Ejemplo n.º 1
    def scrape_bills(self,chamber,year):
        if int(year) %2 == 0:  
            raise NoDataForPeriod(year)
        year = int(year)
        oyear = year #save off the original of the session
        if chamber == 'upper':
            bill_no = 1
            abbr = 'SB'
            bill_no = 4001
            abbr = 'HB'
        while True:
            (bill_page,year) = self.scrape_bill(year, abbr, bill_no)
            # if we can't find a page, we must be done. This is a healthy thing.
            if bill_page == None: return
            title = ''.join(self.flatten(bill_page.findAll(id='frg_billstatus_ObjectSubject')[0]))
            title = title.replace('\n','').replace('\r','')
            bill_id = "%s %d" % (abbr, bill_no)

            the_bill = Bill("%d" % oyear, chamber, bill_id, title)

            first = 0
            for name in bill_page.findAll(id='frg_billstatus_SponsorList')[0].findAll('a'):
                the_bill.add_sponsor(['primary', 'cosponsor'][first], name.string)
                first = 1

            for doc in bill_page.findAll(id='frg_billstatus_DocumentGridTable')[0].findAll('tr'):
                r = self.parse_doc(the_bill, doc)
                if r: the_bill.add_version(*r)

            if 'frg_billstatus_HlaTable' in str(bill_page):
                for doc in bill_page.findAll(id='frg_billstatus_HlaTable')[0].findAll('tr'):
                    r = self.parse_doc(the_bill, doc)
                    if r: the_bill.add_document(*r)
            if 'frg_billstatus_SfaSection' in str(bill_page):
                for doc in bill_page.findAll(id='frg_billstatus_SfaSection')[0].findAll('tr'):
                    r = self.parse_doc(the_bill, doc)
                    if r: the_bill.add_document(*r)

            the_bill.add_source('http://legislature.mi.gov/doc.aspx?%d-%s-%04d' % (year, abbr, bill_no))
            self.parse_actions(the_bill, bill_page.findAll(id='frg_billstatus_HistoriesGridView')[0])
            bill_no = bill_no + 1
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def scrape_new_session(self, chamber, session):
        Scrapes SD's bill data from 2009 on.

        if chamber == 'upper':
            bill_abbr = 'SB'
        elif chamber == 'lower':
            bill_abbr = 'HB'

        # Get bill list page
        session_url = 'http://legis.state.sd.us/sessions/%s/' % session
        bill_list_url = session_url + 'BillList.aspx'
        self.log('Getting bill list for %s %s' % (chamber, session))
        bill_list = self.soup_parser(self.urlopen(bill_list_url))

        # Format of bill link contents
        bill_re = re.compile(u'%s\xa0(\d+)' % bill_abbr)
        date_re = re.compile('\d{2}/\d{2}/\d{4}')

        for bill_link in bill_list.findAll('a'):
            if len(bill_link.contents) == 0:
                # Empty link

            #print bill_link.contents[0]
            bill_match = bill_re.search(bill_link.contents[0])
            if not bill_match:

            # Parse bill ID and name
            bill_id = bill_link.contents[0].replace(u'\xa0', ' ')
            bill_name = bill_link.findNext().contents[0]

            # Download history page
            hist_url = session_url + bill_link['href']
            history = self.soup_parser(self.urlopen(hist_url))

            bill = Bill(session, chamber, bill_id, bill_name)

            # Get all bill versions
            text_table = history.findAll('table')[1]
            for row in text_table.findAll('tr')[2:]:
                #version_date = row.find('td').string
                version_path = row.findAll('td')[1].a['href']
                version_url = "http://legis.state.sd.us/sessions/%s/%s" % (
                    session, version_path)

                version_name = row.findAll('td')[1].a.contents[0].strip()

                bill.add_version(version_name, version_url)

            # Get actions
            act_table = history.find('table')
            for act_row in act_table.findAll('tr')[6:]:
                if act_row.find(text='Action'):

                # Get the date (if can't find one then this isn't an action)
                date_match = date_re.match(act_row.td.a.contents[0])
                if not date_match:
                act_date = date_match.group(0)
                act_date = dt.datetime.strptime(act_date, "%m/%d/%Y")

                # Get the action string
                action = ""
                for node in act_row.findAll('td')[1].contents:
                    if hasattr(node, 'contents'):
                        action += node.contents[0]

                        if node.contents[0].startswith('YEAS'):
                            # This is a vote!
                            vote_url = "http://legis.state.sd.us/sessions/"\
                                "%s/%s" % (session, node['href'])

                            vote = self.scrape_new_vote(vote_url)
                            vote['date'] = act_date
                        action += node
                action = action.strip()

                # Add action
                bill.add_action(chamber, action, act_date)

Ejemplo n.º 3
    def scrape_old_session(self, chamber, session):
        Scrape SD's bill data from 1997 through 2008.

        if chamber == 'upper':
            bill_abbr = 'SB'
            bill_abbr = 'HB'

        # Get bill list page (and replace malformed tags that some versions of
        # BeautifulSoup choke on)
        session_url = 'http://legis.state.sd.us/sessions/%s/' % session
        bill_list_url = session_url + 'billlist.htm'
        bill_list = self.soup_parser(self.urlopen(bill_list_url))

        # Bill and text link formats
        bill_re = re.compile('%s (\d+)' % bill_abbr)
        text_re = re.compile('/sessions/%s/bills/%s.*\.htm' % (
                session, bill_abbr), re.IGNORECASE)
        date_re = re.compile('\d{2}/\d{2}/\d{4}')

        for bill_link in bill_list.findAll('a', href=re.compile('\d\.htm$')):
            if len(bill_link.contents) == 0:
                # Empty link

            bill_match = bill_re.match(bill_link.contents[0])
            if not bill_match:
                # Not bill link

            # Get the bill ID and name
            bill_id = bill_link.contents[0]
            bill_name = bill_link.findNext().contents[0]

            # Get history page (replacing malformed tag)
            hist_url = session_url + bill_link['href']
            history = self.soup_parser(self.urlopen(hist_url))

            # Get URL of latest verion of bill (should be listed last)
            bill_url = history.findAll('a', href=text_re)[-1]['href']
            bill_url = 'http://legis.state.sd.us%s' % bill_url

            # Add bill
            bill = Bill(session, chamber, bill_id, bill_name)

            # Get bill versions
            text_table = history.findAll('table')[1]
            for row in text_table.findAll('tr')[2:]:
                #version_date = row.find('td').string
                version_path = row.findAll('td')[1].a['href']
                version_url = "http://legis.state.sd.us" + version_path

                version_name = row.findAll('td')[1].a.contents[0].strip()

                bill.add_version(version_name, version_url)

            # Get actions
            act_table = history.find('table')
            for act_row in act_table.findAll('tr')[6:]:
                if act_row.find(text="Action"):

                # Get the date (if can't find one then this isn't an action)
                date_match = date_re.match(act_row.td.a.contents[0])
                if not date_match:
                act_date = date_match.group(0)
                act_date = dt.datetime.strptime(act_date, "%m/%d/%Y")

                # Get the action string
                action = ""
                for node in act_row.findAll('td')[1].contents:
                    if hasattr(node, 'contents'):
                        action += node.contents[0]

                        if node.contents[0].startswith('YEAS'):
                            # This is a vote!
                            if node['href'][0] == '/':
                                vote_url = "http://legis.state.sd.us/%s" % (
                                vote_url = "http://legis.state.sd.us/"\
                                    "sessions/%s/%s" % (session, node['href'])

                            vote = self.scrape_old_vote(vote_url)
                            vote['date'] = act_date
                        action += node
                action = action.strip()

                # Add action
                bill.add_action(chamber, action, act_date)
