Ejemplo n.º 1
def find_match(feature, feature_list, ratio_threshold=0.7):
    @brief  Find the best match for feature in feature_list. Indicates if the 
            match is valid

    @param feature          The feature to be matched
    @param feature_list     A list of potential matches
    @param ratio_threshold  The maximum allowable ratio between the nearest 
                            neighbour descriptor distance and second nearest 
                            neighbour descriptor distance for the match to be 
                            kept. Recommended values beteween 0.6 and 0.8
    @return is_valid        A flag indicating whether the match is valid
    @return best            The best feature match from feature_list
    for potential_match in feature_list:
        if potential_match.image_idx != feature_list[0].image_idx:
            raise ValueError("Features must be from the same image")

    # copy list to not change it
    potential_matches = feature_list[:]

    # sort index list based on distance
        key=lambda potential_match: linalg.get_euclidean_distance(feature.descriptor, potential_match.descriptor)

    best, second_best = potential_matches[:2]
    # check if match is valid
    min_dist = linalg.get_euclidean_distance(best.descriptor, feature.descriptor)
    next_dist = linalg.get_euclidean_distance(second_best.descriptor, feature.descriptor)
    valid_match = min_dist / next_dist < ratio_threshold

    return (valid_match, best)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def sort_outer_corners(image, corners):
    @brief  Sorts the outer x-corners in a projection invariant order. The 
            corners are sorted in a clockwise order with a consistent choice
            for the outer corner that marks "cluster 0"

    @param image        Image used for analysis (in grayscale)
    @param corners      The computed pixel coordinates of the outer x-corners. 
                        These should already be sorted in clockwise order as
                        [top_left, top_right, bottom_right, bottom_left]
    @return             The ordered outer corner array
    # decide whether the side pointing towards the top-left corner is the
    # longer side of the board or not
    ab_distance = linalg.get_euclidean_distance(corners[0], corners[1])
    ac_distance = linalg.get_euclidean_distance(corners[1], corners[2])
    long_side_up = ab_distance > ac_distance

    # find centroid of outer-corners
    centroid_point = linalg.compute_point_group_centroid(corners)

    if long_side_up:
        # if long side is pointing to top-left, we are interested to see if
        # top left corner has a black square in the center of its cluster
        corner_of_interest = corners[0]

        # find the colour of the square in the center of the cluster
        movement_direction = linalg.unit_vect(corner_of_interest -
        check_point = (corner_of_interest -
                       25 * movement_direction).astype(int)
        if image[check_point[0], check_point[1]] < 128:
            # central cluster square is black, corner[0] marks "cluster 0"
            return corners
            # central cluster square is white, corner[2] marks "cluster 0"
            return np.roll(corners, -4)
        # if long side isn't pointing to top-left, we are interested to see if
        # top right corner has a black square in the center of its cluster
        corner_of_interest = corners[1]

        # find the colour of the square in the center of the cluster
        movement_direction = linalg.unit_vect(corner_of_interest -
        check_point = (corner_of_interest -
                       25 * movement_direction).astype(int)
        if image[check_point[0], check_point[1]] < 128:
            # central cluster square is black, corner[1] marks "cluster 0"
            return np.roll(corners, -2)
            # central cluster square is white, corner[3] marks "cluster 0"
            return np.roll(corners, -6)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def get_squared_error_sum(extrinsic_params, k, world_points, image_points):
    @brief  Computes the sum of squared projection errors.

    @param extrinsic_params The set of extrinsic calibration params in a (6,) 
                            shape ndarray. The array should be formatted as
                            [alpha, beta, gamma, tx, ty, tz]
    @param k                The 3x3 intrinsic calibration parameter matrix
    @param world_points     The coordinates of the x-corner 3D world points
    @param image_points     The actual 2D image points of detected x-corners
    @return                 The sum of squared projection errors as a float

    # extrinsic calibration matrix
    G = reconstruct_extrinsic_matrix_from_parameters(extrinsic_params)

    # projection matrix
    P = (k @ G)

    expected_image_points = [P @ world_point for world_point in world_points]

    # convert from homogeneous coordinates
    expected_image_points = [
        point[:2, 0] / point[2] for point in expected_image_points

    squared_error = [
        linalg.get_euclidean_distance(expected_image_point, image_point)**2
        for (expected_image_point,
             image_point) in zip(expected_image_points, image_points)

    return sum(squared_error)
def compute_mean_reprojection_error(reconstructed_point, feature_group,
    @brief  Computes the of mean reprojection error of a single reconstructed 

    @param reconstructed_point  The reconstructed point
    @param feature_groups       The feature group corresponding to the
                                reconstructed point
    @param P_mats               The projection matrices for each image, 
                                ordered by the image index
    @return                     The mean reprojection error of the 
                                reconstructed point
    total_error = 0
    for feature in feature_group:
        # compute reprojection
        P = P_mats[feature.image_idx]
        X = np.append(reconstructed_point, [1], axis=0).reshape(4, 1)
        reprojection_homogeneous = P @ X
        reprojection = reprojection_homogeneous[:2,
                                                0] / reprojection_homogeneous[
                                                    2, 0]

        # get original image point
        image_point = np.array(feature.coordinates)

        total_error += linalg.get_euclidean_distance(reprojection, image_point)

    return total_error / len(feature_group)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def find_k_nearest_neighbours(point, neighbours, k):
    @brief  Finds a list of kth nearest neighbours based on a euclidean 
            distance criteria

    @param point        The coordinates of the point for which nearest 
                        neighbours should be found 
    @param neighbours   A list of points to search in. This could but is not 
                        required to include "point"
    @param k            The number of nearest neighbours to return
    @return             returns a list of the k-nearest neighbours
    # copy list to not mutate input
    neighbour_list = neighbours[:]

    # sort index list based on distance
        key=lambda neighbour: linalg.get_euclidean_distance(point, neighbour))

    # check if point is included in the neighbour list
    point_in_neighbour_list = any(
        np.array_equal(point, neighbour) for neighbour in neighbour_list)

    # return the k nearest neighbours excluding the point itself
    return neighbour_list[1:k +
                          1] if point_in_neighbour_list else neighbour_list[:k]
Ejemplo n.º 6
def find_high_error_proj_mat_indices(image_points,
    @brief  Uses a nonlinear least squares (NLS) method to compute the 
            extrinsic camera calibration matrix

    @param image_points         The actual 2D image points of detected 
    @param P_mats               The 3x4 camera projection matrix 
                                (P= K[R | t])
    @param mean_error_threshold The maximum allowable mean projection error
    @param max_error_threshold  The maximum allowable max projection error
    @param length               The number of x-corners along the longer side 
                                before the middle section is removed (for the 
                                image provided in images/chess_pattern.png, 
                                the length is 9)
    @param width                The number of x-corners along the shorter side 
                                before the middle section is removed (for the 
                                image provided in images/chess_pattern.png, 
                                the length is 6)
    @param square_size          The side length, in cm, of the chessboard 
    @return                     The computed 3x4 extrinsic calibration matrix
    x_corners = get_world_points(length, width, square_size)

    # project x corners using projection matrix
    projections = [[P @ vec for vec in x_corners] for P in P_mats]

    # convert from homogeneous coordinates
    projections = [[point[:2].reshape(2, ) / point[2] for point in points]
                   for points in projections]

    # compute mean and max projection errors for every projection matrix
    projection_errors = [[
        linalg.get_euclidean_distance(proj, point)
        for (proj, point) in zip(proj_points, points)
    ] for (proj_points, points) in zip(projections, image_points)]

    mean_errors = [np.mean(error_dist) for error_dist in projection_errors]

    max_errors = [np.max(error_dist) for error_dist in projection_errors]

    # filter based on thresholds
    return [
        i for i in range(len(P_mats) - 1, -1, -1)
        if mean_errors[i] > mean_error_threshold
        or max_errors[i] > max_error_threshold
Ejemplo n.º 7
def filter_corner_distance(corner_mask, distance_threshold, num_neighbours=3):
    @brief  Filters the boolean corner mask to remove points that do not have 
            N neighbours within some threshold distance

    @param corner_mask          A boolean-valued mask indicating the location 
                                of detected x-corners
    @param distance_theshold    The distance threshold used by the filter
    @param num_neighbours       The number of neighbours required to be within 
                                the distance threshold. For x-corners this 
                                should be 3
    @return                     The filtered boolean corner mask
    x = np.where(corner_mask)[1]
    y = np.where(corner_mask)[0]

    corner_indices = [np.array([y_val, x_val]) for (y_val, x_val) in zip(y, x)]

    nearest_neighbours = [
        find_k_nearest_neighbours(index_pair, corner_indices, num_neighbours)
        for index_pair in corner_indices

    # create copy of amsk to not mutate input
    outmask = corner_mask[:]
    # eliminate corners not matching the distance criteria
    for index_pair, neighbours in zip(corner_indices, nearest_neighbours):
        distances_above_threshold = [
            linalg.get_euclidean_distance(index_pair, neighbour) >
            distance_threshold for neighbour in neighbours

        above_thresh_exists = reduce(lambda a, b: a or b,

        if above_thresh_exists:
            outmask[index_pair[0], index_pair[1]] = False

    return outmask
Ejemplo n.º 8
def sort_x_corners(corner_mask, image, d):
    @brief  Sorts x-corners in the list according to a projection invariant 

    @param corner_mask  A boolean-valued mask indicating the location of 
                        detected x-corners   
    @param image        Image used for analysis (in grayscale)
    @param d            Distance threshold for determining whether outer 
                        corners were detected correctly
    @return             Sorted list of x-corners
    x = np.where(corner_mask)[1]
    y = np.where(corner_mask)[0]

    corner_list = [np.array([y_val, x_val]) for (y_val, x_val) in zip(y, x)]

    # case 2 - image is aligned so points are extrema of x-y and x+y
    # try this approach and see if it fails
    sum_arr = x + y
    diff_arr = y - x

    A_index = np.argmin(sum_arr)
    B_index = np.argmin(diff_arr)
    C_index = np.argmax(sum_arr)
    D_index = np.argmax(diff_arr)

    A = np.array([y[A_index], x[A_index]])
    B = np.array([y[B_index], x[B_index]])
    C = np.array([y[C_index], x[C_index]])
    D = np.array([y[D_index], x[D_index]])

    sorted_corners_of_interest = sort_outer_corners(image, [A, B, C, D])

    is_succ = True
    for i in range(len(sorted_corners_of_interest)):
        for j in range(len(sorted_corners_of_interest)):
            if i == j:

            corner1 = sorted_corners_of_interest[i]
            corner2 = sorted_corners_of_interest[j]

            if linalg.get_euclidean_distance(corner1, corner2) < d:
                is_succ = False

    if not is_succ:
        # case 2 - image is tilted so points are extrema of x and y

        A_index = np.argmin(x)
        B_index = np.argmin(y)
        C_index = np.argmax(x)
        D_index = np.argmax(y)

        A = np.array([y[A_index], x[A_index]])
        B = np.array([y[B_index], x[B_index]])
        C = np.array([y[C_index], x[C_index]])
        D = np.array([y[D_index], x[D_index]])

        # check whether this is correct
        sorted_corners_of_interest = sort_outer_corners(image, [A, B, C, D])

    sorted_point_list = []
    for corner in sorted_corners_of_interest:
        neighbours = find_k_nearest_neighbours(corner, corner_list, 3)
        sorted_point_list += sort_corner_neighbourhood(corner, neighbours)

    return sorted_point_list