def _processMNIST(): pfile = getPYDIR() + '/datasets/mnist/proc-mnist.h5' """ Move to processed h5 file """ DIR = os.path.dirname(pfile) if not os.path.exists(DIR): print 'Making: ', DIR os.mkdir(DIR) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(DIR, 'mnist.pkl.gz')): print 'Downloading data' urllib.urlretrieve('', os.path.join(DIR, 'mnist.pkl.gz')) if os.path.exists(pfile): print 'Found: ', pfile return pfile print 'Processing MNIST' f =, 'mnist.pkl.gz')) train, valid, test = cPickle.load(f) f.close() h5f = h5py.File(pfile, mode='w') h5f.create_dataset('train', data=train[0]) h5f.create_dataset('train_y', data=train[1]) h5f.create_dataset('test', data=test[0]) h5f.create_dataset('test_y', data=test[1]) h5f.create_dataset('valid', data=valid[0]) h5f.create_dataset('valid_y', data=valid[1]) h5f.close() print 'Done processing MNIST' return pfile
def _processPolyphonic(name): DIR = getPYDIR()+'/datasets' assert os.path.exists(DIR),'Directory does not exist: '+DIR polyphonicDIR = DIR+'/polyphonic/' if not os.path.exists(polyphonicDIR): os.mkdir(polyphonicDIR) fname = polyphonicDIR+'/'+name+'.h5' if os.path.exists(fname): print 'Found: ',fname return fname #Setup polyphonic datasets from scratch if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(polyphonicDIR,'piano.pkl')) or \ not os.path.exists(os.path.join(polyphonicDIR,'musedata.pkl')) or \ not os.path.exists(os.path.join(polyphonicDIR,'jsb.pkl')) or \ not os.path.exists(os.path.join(polyphonicDIR,'nottingham.pkl')): print 'Downloading polyphonic pickled data into: ',polyphonicDIR os.system('wget '+' -O '+os.path.join(polyphonicDIR,'jsb.pkl')) os.system('wget '+' -O '+os.path.join(polyphonicDIR,'nottingham.pkl')) os.system('wget '+' -O '+os.path.join(polyphonicDIR,'musedata.pkl')) os.system('wget '+' -O '+os.path.join(polyphonicDIR,'piano.pkl')) else: print 'Polyphonic pickle files found' #Helper function to sort by sequence length def getSortedVersion(data,mask): idx = np.argsort(mask.sum(1)) return data[idx,:,:], mask[idx,:] for dset in ['jsb','piano','nottingham','musedata','jsb-sorted','piano-sorted','nottingham-sorted','musedata-sorted']: datafile = os.path.join(polyphonicDIR,dset.replace('-sorted','')+'.pkl') savefile = os.path.join(polyphonicDIR,dset+'.h5') print '\n\nDataset: ',dset print ('Reading from: ',datafile) print ('Saving to:',savefile) MAX = 108 MIN = 21 DIM = MAX-MIN+1 alldata = cPickle.load(file(datafile)) h5file = h5py.File(savefile,mode='w') for dtype in ['train','valid','test']: print '----',dtype,'----' dataset = alldata[dtype] N_SEQUENCES = len(dataset) #First, find out the maximum number of sequences MAX_LENGTH = max(len(dataset[k]) for k in range(N_SEQUENCES)) print N_SEQUENCES,' sequences with max length ',MAX_LENGTH mask = np.zeros((N_SEQUENCES, MAX_LENGTH)) compileddata = np.zeros((N_SEQUENCES, DIM, MAX_LENGTH)) for idxseq,seq in enumerate(dataset): T = len(seq) mask[idxseq,:T] = 1 for t in range(T): compileddata[idxseq,np.array(seq[t]).astype(int)-MIN,t]=1 if 'sorted' in dset: compileddata,mask = getSortedVersion(compileddata,mask) #Save as bs x T x dim compileddata = compileddata.swapaxes(1,2) print 'First and last lenghts: ',mask.sum(1)[1:5].tolist(),'....',mask.sum(1)[-5:].tolist() print 'Saving tensor data: ',compileddata.shape,' Mask: ',mask.shape h5file.create_dataset(dtype,data = compileddata) h5file.create_dataset('mask_'+dtype,data = mask) h5file.close()
def _processBinarizedMNIST(): pfile = getPYDIR()+'/datasets/mnist/proc-bmnist.h5' """ Move to processed h5 file """ DIR = os.path.dirname(pfile) if not os.path.exists(DIR): print 'Making: ',DIR os.mkdir(DIR) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(DIR,'binarized_mnist_train.amat')): print 'Downloading binarized mnist' urllib.urlretrieve('',os.path.join(DIR,'binarized_mnist_train.amat')) urllib.urlretrieve('',os.path.join(DIR,'binarized_mnist_valid.amat')) urllib.urlretrieve('',os.path.join(DIR,'binarized_mnist_test.amat')) if os.path.exists(pfile): print 'Found: ',pfile return pfile print 'Processing binarized MNIST' h5f = h5py.File(pfile, mode='w') h5f.create_dataset('train',data = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(DIR,'binarized_mnist_train.amat'))) h5f.create_dataset('test' ,data = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(DIR,'binarized_mnist_test.amat'))) h5f.create_dataset('valid',data = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(DIR,'binarized_mnist_valid.amat'))) h5f.close() print 'Done processing binarized MNIST' return pfile
def runBaselines(DIR, name): DATADIR = getPYDIR() + '/datasets/synthetic' assert os.path.exists( DATADIR), DATADIR + ' not found. must have this to run baselines' if not os.path.exists(DIR): os.mkdir(DIR) for f in glob.glob(DATADIR + '/*.h5'): dataset = os.path.basename(f).replace('.h5', '') if name not in dataset: #'synthetic' not in dataset or 'synthetic11' in dataset: continue print dataset, f if os.path.exists(DIR + '/' + dataset + '-baseline.h5'): print DIR + '/' + dataset + '-baseline.h5', ' found....not rerunning baseline' continue print 'Reading from: ', f, ' Saving to: ', DIR + '/' + dataset + '-baseline.h5' filterType = params_synthetic[dataset]['baseline'] h5fout = h5py.File(DIR + '/' + dataset + '-baseline.h5', mode='w') h5f = h5py.File(f, mode='r') if int(dataset.split('synthetic')[1]) in [9, 10, 11]: print 'Running filter: ', filterType, ' on train' X = h5f['train'].value mus, cov, ll = runFilter(X, params_synthetic, dataset, filterType) h5fout.create_dataset('train_mu', data=mus) h5fout.create_dataset('train_cov', data=cov) h5fout.create_dataset('train_ll', data=np.array([ll])) rmse = np.sqrt( np.square(mus - h5f['train_z'].value.squeeze()).mean()) h5fout.create_dataset('train_rmse', data=np.array([rmse])) #Always run exact inference on the validation set print 'Running filter: ', filterType, ' on valid' X = h5f['valid'].value mus, cov, ll = runFilter(X, params_synthetic, dataset, filterType) h5fout.create_dataset('valid_mu', data=mus) h5fout.create_dataset('valid_cov', data=cov) h5fout.create_dataset('valid_ll', data=np.array([ll])) rmse = np.sqrt(np.square(mus - h5f['valid_z'].value.squeeze()).mean()) h5fout.create_dataset('valid_rmse', data=np.array([rmse])) if int(dataset.split('synthetic')[1]) in [9, 10, 11]: print 'Running filter: ', filterType, ' on test' X = h5f['test'].value mus, cov, ll = runFilter(X, params_synthetic, dataset, filterType) h5fout.create_dataset('test_mu', data=mus) h5fout.create_dataset('test_cov', data=cov) h5fout.create_dataset('test_ll', data=np.array([ll])) rmse = np.sqrt( np.square(mus - h5f['test_z'].value.squeeze()).mean()) h5fout.create_dataset('test_rmse', data=np.array([rmse])) h5f.close() h5fout.close()
def runBaselines(DIR): DATADIR = getPYDIR() + '/datasets/synthetic' assert os.path.exists( DATADIR), DATADIR + ' not found. must have this to run baselines' if not os.path.exists(DIR): os.mkdir(DIR) for f in glob.glob(DATADIR + '/*.h5'): dataset = os.path.basename(f).replace('.h5', '') print 'Reading from: ', f, ' Saving to: ', DIR + '/' + dataset + '-baseline.h5' filterType = params_synthetic[dataset]['baseline'] h5fout = h5py.File(DIR + '/' + dataset + '-baseline.h5', mode='w') h5f = h5py.File(f, mode='r') print 'Running filter: ', filterType, ' on train' X = h5f['train'].value mus, cov, ll = runFilter(X, params_synthetic, dataset, filterType) h5fout.create_dataset('train_mu', data=mus) h5fout.create_dataset('train_cov', data=cov) h5fout.create_dataset('train_ll', data=np.array([ll])) rmse = np.sqrt(np.square(mus - h5f['train_z'].value.squeeze()).mean()) h5fout.create_dataset('train_rmse', data=np.array([rmse])) print 'Running filter: ', filterType, ' on valid' X = h5f['valid'].value mus, cov, ll = runFilter(X, params_synthetic, dataset, filterType) h5fout.create_dataset('valid_mu', data=mus) h5fout.create_dataset('valid_cov', data=cov) h5fout.create_dataset('valid_ll', data=np.array([ll])) rmse = np.sqrt(np.square(mus - h5f['valid_z'].value.squeeze()).mean()) h5fout.create_dataset('valid_rmse', data=np.array([rmse])) print 'Running filter: ', filterType, ' on test' X = h5f['test'].value mus, cov, ll = runFilter(X, params_synthetic, dataset, filterType) h5fout.create_dataset('test_mu', data=mus) h5fout.create_dataset('test_cov', data=cov) h5fout.create_dataset('test_ll', data=np.array([ll])) rmse = np.sqrt(np.square(mus - h5f['test_z'].value.squeeze()).mean()) h5fout.create_dataset('test_rmse', data=np.array([rmse])) h5f.close() h5fout.close()
def _processFashionMNIST(): pfile = getPYDIR()+'/datasets/fashion_mnist/proc-fashion_mnist.h5' DIR = os.path.dirname(pfile) createIfAbsent(DIR) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(DIR,'train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz')): print 'Downloading data' urllib.urlretrieve('',os.path.join(DIR,'train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz')) urllib.urlretrieve('',os.path.join(DIR,'train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz')) urllib.urlretrieve('',os.path.join(DIR,'t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz')) urllib.urlretrieve('',os.path.join(DIR,'t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz')) if os.path.exists(pfile): print 'Found: ',pfile return pfile print DIR X, Y= readData(os.path.join(DIR,'train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz'), os.path.join(DIR,'train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz')) np.random.seed(0) idxshuf = np.random.permutation(X.shape[0]) valid_idx = idxshuf[:10000] train_idx = idxshuf[10000:] train_x, train_y = np.clip(X[train_idx]/255., a_min=0.0, a_max=1.0), Y[train_idx] valid_x, valid_y = np.clip(X[valid_idx]/255., a_min=0.0, a_max=1.0), Y[valid_idx] test_x, test_y = readData(os.path.join(DIR,'t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz'), os.path.join(DIR,'t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz')) test_x = np.clip(test_x/255., a_min=0.0, a_max=1.0) print 'Processing Fashion MNIST' h5f = h5py.File(pfile, mode='w') h5f.create_dataset('train',data = train_x) h5f.create_dataset('train_y',data = train_y) h5f.create_dataset('test' ,data = test_x) h5f.create_dataset('test_y' ,data = test_y) h5f.create_dataset('valid',data = valid_x) h5f.create_dataset('valid_y',data = valid_y) h5f.close() for dd in [train_x, train_y, valid_x, valid_y, test_x, test_y]: print dd.shape, dd.min(), dd.max() print 'Done processing Fashion MNIST....',pfile return pfile
def _cifar10(): #CIFAR 10 Dataset DIR = getPYDIR() + '/datasets/cifar10' if not os.path.exists(DIR): os.system('mkdir -p ' + DIR) savef = os.path.join(DIR, 'cifar-10-python.tar.gz') if not os.path.exists(savef): urllib.urlretrieve( '', savef) cifarfile = os.path.join(DIR, 'cifar10.h5') if not os.path.exists(cifarfile): print 'Extracting CIFAR...' tf = tf.extractall(DIR) tf.close() EDIR = DIR + '/cifar-10-batches-py/' h5f = h5py.File(cifarfile, mode='w') traindatalist, trainlabellist = [], [] for k in range(5): print k, hmap = readPickle(EDIR + '/data_batch_' + str(k + 1))[0] traindatalist.append(hmap['data']) trainlabellist.append(hmap['labels']) alltrainx = np.concatenate(traindatalist, axis=0) alltrainy = np.concatenate(trainlabellist, axis=0) np.random.seed(1) idxlist = np.random.permutation(alltrainx.shape[0]) val_idx = idxlist[:int(0.1 * alltrainx.shape[0])] tr_idx = idxlist[int(0.1 * alltrainx.shape[0]):] TRAINX = alltrainx[tr_idx] TRAINY = alltrainy[tr_idx] VALIDX = alltrainx[val_idx] VALIDY = alltrainy[val_idx] h5f.create_dataset('train', data=reshapeMatrix(TRAINX)) h5f.create_dataset('valid', data=reshapeMatrix(VALIDX)) h5f.create_dataset('train_y', data=TRAINY) h5f.create_dataset('valid_y', data=VALIDY) hmap = readPickle(EDIR + '/test_batch')[0] h5f.create_dataset('test', data=reshapeMatrix(hmap['data'])) h5f.create_dataset('test_y', data=np.array(hmap['labels'])) hmap = readPickle(EDIR + '/batches.meta')[0] h5f.create_dataset('label_names', data=np.array(hmap['label_names'], dtype='|S10')) h5f.close() print '\nCreated CIFAR h5 file' else: print 'Found CIFAR h5 file' h5f = h5py.File(cifarfile, mode='r') dataset = {} dataset['label_names'] = h5f['label_names'].value dataset['train'] = h5f['train'].value dataset['test'] = h5f['test'].value dataset['valid'] = h5f['valid'].value dataset['train_y'] = h5f['train_y'].value dataset['test_y'] = h5f['test_y'].value dataset['valid_y'] = h5f['valid_y'].value dataset['dim_observations'] =['train'].shape[1:]) dataset['num_channels'] = dataset['train'].shape[-3] dataset['dim_h'] = dataset['train'].shape[-2] dataset['dim_w'] = dataset['train'].shape[-1] dataset['data_type'] = 'image' h5f.close() return dataset
def _processSynthetic(dset): DIR = getPYDIR() + '/datasets' assert os.path.exists(DIR), 'Directory does not exist: ' + DIR syntheticDIR = DIR + '/synthetic/' if not os.path.exists(syntheticDIR): os.mkdir(syntheticDIR) fname = syntheticDIR + '/' + dset + '.h5' #assert dset in ['synthetic9','synthetic10','synthetic11','synthetic12','synthetic13','synthetic14'] ,'Only synthetic 9/10/11 supported' """ 9: linear ds = 1 10:nonlinear ds = 1 11:nonlinear ds = 2 [param estimation] Checking scalability of ST-R 12:linear ds = 10 13:linear ds = 100 14:linear ds = 250 Checking scalability of ST-R - dimz = dimobs 15:linear ds = 10 16:linear ds = 100 17:linear ds = 250 Checking scalability of ST-R - dimz = dimobs and diagonal weight matrices 18:linear ds = 10 19:linear ds = 100 20:linear ds = 250 """ if os.path.exists(fname): print 'Found: ', fname return fname #Old=np.random.seed(1) def sampleGaussian(mu, cov): assert type(cov) is float or type( cov) is np.ndarray, 'invalid type: ' + str(cov) + ' type: ' + str( type(cov)) return mu + np.random.randn(*mu.shape) * np.sqrt(cov) def createDataset(N, T, t_fxn, e_fxn, init_mu, init_cov, trans_cov, obs_cov, model_params, dim_stochastic, dim_obs): all_z = [] z_prev = sampleGaussian( np.ones((N, 1, dim_stochastic)) * init_mu, init_cov) all_z.append(np.copy(z_prev)) for t in range(T - 1): z_prev = sampleGaussian(t_fxn(z_prev, fxn_params=model_params), trans_cov) all_z.append(z_prev) Z_true = np.concatenate(all_z, axis=1) assert Z_true.shape[1] == T, 'Expecting T in dim 2 of Z_true' X = sampleGaussian(e_fxn(Z_true, fxn_params=model_params), obs_cov) assert X.shape[2] == dim_obs, 'Shape mismatch' return Z_true, X if not np.all([ os.path.exists(os.path.join(syntheticDIR, fname + '.h5')) for fname in ['synthetic' + str(i) for i in range(9, 21)] ]): #Create all datasets for s in range(9, 21): if os.path.exists( os.path.join(syntheticDIR, 'synthetic' + str(s) + '.h5')): print 'Found ', s continue print 'Creating: ', s dataset = {} transition_fxn = params_synthetic['synthetic' + str(s)]['trans_fxn'] emission_fxn = params_synthetic['synthetic' + str(s)]['obs_fxn'] init_mu = params_synthetic['synthetic' + str(s)]['init_mu'] init_cov = params_synthetic['synthetic' + str(s)]['init_cov'] trans_cov = params_synthetic['synthetic' + str(s)]['trans_cov'] obs_cov = params_synthetic['synthetic' + str(s)]['obs_cov'] model_params = params_synthetic['synthetic' + str(s)]['params'] dim_obs, dim_stoc = params_synthetic[ 'synthetic' + str(s)]['dim_obs'], params_synthetic['synthetic' + str(s)]['dim_stoc'] if s in [12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20]: Ntrain = 1000 Ttrain = 25 Ttest = 25 else: Ntrain = 5000 Ttrain = 25 Ttest = 50 Nvalid = 500 Ntest = 500 #New- np.random.seed(1) train_Z, train_dataset = createDataset( Ntrain, Ttrain, transition_fxn, emission_fxn, init_mu, init_cov, trans_cov, obs_cov, model_params, dim_stoc, dim_obs) valid_Z, valid_dataset = createDataset( Nvalid, Ttrain, transition_fxn, emission_fxn, init_mu, init_cov, trans_cov, obs_cov, model_params, dim_stoc, dim_obs) test_Z, test_dataset = createDataset(Ntest, Ttest, transition_fxn, emission_fxn, init_mu, init_cov, trans_cov, obs_cov, model_params, dim_stoc, dim_obs) savefile = syntheticDIR + '/synthetic' + str(s) + '.h5' h5file = h5py.File(savefile, mode='w') h5file.create_dataset('train_z', data=train_Z) h5file.create_dataset('test_z', data=test_Z) h5file.create_dataset('valid_z', data=valid_Z) h5file.create_dataset('train', data=train_dataset) h5file.create_dataset('test', data=test_dataset) h5file.create_dataset('valid', data=valid_dataset) h5file.close() print 'Created: ', savefile print 'REMEMBER TO RUN BASELINES!'