Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_get_var_func(self):
        """Test if using a function works correctly"""
        var = mh._get_var(self.test_df, lambda d: d.col2)
        pdt.assert_series_equal(var, self.test_df.col2)

        var = mh._get_var(self.test_df, lambda d: d.col1**2)
        pdt.assert_series_equal(var, self.test_df.col1**2)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def fill_3d(data, frame, weights):
     """3D histograms"""
     return hist3d(_get_var(data, 'costh_' + frame),
                   _get_var(data, 'phi_' + frame),
                   _get_var(data, *binvar),
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_get_var_np_func(self):
        """Test that passing an additional numpy function works"""
        var = mh._get_var(self.test_df, 'col2', np.sqrt)
        pdt.assert_series_equal(var, np.sqrt(self.test_df.col2))

        var = mh._get_var(self.test_df, 'col1', 'abs')
        pdt.assert_series_equal(var, self.test_df.col1.abs())
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_get_var_string(self):
        """Test that a string or a list of string gets handled correctly"""
        var = mh._get_var(self.test_df, 'col2')
        pdt.assert_series_equal(var, self.test_df.col2)

        var = mh._get_var(self.test_df, ['col1', 'col2'])
        pdt.assert_frame_equal(var, self.test_df)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def make_2D_hist(dfr, varx, vary, selection=None, weight=None, **kwargs):
    Make the 2D histogram and return it
    logging.debug('Making histograms for {}:{}'.format(varx, vary))
    dfr, weights = get_df_and_weights(dfr, selection, weight)
    return hist2d(_get_var(dfr, varx),
                  _get_var(dfr, vary),
Ejemplo n.º 6
def make_costh_phi_plot(data, frame):
    """Make costh-phi histogram"""
    hist = hist2d(_get_var(data, 'costh_{}_fold'.format(frame), np.abs),
                  _get_var(data, 'phi_{}_fold'.format(frame)),
                  nbinsx=24, minx=0, maxx=1,
                  nbinsy=32, miny=0, maxy=90)

    cth_lab = '|cos#vartheta^{{{}}}|'.format(frame)
    phi_lab = '#varphi^{{{}}}_{{fold}}'.format(frame)

    can = mkplot(hist, drawOpt='colz', xRange=[0, 1], xLabel=cth_lab,
                 yRange=[0, 90], yLabel=phi_lab)
    can.pltables[0].SetNdivisions(505, 'X')
    return can
Ejemplo n.º 7
def get_var_shifted(dfr, func, name, kwargs):
    Hacky way of removing the shift for priors but letting it there for

    TODO: Remove this once the analysis is unblinded

    for var in ['lth2', 'dlth', 'ltilde2', 'dltilde']:
        if var in name and 'prior' in name:
            low_bound = kwargs['min'] - RAND_DLTH_SHIFT
            high_bound = kwargs['max'] - RAND_DLTH_SHIFT
            return _get_var(dfr, func) - RAND_DLTH_SHIFT, low_bound, high_bound

    return _get_var(dfr, func), kwargs['min'], kwargs['max']
def main(args):
    treename = get_treename(args.inputfile)
    branchname = args.branchname
    while branch_already_present(args.inputfile, treename, branchname):
            '\'{}\' is already present in tree \'{}\' in file {}'.format(
                branchname, treename, args.inputfile))
        branchname = raw_input('Please enter a different branch name: ')

    map_file = r.TFile.Open(args.corrmapfile)
    corr_map = map_file.Get(args.name)
    if not corr_map:
        logging.fatal('Cannot find acceptance map \'{}\' in file {}'.format(
            args.name, args.corrmapfile))

    acc_prov = AcceptanceCorrectionProvider(corr_map)
    variables = ['{costh,phi}_PX']
    if acc_prov.dim == 3:

    data = get_dataframe(args.inputfile, treename, columns=variables)

    if acc_prov.dim == 2:
        corr_weights = acc_prov.eval(data.costh_PX, data.phi_PX)
        corr_weights = acc_prov.eval(data.costh_PX, data.phi_PX,
                                     _get_var(data, args.variable))
    add_branch(corr_weights, branchname, args.inputfile, treename)
def get_n_events(data, selections=None, weight=None):
    Get the number of events in the dataframe surviving the passed selection

    If weight is not None the corresponding column will be used as weights,
    unless weight is a function taking the dataframe as only input, than the sum
    of the array returned by that function call will be returned
    sel_data = apply_selections(data, selections)
    if weight is None:
        return sel_data.shape[0]
    weights = _get_var(sel_data, weight)
    return weights.sum()
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def fill_2d(data, frame, weights):
     """2D histograms"""
     return hist2d(_get_var(data, 'costh_' + frame),
                   _get_var(data, 'phi_' + frame),
                   hist_sett=(n_costh, -1, 1, n_phi, -180, 180),
 def corr_w(data):
     corr = corrmap.eval(_get_var(data, 'costh_' + frame),
                         _get_var(data, 'phi_' + frame),
                         _get_var(data, *parse_func_var(var)))
     print('Percentage in acceptance: ', np.sum(corr > 0) / float(len(corr)))
     return (corr > 0) * corr
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def test_get_var_var(self):
     """Test that when already passed a variable the same is returned"""
     var = mh._get_var(self.test_df, self.test_df.col1)
     pdt.assert_series_equal(var, self.test_df.col1)
 def __call__(self, dfr):
     phot_name = get_gen_name('photon', self.gen)
     return pt_eta_sel(_get_var(dfr, phot_name + 'Pt'),
                       _get_var(dfr, phot_name + 'Eta').abs(),
Ejemplo n.º 14
def get_df_and_weights(dfr, selection=None, weight=None):
    Get the dataframe after selections and the according weights
    sdfr = apply_selections(dfr, selection)
    return sdfr, _get_var(sdfr, weight)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def jpsi_pt_M_sel(dfr, min_ptM=2.3, max_ptM=5.2, gen=False):
    """Kinematic J/psi selection using a Jpsi pT / chicMass selection"""
    jpsi_pt = sf.get_gen_name('JpsiPt', gen)
    chic_mass = sf.get_gen_name('chicMass', gen)
    pt_M = lambda d: _get_var(d, jpsi_pt) / _get_var(d, chic_mass)
    return get_bin_cut_df(dfr, pt_M, min_ptM, max_ptM)