Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, interface_layer):
            Creates the regex routes and callbacks to handle media messages
        self.audio_sender = AudioSender(interface_layer)
        self.routes = [
            ("/m(usic)?\s(?P<term>[^$]+)$", self.instant),

Ejemplo n.º 2
class MusicViews():
    def __init__(self, interface_layer):
            Creates the regex routes and callbacks to handle media messages
        self.audio_sender = AudioSender(interface_layer)
        self.routes = [
            ("/m(usic)?\s(?P<term>[^$]+)$", self.instant),


    def send_audio(self, message, match):
        self.audio_sender.send_by_path(jid=message.getFrom(), path=message.getBody())

    def instant(self, message, match):
        commands = match.group('term').split(' ')
        print commands
        command = commands[0]
        parameters = commands[1:]
            output = self.check_output([command, ' '.join(parameters)])
            if output == 0: # found
                print '= 0'
            elif output == 1: # not found
                print '= 1'
            elif output > 1: # error
                print '> 1'
            return TextMessageProtocolEntity(output, to=message.getFrom())
        except CalledProcessError as ex:
            output = ex.output
            print 'Error '+output
            return TextMessageProtocolEntity('Error '+str(output), to=message.getFrom())

    def interact(self, message):
        print 'asdasd'

    def check_output(self, cmd):
        process = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE)
        output = process.communicate()[0]
        if process.returncode != 0:
            raise CalledProcessError(process.returncode, cmd, output=output)
        return output
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self, interface_layer):
         Creates the regex routes and callbacks to handle media messages
     self.interface_layer = interface_layer
     self.url_print_sender = UrlPrintSender(self.interface_layer)
     self.audio_sender = AudioSender(self.interface_layer)
     self.resource_path = os.path.join(
         os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "./resources/")
     self.routes = [
         ("^/folha", self.folha),
         ("^/ajuda", self.ajuda),
         ("^/g1", self.g1),
         ("^/ge", self.ge),
         ("^/rola", self.rola),
         ("^/gira", self.gira),
         ("^/s(erie)?(?P<serie>[abcd])\s*$", self.brasileirao),
         ("^/p(iada)?$", self.piada),
         ("^/(?P<im>im)?par\s*$", self.par),
     self.collection_losers = shelve.open("losers.data")
Ejemplo n.º 4
class AwesomoViews():
    def __init__(self, interface_layer):
            Creates the regex routes and callbacks to handle media messages
        self.interface_layer = interface_layer
        self.url_print_sender = UrlPrintSender(self.interface_layer)
        self.audio_sender = AudioSender(self.interface_layer)
        self.resource_path = os.path.join(
            os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "./resources/")
        self.routes = [
            ("^/folha", self.folha),
            ("^/ajuda", self.ajuda),
            ("^/g1", self.g1),
            ("^/ge", self.ge),
            ("^/rola", self.rola),
            ("^/gira", self.gira),
            ("^/s(erie)?(?P<serie>[abcd])\s*$", self.brasileirao),
            ("^/p(iada)?$", self.piada),
            ("^/(?P<im>im)?par\s*$", self.par),
        self.collection_losers = shelve.open("losers.data")

    def ajuda(self, message=None, match=None, to=None):
        return TextMessageProtocolEntity(HELP_TEXT, to=message.getFrom())

    def rola(self, message=None, match=None, to=None):
        return TextMessageProtocolEntity("[%d]" % random.randint(1, 6),

    def gira(self, message=None, match=None, to=None):
        to = to or message.getFrom()
                                       self.resource_path + "audio/piao.mp3")
        return TextMessageProtocolEntity("Giraaandooo... [%d]" %
                                         random.randint(1, 6),

    def piada(self, message, match):
        return TextMessageProtocolEntity(piadas.get(), to=message.getFrom())

    def par(self, message=None, match=None, to=None):
        is_odd = bool(match.group("im"))
        num = random.randint(1, 10)
        lost = (is_odd and num % 2) or (not is_odd and not num % 2)
        score = self._save_game(message.getFrom(), lost)
        response = "[%d] Você %s\n\n%s\n%s" % (
            num, "ganhou." if lost else "perdeu!", emoticon_lose * score[0],
            emoticon_notlose * score[1])
        return TextMessageProtocolEntity(response, to=message.getFrom())

    def _save_game(self, loser, lose=True):
        losing_history = self.collection_losers.get(loser, {True: 0, False: 0})
        losing_history[lose] += 1
        self.collection_losers[loser] = losing_history
        return losing_history

    def g1(self, message=None, match=None, to=None):
        to = to or message.getFrom()
        self.url_print_sender.send_by_url(to, "http://g1.globo.com/")

    def folha(self, message=None, match=None, to=None):
        to = to or message.getFrom()
        self.url_print_sender.send_by_url(to, "http://www.folha.uol.com.br/")

    def ge(self, message=None, match=None, to=None):
        to = to or message.getFrom()
        self.url_print_sender.send_by_url(to, "http://globoesporte.globo.com/")

    def brasileirao(self, message=None, match=None, to=None):
        to = to or message.getFrom()
        serie = match.group("serie")
            to, "http://globoesporte.globo.com/futebol/brasileirao-serie-%s/" %