Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_raid_boss_cp(mon_id):
    cp = 0

    if int(mon_id) > 0:
        pokemon_file = open_json_file("pokemon")
        cp = pokemon_file.get(str(mon_id), 0)
    return cp
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_mons():
    mons = []
    monList =[]

    mondata = open_json_file('pokemon')

    with open('raidmons.json') as f:
        raidmon = json.load(f)

    for mons in raidmon:
        for mon in mons['DexID']:
            lvl = mons['Level']
            if str(mon).find("_") > -1:
                mon_split = str(mon).split("_")
                mon = mon_split[0]
                frmadd = mon_split[1]
                frmadd = "00"

            mon = '{:03d}'.format(int(mon))

            monPic = '/asset/pokemon_icons/pokemon_icon_' + mon + '_00.png'
            monName = 'unknown'
            monid = int(mon)

            if str(monid) in mondata:
                monName = i8ln(mondata[str(monid)]["name"])

            monJson = ({'filename': monPic, 'mon': monid, 'name': monName, 'lvl': lvl})

    return jsonify(monList)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, args):
        self.__application_args = args
        self.pokemon_file = open_json_file('pokemon')
        self.gyminfo = None
        self.gyminfo_refresh = None

        self.loop = None
        self.loop_started = Event()
        self.loop_tid = None
        self.t_asyncio_loop = Thread(name='webhook_asyncio_loop', target=self.__start_asyncio_loop)
        self.t_asyncio_loop.daemon = False
Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: config.py Proyecto: Hupe7/MAD
 def get_pokemon(self):
     mondata = open_json_file('pokemon')
     # Why o.O
     stripped_mondata = {}
     for mon_id in mondata:
         stripped_mondata[mondata[str(mon_id)]["name"]] = mon_id
         if os.environ['LANGUAGE'] != "en":
                 localized_name = i8ln(mondata[str(mon_id)]["name"])
                 stripped_mondata[localized_name] = mon_id
             except KeyError:
     return {'mondata': mondata, 'locale': stripped_mondata}
Ejemplo n.º 5
def get_raids():
    raids = []
    eggIdsByLevel = [1, 1, 2, 2, 3]

    data = db_wrapper.get_gym_infos()

    mondata = open_json_file('pokemon')

    hashdata = json.loads(getAllHash('raid'))

    for file in glob.glob("ocr/www_hash/raid_*.jpg"):
        unkfile = re.search('raid_(-?\d+)_(-?\d+)_((?s).*)\.jpg', file)
        hashvalue = (unkfile.group(3))

        if str(hashvalue) in hashdata:
            monName = 'unknown'
            raidjson = hashdata[str(hashvalue)]["id"]
            count = hashdata[hashvalue]["count"]
            modify = hashdata[hashvalue]["modify"]

            raidHash_ = decodeHashJson(raidjson)
            gymid = raidHash_[0]
            lvl = raidHash_[1]
            mon = int(raidHash_[2])
            monid = int(raidHash_[2])
            mon = "%03d" % mon

            if mon == '000':
                type = 'egg'
                monPic = ''
                type = 'mon'
                monPic = '/asset/pokemon_icons/pokemon_icon_' + mon + '_00.png'
                if str(monid) in mondata:
                    monName = i8ln(mondata[str(monid)]["name"])

            eggId = eggIdsByLevel[int(lvl) - 1]
            if eggId == 1:
                eggPic = '/asset/static_assets/png/ic_raid_egg_normal.png'
            if eggId == 2:
                eggPic = '/asset/static_assets/png/ic_raid_egg_rare.png'
            if eggId == 3:
                eggPic = '/asset/static_assets/png/ic_raid_egg_legendary.png'

            creationdate = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(creation_date(file)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')

            if conf_args.madmin_time == "12":
                creationdate = datetime.datetime.strptime(creationdate, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').strftime('%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S %p')
                modify = datetime.datetime.strptime(modify, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').strftime('%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S %p')

            name = 'unknown'
            lat = '0'
            lon = '0'
            url = '0'
            description = ''

            gymImage = 'ocr/gym_img/_' + str(gymid) + '_.jpg'

            if str(gymid) in data:
                name = data[str(gymid)]["name"].replace("\\", r"\\").replace('"', '')
                lat = data[str(gymid)]["latitude"]
                lon = data[str(gymid)]["longitude"]
                if data[str(gymid)]["description"]:
                    description = data[str(gymid)]["description"].replace("\\", r"\\").replace('"', '').replace("\n", "")

            raidJson = ({'id': gymid, 'lat': lat, 'lon': lon, 'hashvalue': hashvalue, 'filename': file[4:], 'name': name, 'description': description, 'gymimage': gymImage, 'count': count, 'creation': creationdate, 'modify': modify,  'level': lvl, 'mon': mon, 'type': type, 'eggPic': eggPic, 'monPic': monPic, 'monname': monName })
            log.debug("File: " + str(file) + " not found in Database")

    return jsonify(raids)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def rewarditem(itemid):
    file = open_json_file('items')
    return (file[str(itemid)]['name'])
Ejemplo n.º 7
def questtype(quest_type):
    file = open_json_file('types')
    return (file[str(quest_type)]['text'])
Ejemplo n.º 8
def questtask(typeid, condition, target):
    gettext.find('quest', 'locales', all=True)
    lang = gettext.translation('quest', localedir='locale', fallback=True)

    pokemonTypes = open_json_file('pokemonTypes')
    items = open_json_file('items')
    throwTypes = {"10": _("Nice"), "11": _("Great"),
                  "12": _("Excellent"), "13": _("Curveball")}
    arr = {}
    arr['0'] = target
    text = questtype(typeid)

    if typeid == 4:
        arr['wb'] = ""
        arr['type'] = ""
        arr['poke'] = ""
        text = _("Catch {0} {type}Pokemon{wb}.")
        match_object = re.search(r'"pokemon_type": \[([0-9, ]+)\]', condition)
        if match_object is not None:
            pt = match_object.group(1).split(', ')
            last = len(pt)
            cur = 1
            if last == 1:
                arr['type'] = pokemonTypes[pt[0]].title() + _('-type ')
                for ty in pt:
                    arr['type'] += (_('or ') if last == cur else '') + \
                        pokemonTypes[ty].title() + (_('-type ')
                                                    if last == cur else '-, ')
                    cur += 1
        if re.search(r"'type': 3", condition) is not None:
            arr['wb'] = _(" with weather boost")
        match_object = re.search(r'"pokemon_ids": \[([0-9, ]+)\]', condition)
        if match_object is not None:
            pt = match_object.group(1).split(', ')
            last = len(pt)
            cur = 1
            if last == 1:
                arr['poke'] = i8ln(pokemonname(pt[0]))
                for ty in pt:
                    arr['poke'] += (_('or ') if last == cur else '') + \
                        i8ln(pokemonname(ty)) + ('' if last == cur else ', ')
                    cur += 1
            text = _('Catch {0} {poke}.')
    elif typeid == 5:
        text = _("Spin {0} Pokestops or Gyms.")
        if re.search(r'"type": 12', condition) is not None:
            text = _("Spin {0} never visited Pokestops or Gyms.")
    elif typeid == 6:
        text = _("Hatch {0} Eggs.")
    elif typeid == 7:
        if re.search(r'"type": 9', condition) is not None:
            text = _("Win {0} Gym Battles.")
        elif re.search(r'"type": 10', condition) is not None:
            text = _("Use a supereffective Charged Attack in {0} Gym battles.")
            text = _("Battle in a Gym {0} times.")
    elif typeid == 8:
        if re.search(r'"type": 6', condition) is not None:
            text = _("Win {0} Raids.")
            if re.search(r'"raid_level": \[3, 4, 5\]', condition) is not None:
                text = _('Win a level 3 or higher raid.')
            if re.search(r'"raid_level": \[2, 3, 4, 5\]', condition) is not None:
                text = _('Win a level 2 or higher raid.')
            text = _("Battle in {0} Raids.")
    elif typeid == 10:
        text = _("Transfer {0} Pokemon.")
    elif typeid == 11:
        test = _("Favourite {0} Pokemon.")
    elif typeid == 13:
        text = _('Use {0} {type}Berries to help catch Pokemon.')
        arr['type'] = ""
        match_object = re.search(r'"item": ([0-9]+)', condition)
        if match_object is not None:
            arr['type'] = items[match_object.group(
                1)]['name'].replace(_(' Berry'), '')+" "
    elif typeid == 14:
        text = _('Power up Pokemon {0} times.')
    elif typeid == 15:
        text = _("Evolve {0} Pokemon.")
        # [{'type': 1, 'with_pokemon_type': {'pokemon_type': [12]}}]
        if re.search(r'"type": 11', condition) is not None:
            text = _("Use an item to evolve a Pokemon.")
        elif re.search(r'"type": 1', condition) is not None:
            text = _("Evolve {0} {type}Pokemon")
            arr['wb'] = ""
            arr['type'] = ""
            arr['poke'] = ""
            match_object = re.search(
                r'"pokemon_type": \[([0-9, ]+)\]', condition)
            if match_object is not None:
                pt = match_object.group(1).split(', ')
                last = len(pt)
                cur = 1
                if last == 1:
                    arr['type'] = pokemonTypes[pt[0]].title() + _('-type ')
                    for ty in pt:
                        arr['type'] += (_('or ') if last == cur else '') + pokemonTypes[ty].title() + (
                            _('-type ') if last == cur else '-, ')
                        cur += 1
        elif re.search(r'"type": 2', condition) is not None:
            arr['wb'] = ""
            arr['type'] = ""
            arr['poke'] = ""

            match_object = re.search(
                r'"pokemon_ids": \[([0-9, ]+)\]', condition)
            if match_object is not None:
                pt = match_object.group(1).split(', ')
                last = len(pt)
                cur = 1
                if last == 1:
                    arr['poke'] = i8ln(pokemonname(pt[0]))
                    for ty in pt:
                        arr['poke'] += (_('or ') if last == cur else '') + i8ln(pokemonname(ty)) + (
                            '' if last == cur else ', ')
                        cur += 1
                text = _('Evolve {0} {poke}.')
    elif typeid == 16:
        arr['inrow'] = ""
        arr['curve'] = ""
        arr['type'] = ""
        if re.search(r'"type": 14', condition) is not None:
            arr['inrow'] = _(" in a row")
        if re.search(r'"type": 15', condition) is not None:
            arr['curve'] = _("Curveball ")
        match_object = re.search(r'"throw_type": ([0-9]{2})', condition)
        if match_object is not None:
            arr['type'] = throwTypes[match_object.group(1)]+" "
        text = _("Make {0} {type}{curve}Throws{inrow}.")
    elif typeid == 17:
        text = _('Earn {0} Candies walking with your buddy.')
    elif typeid == 23:
        text = _('Trade {0} Pokemon.')
    elif typeid == 24:
        text = _('Send {0} gifts to friends.')

    if int(target) == int(1):
        text = text.replace(_(' Eggs'), _('n Egg'))
        text = text.replace(_(' Raids'), _(' Raid'))
        text = text.replace(_(' Battles'), _(' Battle'))
        text = text.replace(_(' candies'), _(' candy'))
        text = text.replace(_(' gifts'), _(' gift'))
        text = text.replace(_(' {0} times'), '')
        arr['0'] = _("a")

    for key, val in arr.items():
        text = text.replace('{'+key+'}', str(val))

    text = text.replace(' .', '.')
    text = text.replace('  ', ' ')
    return text
Ejemplo n.º 9
def pokemonname(id):
    file = open_json_file('pokemon')
    return file[str(int(id))]["name"]
Ejemplo n.º 10
def questtask(typeid, condition, target):
    gettext.find('quest', 'locales', all=True)
    lang = gettext.translation('quest', localedir='locale', fallback=True)

    pokemonTypes = open_json_file('pokemonTypes')
    items = open_json_file('items')
    throwTypes = {"10": _("Nice"), "11": _("Great"),
                  "12": _("Excellent"), "13": _("Curveball")}
    arr = {}
    arr['0'] = target
    text = questtype(typeid)

    if typeid == 4:
        arr['wb'] = ""
        arr['type'] = ""
        arr['poke'] = ""
        arr['different'] = ""

        text = _("Catch {0}{different} {type}Pokemon{wb}")
        match_object = re.search(r'"pokemon_type": \[([0-9, ]+)\]', condition)
        if match_object is not None:
            pt = match_object.group(1).split(', ')
            last = len(pt)
            cur = 1
            if last == 1:
                arr['type'] = pokemonTypes[pt[0]].title() + _('-type ')
                for ty in pt:
                    arr['type'] += (_('or ') if last == cur else '') + \
                        pokemonTypes[ty].title() + (_('-type ')
                                                    if last == cur else '-, ')
                    cur += 1
        if re.search(r'"type": 3', condition) is not None:
            arr['wb'] = _(" with weather boost")
        elif re.search(r'"type": 21', condition) is not None:
            arr['different'] = _(" different species of")
        match_object = re.search(r'"pokemon_ids": \[([0-9, ]+)\]', condition)
        if match_object is not None:
            pt = match_object.group(1).split(', ')
            last = len(pt)
            cur = 1
            if last == 1:
                arr['poke'] = i8ln(pokemonname(pt[0]))
                for ty in pt:
                    arr['poke'] += (_('or ') if last == cur else '') + \
                        i8ln(pokemonname(ty)) + ('' if last == cur else ', ')
                    cur += 1
            text = _('Catch {0} {poke}')
    elif typeid == 5:
        text = _("Spin {0} Pokestops or Gyms")
        if re.search(r'"type": 12', condition) is not None:
            text = _("Spin {0} Pokestops you haven't visited before")
    elif typeid == 6:
        text = _("Hatch {0} Eggs")
    elif typeid == 7:
        if re.search(r'"type": 9', condition) is not None:
            text = _("Win {0} Gym Battles")
        elif re.search(r'"type": 10', condition) is not None:
            text = _("Use a supereffective Charged Attack in {0} Gym battles")
            text = _("Battle in a Gym {0} times")
    elif typeid == 8:
        if re.search(r'"type": 6', condition) is not None:
            text = _("Win {0} Raids")
            if re.search(r'"raid_level": \[3, 4, 5\]', condition) is not None:
                text = _('Win a level 3 or higher raid')
            if re.search(r'"raid_level": \[2, 3, 4, 5\]', condition) is not None:
                text = _('Win a level 2 or higher raid')
            text = _("Battle in {0} Raids")
    elif typeid == 10:
        text = _("Transfer {0} Pokemon")
    elif typeid == 11:
        text = _("Favourite {0} Pokemon")
    elif typeid == 13:
        text = _('Use {0} {type}Berries to help catch Pokemon')
        arr['type'] = ""
        match_object = re.search(r'"item": ([0-9]+)', condition)
        if match_object is not None:
            arr['type'] = items[match_object.group(
                1)]['name'].replace(_(' Berry'), '')+" "
    elif typeid == 14:
        text = _('Power up Pokemon {0} times')
    elif typeid == 15:
        text = _("Evolve {0} Pokemon")
        if re.search(r'"type": 11', condition) is not None:
            text = _("Use an item to evolve a Pokemon")
        elif re.search(r'"type": 1', condition) is not None:
            text = _("Evolve {0} {type}Pokemon")
            arr['wb'] = ""
            arr['type'] = ""
            arr['poke'] = ""
            match_object = re.search(
                r'"pokemon_type": \[([0-9, ]+)\]', condition)
            if match_object is not None:
                pt = match_object.group(1).split(', ')
                last = len(pt)
                cur = 1
                if last == 1:
                    arr['type'] = pokemonTypes[pt[0]].title() + _('-type ')
                    for ty in pt:
                        arr['type'] += (_('or ') if last == cur else '') + pokemonTypes[ty].title() + (
                            _('-type ') if last == cur else '-, ')
                        cur += 1
        elif re.search(r'"type": 2', condition) is not None:
            arr['wb'] = ""
            arr['type'] = ""
            arr['poke'] = ""

            match_object = re.search(
                r'"pokemon_ids": \[([0-9, ]+)\]', condition)
            if match_object is not None:
                pt = match_object.group(1).split(', ')
                last = len(pt)
                cur = 1
                if last == 1:
                    arr['poke'] = i8ln(pokemonname(pt[0]))
                    for ty in pt:
                        arr['poke'] += (_('or ') if last == cur else '') + i8ln(pokemonname(ty)) + (
                            '' if last == cur else ', ')
                        cur += 1
                text = _('Evolve {0} {poke}')
    elif typeid == 16:
        arr['inrow'] = ""
        arr['curve'] = ""
        arr['type'] = ""
        if re.search(r'"type": 14', condition) is not None:
            arr['inrow'] = _(" in a row")
        if re.search(r'"type": 15', condition) is not None:
            arr['curve'] = _("Curveball ")
        match_object = re.search(r'"throw_type": ([0-9]{2})', condition)
        if match_object is not None:
            arr['type'] = throwTypes[match_object.group(1)]+" "
        text = _("Make {0} {type}{curve}Throws{inrow}")
    elif typeid == 17:
        text = _('Earn {0} Candies walking with your buddy')
    elif typeid == 22:
        if int(target) == int(1):
            text = _('Make a new friend')
            text = _('Make {0} new friends')
    elif typeid == 23:
        text = _('Trade {0} Pokemon')
        arr['distance'] = ""
        if re.search(r'"type": 25', condition) is not None:
            arr['distance'] = re.search(r'"distance_km": ([0-9, ]+)', condition).group(1)
            if int(target) == int(1):
                text = _('Trade Pokemon caught {distance} km apart')
                text = _('Trade {0} Pokemon caught {distance} km apart')
    elif typeid == 24:
        text = _('Send {0} gifts to friends')
    elif typeid == 27:
        # PVP against trainer or team leader.
        if re.search(r'"type": 22', condition) is not None:
            text = _('Battle a Team Leader {0} times')
        elif re.search(r'"type": 23', condition) is not None:
            text = _('Battle another Trainer {0} times')
    elif typeid == 28:
        # Take snapshots quest
        if re.search(r'"type": 28', condition) is not None:
            text = _("Take {0} snapshots of your Buddy")
        elif re.search(r'"type": 2', condition) is not None:
            arr['poke'] = ""

            match_object = re.search(
                r'"pokemon_ids": \[([0-9, ]+)\]', condition)
            if match_object is not None:
                pt = match_object.group(1).split(', ')
                last = len(pt)
                cur = 1
                if last == 1:
                    arr['poke'] = i8ln(pokemonname(pt[0]))
                    for ty in pt:
                        arr['poke'] += (_('or ') if last == cur else '') + i8ln(pokemonname(ty)) + (
                            '' if last == cur else ', ')
                        cur += 1
                text = _("Take {0} snapshots of {poke}")
        elif re.search(r'"type": 1', condition) is not None:
            text = _("Take {0} snapshots of {type} Pokemon")
            arr['wb'] = ""
            arr['type'] = ""
            arr['poke'] = ""
            match_object = re.search(
                r'"pokemon_type": \[([0-9, ]+)\]', condition)
            if match_object is not None:
                pt = match_object.group(1).split(', ')
                last = len(pt)
                cur = 1
                if last == 1:
                    arr['type'] = pokemonTypes[pt[0]].title() + _('-type ')
                    for ty in pt:
                        arr['type'] += (_('or ') if last == cur else '') + pokemonTypes[ty].title() + (
                            _('-type ') if last == cur else '-, ')
                        cur += 1
    elif typeid == 29:
        # QUEST_BATTLE_TEAM_ROCKET Team Go rucket grunt batles.
        # Condition type 27 means against a grunt leader WITH_INVASION_CHARACTER
        if re.search(r'"type": 27', condition) is not None:
            text = _('Battle {0} times against the Team GO Rocket Leaders')
        elif int(target) == int(1):
            text = _('Battle against a Team Rocket Grunt')

        # Condition type 18 means win a battle
        if re.search(r'"type": 18', condition) is not None:
            text = text.replace(_('Battle'), _('Win'))

    if int(target) == int(1):
        text = text.replace(_(' Eggs'), _('n Egg'))
        text = text.replace(_(' Raids'), _(' Raid'))
        text = text.replace(_(' Battles'), _(' Battle'))
        text = text.replace(_(' candies'), _(' candy'))
        text = text.replace(_(' gifts'), _(' gift'))
        text = text.replace(_(' Pokestops'), _(' Pokestop'))
        text = text.replace(_(' {0} snapshots'), _(' a snapshot'))
        text = text.replace(_('Make {0} {type}{curve}Throws'), _('Make a {type}{curve}Throw'))
        text = text.replace(_(' {0} times'), '')
        text = text.replace(_('{0} hearts'), _('a heart'))
        arr['0'] = _("a")

    for key, val in arr.items():
        text = text.replace('{'+key+'}', str(val))

    text = text.replace('  ', ' ').strip()
    return text
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def showmonsidpicker(self):
        edit = request.args.get('edit')
        type = request.args.get('type')
        header = ""
        title = ""

        if request.method == 'GET' and (not edit or not type):
            return render_template('showmonsidpicker.html', error_msg="How did you end up here? Missing params.",
                                   header=header, title=title)

        with open('configs/mappings.json') as f:
            mapping = json.load(f)

        if "areas" not in mapping:
            return render_template('showmonsidpicker.html',
                                   error_msg="No areas defined at all, please configure first.", header=header,

        this_area = None
        this_area_index = -1
        for t_area in mapping["areas"]:
            this_area_index += 1
            if t_area["name"] == edit and t_area["mode"] == type:
                this_area = t_area

        if this_area == None:
            return render_template('showmonsidpicker.html',
                                   error_msg="No area (" + edit + " with mode: " + type + ") found in mappings, add it first.",
                                   header=header, title=title)

        title = "Mons ID Picker for " + edit
        header = "Editing area " + edit + " (" + type + ")"
        backurl = "config?type=" + type + "&area=areas&block=settings&edit=" + edit

        if "settings" not in this_area:
            return render_template('showmonsidpicker.html',
                                   error_msg="No settings key found for area " + edit + "(" + type + "). Configure it first.",
                                   header=header, title=title)

        if request.method == 'POST':
            new_mons_list = request.form.get('current_mons_list')
            if not new_mons_list:
                return redirect("/showsettings", code=302)

            mapping["areas"][this_area_index]["settings"]["mon_ids_iv"] = ast.literal_eval(new_mons_list)

            with open('configs/mappings.json', 'w') as outfile:
                json.dump(mapping, outfile, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
            return redirect(backurl, code=302)

        if "mon_ids_iv" not in this_area["settings"]:
            current_mons = []
            current_mons = this_area["settings"]["mon_ids_iv"]

        mondata = open_json_file('pokemon')

        current_mons_list = []

        for mon_id in current_mons:
                mon_name = i8ln(mondata[str(mon_id)]["name"])
            except KeyError:
                mon_name = "No-name-in-file-please-fix"
            current_mons_list.append({"mon_name": mon_name, "mon_id": str(mon_id)})

        # Why o.O
        stripped_mondata = {}
        for mon_id in mondata:
            stripped_mondata[mondata[str(mon_id)]["name"]] = mon_id
            if os.environ['LANGUAGE'] != "en":
                    localized_name = i8ln(mondata[str(mon_id)]["name"])
                    stripped_mondata[localized_name] = mon_id
                except KeyError:

        formhiddeninput = '<form action="showmonsidpicker?edit=' + edit + '&type=' + type + '" id="showmonsidpicker" method="post">'
        formhiddeninput += '<input type="hidden" id="current_mons_list" name="current_mons_list" value="' + str(
            current_mons) + '">'
        formhiddeninput += '<button type="submit" class="btn btn-success">Save</button></form>'
        return render_template('showmonsidpicker.html', backurl=backurl, formhiddeninput=formhiddeninput,
                               current_mons_list=current_mons_list, stripped_mondata=stripped_mondata, header=header,