Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __flood_fade(self, setpoint):
        """Flood fade generator.

            setpoint (float): Setpoint for the hardware.

            list: Output voltages for the two analog outputs.

        # Negative limit.
        if setpoint < 0:
            setpoint = 0

        # Positive limit.
        if setpoint > 100:
            setpoint = 100

        voltage_1 = 0
        voltage_2 = 0

        # The model.
        if setpoint <= 50:
            voltage_1 = l_scale(setpoint, [0, 50], [0, 100])
            voltage_2 = 0
            voltage_1 = 100
            voltage_2 = l_scale(setpoint, [50, 100], [0, 100])

        # Return the voltages.
        return (voltage_1, voltage_2)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def analog_read(self, pin):
        """Write the analog input pin.

        pin : str
            Pin index.

        value : int
            Value for the output pin.

            State of the pin.

        if self.is_gpio_off(pin):
            return False

        if self.is_gpio_nothing(pin):
            raise ValueError("Pin can not be None or empty string.")

        value = 0.0
        state = {"value": value, "min": 0.0, "max": 10.0}

        # Local GPIO.
        if self.is_gpio_local(pin):

            # Read device analog inputs.
            request = self.__black_island.generate_request("GetAnalogInputs")
            irr_response = self.__modbus_rtu_clients[0].execute(request)
            if irr_response is not None:
                if not irr_response.isError():
                    self.__AI = irr_response.registers
                        "GPIO: {} @ {} malfunctioning, check modbus cables and connections."
                        .format(pin, self))
                    "GPIO: {} @ {} malfunctioning, check modbus cables and connections."
                    .format(pin, self))

            value = self.__AI[self._gpio_map[pin]]

            value = l_scale(value, [0, 50000], [0, 10])

            state["value"] = value

            # self.__logger.debug("analog_read({}, {})".format(self.model, pin))

            raise ValueError("Pin does not exists in pin map.")

        return state
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def analog_write(self, pin, value):
        """Write the analog input pin.

        pin : str
            Pin index.

        value : int
            Value for the output pin.

            State of the pin.

        if self.is_gpio_off(pin):
            return False

        if self.is_gpio_nothing(pin):
            raise ValueError("Pin can not be None or empty string.")

        response = False

        # Local GPIO.
        if self.is_gpio_local(pin):

            value = l_scale(value, [0, 10], [0, 50000])

            value = int(value)

            self.__AO[self._gpio_map[pin]] = value

            # Write device analog outputs.
            request = self.__black_island\
                .generate_request("SetAnalogOutputs", SetAnalogOutputs=self.__AO)
            hrw_response = self.__modbus_rtu_clients[0].execute(request)
            if hrw_response is not None:
                if not hrw_response.isError():
                    response = True
                        "GPIO: {} @ {} malfunctioning, check modbus cables and connections."
                        .format(pin, self))
                    "GPIO: {} @ {} malfunctioning, check modbus cables and connections."
                    .format(pin, self))

            # self.__logger.debug("analog_write({}, {}, {})".format(self.model, pin, value))

            raise ValueError("Pin does not exists in pin map.")

        return response
Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: zone.py Proyecto: bgerp/ztm
    def __set_thermal_force(self, thermal_force):
        """ Apply thermal force to the devices. """

        # 6. Ако модула на пределната термална сила е по-малък от модула на термалната сила,
        # тогава Термалата сила = Пределната термала сила
        if thermal_force > abs(self.__thermal_force_limit):
            thermal_force = self.__thermal_force_limit
        elif thermal_force < -abs(self.__thermal_force_limit):
            thermal_force = -abs(self.__thermal_force_limit)

        # 7. Лимитираме Термалната сила в интервала -100 : + 100:
        if thermal_force < -100:
            thermal_force = -100
        if thermal_force > 100:
            thermal_force = 100

        self.__logger.debug("Mode: {}; TForce: {:3.3f}"\
            .format(self.__thermal_mode.get_state(), thermal_force))

        if self.__thermal_mode.is_state(ThermalMode.ColdSeason):
            if thermal_force > 0:
                self.__loop1_valve_dev.target_position = 0
                self.__loop2_valve_dev.target_position = 0
            elif thermal_force <= 0:
                self.__loop1_valve_dev.target_position = 100
                self.__loop2_valve_dev.target_position = 100

        elif self.__thermal_mode.is_state(ThermalMode.TransisionSeason):
            if thermal_force < 0:
                self.__loop1_valve_dev.target_position = 100
                self.__loop2_valve_dev.target_position = 0
            elif thermal_force > 0:
                self.__loop1_valve_dev.target_position = 0
                self.__loop2_valve_dev.target_position = 100
                self.__loop1_valve_dev.target_position = 0
                self.__loop2_valve_dev.target_position = 0

        elif self.__thermal_mode.is_state(ThermalMode.WarmSeason):
            if thermal_force < 0:
                self.__loop1_valve_dev.target_position = 100
                self.__loop2_valve_dev.target_position = 100
            elif thermal_force > 0:
                self.__loop1_valve_dev.target_position = 0
                self.__loop2_valve_dev.target_position = 0

        # If thermal mode set properly apply thermal force
        if not self.__thermal_mode.is_state(ThermalMode.NONE):


            # Set convector fan.
            conv_tf = l_scale(thermal_force, [0, 100], [0, 3])
            conv_tf = abs(conv_tf)
            conv_tf = int(conv_tf)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def get_value(self):
        """Get value.

        raw = 0.0

        if bool(self.__state):
            raw = l_scale(self.__state["value"],
                          [self.__state["min"], self.__state["max"]],
                          [self.__min_measured, self.__max_measured])

        return raw
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def debit(self, debit):
        """Set debit.

            debit (float): Debit of the pump.

        if self.__fw_pumps is not None:
            for pump in self.__fw_pumps:
                pump.debit = debit

        if self.__rev_pumps is not None:
            for pump in self.__rev_pumps:
                pump.debit = float(l_scale(debit, [0, 100], [100, 0]))
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def __calculate(self):
        """ Apply thermal force to the devices. """

        current_illumination = 0
        target_illumination = 0
        delta = 0
        error = 0

        # If there is no one at the zone, just turn off the lights.
        is_empty = self.__is_empty()

        # Scale t
        target_illumination = l_scale(self.__target_illumination,
                                      [0.0, self.__output_limit], [0.0, 100.0])

        # Read sensor.
        if self.__light_sensor is not None:
            current_illumination = self.__light_sensor.get_value()
            current_illumination = l_scale(current_illumination,
                                           [0.0, self.__output_limit],
                                           [0.0, 100.0])

        # Limits
        lower_limit = 0.0
        mid_1 = 20.0
        mid_2 = 80.0
        upper_limit = 100.0

        # Check the limits.
        if lower_limit <= target_illumination <= mid_1:
            self.__tmp_output = (target_illumination / mid_1) * 20.0

        elif mid_1 < target_illumination < mid_2:

            # Apply the formula.
            first = current_illumination
            second = (1 + ((50.0 - target_illumination) / 100.0))
            calculated_value = first * second

            # Calculate the target error.
            error = calculated_value - current_illumination

            # Integrate the delta to temporal output.
            delta = error * self.__error_gain
            self.__tmp_output += delta

        elif mid_2 <= target_illumination <= upper_limit:
            self.__tmp_output = (target_illumination / upper_limit) * 100.

        # Limitate the output by target value.
        if self.__tmp_output > abs(self.__output_limit):
            self.__tmp_output = self.__output_limit

        # Limitate by absolute maximum and minimum.
        if self.__tmp_output < 0:
            self.__tmp_output = 0
        if self.__tmp_output > 100:
            self.__tmp_output = 100

        # Apply the output if it is different.
        self.__output = self.__tmp_output

        # Convert to volgate.
        to_voltage_scale = 0.1  # Magic number!!!
        voltage_1, voltage_2 = self.__flood_fade(self.__output)
        out_to_v1 = voltage_1 * to_voltage_scale
        out_to_v2 = voltage_2 * to_voltage_scale

        # If the zone is empty, turn the lights off.
        if is_empty:

        # set the voltage.
        self.__set_voltages(out_to_v1, out_to_v2)

        self.__logger.debug("TRG {:3.3f}\tINP {:3.3f}\tERR: {:3.3f}\tOUT1: {:3.3f}\tOUT2: {:3.3f}"\
            .format(target_illumination, current_illumination, delta, out_to_v1, out_to_v2))
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def target_position(self, position):
        """Set the position of the valve control group.

            position (int): Position of the valves.

        # In this mode we controll proportional all the forward vales.
        # And invers proportional all revers valves.
        if self.mode == ValveControlGroupMode.Proportional:

            if position > 100.0:
                position = 100.0

            if position < 0.0:
                position = 0.0

            if self.__fw_valves is not None:
                for valve in self.__fw_valves:
                    valve.target_position = position

            if self.__rev_valves is not None:
                for valve in self.__rev_valves:
                    valve.target_position = float(
                        l_scale(position, [0, 100], [100, 0]))

        # In this mode we controll proportional all the forward vales.
        # And invers proportional all revers valves.
        # But when the value of the
        elif self.mode == ValveControlGroupMode.DualSide:

            if position > 100.0:
                position = 100.0

            if position < -100.0:
                position = -100.0

            if position > 0:
                if self.__fw_valves is not None:
                    for valve in self.__fw_valves:
                        valve.target_position = position

                if self.__rev_valves is not None:
                    for valve in self.__rev_valves:
                        valve.target_position = 0

            elif position < 0:
                if self.__rev_valves is not None:
                    for valve in self.__rev_valves:
                        valve.target_position = float(
                            l_scale(position, [0, -100], [0, 100]))

                if self.__fw_valves is not None:
                    for valve in self.__fw_valves:
                        valve.target_position = 0

                if self.__fw_valves is not None:
                    for valve in self.__fw_valves:
                        valve.target_position = 0

                if self.__rev_valves is not None:
                    for valve in self.__rev_valves:
                        valve.target_position = 0