Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_data_loader(cfg, fname):
    dims = cfg['dims']
    chunk_size = cfg['batch_size'] * cfg['batches_per_chunk']
    xc = np.zeros((
    ) + dims, dtype=np.float32)
    reader = npytar.NpyTarReader(fname)
    yc = np.zeros((chunk_size, cfg['n_classes']), dtype=np.float32)
    counter = []
    for ix, (x, name) in enumerate(reader):
        cix = ix % chunk_size
        xc[cix] = x.astype(np.float32)
        yc[cix, (int(name.split('.')[0]) - 1)] = 1
        counter.append(int(name.split('.')[0]) - 1)
        if len(counter) == chunk_size:
            yield (3.0 * xc - 1.0, yc)
            counter = []
    if len(counter) > 0:
        # pad to nearest multiple of batch_size
        if len(counter) % cfg['batch_size'] != 0:
            new_size = int(np.ceil(
                len(counter) / float(cfg['batch_size']))) * cfg['batch_size']
            xc = xc[:new_size]
            xc[len(counter):] = xc[:(new_size - len(counter))]
            yc = yc[:new_size]
            yc[len(counter):] = yc[:(new_size - len(counter))]
            counter = counter + counter[:(new_size - len(counter))]
        yield (3.0 * xc - 1.0, yc)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def data_loader(fname):
    reader = npytar.NpyTarReader(fname)
    xc = np.zeros((reader.length(), ) + input_shape, dtype=np.float32)
    for ix, (x, name) in enumerate(reader):
        xc[ix] = x.astype(np.float32)
    return 3.0 * xc - 1.0
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self, filedir, filename):
     reader = npytar.NpyTarReader(os.path.join(filedir, filename))
     temp_list = []
     for (arr, name) in reader:
         temp_list.append((arr, name))
     # in this dataset we have 12 views for each shape
     if len(temp_list) % 12 != 0:
         # assert is a statement in python2/3, not a function
         assert "some shapes might not have 12 views"
     # b x v x c x d x d x d
     self.data = np.zeros((len(temp_list) // 12, 12, 1, 32, 32, 32),
     # all view share the same label
     self.label = np.zeros((len(temp_list) // 12, ), dtype=np.int)
     # sort the file by its name
     # format: classnum.classname_idx.viewidx
     # exception: 001.2h31k8fak.viewidx
     temp_list.sort(key=lambda x: (int(x[1].split(".")[0]), x[1].split(".")[
         -2].split("_")[-1], int(x[1].split(".")[-1])))
     for idx, (arr, name) in enumerate(temp_list):
         self.data[idx // 12, idx % 12, 0] = arr
         if idx % 12 == 0:
             # assign label
             # name: class_idx.fname.view_idx
             self.label[idx // 12] = int(name.split('.')[0]) - 1
             # check label consistency
             assert self.label[idx // 12] == (
                 int(name.split('.')[0]) - 1
             ), "label is inconsistent among different views for file {}, original label{}".format(
                 name, self.label[idx // 12])
Ejemplo n.º 4
def data_loader(fname):
    x_dic = {}
    reader = npytar.NpyTarReader(fname)
    for ix, (x, name) in enumerate(reader):
        x_dic[name] = x.astype(np.float32)
    xc = np.zeros((reader.length(), ) + input_shape, dtype=np.float32)
    i = 0
    for ik in sorted(x_dic.keys(), key=natural_keys):
        xc[i] = x_dic[ik]
        i += 1
    return xc
Ejemplo n.º 5
def data_loader(cfg, fname):

    dims = cfg['dims']
    chunk_size = cfg['batch_size'] * cfg['batches_per_chunk'] // 2
    xc = np.zeros((
    ) + dims, dtype=np.float32)
    reader = npytar.NpyTarReader(fname)
    yc = np.zeros((chunk_size, cfg['n_classes']), dtype=np.float32)
    counter = []
    for ix, (x, name) in enumerate(reader):
        cix = ix % chunk_size
        xc[cix] = x.astype(np.float32)
        yc[cix, (int(name.split('.')[0]) - 1)] = 1
        counter.append(int(name.split('.')[0]) - 1)
        if len(counter) == chunk_size:
            indices = np.random.permutation(2 * len(xc))
            yield (
                3.0 * np.append(xc, jitter_chunk(xc, cfg), axis=0)[indices] -
                1.0, np.append(yc, yc, axis=0)[indices])
            counter = []
    if len(counter) > 0:
        # pad to nearest multiple of batch_size
        if len(counter) % cfg['batch_size'] != 0:
            new_size = int(np.ceil(
                len(counter) / float(cfg['batch_size']))) * cfg['batch_size']
            xc = xc[:new_size]
            xc[len(counter):] = xc[:(new_size - len(counter))]
            yc = yc[:new_size]
            yc[len(counter):] = yc[:(new_size - len(counter))]
            counter = counter + counter[:(new_size - len(counter))]
        indices = np.random.permutation(2 * len(xc))
        yield (3.0 * np.append(xc, jitter_chunk(xc, cfg), axis=0)[indices] -
               1.0, np.append(yc, yc, axis=0)[indices])