Ejemplo n.º 1
def plot_features(subject, data_path, model_path, test_labels, dataset='test'):
    with open(model_path + '/' + subject + '.pickle', 'rb') as f:
        state_dict = cPickle.load(f)
    cnn = ConvNet(state_dict['params'])
    scalers = state_dict['scalers']

    if dataset == 'test':
        d = load_test_data(data_path, subject)
        x = d['x']
        y = test_labels['preictal']
    elif dataset == 'train':
        d = load_train_data(data_path, subject)
        x, y = d['x'], d['y']
        raise ValueError('dataset')

    x, _ = scale_across_time(x, x_test=None, scalers=scalers) if state_dict['params']['scale_time'] \
        else scale_across_features(x, x_test=None, scalers=scalers)

    get_features = theano.function([cnn.x, Param(cnn.training_mode, default=0)], cnn.feature_extractor.output,

    logits_test = get_features(x)
    model = TSNE(n_components=2, random_state=0)
    z = model.fit_transform(np.float64(logits_test))
    plt.scatter(z[:, 0], z[:, 1], s=60, c=y)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def predict(subject, data_path, model_path, submission_path):
    patient_filenames = [filename for filename in os.listdir(model_path) if
                         subject in filename and filename.endswith('.pickle')]
    for filename in patient_filenames:
        print filename

        d = load_test_data(data_path, subject)
        x, id = d['x'], d['id']

        with open(model_path + '/' + filename, 'rb') as f:
            state_dict = cPickle.load(f)

        scalers = state_dict['scalers']
        x, _ = scale_across_time(x, x_test=None, scalers=scalers) if state_dict['params']['scale_time'] \
            else scale_across_features(x, x_test=None, scalers=scalers)

        cnn = ConvNet(state_dict['params'])
        test_proba = cnn.get_test_proba(x)

        ans = zip(id, test_proba)

        df = DataFrame(data=ans, columns=['clip', 'preictal'])
        csv_name = '.'.join(filename.split('.')[:-1]) if '.' in filename else filename
        df.to_csv(submission_path + '/' + csv_name + '.csv', index=False, header=True)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def predict(subject, data_path, model_path, submission_path):
    patient_filenames = [
        filename for filename in os.listdir(model_path)
        if subject in filename and filename.endswith('.pickle')
    for filename in patient_filenames:

        d = load_test_data(data_path, subject)
        x, id = d['x'], d['id']

        with open(model_path + '/' + filename, 'rb') as f:
            state_dict = pickle.load(f)

        scalers = state_dict['scalers']
        x, _ = scale_across_time(x, x_test=None, scalers=scalers) if state_dict['params']['scale_time'] \
            else scale_across_features(x, x_test=None, scalers=scalers)

        cnn = ConvNet(state_dict['params'])
        test_proba = cnn.get_test_proba(x)

        ans = list(zip(id, test_proba))

        df = DataFrame(data=ans, columns=['clip', 'preictal'])
        csv_name = '.'.join(
            filename.split('.')[:-1]) if '.' in filename else filename
        df.to_csv(submission_path + '/' + csv_name + '.csv',
Ejemplo n.º 4
def curve_per_subject(subject, data_path, test_labels):
    d = load_train_data(data_path, subject)
    x, y_10m = d['x'], d['y']
    n_train_examples = x.shape[0]
    n_timesteps = x.shape[-1]
    print('n_preictal', np.sum(y_10m))
    print('n_inetrictal', np.sum(y_10m - 1))

    x, y = reshape_data(x, y_10m)
    data_scaler = StandardScaler()
    x = data_scaler.fit_transform(x)

    lda = LDA()
    lda.fit(x, y)

    pred_1m = lda.predict_proba(x)[:, 1]
    pred_10m = np.reshape(pred_1m, (n_train_examples, n_timesteps))
    pred_10m = np.mean(pred_10m, axis=1)
    fpr, tpr, threshold = roc_curve(y_10m, pred_10m)
    c = np.sqrt((1 - tpr) ** 2 + fpr ** 2)
    opt_threshold = threshold[np.where(c == np.min(c))[0]][-1]

    # ------- TEST ---------------

    d = load_test_data(data_path, subject)
    x_test, id = d['x'], d['id']
    n_test_examples = x_test.shape[0]
    n_timesteps = x_test.shape[3]
    x_test = reshape_data(x_test)
    x_test = data_scaler.transform(x_test)

    pred_1m = lda.predict_proba(x_test)[:, 1]
    pred_10m = np.reshape(pred_1m, (n_test_examples, n_timesteps))
    pred_10m = np.mean(pred_10m, axis=1)

    y_pred = np.zeros_like(test_labels)
    y_pred[np.where(pred_10m >= opt_threshold)] = 1
    cm = confusion_matrix(test_labels, y_pred)
    print(print_cm(cm, labels=['interictal', 'preictal']))
    sn = 1.0 * cm[1, 1] / (cm[1, 1] + cm[1, 0])
    sp = 1.0 * cm[0, 0] / (cm[0, 0] + cm[0, 1])
    print(sn, sp)

    sn, sp = [], []
    t_list = np.arange(0.0, 1.0, 0.01)
    for t in t_list:
        y_pred = np.zeros_like(test_labels)
        y_pred[np.where(pred_10m >= t)] = 1
        cm = confusion_matrix(test_labels, y_pred)
        sn_t = 1.0 * cm[1, 1] / (cm[1, 1] + cm[1, 0])
        sp_t = 1.0 * cm[0, 0] / (cm[0, 0] + cm[0, 1])

    return t_list, sn, sp
def curve_per_subject(subject, data_path, test_labels):
    d = load_train_data(data_path, subject)
    x, y_10m = d['x'], d['y']
    n_train_examples = x.shape[0]
    n_timesteps = x.shape[-1]
    print 'n_preictal', np.sum(y_10m)
    print 'n_inetrictal', np.sum(y_10m - 1)

    x, y = reshape_data(x, y_10m)
    data_scaler = StandardScaler()
    x = data_scaler.fit_transform(x)

    lda = LDA()
    lda.fit(x, y)

    pred_1m = lda.predict_proba(x)[:, 1]
    pred_10m = np.reshape(pred_1m, (n_train_examples, n_timesteps))
    pred_10m = np.mean(pred_10m, axis=1)
    fpr, tpr, threshold = roc_curve(y_10m, pred_10m)
    c = np.sqrt((1 - tpr) ** 2 + fpr ** 2)
    opt_threshold = threshold[np.where(c == np.min(c))[0]][-1]
    print opt_threshold

    # ------- TEST ---------------

    d = load_test_data(data_path, subject)
    x_test, id = d['x'], d['id']
    n_test_examples = x_test.shape[0]
    n_timesteps = x_test.shape[3]
    x_test = reshape_data(x_test)
    x_test = data_scaler.transform(x_test)

    pred_1m = lda.predict_proba(x_test)[:, 1]
    pred_10m = np.reshape(pred_1m, (n_test_examples, n_timesteps))
    pred_10m = np.mean(pred_10m, axis=1)

    y_pred = np.zeros_like(test_labels)
    y_pred[np.where(pred_10m >= opt_threshold)] = 1
    cm = confusion_matrix(test_labels, y_pred)
    print print_cm(cm, labels=['interictal', 'preictal'])
    sn = 1.0 * cm[1, 1] / (cm[1, 1] + cm[1, 0])
    sp = 1.0 * cm[0, 0] / (cm[0, 0] + cm[0, 1])
    print sn, sp

    sn, sp = [], []
    t_list = np.arange(0.0, 1.0, 0.01)
    for t in t_list:
        y_pred = np.zeros_like(test_labels)
        y_pred[np.where(pred_10m >= t)] = 1
        cm = confusion_matrix(test_labels, y_pred)
        sn_t = 1.0 * cm[1, 1] / (cm[1, 1] + cm[1, 0])
        sp_t = 1.0 * cm[0, 0] / (cm[0, 0] + cm[0, 1])

    return t_list, sn, sp
Ejemplo n.º 6
def predict(subject, model, data_scaler, data_path, submission_path, test_labels, opt_threshold_train):
    d = load_test_data(data_path, subject)
    x_test, id = d['x'], d['id']
    n_test_examples = x_test.shape[0]
    n_timesteps = x_test.shape[3]

    x_test = reshape_data(x_test)
    x_test = data_scaler.transform(x_test)

    pred_1m = model.predict_proba(x_test)[:, 1]

    pred_10m = np.reshape(pred_1m, (n_test_examples, n_timesteps))
    pred_10m = np.mean(pred_10m, axis=1)
    ans = zip(id, pred_10m)
    df = DataFrame(data=ans, columns=['clip', 'preictal'])
    df.to_csv(submission_path + '/' + subject + '.csv', index=False, header=True)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def predict(subject, model, data_scaler, data_path, submission_path):
    d = load_test_data(data_path, subject)
    x_test, id = d['x'], d['id']
    n_test_examples = x_test.shape[0]
    n_timesteps = x_test.shape[3]

    x_test = reshape_data(x_test)
    x_test = data_scaler.transform(x_test)

    pred_1m = model.predict_proba(x_test)[:, 1]

    pred_10m = np.reshape(pred_1m, (n_test_examples, n_timesteps))
    pred_10m = np.mean(pred_10m, axis=1)

    ans = zip(id, pred_10m)
    df = DataFrame(data=ans, columns=['clip', 'preictal'])
    df.to_csv(submission_path + '/' + subject + '.csv', index=False, header=True)
    return pred_10m
Ejemplo n.º 8
def plot_train_test(subject, data_path):
    d = load_train_data(data_path, subject)
    x_train = d['x']
    x_train = x_train.reshape(x_train.shape[0], x_train.shape[1] * x_train.shape[2] * x_train.shape[3])

    d = load_test_data(data_path, subject)
    x_test, id = d['x'], d['id']
    x_test = np.reshape(x_test, (x_test.shape[0], x_test.shape[1] * x_test.shape[2] * x_test.shape[3]))

    x_all = np.vstack((np.float64(x_train), np.float64(x_test)))
    scaler = StandardScaler()
    x_all = scaler.fit_transform(x_all)

    colors = ['r'] * len(x_train) + ['b'] * len(x_test)
    markers = ['o'] * len(x_train) + ['^'] * len(x_test)

    pca = PCA(50)
    x_all = pca.fit_transform(x_all)

    model = TSNE(n_components=2, perplexity=40, learning_rate=100, random_state=42)
    z = model.fit_transform(x_all)

    for a, b, c, d in zip(z[:, 0], z[:, 1], colors, markers):
        plt.scatter(a, b, c=c, s=60, marker=d)

    plt.scatter(z[0, 0], z[0, 1], c=colors[0], marker=markers[0], s=60, label='train')
    plt.scatter(z[-1, 0], z[-1, 1], c=colors[-1], marker=markers[-1], s=60, label='test')

    zz = z[np.where(np.array(markers) != u' ')[0], :]
    ax = plt.subplot(111)
    ax.legend(loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1.05),
              ncol=2, fancybox=True, shadow=True)
    plt.xlim([min(zz[:, 0]) - 0.5, max(zz[:, 0] + 0.5)])
    plt.ylim([min(zz[:, 1]) - 0.5, max(zz[:, 1] + 0.5)])
    for label in (ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels()):
    plt.ylabel('Z_2', fontsize=20)
    plt.xlabel('Z_1', fontsize=20)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def train(subject, data_path, model_path, model_params, validation_params):
    d = load_train_data(data_path, subject)
    x, y, filename_to_idx = d['x'], d['y'], d['filename_to_idx']
    x_test = load_test_data(data_path,
                            subject)['x'] if model_params['use_test'] else None

    # --------- add params
    model_params['n_channels'] = x.shape[1]
    model_params['n_fbins'] = x.shape[2]
    model_params['n_timesteps'] = x.shape[3]

    print '============ parameters'
    for key, value in model_params.items():
        print key, ':', value
    print '========================'

    x_train, y_train = None, None
    x_valid, y_valid = None, None

    if model_params['overlap']:
        # no validation if overlap
        filenames_grouped_by_hour = cPickle.load(open('filenames.pickle'))
        data_grouped_by_hour = load_grouped_train_data(
            data_path, subject, filenames_grouped_by_hour)
        x, y = generate_overlapped_data(data_grouped_by_hour,
        print x.shape

        x, scalers = scale_across_time(x, x_test=None) if model_params['scale_time'] \
            else scale_across_features(x, x_test=None)

        cnn = ConvNet(model_params)
        cnn.train(train_set=(x, y), max_iter=175000)
        state_dict = cnn.get_state()
        state_dict['scalers'] = scalers
        with open(model_path + '/' + subject + '.pickle', 'wb') as f:
            cPickle.dump(state_dict, f, protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
        if validation_params['random_split']:
            skf = StratifiedShuffleSplit(y,
            for train_idx, valid_idx in skf:
                x_train, y_train = x[train_idx], y[train_idx]
                x_valid, y_valid = x[valid_idx], y[valid_idx]
            filenames_grouped_by_hour = cPickle.load(open('filenames.pickle'))
            d = split_train_valid_filenames(subject, filenames_grouped_by_hour)
            train_filenames, valid_filenames = d['train_filenames'], d[
            train_idx = [filename_to_idx[i] for i in train_filenames]
            valid_idx = [filename_to_idx[i] for i in valid_filenames]
            x_train, y_train = x[train_idx], y[train_idx]
            x_valid, y_valid = x[valid_idx], y[valid_idx]

    if model_params['scale_time']:
        x_train, scalers_train = scale_across_time(x=x_train, x_test=x_test)
        x_valid, _ = scale_across_time(x=x_valid,
        x_train, scalers_train = scale_across_features(x=x_train,
        x_valid, _ = scale_across_features(x=x_valid,

    del x, x_test

    print '============ dataset'
    print 'train:', x_train.shape
    print 'n_pos:', np.sum(y_train), 'n_neg:', len(y_train) - np.sum(y_train)
    print 'valid:', x_valid.shape
    print 'n_pos:', np.sum(y_valid), 'n_neg:', len(y_valid) - np.sum(y_valid)

    # -------------- validate
    cnn = ConvNet(model_params)
    best_iter = cnn.validate(train_set=(x_train, y_train),
                             valid_set=(x_valid, y_valid),
                             fname_out=model_path + '/' + subject + '.txt')

    # ---------------- scale
    d = load_train_data(data_path, subject)
    x, y, filename_to_idx = d['x'], d['y'], d['filename_to_idx']
    x_test = load_test_data(data_path,
                            subject)['x'] if model_params['use_test'] else None

    x, scalers = scale_across_time(x=x, x_test=x_test) if model_params['scale_time'] \
        else scale_across_features(x=x, x_test=x_test)
    del x_test

    cnn = ConvNet(model_params)
    cnn.train(train_set=(x, y), max_iter=best_iter)
    state_dict = cnn.get_state()
    state_dict['scalers'] = scalers
    with open(model_path + '/' + subject + '.pickle', 'wb') as f:
        cPickle.dump(state_dict, f, protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def plot_sequences(subject, data_path, test_labels):
    # data train
    filenames_grouped_by_hour = cPickle.load(open('filenames.pickle'))
    data_grouped_by_hour = load_grouped_train_data(data_path, subject, filenames_grouped_by_hour)

    interictal_hours = data_grouped_by_hour['interictal']
    preictal_hours = data_grouped_by_hour['preictal']

    marker_type = {u'D': u'diamond', u's': u'square', u'^': u'triangle_up', u'd': u'thin_diamond', u'h': u'hexagon1',
                   u'*': u'star', u'o': u'circle', u'.': u'point', u'p': u'pentagon', u'H': u'hexagon2',
                   u'v': u'triangle_down', u'8': u'octagon', u'<': u'triangle_left', u'>': u'triangle_right'}
    marker_list = marker_type.keys() * 50

    x_train, colors, markers = [], [], []
    cmap = get_cmap(len(preictal_hours))

    print len(preictal_hours)
    for i, hour in enumerate(preictal_hours):
        for clip in hour:
            x_train.append(np.reshape(clip, (1, clip.shape[0] * clip.shape[1] * clip.shape[2])))
        colors.extend([cmap(i)] * len(hour))
        markers.extend([marker_list[i]] * len(hour))

    for i, hour in enumerate(interictal_hours):
        for clip in hour:
            x_train.append(np.reshape(clip, (1, clip.shape[0] * clip.shape[1] * clip.shape[2])))
        colors.extend(['r'] * len(hour))
        markers.extend([u' '] * len(hour))

    x_train = np.vstack(x_train)
    print x_train.shape

    d = load_test_data(data_path, subject)
    x_test, id = d['x'], d['id']
    x_test = np.reshape(x_test, (x_test.shape[0], x_test.shape[1] * x_test.shape[2] * x_test.shape[3]))
    color_test = test_labels['preictal']
    print np.sum(test_labels['preictal'])
    color_test[np.where(color_test == 0)[0]] = 'b'
    color_test[np.where(color_test == 1)[0]] = 'b'

    markers.extend([u' '] * len(x_test))

    x_all = np.vstack((np.float64(x_train), np.float64(x_test)))
    scaler = StandardScaler()
    x_all = scaler.fit_transform(x_all)

    pca = PCA(50)
    x_all = pca.fit_transform(x_all)

    model = TSNE(n_components=2, perplexity=40, learning_rate=100, random_state=42)
    z = model.fit_transform(x_all)
    prev_c, i = 0, 0
    for a, b, c, d in zip(z[:, 0], z[:, 1], colors, markers):
        if c != prev_c and d != u' ':
            plt.scatter(a, b, c=c, s=70, marker=d, label=str(i))
            i += 1
            plt.scatter(a, b, c=c, s=70, marker=d)
        prev_c = c

    zz = z[np.where(np.array(markers) != u' ')[0], :]
    ax = plt.subplot(111)
    ax.legend(loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1.05),
              ncol=2, fancybox=True, shadow=True)
    plt.xlim([min(zz[:, 0]) - 0.5, max(zz[:, 0] + 0.5)])
    plt.ylim([min(zz[:, 1]) - 0.5, max(zz[:, 1] + 0.5)])
    for label in (ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels()):
    plt.ylabel('Z_2', fontsize=20)
    plt.xlabel('Z_1', fontsize=20)
Ejemplo n.º 11
	make probabilistic predictions for each method within a given patient
	combine the probalities by either:
	1) just summing them up
	2) subtracting the mean prediction probability from each class 
	   for each method and then summing (Avoids all 0 predictions) """
all_predictions = []
all_predictions_ns = []
validations_true = []
validations_preds = []

for patient in all_patients:

	d = load_train_data('preprocessed/cnn/', patient)
	x, y, filename_to_idx = d['x'], d['y'], d['filename_to_idx']
	x_test = load_test_data('preprocessed/cnn/', patient)['x']

	test_preds,test_preds_ns,val_preds, val_true,train_loss,valid_loss= train_predict_test_cnn(
		patient,CNN(patient),x,x_test,enhance_size = 1000)

	roc_area = roc_auc_score(val_true,val_preds)
	print patient, roc_area

	plot = plt.figure()

def train(subject, data_path, model_path, model_params, validation_params):
    d = load_train_data(data_path, subject)
    x, y, filename_to_idx = d['x'], d['y'], d['filename_to_idx']
    x_test = load_test_data(data_path, subject)['x'] if model_params['use_test'] else None

    # --------- add params
    model_params['n_channels'] = x.shape[1]
    model_params['n_fbins'] = x.shape[2]
    model_params['n_timesteps'] = x.shape[3]

    print '============ parameters'
    for key, value in model_params.items():
        print key, ':', value
    print '========================'

    x_train, y_train = None, None
    x_valid, y_valid = None, None

    if model_params['overlap']:
        # no validation if overlap
        filenames_grouped_by_hour = cPickle.load(open('filenames.pickle'))
        data_grouped_by_hour = load_grouped_train_data(data_path, subject, filenames_grouped_by_hour)
        x, y = generate_overlapped_data(data_grouped_by_hour, overlap_size=model_params['overlap'],
        print x.shape

        x, scalers = scale_across_time(x, x_test=None) if model_params['scale_time'] \
            else scale_across_features(x, x_test=None)

        cnn = ConvNet(model_params)
        cnn.train(train_set=(x, y), max_iter=175000)
        state_dict = cnn.get_state()
        state_dict['scalers'] = scalers
        with open(model_path + '/' + subject + '.pickle', 'wb') as f:
            cPickle.dump(state_dict, f, protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
        if validation_params['random_split']:
            skf = StratifiedShuffleSplit(y, n_iter=1, test_size=0.25, random_state=0)
            for train_idx, valid_idx in skf:
                x_train, y_train = x[train_idx], y[train_idx]
                x_valid, y_valid = x[valid_idx], y[valid_idx]
            filenames_grouped_by_hour = cPickle.load(open('filenames.pickle'))
            d = split_train_valid_filenames(subject, filenames_grouped_by_hour)
            train_filenames, valid_filenames = d['train_filenames'], d['valid_filnames']
            train_idx = [filename_to_idx[i] for i in train_filenames]
            valid_idx = [filename_to_idx[i] for i in valid_filenames]
            x_train, y_train = x[train_idx], y[train_idx]
            x_valid, y_valid = x[valid_idx], y[valid_idx]

    if model_params['scale_time']:
        x_train, scalers_train = scale_across_time(x=x_train, x_test=x_test)
        x_valid, _ = scale_across_time(x=x_valid, x_test=x_test, scalers=scalers_train)
        x_train, scalers_train = scale_across_features(x=x_train, x_test=x_test)
        x_valid, _ = scale_across_features(x=x_valid, x_test=x_test, scalers=scalers_train)

    del x, x_test

    print '============ dataset'
    print 'train:', x_train.shape
    print 'n_pos:', np.sum(y_train), 'n_neg:', len(y_train) - np.sum(y_train)
    print 'valid:', x_valid.shape
    print 'n_pos:', np.sum(y_valid), 'n_neg:', len(y_valid) - np.sum(y_valid)

    # -------------- validate
    cnn = ConvNet(model_params)
    best_iter = cnn.validate(train_set=(x_train, y_train),
                             valid_set=(x_valid, y_valid),
                             fname_out=model_path + '/' + subject + '.txt')

    # ---------------- scale
    d = load_train_data(data_path, subject)
    x, y, filename_to_idx = d['x'], d['y'], d['filename_to_idx']
    x_test = load_test_data(data_path, subject)['x'] if model_params['use_test'] else None

    x, scalers = scale_across_time(x=x, x_test=x_test) if model_params['scale_time'] \
        else scale_across_features(x=x, x_test=x_test)
    del x_test

    cnn = ConvNet(model_params)
    cnn.train(train_set=(x, y), max_iter=best_iter)
    state_dict = cnn.get_state()
    state_dict['scalers'] = scalers
    with open(model_path + '/' + subject + '.pickle', 'wb') as f:
        cPickle.dump(state_dict, f, protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)