image, create a dummy empty prediction row to add to results_df for that
        # missing image.
        if len(empty_predictions_image_names) != 0:
            # Create data frame of empty predictions for missing each image and concat with results.
            # Sort results_df.
            empty_predictions_df = self._fill_empty_predictions(empty_predictions_image_names, d3mIdx_image_mapping)
            results_df = pd.concat([results, empty_predictions_df]).sort_values('d3mIndex')

        # Convert to DataFrame container
        results_df = d3m_DataFrame(results_df)
        ## Assemble first output column ('d3mIndex)
        col_dict = dict(results_df.metadata.query((metadata_base.ALL_ELEMENTS, 0)))
        col_dict['structural_type'] = type("1")
        col_dict['name'] = 'd3mIndex'
        col_dict['semantic_types'] = ('http://schema.org/Integer', 
        results_df.metadata = results_df.metadata.update((metadata_base.ALL_ELEMENTS, 0), col_dict)

        ## Assemble second output column ('bounding_box')
        col_dict = dict(results_df.metadata.query((metadata_base.ALL_ELEMENTS, 1)))
        col_dict['structural_type'] = type("1")
        col_dict['name'] = 'bounding_box'
        col_dict['semantic_types'] = ('http://schema.org/Text', 
        results_df.metadata = results_df.metadata.update((metadata_base.ALL_ELEMENTS, 1), col_dict)

        ## Assemble third output column ('confidence')
        col_dict = dict(results_df.metadata.query((metadata_base.ALL_ELEMENTS, 2)))
        col_dict['structural_type'] = type("1")
        col_dict['name'] = 'confidence'
        col_dict['semantic_types'] = ('http://schema.org/Integer', 
        results_df.metadata = results_df.metadata.update((metadata_base.ALL_ELEMENTS, 2), col_dict) 
        return CallResult(results_df)